// RUN: %check_clang_tidy -std=c++11-or-later %s bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility %t -- -- -fno-delayed-template-parsing
namespace class_implicit_ctor {
template <typename T>
class CRTP {};
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: the implicit default constructor of the CRTP is publicly accessible; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: CRTP() = default;
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace class_implicit_ctor
namespace class_unconstructible {
template <typename T>
class CRTP {
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: the CRTP cannot be constructed from the derived class; consider declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
CRTP() = default;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace class_unconstructible
namespace class_public_default_ctor {
template <typename T>
class CRTP {
CRTP() = default;
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: public contructor allows the CRTP to be constructed as a regular template class; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP() = default;{{[[:space:]]*}}public:
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace class_public_default_ctor
namespace class_public_user_provided_ctor {
template <typename T>
class CRTP {
CRTP(int) {}
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: public contructor allows the CRTP to be constructed as a regular template class; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP(int) {}{{[[:space:]]*}}public:
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace class_public_user_provided_ctor
namespace class_public_multiple_user_provided_ctors {
template <typename T>
class CRTP {
CRTP(int) {}
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: public contructor allows the CRTP to be constructed as a regular template class; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP(int) {}{{[[:space:]]*}}public:
CRTP(float) {}
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: public contructor allows the CRTP to be constructed as a regular template class; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP(float) {}{{[[:space:]]*}}public:
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace class_public_multiple_user_provided_ctors
namespace class_protected_ctors {
template <typename T>
class CRTP {
CRTP(int) {}
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: protected contructor allows the CRTP to be inherited from as a regular template class; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP(int) {}{{[[:space:]]*}}protected:
CRTP() = default;
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: protected contructor allows the CRTP to be inherited from as a regular template class; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP() = default;{{[[:space:]]*}}protected:
CRTP(float) {}
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: protected contructor allows the CRTP to be inherited from as a regular template class; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP(float) {}{{[[:space:]]*}}protected:
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace class_protected_ctors
namespace struct_implicit_ctor {
template <typename T>
struct CRTP {};
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: the implicit default constructor of the CRTP is publicly accessible; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP() = default;{{[[:space:]]*}}public:
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace struct_implicit_ctor
namespace struct_default_ctor {
template <typename T>
struct CRTP {
CRTP() = default;
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: public contructor allows the CRTP to be constructed as a regular template class; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP() = default;{{[[:space:]]*}}public:
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace struct_default_ctor
namespace same_class_multiple_crtps {
template <typename T>
struct CRTP {};
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: the implicit default constructor of the CRTP is publicly accessible; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP() = default;{{[[:space:]]*}}public:
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
template <typename T>
struct CRTP2 {};
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: the implicit default constructor of the CRTP is publicly accessible; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: private:{{[[:space:]]*}}CRTP2() = default;{{[[:space:]]*}}public:
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
class A : CRTP<A>, CRTP2<A> {};
} // namespace same_class_multiple_crtps
namespace same_crtp_multiple_classes {
template <typename T>
class CRTP {
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: the CRTP cannot be constructed from the derived class; consider declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
CRTP() = default;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
class B : CRTP<B> {};
} // namespace same_crtp_multiple_classes
namespace crtp_template {
template <typename T, typename U>
class CRTP {
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: the CRTP cannot be constructed from the derived class; consider declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: friend U;
CRTP() = default;
class A : CRTP<int, A> {};
} // namespace crtp_template
namespace crtp_template2 {
template <typename T, typename U>
class CRTP {
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: the CRTP cannot be constructed from the derived class; consider declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
CRTP() = default;
class A : CRTP<A, A> {};
} // namespace crtp_template2
namespace template_derived {
template <typename T>
class CRTP {};
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: the implicit default constructor of the CRTP is publicly accessible; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: CRTP() = default;
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
template<typename T>
class A : CRTP<A<T>> {};
// FIXME: Ideally the warning should be triggered without instantiation.
void foo() {
A<int> A;
(void) A;
} // namespace template_derived
namespace template_derived_explicit_specialization {
template <typename T>
class CRTP {};
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: the implicit default constructor of the CRTP is publicly accessible; consider making it private and declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: CRTP() = default;
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
template<typename T>
class A : CRTP<A<T>> {};
class A<int> : CRTP<A<int>> {};
} // namespace template_derived_explicit_specialization
namespace explicit_derived_friend {
class A;
template <typename T>
class CRTP {
CRTP() = default;
friend A;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace explicit_derived_friend
namespace explicit_derived_friend_multiple {
class A;
template <typename T>
class CRTP {
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: the CRTP cannot be constructed from the derived class; consider declaring the derived class as friend [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: friend T;
CRTP() = default;
friend A;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
class B : CRTP<B> {};
} // namespace explicit_derived_friend_multiple
namespace no_need_for_friend {
class A;
template <typename T>
class CRTP {
// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: the implicit default constructor of the CRTP is publicly accessible; consider making it private [bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility]
// CHECK-FIXES: CRTP() = default;
friend A;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace no_need_for_friend
namespace no_warning {
template <typename T>
class CRTP
CRTP() = default;
friend T;
class A : CRTP<A> {};
} // namespace no_warning
namespace no_warning_unsupported {
template<typename... Types>
class CRTP
class A : CRTP<A> {};
void foo() {
A A;
(void) A;
} // namespace no_warning_unsupported