// This test fails on "x86_64-sie" buildbot and "x86_64-scei-ps4" target.
// According to @dyung, something related to the kind of standard library
// availability is causing the failure. Even though we explicitly define
// the relevant macros the check is hunting for in the invocation, the real
// parsing and preprocessor state will not have that case.
// UNSUPPORTED: target={{.*-(ps4|ps5)}}
// RUN: %check_clang_tidy -check-suffix=WITH-ANNEX-K %s bugprone-unsafe-functions %t -- -- -D__STDC_LIB_EXT1__=1 -D__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__=1
// RUN: %check_clang_tidy -check-suffix=WITHOUT-ANNEX-K %s bugprone-unsafe-functions %t -- -- -U__STDC_LIB_EXT1__ -U__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__
// RUN: %check_clang_tidy -check-suffix=WITHOUT-ANNEX-K %s bugprone-unsafe-functions %t -- -- -D__STDC_LIB_EXT1__=1 -U__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__
// RUN: %check_clang_tidy -check-suffix=WITHOUT-ANNEX-K %s bugprone-unsafe-functions %t -- -- -U__STDC_LIB_EXT1__ -D__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__=1
// RUN: %check_clang_tidy -check-suffix=WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY %s bugprone-unsafe-functions %t -- \
// RUN: -config="{CheckOptions: {bugprone-unsafe-functions.ReportMoreUnsafeFunctions: false}}" \
// RUN: -- -D__STDC_LIB_EXT1__=1 -D__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__=1
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
char *gets(char *S);
size_t strlen(const char *S);
size_t wcslen(const wchar_t *S);
void f1(char *S) {
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'gets' is insecure, was deprecated and removed in C11 and C++14; 'gets_s' should be used instead [bugprone-unsafe-functions]
// FIXME(?): On target=x86_64-scie-ps4, the above warning in the
// "-WITH-ANNEX-K" case will still report the suggestion to use 'fgets'
// instead of the expected 'get_s', as if "Annex K" was not available.
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-5]]:3: warning: function 'gets' is insecure, was deprecated and removed in C11 and C++14; 'gets_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-6]]:3: warning: function 'gets' is insecure, was deprecated and removed in C11 and C++14; 'fgets' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'strlen' is not bounds-checking; 'strnlen_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'strlen' is not bounds-checking; 'strnlen_s' should be used instead
// no-warning WITHOUT-ANNEX-K
void f1w(wchar_t *S) {
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'wcslen' is not bounds-checking; 'wcsnlen_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'wcslen' is not bounds-checking; 'wcsnlen_s' should be used instead
// no-warning WITHOUT-ANNEX-K
struct tm;
char *asctime(const struct tm *TimePtr);
void f2(const struct tm *Time) {
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'asctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'asctime_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'asctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'asctime_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-3]]:3: warning: function 'asctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'strftime' should be used instead
char *(*F1)(const struct tm *) = asctime;
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:36: warning: function 'asctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'asctime_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:36: warning: function 'asctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'asctime_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-3]]:36: warning: function 'asctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'strftime' should be used instead
char *(*F2)(const struct tm *) = &asctime;
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:37: warning: function 'asctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'asctime_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:37: warning: function 'asctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'asctime_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-3]]:37: warning: function 'asctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'strftime' should be used instead
typedef void *FILE;
FILE *fopen(const char *Filename, const char *Mode);
FILE *freopen(const char *Filename, const char *Mode, FILE *Stream);
int fscanf(FILE *Stream, const char *Format, ...);
void rewind(FILE *Stream);
void setbuf(FILE *Stream, char *Buf);
void f3(char *S, FILE *F) {
fopen(S, S);
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'fopen' has no exclusive access to the opened file; 'fopen_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'fopen' has no exclusive access to the opened file; 'fopen_s' should be used instead
// no-warning WITHOUT-ANNEX-K
freopen(S, S, F);
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'freopen' has no exclusive access to the opened file; 'freopen_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'freopen' has no exclusive access to the opened file; 'freopen_s' should be used instead
// no-warning WITHOUT-ANNEX-K
int I;
fscanf(F, "%d", &I);
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'fscanf' is not bounds-checking; 'fscanf_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'fscanf' is not bounds-checking; 'fscanf_s' should be used instead
// no-warning WITHOUT-ANNEX-K
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'rewind' has no error detection; 'fseek' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'rewind' has no error detection; 'fseek' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-3]]:3: warning: function 'rewind' has no error detection; 'fseek' should be used instead
setbuf(F, S);
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'setbuf' has no error detection; 'setvbuf' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'setbuf' has no error detection; 'setvbuf' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-3]]:3: warning: function 'setbuf' has no error detection; 'setvbuf' should be used instead
typedef int time_t;
char *ctime(const time_t *Timer);
void f4(const time_t *Timer) {
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'ctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'ctime_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K-CERT-ONLY: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'ctime' is not bounds-checking and non-reentrant; 'ctime_s' should be used instead
// no-warning WITHOUT-ANNEX-K
#define BUFSIZ 128
typedef int uid_t;
typedef int pid_t;
int bcmp(const void *S1, const void *S2, size_t N);
void bcopy(const void *Src, void *Dest, size_t N);
void bzero(void *S, size_t N);
int getpw(uid_t UId, char *Buf);
pid_t vfork(void);
void fOptional() {
char Buf1[BUFSIZ] = {0};
char Buf2[BUFSIZ] = {0};
bcmp(Buf1, Buf2, BUFSIZ);
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'bcmp' is deprecated; 'memcmp' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'bcmp' is deprecated; 'memcmp' should be used instead
// no-warning CERT-ONLY
bcopy(Buf1, Buf2, BUFSIZ);
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'bcopy' is deprecated; 'memcpy_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'bcopy' is deprecated; 'memcpy' should be used instead
// no-warning CERT-ONLY
bzero(Buf1, BUFSIZ);
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'bzero' is deprecated; 'memset_s' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'bzero' is deprecated; 'memset' should be used instead
// no-warning CERT-ONLY
getpw(0, Buf1);
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'getpw' is dangerous as it may overflow the provided buffer; 'getpwuid' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'getpw' is dangerous as it may overflow the provided buffer; 'getpwuid' should be used instead
// no-warning CERT-ONLY
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITH-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'vfork' is insecure as it can lead to denial of service situations in the parent process; 'posix_spawn' should be used instead
// CHECK-MESSAGES-WITHOUT-ANNEX-K: :[[@LINE-2]]:3: warning: function 'vfork' is insecure as it can lead to denial of service situations in the parent process; 'posix_spawn' should be used instead
// no-warning CERT-ONLY
typedef int errno_t;
typedef size_t rsize_t;
errno_t asctime_s(char *S, rsize_t Maxsize, const struct tm *TimePtr);
errno_t strcat_s(char *S1, rsize_t S1Max, const char *S2);
void fUsingSafeFunctions(const struct tm *Time, FILE *F) {
char Buf[BUFSIZ] = {0};
// no-warning, safe function from annex K is used
if (asctime_s(Buf, BUFSIZ, Time) != 0)
// no-warning, safe function from annex K is used
if (strcat_s(Buf, BUFSIZ, "something") != 0)