// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17, c++20
// MSVC warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from '_Ty' to '_Ty', possible loss of data
// ADDITIONAL_COMPILE_FLAGS(cl-style-warnings): /wd4244
// <mdspan>
// template<class OtherElementType, class OtherExtents,
// class OtherLayoutPolicy, class OtherAccessor>
// constexpr explicit(see below)
// mdspan(const mdspan<OtherElementType, OtherExtents,
// OtherLayoutPolicy, OtherAccessor>& other);
// Constraints:
// - is_constructible_v<mapping_type, const OtherLayoutPolicy::template mapping<OtherExtents>&> is true, and
// - is_constructible_v<accessor_type, const OtherAccessor&> is true.
// Mandates:
// - is_constructible_v<data_handle_type, const OtherAccessor::data_handle_type&> is
// - is_constructible_v<extents_type, OtherExtents> is true.
// Preconditions:
// - For each rank index r of extents_type, static_extent(r) == dynamic_extent || static_extent(r) == other.extent(r) is true.
// - [0, map_.required_span_size()) is an accessible range of ptr_ and acc_ for values of ptr_, map_, and acc_ after the invocation of this constructor.
// Effects:
// - Direct-non-list-initializes ptr_ with other.ptr_,
// - direct-non-list-initializes map_ with other.map_, and
// - direct-non-list-initializes acc_ with other.acc_.
// Remarks: The expression inside explicit is equivalent to:
// !is_convertible_v<const OtherLayoutPolicy::template mapping<OtherExtents>&, mapping_type>
// || !is_convertible_v<const OtherAccessor&, accessor_type>
#include <mdspan>
#include <type_traits>
#include <concepts>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "../MinimalElementType.h"
#include "../CustomTestLayouts.h"
#include "CustomTestAccessors.h"
template <class ToMDS, class FromMDS>
constexpr void test_implicit_conversion(ToMDS to_mds, FromMDS from_mds) {
assert(to_mds.extents() == from_mds.extents());
if constexpr (std::equality_comparable_with<typename ToMDS::data_handle_type, typename FromMDS::data_handle_type>)
assert(to_mds.data_handle() == from_mds.data_handle());
if constexpr (std::equality_comparable_with<typename ToMDS::mapping_type, typename FromMDS::mapping_type>)
assert(to_mds.mapping() == from_mds.mapping());
if constexpr (std::equality_comparable_with<typename ToMDS::accessor_type, typename FromMDS::accessor_type>)
assert(to_mds.accessor() == from_mds.accessor());
template <class M>
concept mapping_requirements = requires() {
requires(std::copyable<M> && std::equality_comparable<M>) && std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<M> &&
std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<M> && std::is_nothrow_swappable_v<M>;
template <class ToMDS, class FromMDS>
constexpr void test_conversion(FromMDS from_mds) {
// check some requirements, to see we didn't screw up our test layouts/accessors
static_assert(mapping_requirements<typename ToMDS::mapping_type>);
static_assert(mapping_requirements<typename FromMDS::mapping_type>);
constexpr bool constructible =
std::is_constructible_v<typename ToMDS::mapping_type, const typename FromMDS::mapping_type&> &&
std::is_constructible_v<typename ToMDS::accessor_type, const typename FromMDS::accessor_type&>;
constexpr bool convertible =
std::is_convertible_v<const typename FromMDS::mapping_type&, typename ToMDS::mapping_type> &&
std::is_convertible_v<const typename FromMDS::accessor_type&, typename ToMDS::accessor_type>;
constexpr bool passes_mandates =
std::is_constructible_v<typename ToMDS::data_handle_type, const typename FromMDS::data_handle_type&> &&
std::is_constructible_v<typename ToMDS::extents_type, typename FromMDS::extents_type>;
if constexpr (constructible) {
if constexpr (passes_mandates) {
ToMDS to_mds(from_mds);
assert(to_mds.extents() == from_mds.extents());
if constexpr (std::equality_comparable_with<typename ToMDS::data_handle_type, typename FromMDS::data_handle_type>)
assert(to_mds.data_handle() == from_mds.data_handle());
if constexpr (std::equality_comparable_with<typename ToMDS::mapping_type, typename FromMDS::mapping_type>)
assert(to_mds.mapping() == from_mds.mapping());
if constexpr (std::equality_comparable_with<typename ToMDS::accessor_type, typename FromMDS::accessor_type>)
assert(to_mds.accessor() == from_mds.accessor());
if constexpr (convertible) {
test_implicit_conversion(from_mds, from_mds);
} else {
static_assert(!std::is_convertible_v<FromMDS, ToMDS>);
} else {
static_assert(!std::is_constructible_v<ToMDS, FromMDS>);
template <class ToL, class ToE, class ToA, class FromH, class FromL, class FromE, class FromA>
constexpr void construct_from_mds(const FromH& handle, const FromL& layout, const FromE& exts, const FromA& acc) {
using ToMDS = std::mdspan<typename ToA::element_type, ToE, ToL, ToA>;
using FromMDS = std::mdspan<typename FromA::element_type, FromE, FromL, FromA>;
test_conversion<ToMDS>(FromMDS(handle, construct_mapping(layout, exts), acc));
template <class ToL, class ToA, class FromH, class FromL, class FromA>
constexpr void mixin_extents(const FromH& handle, const FromL& layout, const FromA& acc) {
constexpr size_t D = std::dynamic_extent;
// constructible and convertible
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::dextents<int, 0>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::dextents<int, 0>(), acc);
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::dextents<int, 1>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::dextents<int, 1>(4), acc);
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::dextents<int, 1>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::extents<int, 4>(), acc);
