// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include "test_macros.h"
#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
#include <compare>
#include <iterator>
#include "test_iterators.h"
struct TrivialSortable {
int value;
TEST_CONSTEXPR TrivialSortable() : value(0) {}
TEST_CONSTEXPR TrivialSortable(int v) : value(v) {}
friend TEST_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(const TrivialSortable& a, const TrivialSortable& b) {
return a.value / 10 < b.value / 10;
static TEST_CONSTEXPR bool less(const TrivialSortable& a, const TrivialSortable& b) {
return a.value < b.value;
struct NonTrivialSortable {
int value;
TEST_CONSTEXPR NonTrivialSortable() : value(0) {}
TEST_CONSTEXPR NonTrivialSortable(int v) : value(v) {}
TEST_CONSTEXPR NonTrivialSortable(const NonTrivialSortable& rhs) : value(rhs.value) {}
TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX14 NonTrivialSortable& operator=(const NonTrivialSortable& rhs) { value = rhs.value; return *this; }
friend TEST_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(const NonTrivialSortable& a, const NonTrivialSortable& b) {
return a.value / 10 < b.value / 10;
static TEST_CONSTEXPR bool less(const NonTrivialSortable& a, const NonTrivialSortable& b) {
return a.value < b.value;
struct TrivialSortableWithComp {
int value;
TEST_CONSTEXPR TrivialSortableWithComp() : value(0) {}
TEST_CONSTEXPR TrivialSortableWithComp(int v) : value(v) {}
struct Comparator {
TEST_CONSTEXPR bool operator()(const TrivialSortableWithComp& a, const TrivialSortableWithComp& b) const {
return a.value / 10 < b.value / 10;
static TEST_CONSTEXPR bool less(const TrivialSortableWithComp& a, const TrivialSortableWithComp& b) {
return a.value < b.value;
struct NonTrivialSortableWithComp {
int value;
TEST_CONSTEXPR NonTrivialSortableWithComp() : value(0) {}
TEST_CONSTEXPR NonTrivialSortableWithComp(int v) : value(v) {}
TEST_CONSTEXPR NonTrivialSortableWithComp(const NonTrivialSortableWithComp& rhs) : value(rhs.value) {}
TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX14 NonTrivialSortableWithComp& operator=(const NonTrivialSortableWithComp& rhs) { value = rhs.value; return *this; }
struct Comparator {
TEST_CONSTEXPR bool operator()(const NonTrivialSortableWithComp& a, const NonTrivialSortableWithComp& b) const {
return a.value / 10 < b.value / 10;
static TEST_CONSTEXPR bool less(const NonTrivialSortableWithComp& a, const NonTrivialSortableWithComp& b) {
return a.value < b.value;
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<TrivialSortable>::value, "");
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<TrivialSortableWithComp>::value, "");
static_assert(!std::is_trivially_copyable<NonTrivialSortable>::value, "");
static_assert(!std::is_trivially_copyable<NonTrivialSortableWithComp>::value, "");
#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
struct TracedCopy {
int copied = 0;
int data = 0;
constexpr TracedCopy() = default;
constexpr TracedCopy(int i) : data(i) {}
constexpr TracedCopy(const TracedCopy& other) : copied(other.copied + 1), data(other.data) {}
constexpr TracedCopy(TracedCopy&& other) = delete;
constexpr TracedCopy& operator=(TracedCopy&& other) = delete;
constexpr TracedCopy& operator=(const TracedCopy& other) {
copied = other.copied + 1;
data = other.data;
return *this;
constexpr bool copiedOnce() const { return copied == 1; }
constexpr bool operator==(const TracedCopy& o) const { return data == o.data; }
constexpr auto operator<=>(const TracedCopy& o) const { return data <=> o.data; }
template <class Iter>
struct NonBorrowedRange {
int* data_;
std::size_t size_;
// TODO: some algorithms calls std::__copy
// std::__copy(contiguous_iterator<int*>, sentinel_wrapper<contiguous_iterator<int*>>, contiguous_iterator<int*>) doesn't seem to work.
// It seems that it unwraps contiguous_iterator<int*> into int*, and then it failed because there is no == between int* and
// sentinel_wrapper<contiguous_iterator<int*>>
using Sent = std::conditional_t<std::contiguous_iterator<Iter>, Iter, sentinel_wrapper<Iter>>;
constexpr NonBorrowedRange(int* d, std::size_t s) : data_{d}, size_{s} {}
constexpr Iter begin() const { return Iter{data_}; };
constexpr Sent end() const { return Sent{Iter{data_ + size_}}; };
#endif // TEST_STD_VER > 17