The new replacement overlaps with an existing replacement.
New replacement: $(path)/common.h: 106:+26:"int & elem : ints"
Existing replacement: $(path)/common.h: 106:+26:"auto & i : ints"
The new replacement overlaps with an existing replacement.
New replacement: $(path)/common.h: 140:+7:"i"
Existing replacement: $(path)/common.h: 140:+7:"elem"
The new replacement overlaps with an existing replacement.
New replacement: $(path)/common.h: 169:+0:"(int*)"
Existing replacement: $(path)/common.h: 160:+12:""
The new replacement overlaps with an existing replacement.
New replacement: $(path)/common.h: 169:+1:"nullptr"
Existing replacement: $(path)/common.h: 160:+12:""