// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++23 -x c++ %s -verify
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -pedantic -x c++ %s -verify=ext,expected
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++23 -x c++ %s -verify -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -pedantic -x c++ %s -verify=ext,expected -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter
struct A{};
struct B{ explicit operator bool() { return true; } };
template <bool cond>
void f() {
[[assume(cond)]]; // ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
template <bool cond>
struct S {
void f() {
[[assume(cond)]]; // ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
template <typename T>
constexpr bool g() {
[[assume(cond == sizeof(T))]]; // expected-note {{assumption evaluated to false}} ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
return true;
bool f2();
template <typename T>
constexpr void f3() {
[[assume(T{})]]; // expected-error {{not contextually convertible to 'bool'}} expected-warning {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}} ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
void g(int x) {
[[assume(f2())]]; // expected-warning {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}} ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
[[assume((x = 3))]]; // expected-warning {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}} // ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
[[assume(x++)]]; // expected-warning {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}} // ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
[[assume(++x)]]; // expected-warning {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}} // ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
[[assume([]{ return true; }())]]; // expected-warning {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}} // ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
[[assume(B{})]]; // expected-warning {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}} // ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
[[assume((1, 2))]]; // expected-warning {{has no effect}} // ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
f3<A>(); // expected-note {{in instantiation of}}
f3<B>(); // expected-note {{in instantiation of}}
[[assume]]; // expected-error {{takes one argument}}
[[assume(z)]]; // expected-error {{undeclared identifier}}
[[assume(A{})]]; // expected-error {{not contextually convertible to 'bool'}}
[[assume(true)]] if (true) {} // expected-error {{only applies to empty statements}}
[[assume(true)]] {} // expected-error {{only applies to empty statements}}
[[assume(true)]] for (;false;) {} // expected-error {{only applies to empty statements}}
[[assume(true)]] while (false) {} // expected-error {{only applies to empty statements}}
[[assume(true)]] label:; // expected-error {{cannot be applied to a declaration}}
[[assume(true)]] goto label; // expected-error {{only applies to empty statements}}
// Also check variant spellings.
__attribute__((__assume__(true))); // Should not issue a warning because it doesn't use the [[]] spelling.
__attribute__((assume(true))) {}; // expected-error {{only applies to empty statements}}
[[clang::assume(true)]] {}; // expected-error {{only applies to empty statements}}
// Check that 'x' is ODR-used here.
constexpr int h(int x) { return sizeof([=] { [[assume(x)]]; }); } // ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
static_assert(h(4) == sizeof(int));
static_assert(__has_cpp_attribute(assume) == 202207L);
constexpr bool i() { // ext-error {{never produces a constant expression}}
[[assume(false)]]; // ext-note {{assumption evaluated to false}} expected-note {{assumption evaluated to false}} ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
return true;
constexpr bool j(bool b) {
[[assume(b)]]; // expected-note {{assumption evaluated to false}} ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
return true;
static_assert(i()); // expected-error {{not an integral constant expression}} expected-note {{in call to}}
static_assert(j(false)); // expected-error {{not an integral constant expression}} expected-note {{in call to}}
static_assert(S<false>{}.g<A>()); // expected-error {{not an integral constant expression}} expected-note {{in call to}}
template <typename T>
constexpr bool f4() {
[[assume(!T{})]]; // expected-error {{invalid argument type 'D'}} // expected-warning 2 {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}} ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
return sizeof(T) == sizeof(int);
template <typename T>
concept C = f4<T>(); // expected-note 3 {{in instantiation of}}
// expected-note@-1 3 {{while substituting}}
// expected-error@-2 2 {{resulted in a non-constant expression}}
struct D {
int x;
struct E {
int x;
constexpr explicit operator bool() { return false; }
struct F {
int x;
int y;
constexpr explicit operator bool() { return false; }
template <typename T>
constexpr int f5() requires C<T> { return 1; } // expected-note {{while checking the satisfaction}}
// expected-note@-1 {{while substituting template arguments}}
// expected-note@-2 {{candidate template ignored}}
template <typename T>
constexpr int f5() requires (!C<T>) { return 2; } // expected-note 4 {{while checking the satisfaction}}
// expected-note@-1 4 {{while substituting template arguments}}
// expected-note@-2 {{candidate template ignored}}
static_assert(f5<int>() == 1);
static_assert(f5<D>() == 1); // expected-note 3 {{while checking constraint satisfaction}}
// expected-note@-1 3 {{in instantiation of}}
// expected-error@-2 {{no matching function for call}}
static_assert(f5<double>() == 2);
static_assert(f5<E>() == 1); // expected-note {{while checking constraint satisfaction}} expected-note {{in instantiation of}}
static_assert(f5<F>() == 2); // expected-note {{while checking constraint satisfaction}} expected-note {{in instantiation of}}
// Do not validate assumptions whose evaluation would have side-effects.
constexpr int foo() {
int a = 0;
[[assume(a++)]] [[assume(++a)]]; // expected-warning 2 {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}} ext-warning 2 {{C++23 extension}}
[[assume((a+=1))]]; // expected-warning {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}} ext-warning {{C++23 extension}}
return a;
static_assert(foo() == 0);
template <bool ...val>
void f() {
[[assume(val)]]; // expected-error {{expression contains unexpanded parameter pack}}
namespace gh71858 {
foo (int x, int y)
__attribute__((assume(x == 42)));
__attribute__((assume(++y == 43))); // expected-warning {{assumption is ignored because it contains (potential) side-effects}}
return x + y;