// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++1z -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2a -fcxx-exceptions -DUSE_CONSTEVAL -fexceptions -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2b -fcxx-exceptions -DUSE_CONSTEVAL -DPAREN_INIT -fexceptions -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++1z -fcxx-exceptions -fms-extensions -DMS -fexceptions -fms-compatibility -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2a -fcxx-exceptions -fms-extensions -DMS -DUSE_CONSTEVAL -fexceptions -fms-compatibility -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++1z -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter -DNEW_INTERP -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2a -fcxx-exceptions -DUSE_CONSTEVAL -fexceptions -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter -DNEW_INTERP -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2b -fcxx-exceptions -DUSE_CONSTEVAL -DPAREN_INIT -fexceptions -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter -DNEW_INTERP -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++1z -fcxx-exceptions -fms-extensions -DMS -fexceptions -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter -DNEW_INTERP -fms-compatibility -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2a -fcxx-exceptions -fms-extensions -DMS -DUSE_CONSTEVAL -fexceptions -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter -DNEW_INTERP -verify -fms-compatibility %s
// expected-no-diagnostics
#define assert(...) ((__VA_ARGS__) ? ((void)0) : throw 42)
#define CURRENT_FROM_MACRO() SL::current()
#define FORWARD(...) __VA_ARGS__
template <unsigned>
struct Printer;
#define SOURCE_LOC_EVAL_KIND consteval
#define SOURCE_LOC_EVAL_KIND constexpr
namespace std {
class source_location {
struct __impl;
static SOURCE_LOC_EVAL_KIND source_location
current(const __impl *__p = __builtin_source_location()) noexcept {
source_location __loc;
__loc.__m_impl = __p;
return __loc;
constexpr source_location() = default;
constexpr source_location(source_location const &) = default;
constexpr unsigned int line() const noexcept { return __m_impl ? __m_impl->_M_line : 0; }
constexpr unsigned int column() const noexcept { return __m_impl ? __m_impl->_M_column : 0; }
constexpr const char *file() const noexcept { return __m_impl ? __m_impl->_M_file_name : ""; }
constexpr const char *function() const noexcept { return __m_impl ? __m_impl->_M_function_name : ""; }
// Note: The type name "std::source_location::__impl", and its constituent
// field-names are required by __builtin_source_location().
struct __impl {
const char *_M_file_name;
const char *_M_function_name;
unsigned _M_line;
unsigned _M_column;
const __impl *__m_impl = nullptr;
using public_impl_alias = __impl;
} // namespace std
using SL = std::source_location;
#include "Inputs/source-location-file.h"
namespace SLF = source_location_file;
constexpr bool is_equal(const char *LHS, const char *RHS) {
while (*LHS != 0 && *RHS != 0) {
if (*LHS != *RHS)
return false;
return *LHS == 0 && *RHS == 0;
template <class T>
constexpr T identity(T t) {
return t;
template <class T, class U>
struct Pair {
T first;
U second;
template <class T, class U>
constexpr bool is_same = false;
template <class T>
constexpr bool is_same<T, T> = true;
// test types
static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_LINE()), unsigned>);
static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_COLUMN()), unsigned>);
static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_FILE()), const char *>);
static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_FILE_NAME()), const char *>);
static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_FUNCTION()), const char *>);
#ifdef MS
static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_FUNCSIG()), const char *>);
static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_source_location()), const std::source_location::public_impl_alias *>);
// test noexcept
#ifdef MS
// __builtin_LINE()
namespace test_line {
static_assert(SL::current().line() == __LINE__);
static_assert(SL::current().line() == CURRENT_FROM_MACRO().line());
static constexpr SL GlobalS = SL::current();