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::dextents<int, 2>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::dextents<int, 2>(4, 5), acc);
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::dextents<unsigned, 2>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::dextents<int, 2>(4, 5), acc);
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::dextents<unsigned, 2>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::extents<int, D, 5>(4), acc);
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::extents<int, D, 5>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::extents<int, D, 5>(4), acc);
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::extents<int, D, 5>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::extents<int, D, 5>(4), acc);
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::extents<int, D, 5, D, 7>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::extents<int, D, 5, D, 7>(4, 6), acc);
// not convertible
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::dextents<int, 1>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::dextents<unsigned, 1>(4), acc);
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::extents<int, D, 5, D, 7>, ToA>(
handle, layout, std::extents<int, D, 5, D, D>(4, 6, 7), acc);
// not constructible
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::dextents<int, 1>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::dextents<int, 2>(4, 5), acc);
construct_from_mds<ToL, std::extents<int, D, 5, D, 8>, ToA>(handle, layout, std::extents<int, D, 5, D, 7>(4, 6), acc);
template <class ToA, class FromH, class FromA>
constexpr void mixin_layout(const FromH& handle, const FromA& acc) {
mixin_extents<std::layout_left, ToA>(handle, std::layout_left(), acc);
mixin_extents<std::layout_right, ToA>(handle, std::layout_right(), acc);
// Check layout policy conversion
// different layout policies, but constructible and convertible
static_assert(std::is_constructible_v<std::layout_left::mapping<std::dextents<int, 1>>,
const std::layout_right::mapping<std::dextents<int, 1>>&>);
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<const std::layout_right::mapping<std::dextents<int, 1>>&,
std::layout_left::mapping<std::dextents<int, 1>>>);
// different layout policies, not constructible
static_assert(!std::is_constructible_v<std::layout_left::mapping<std::dextents<int, 2>>,
const std::layout_right::mapping<std::dextents<int, 2>>&>);
// different layout policies, constructible and not convertible
static_assert(std::is_constructible_v<std::layout_left::mapping<std::dextents<int, 1>>,
const std::layout_right::mapping<std::dextents<size_t, 1>>&>);
static_assert(!std::is_convertible_v<const std::layout_right::mapping<std::dextents<size_t, 1>>&,
std::layout_left::mapping<std::dextents<int, 1>>>);
mixin_extents<std::layout_left, ToA>(handle, std::layout_right(), acc);
mixin_extents<layout_wrapping_integral<4>, ToA>(handle, layout_wrapping_integral<4>(), acc);
// different layout policies, constructible and not convertible
static_assert(!std::is_constructible_v<layout_wrapping_integral<8>::mapping<std::dextents<unsigned, 2>>,
const layout_wrapping_integral<8>::mapping<std::dextents<int, 2>>&>);
static_assert(std::is_constructible_v<layout_wrapping_integral<8>::mapping<std::dextents<unsigned, 2>>,
layout_wrapping_integral<8>::mapping<std::dextents<int, 2>>>);
mixin_extents<layout_wrapping_integral<8>, ToA>(handle, layout_wrapping_integral<8>(), acc);
// check that we cover all corners with respect to constructibility and convertibility
template <bool constructible_constref_acc,
bool convertible_constref_acc,
bool constructible_nonconst_acc,
bool convertible_nonconst_acc,
bool constructible_constref_handle,
bool convertible_constref_handle,
bool constructible_nonconst_handle,
bool convertible_nonconst_handle,
class ToA,
class FromA>
constexpr bool test(FromA from_acc) {
static_assert(std::is_constructible_v<ToA, const FromA&> == constructible_constref_acc);
static_assert(std::is_constructible_v<ToA, FromA> == constructible_nonconst_acc);
static_assert(std::is_constructible_v<typename ToA::data_handle_type, const typename FromA::data_handle_type&> ==
static_assert(std::is_constructible_v<typename ToA::data_handle_type, typename FromA::data_handle_type> ==
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<const FromA&, ToA> == convertible_constref_acc);
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<FromA, ToA> == convertible_nonconst_acc);
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<const typename FromA::data_handle_type&, typename ToA::data_handle_type> ==
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<typename FromA::data_handle_type, typename ToA::data_handle_type> ==
ElementPool<typename FromA::element_type, 1024> elements;
mixin_layout<ToA>(typename FromA::data_handle_type(elements.get_ptr()), from_acc);
return true;
int main(int, char**) {
// using shorthands here: t and o for better visual distinguishability
constexpr bool t = true;
constexpr bool o = false;
// possibility matrix for constructibility and convertibility https://godbolt.org/z/98KGo8Wbc
// you can't have convertibility without constructibility
// and if you take const T& then you also can take T
// this leaves 7 combinations
// const_ref_ctor, const_ref_conv, nonconst_ctor, nonconst_conv, tested
// o o o o X
// o o t o X
// o o t t X
// t o t o X
// t o t t X
// t t t o X
// t t t t X
// checked_accessor has various weird data handles and some weird conversion properties
// conv_test_accessor_c/nc is an accessor pair which has configurable conversion properties, but plain ptr as data handle
// accessor constructible
