// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters %t \
// RUN: -config='{CheckOptions: { \
// RUN: bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters.MinimumLength: 2, \
// RUN: bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters.IgnoredParameterNames: "", \
// RUN: bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters.IgnoredParameterTypeSuffixes: "", \
// RUN: bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters.QualifiersMix: 0, \
// RUN: bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters.ModelImplicitConversions: 0, \
// RUN: bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters.SuppressParametersUsedTogether: 1, \
// RUN: bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters.NamePrefixSuffixSilenceDissimilarityTreshold: 0 \
// RUN: }}' --
namespace std {
template <typename T>
T max(const T &A, const T &B);
} // namespace std
bool coin();
void f(int);
void g(int);
void h(int, int);
void i(int, bool);
void i(int, char);
struct Tmp {
int f(int);
int g(int, int);
struct Int {
int I;
void compare(int Left, int Right) {}
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:14: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'compare' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-2]]:18: note: the first parameter in the range is 'Left'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-3]]:28: note: the last parameter in the range is 'Right'
int decideSequence(int A, int B) {
if (A)
return 1;
if (B)
return 2;
return 3;
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-7]]:20: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'decideSequence' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-8]]:24: note: the first parameter in the range is 'A'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-9]]:31: note: the last parameter in the range is 'B'
int myMax(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Appears in same expression.
return A < B ? A : B;
int myMax2(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Appears in same expression.
if (A < B)
return A;
return B;
int myMax3(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Appears in same expression.
return std::max(A, B);
int binaryToUnary(int A, int) {
return A;
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-3]]:19: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'binaryToUnary' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-4]]:23: note: the first parameter in the range is 'A'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-5]]:29: note: the last parameter in the range is '<unnamed>'
int randomReturn1(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Appears in same expression.
return coin() ? A : B;
int randomReturn2(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Both parameters returned.
if (coin())
return A;
return B;
int randomReturn3(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Both parameters returned.
bool Flip = coin();
if (Flip)
return A;
Flip = coin();
if (Flip)
return B;
Flip = coin();
if (!Flip)
return 0;
return -1;
void passthrough1(int A, int B) { // WARN: Different functions, different params.
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-4]]:19: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'passthrough1' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-5]]:23: note: the first parameter in the range is 'A'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-6]]:30: note: the last parameter in the range is 'B'
void passthrough2(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Passed to same index of same function.
void passthrough3(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Passed to same index of same funtion.
h(1, A);
h(1, B);
void passthrough4(int A, int B) { // WARN: Different index used.
h(1, A);
h(B, 2);
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-4]]:19: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'passthrough4' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-5]]:23: note: the first parameter in the range is 'A'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-6]]:30: note: the last parameter in the range is 'B'
void passthrough5(int A, int B) { // WARN: Different function overload.
i(A, false);
i(A, '\0');
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-4]]:19: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'passthrough5' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-5]]:23: note: the first parameter in the range is 'A'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-6]]:30: note: the last parameter in the range is 'B'
void passthrough6(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Passed to same index of same function.
Tmp Temp;
void passthrough7(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Passed to same index of same function.
// Clang-Tidy isn't path sensitive, the fact that the two objects we call the
// function on is different is not modelled.
Tmp Temp1, Temp2;
void passthrough8(int A, int B) { // WARN: Different functions used.
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-4]]:19: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'passthrough8' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-5]]:23: note: the first parameter in the range is 'A'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-6]]:30: note: the last parameter in the range is 'B'
// Test that the matching of "passed-to-function" is done to the proper node.
// Put simply, this test should not crash here.
void forwardDeclared(int X);
void passthrough9(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Passed to same index of same function.
void forwardDeclared(int X) {}
void passthrough10(int A, int B) { // NO-WARN: Passed to same index of same function.
bool compare1(Int I, Int J) { // NO-WARN: Same member accessed.
int Val1 = I.I;
int Val2 = J.I;
return Val1 < Val2;
bool compare2(Tmp T1, Tmp T2) { // NO-WARN: Same member accessed.
int Val1 = T1.g(0, 1);
int Val2 = T2.g(2, 3);
return Val1 < Val2;
bool compare3(Tmp T1, Tmp T2) { // WARN: Different member accessed.
int Val1 = T1.f(0);
int Val2 = T2.g(1, 2);
return Val1 < Val2;
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-5]]:15: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'compare3' of similar type ('Tmp')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-6]]:19: note: the first parameter in the range is 'T1'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-7]]:27: note: the last parameter in the range is 'T2'
int rangeBreaker(int I, int J, int K, int L, int M, int N) {
// (I, J) swappable.
if (J == K) // (J, K) related.
return -1;
if (K + 2 > Tmp{}.f(K))
return M;
// (K, L, M) swappable.
return N; // (M, N) related.
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-13]]:18: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'rangeBreaker' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-14]]:22: note: the first parameter in the range is 'I'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-15]]:29: note: the last parameter in the range is 'J'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-16]]:32: warning: 3 adjacent parameters of 'rangeBreaker' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-17]]:36: note: the first parameter in the range is 'K'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-18]]:50: note: the last parameter in the range is 'M'
int returnsNotOwnParameter(int I, int J, int K) {
const auto &Lambda = [&K](int L, int M, int N) {
if (K)
return L;
return M; // (L, M) related.
if (Lambda(-1, 0, 1))
return I;
return J; // (I, J) related.
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-11]]:35: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'returnsNotOwnParameter' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-12]]:39: note: the first parameter in the range is 'J'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-13]]:46: note: the last parameter in the range is 'K'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-13]]:36: warning: 2 adjacent parameters of 'operator()' of similar type ('int')
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-14]]:40: note: the first parameter in the range is 'M'
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-15]]:47: note: the last parameter in the range is 'N'
int usedTogetherInCapture(int I, int J, int K) { // NO-WARN: Used together.
const auto &Lambda = [I, J, K]() {
int A = I + 1;
int B = J - 2;
int C = K * 3;
return A + B + C;
return Lambda();