static_assert(GlobalS.line() == __LINE__ - 2);
// clang-format off
constexpr bool test_line_fn() {
constexpr SL S = SL::current();
static_assert(S.line() == (__LINE__ - 1), "");
// The start of the call expression to `current()` begins at the token `SL`
constexpr int ExpectLine = __LINE__ + 3;
constexpr SL S2
SL // Call expression starts here
static_assert(S2.line() == ExpectLine, "");
== __LINE__ - 1, "");
== __LINE__ - 2, "");
== __LINE__ - 2, "");
return true;
// clang-format on
static_assert(__builtin_LINE() == __LINE__, "");
constexpr int baz() { return 101; }
constexpr int test_line_fn_simple(int z = baz(), int x = __builtin_LINE()) {
return x;
void bar() {
static_assert(test_line_fn_simple() == __LINE__, "");
static_assert(test_line_fn_simple() == __LINE__, "");
struct CallExpr {
constexpr int operator()(int x = __builtin_LINE()) const { return x; }
constexpr CallExpr get_call() { return CallExpr{}; }
static_assert(get_call()() == __LINE__, "");
template <class T>
constexpr bool test_line_fn_template(T Expect, int L = __builtin_LINE()) {
return Expect == L;
struct InMemInit {
constexpr bool check(int expect) const {
return info.line() == expect;
SL info = SL::current();
InMemInit() = default;
constexpr InMemInit(int) {}
static_assert(InMemInit{}.check(__LINE__ - 3), "");
static_assert(InMemInit{42}.check(__LINE__ - 3), "");
template <class T, class U = SL>
struct InMemInitTemplate {
constexpr bool check(int expect) const {
return info.line() == expect;
U info = U::current();
InMemInitTemplate() = default;
constexpr InMemInitTemplate(T) {}
constexpr InMemInitTemplate(T, T) : info(U::current()) {}
template <class V = U> constexpr InMemInitTemplate(T, T, T, V info = U::current())
: info(info) {}
void test_mem_init_template() {
constexpr int line_offset = 8;
static_assert(InMemInitTemplate<int>{}.check(__LINE__ - line_offset), "");
static_assert(InMemInitTemplate<unsigned>{42}.check(__LINE__ - line_offset), "");
static_assert(InMemInitTemplate<unsigned>{42, 42}.check(__LINE__ - line_offset), "");
static_assert(InMemInitTemplate<unsigned>{42, 42, 42}.check(__LINE__), "");
struct AggInit {
int x;
int y = __builtin_LINE();
constexpr bool check(int expect) const {
return y == expect;
constexpr AggInit AI{42};
static_assert(AI.check(__LINE__ - 1), "");
template <class T, class U = SL>
struct AggInitTemplate {
constexpr bool check(int expect) const {
return expect == info.line();
T x;
U info = U::current();
template <class T, class U = SL>
constexpr U test_fn_template(T, U u = U::current()) {
return u;
void fn_template_tests() {
static_assert(test_fn_template(42).line() == __LINE__, "");
struct TestMethodTemplate {
template <class T, class U = SL, class U2 = SL>
constexpr U get(T, U u = U::current(), U2 u2 = identity(U2::current())) const {
assert(u.line() == u2.line());
return u;
void method_template_tests() {
static_assert(TestMethodTemplate{}.get(42).line() == __LINE__, "");
struct InStaticInit {
static constexpr int LINE = __LINE__;
static constexpr const int x1 = __builtin_LINE();
static constexpr const int x2 = identity(__builtin_LINE());
static const int x3;
const int x4 = __builtin_LINE();
int x5 = __builtin_LINE();
const int InStaticInit::x3 = __builtin_LINE();
static_assert(InStaticInit::x1 == InStaticInit::LINE + 1, "");
static_assert(InStaticInit::x2 == InStaticInit::LINE + 2, "");
template <class T, int N = __builtin_LINE(), int Expect = -1>
constexpr void check_fn_template_param(T) {
constexpr int RealExpect = Expect == -1 ? __LINE__ - 2 : Expect;
static_assert(N == RealExpect);
template void check_fn_template_param(int);
template void check_fn_template_param<long, 42, 42>(long);
#line 100
struct AggBase {
#line 200
int x = __builtin_LINE();
int y = __builtin_LINE();
int z = __builtin_LINE();
#line 300
struct AggDer : AggBase {
#line 400
static_assert(AggDer{}.x == 400, "");
struct ClassBase {
#line 400
int x = __builtin_LINE();
int y = 0;
int z = 0;
#line 500
ClassBase() = default;
constexpr ClassBase(int yy, int zz = __builtin_LINE())
: y(yy), z(zz) {}
struct ClassDer : ClassBase {
#line 600
ClassDer() = default;
constexpr ClassDer(int yy) : ClassBase(yy) {}