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, std::default_accessor<float>>(std::default_accessor<float>());
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, std::default_accessor<const float>>(std::default_accessor<float>());
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, std::default_accessor<MinimalElementType>>(std::default_accessor<MinimalElementType>());
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, std::default_accessor<const MinimalElementType>>(
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<int>>(checked_accessor<int>(1024));
test<t, o, t, o, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<const int>>(checked_accessor<int>(1024));
test<t, t, t, t, o, o, o, o, checked_accessor<const unsigned>>(checked_accessor<unsigned>(1024));
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<float>>(checked_accessor<float>(1024));
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<double>>(checked_accessor<double>(1024));
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<MinimalElementType>>(checked_accessor<MinimalElementType>(1024));
test<t, o, t, o, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<const MinimalElementType>>(checked_accessor<MinimalElementType>(1024));
test<t, o, t, o, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, t, t, t, t>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, t, t>());
test<t, o, t, t, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, t, t, o, o>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, t, o>());
// FIXME: these tests trigger what appears to be a compiler bug on MINGW32 with --target=x86_64-w64-windows-gnu
// https://godbolt.org/z/KK8aj5bs7
// Bug report: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/64077
#ifndef __MINGW32__
test<t, t, t, o, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, o, t, t, t>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, t, t>());
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, o, o, o, o>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, t, o>());
// ElementType convertible, but accessor not constructible
test<o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, std::default_accessor<float>>(std::default_accessor<int>());
test<o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, checked_accessor<const double>>(checked_accessor<double>(1024));
test<o, o, t, t, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<const float>>(checked_accessor<float>(1024));
test<o, o, o, o, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, o, o, t, t>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, o, o>());
test<o, o, t, o, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, o, t, o, o>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, o, t>());
test<o, o, t, t, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, o, o, t, t>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, o, t>());
// Ran into trouble with doing it all in one static_assert: exceeding step limit for consteval
static_assert(test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, std::default_accessor<float>>(std::default_accessor<float>()));
static_assert(test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, std::default_accessor<const float>>(std::default_accessor<float>()));
static_assert(test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, std::default_accessor<MinimalElementType>>(
static_assert(test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, std::default_accessor<const MinimalElementType>>(
static_assert(test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<int>>(checked_accessor<int>(1024)));
static_assert(test<t, o, t, o, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<const int>>(checked_accessor<int>(1024)));
static_assert(test<t, t, t, t, o, o, o, o, checked_accessor<const unsigned>>(checked_accessor<unsigned>(1024)));
static_assert(test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<float>>(checked_accessor<float>(1024)));
static_assert(test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<double>>(checked_accessor<double>(1024)));
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<MinimalElementType>>(checked_accessor<MinimalElementType>(1024)));
static_assert(test<t, o, t, o, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<const MinimalElementType>>(
test<t, o, t, o, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, t, t, t, t>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, t, t>()));
test<t, o, t, t, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, t, t, o, o>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, t, o>()));
test<t, t, t, o, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, o, t, t, t>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, t, t>()));
test<t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, o, o, o, o>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, t, o>()));
static_assert(test<o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, std::default_accessor<float>>(std::default_accessor<int>()));
static_assert(test<o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, checked_accessor<const double>>(checked_accessor<double>(1024)));
static_assert(test<o, o, t, t, t, t, t, t, checked_accessor<const float>>(checked_accessor<float>(1024)));
test<o, o, o, o, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, o, o, t, t>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, o, o>()));
test<o, o, t, o, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, o, t, o, o>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, o, t>()));
test<o, o, t, t, t, t, t, t, conv_test_accessor_c<int, o, o, t, t>>(conv_test_accessor_nc<int, o, t>()));
return 0;