constexpr ClassDer(int yy, int zz) : ClassBase(yy, zz) {}
#line 700
static_assert(ClassDer{}.x == 500, "");
static_assert(ClassDer{42}.x == 501, "");
static_assert(ClassDer{42}.z == 601, "");
static_assert(ClassDer{42, 42}.x == 501, "");
struct ClassAggDer : AggBase {
#line 800
ClassAggDer() = default;
constexpr ClassAggDer(int, int x = __builtin_LINE()) : AggBase{x} {}
static_assert(ClassAggDer{}.x == 100, "");
} // namespace test_line
// __builtin_FILE()
namespace test_file {
constexpr const char *test_file_simple(const char *__f = __builtin_FILE()) {
return __f;
void test_function() {
#line 900
static_assert(is_equal(test_file_simple(), __FILE__));
static_assert(is_equal(SLF::test_function().file(), __FILE__), "");
static_assert(is_equal(SLF::test_function_template(42).file(), __FILE__), "");
static_assert(is_equal(SLF::test_function_indirect().file(), SLF::global_info.file()), "");
static_assert(is_equal(SLF::test_function_template_indirect(42).file(), SLF::global_info.file()), "");
static_assert(test_file_simple() != nullptr);
static_assert(!is_equal(test_file_simple(), "source_location.cpp"));
void test_class() {
#line 315
using SLF::TestClass;
constexpr TestClass Default;
constexpr TestClass InParam{42};
constexpr TestClass Template{42, 42};
constexpr auto *F = Default.info.file();
constexpr auto Char = F[0];
static_assert(is_equal(Default.info.file(), SLF::FILE), "");
static_assert(is_equal(InParam.info.file(), SLF::FILE), "");
static_assert(is_equal(InParam.ctor_info.file(), __FILE__), "");
void test_aggr_class() {
using Agg = SLF::AggrClass<>;
constexpr Agg Default{};
constexpr Agg InitOne{42};
static_assert(is_equal(Default.init_info.file(), __FILE__), "");
static_assert(is_equal(InitOne.init_info.file(), __FILE__), "");
} // namespace test_file
// __builtin_FILE_NAME()
namespace test_file_name {
constexpr const char *test_file_name_simple(
const char *__f = __builtin_FILE_NAME()) {
return __f;
void test_function() {
#line 900
static_assert(is_equal(test_file_name_simple(), __FILE_NAME__));
static_assert(is_equal(SLF::test_function_filename(), __FILE_NAME__), "");
__FILE_NAME__), "");
SLF::global_info_filename), "");
SLF::global_info_filename), "");
static_assert(test_file_name_simple() != nullptr);
static_assert(is_equal(test_file_name_simple(), "source_location.cpp"));
void test_class() {
#line 315
using SLF::TestClass;
constexpr TestClass Default;
constexpr TestClass InParam{42};
constexpr TestClass Template{42, 42};
constexpr auto *F = Default.info_file_name;
constexpr auto Char = F[0];
static_assert(is_equal(Default.info_file_name, SLF::FILE_NAME), "");
static_assert(is_equal(InParam.info_file_name, SLF::FILE_NAME), "");
static_assert(is_equal(InParam.ctor_info_file_name, __FILE_NAME__), "");
void test_aggr_class() {
using Agg = SLF::AggrClass<>;
constexpr Agg Default{};
constexpr Agg InitOne{42};
static_assert(is_equal(Default.init_info_file_name, __FILE_NAME__), "");
static_assert(is_equal(InitOne.init_info_file_name, __FILE_NAME__), "");
} // namespace test_file_name
// __builtin_FUNCTION()
namespace test_func {
constexpr const char *test_func_simple(const char *__f = __builtin_FUNCTION()) {
return __f;
constexpr const char *get_function() {
return __func__;
constexpr bool test_function() {
return is_equal(__func__, test_func_simple()) &&
!is_equal(get_function(), test_func_simple());
template <class T, class U = SL>
constexpr Pair<U, U> test_func_template(T, U u = U::current()) {
static_assert(is_equal(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, U::current().function()));
return {u, U::current()};
template <class T>
void func_template_tests() {
constexpr auto P = test_func_template(42);
//static_assert(is_equal(P.first.function(), __func__), "");
//static_assert(!is_equal(P.second.function(), __func__), "");
template void func_template_tests<int>();
template <class = int, class T = SL>
struct TestCtor {
T info = T::current();
T ctor_info;
TestCtor() = default;
template <class U = SL>
constexpr TestCtor(int, U u = U::current()) : ctor_info(u) {}
void ctor_tests() {
constexpr TestCtor<> Default;
constexpr TestCtor<> Template{42};
static const char *XYZZY = Template.info.function();
static_assert(is_equal(Default.info.function(), "test_func::TestCtor<>::TestCtor() [T = std::source_location]"));
static_assert(is_equal(Default.ctor_info.function(), ""));
static_assert(is_equal(Template.info.function(), "test_func::TestCtor<>::TestCtor(int, U) [T = std::source_location, U = std::source_location]"));
static_assert(is_equal(Template.ctor_info.function(), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__));
constexpr SL global_sl = SL::current();
static_assert(is_equal(global_sl.function(), ""));
template <class T>
class TestBI {
TestBI() {
#ifdef MS
static_assert(is_equal(__FUNCTION__, "test_func::TestBI<int>::TestBI"));
static_assert(is_equal(__FUNCTION__, "TestBI"));
static_assert(is_equal(__func__, "TestBI"));
template <class T>
class TestClass {
TestClass() {
#ifdef MS
static_assert(is_equal(__FUNCTION__, "test_func::TestClass<class test_func::C>::TestClass"));
static_assert(is_equal(__FUNCTION__, "TestClass"));
static_assert(is_equal(__func__, "TestClass"));
template <class T>
class TestStruct {
TestStruct() {
#ifdef MS
static_assert(is_equal(__FUNCTION__, "test_func::TestStruct<struct test_func::S>::TestStruct"));
static_assert(is_equal(__FUNCTION__, "TestStruct"));
static_assert(is_equal(__func__, "TestStruct"));
template <class T>
class TestEnum {
TestEnum() {
#ifdef MS
static_assert(is_equal(__FUNCTION__, "test_func::TestEnum<enum test_func::E>::TestEnum"));
static_assert(is_equal(__FUNCTION__, "TestEnum"));
static_assert(is_equal(__func__, "TestEnum"));
class C {};
struct S {};
enum E {};
TestBI<int> t1;
TestClass<test_func::C> t2;
TestStruct<test_func::S> t3;
TestEnum<test_func::E> t4;
} // namespace test_func
// __builtin_FUNCSIG()
#ifdef MS
namespace test_funcsig {
constexpr const char *test_funcsig_simple(const char *f = __builtin_FUNCSIG()) {
return f;
constexpr const char *get_funcsig() {
return __FUNCSIG__;
constexpr bool test_funcsig() {
return is_equal(__FUNCSIG__, test_funcsig_simple()) &&
!is_equal(get_funcsig(), test_funcsig_simple());
template <class T>
constexpr Pair<const char*, const char*> test_funcsig_template(T, const char* f = __builtin_FUNCSIG()) {
return {f, __builtin_FUNCSIG()};
template <class T>
void func_template_tests() {
constexpr auto P = test_funcsig_template(42);
static_assert(is_equal(P.first, __FUNCSIG__), "");
static_assert(!is_equal(P.second, __FUNCSIG__), "");
template void func_template_tests<int>();
template <class = int, class T = const char*>
struct TestCtor {
T funcsig = __builtin_FUNCSIG();
T ctor_funcsig;
TestCtor() = default;
template <class F = const char*>
constexpr TestCtor(int, F f = __builtin_FUNCSIG()) : ctor_funcsig(f) {}
void ctor_tests() {
constexpr TestCtor<> Template{42};
static_assert(is_equal(Template.funcsig, "__cdecl test_funcsig::TestCtor<>::TestCtor(int, F) [T = const char *, F = const char *]"));
static_assert(is_equal(Template.ctor_funcsig, __FUNCSIG__));
constexpr const char* global_funcsig = __builtin_FUNCSIG();
static_assert(is_equal(global_funcsig, ""));
} // namespace test_funcsig
// __builtin_COLUMN()
namespace test_column {
// clang-format off
constexpr bool test_column_fn() {
constexpr SL S = SL::current();
static_assert(S.line() == (__LINE__ - 1), "");
constexpr int Indent = 4;
// The start of the call expression to `current()` begins at the token `SL`
constexpr int ExpectCol = Indent + 3;
constexpr SL S2
SL // Call expression starts here
static_assert(S2.column() == ExpectCol, "");
constexpr int ExpectCol = 2;
constexpr int C =
__builtin_COLUMN // Expect call expression to start here
static_assert(C == ExpectCol);
return true;
#line 420
// Test that the column matches the start of the call expression 'SL::current()'
static_assert(SL::current().column() == __builtin_strlen("static_assert(S"));
struct TestClass {
int x = __builtin_COLUMN();
TestClass() = default; /* indented to 3 spaces for testing */
constexpr TestClass(int, int o = __builtin_COLUMN()) : x(o) {}
struct TestAggClass {
int x = __builtin_COLUMN();
constexpr bool test_class() {
auto check = [](int V, const char* S, int indent = 4) {
assert(V == (__builtin_strlen(S) + indent));
TestClass t{};
check(t.x, " T", 0); // Start of default constructor decl.
TestClass t1
check(t1.x, "TestClass t"); // Start of variable being constructed.
TestAggClass t { };
check(t.x, "TestAggClass t { }");
TestAggClass t = { };
check(t.x, "TestAggClass t = { }");
return true;
// clang-format on
} // namespace test_column
// Test [reflection.src_loc.creation]p2
// > The value should be affected by #line (C++14 16.4) in the same manner as
// > for __LINE__ and __FILE__.
namespace test_pragma_line {
constexpr int StartLine = 42;
#line 42
static_assert(__builtin_LINE() == StartLine);
static_assert(__builtin_LINE() == StartLine + 1);
static_assert(SL::current().line() == StartLine + 2);
#line 44 "test_file.c"
static_assert(is_equal("test_file.c", __FILE__));
static_assert(is_equal("test_file.c", __builtin_FILE()));
static_assert(is_equal("test_file.c", __builtin_FILE_NAME()));
static_assert(is_equal("test_file.c", SL::current().file()));
static_assert(is_equal("test_file.c", SLF::test_function().file()));
static_assert(is_equal(SLF::FILE, SLF::test_function_indirect().file()));
} // end namespace test_pragma_line
namespace test_out_of_line_init {
#line 4000 "test_out_of_line_init.cpp"
constexpr unsigned get_line(unsigned n = __builtin_LINE()) { return n; }
constexpr const char *get_file(const char *f = __builtin_FILE()) { return f; }
constexpr const char *get_func(const char *f = __builtin_FUNCTION()) { return f; }
#line 4100 "A.cpp"
struct A {
int n = __builtin_LINE();
int n2 = get_line();
const char *f = __builtin_FILE();
const char *f2 = get_file();
const char *func = __builtin_FUNCTION();
const char *func2 = get_func();
SL info = SL::current();
#line 4200 "B.cpp"
struct B {
A a = {};
#line 4300 "test_passed.cpp"
constexpr B b = {};
static_assert(b.a.n == 4300, "");
static_assert(b.a.n2 == 4300, "");
static_assert(b.a.info.line() == 4300, "");
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.f, "test_passed.cpp"));
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.f2, "test_passed.cpp"));
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.info.file(), "test_passed.cpp"));
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.func, ""));
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.func2, ""));
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.info.function(), ""));
constexpr bool test_in_func() {
#line 4400 "test_func_passed.cpp"
constexpr B b = {};
static_assert(b.a.n == 4400, "");
static_assert(b.a.n2 == 4400, "");
static_assert(b.a.info.line() == 4400, "");
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.f, "test_func_passed.cpp"));
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.f2, "test_func_passed.cpp"));
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.info.file(), "test_func_passed.cpp"));
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.func, "test_in_func"));
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.func2, "test_in_func"));
static_assert(is_equal(b.a.info.function(), "bool test_out_of_line_init::test_in_func()"));
return true;
} // end namespace test_out_of_line_init
namespace test_global_scope {
#line 5000 "test_global_scope.cpp"
constexpr unsigned get_line(unsigned n = __builtin_LINE()) { return n; }
constexpr const char *get_file(const char *f = __builtin_FILE()) { return f; }
constexpr const char *get_func(const char *f = __builtin_FUNCTION()) { return f; }
#line 5100
struct InInit {
unsigned l = get_line();
const char *f = get_file();
const char *func = get_func();
#line 5200 "in_init.cpp"
constexpr InInit() {}
#line 5300
constexpr InInit II;
static_assert(II.l == 5200, "");
static_assert(is_equal(II.f, "in_init.cpp"));
static_assert(is_equal(II.func, "InInit"));
#line 5400
struct AggInit {
unsigned l = get_line();
const char *f = get_file();
const char *func = get_func();
#line 5500 "brace_init.cpp"
constexpr AggInit AI = {};
static_assert(AI.l == 5500);
static_assert(is_equal(AI.f, "brace_init.cpp"));
static_assert(is_equal(AI.func, ""));
} // namespace test_global_scope
namespace TestFuncInInit {
#line 6000 "InitClass.cpp"
struct Init {
SL info;
#line 6100 "InitCtor.cpp"
constexpr Init(SL info = SL::current()) : info(info) {}
#line 6200 "InitGlobal.cpp"
constexpr Init I;
static_assert(I.info.line() == 6200);
static_assert(is_equal(I.info.file(), "InitGlobal.cpp"));
} // namespace TestFuncInInit
namespace TestConstexprContext {
#line 7000 "TestConstexprContext.cpp"
constexpr const char* foo() { return __builtin_FILE(); }
#line 7100 "Bar.cpp"
constexpr const char* bar(const char* x = foo()) { return x; }
constexpr bool test() {
static_assert(is_equal(bar(), "TestConstexprContext.cpp"));
return true;
namespace Lambda {
#line 8000 "TestLambda.cpp"
constexpr int nested_lambda(int l = []{
return SL::current().line();
}()) {
return l;
static_assert(nested_lambda() == __LINE__ - 4);
constexpr int lambda_param(int l = [](int l = SL::current().line()) {
return l;
}()) {
return l;
static_assert(lambda_param() == __LINE__);
constexpr int compound_literal_fun(int a =
(int){ SL::current().line() }
) { return a ;}
static_assert(compound_literal_fun() == __LINE__);
struct CompoundLiteral {
int a = (int){ SL::current().line() };
static_assert(CompoundLiteral{}.a == __LINE__);
// Init captures are subexpressions of the lambda expression
// so according to the standard immediate invocations in init captures
// should be evaluated at the call site.
// However Clang does not yet implement this as it would introduce
// a fair bit of complexity.
// We intend to implement that functionality once we find real world
// use cases that require it.
constexpr int test_init_capture(int a =
[b = SL::current().line()] { return b; }()) {
return a;
#if defined(USE_CONSTEVAL) && !defined(NEW_INTERP)
static_assert(test_init_capture() == __LINE__ - 4);
static_assert(test_init_capture() == __LINE__ );
namespace check_immediate_invocations_in_templates {
template <typename T = int>
struct G {
T line = __builtin_LINE();
template <typename T>
struct S {
int i = G<T>{}.line;
static_assert(S<int>{}.i != // intentional new line
template <typename T>
constexpr int f(int i = G<T>{}.line) {
return i;
static_assert(f<int>() != // intentional new line
namespace GH63903 {
struct S {
int _;
int i = SL::current().line();
int j = __builtin_LINE();
// Ensure parent aggregate initialization is consistent with brace
// aggregate initialization.
// Note: consteval functions are evaluated where they are used.
static_assert(S(0).i == __builtin_LINE());
static_assert(S(0).i == S{0}.i);
static_assert(S(0).j == S{0}.j);
static_assert(S(0).j == S{0}.i);
namespace GH78128 {
template<int N>
constexpr int f() {
return N;
template<typename T>
void foo() {
constexpr auto* F1 = std::source_location::current().function();
static_assert(__builtin_strlen(F1) == f<__builtin_strlen(F1)>());
constexpr auto* F2 = __builtin_FUNCTION();
static_assert(__builtin_strlen(F2) == f<__builtin_strlen(F2)>());
#ifdef MS
constexpr auto* F3 = __builtin_FUNCSIG();
static_assert(__builtin_strlen(F3) == f<__builtin_strlen(F3)>());
void test() {
namespace GH80630 {
#define GH80630_LAMBDA \
[]( char const* fn ) { \
static constexpr std::source_location loc = std::source_location::current(); \
return &loc; \
}( std::source_location::current().function() )
auto f( std::source_location const* loc = GH80630_LAMBDA ) {
return loc;
auto g() {
return f();
namespace GH92680 {
struct IntConstuctible {
IntConstuctible(std::source_location = std::source_location::current());
template <typename>
auto construct_at(IntConstuctible) -> decltype(IntConstuctible()) {
return {};
void test() {