
# RUN: mkdir -p %t
# RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t/libnoid.dylib
# RUN: echo ".globl _main; .text; _main: ret" | llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin -o %t/no-id-dylink.o
# RUN: not %lld -o %t/no-id-dylink -L%t -lnoid %t/no-id-dylink.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
# CHECK: error: {{.*}}libnoid.dylib: dylib missing LC_ID_DYLIB load command

## This YAML file was originally generated from linking the following source
## input with ld64 and passing the resulting binary through obj2yaml:
## .section __TEXT,__cstring
## .globl _hello_world
## _hello_world:
## .asciz "Hello world!\n"
## Then we deleted the LC_ID_DYLIB command from the file.

  magic:           0xFEEDFACF
  cputype:         0x01000007
  cpusubtype:      0x00000003
  filetype:        0x00000006
  ncmds:           10
  sizeofcmds:      616
  flags:           0x00100085
  reserved:        0x00000000
  - cmd:             LC_SEGMENT_64
    cmdsize:         232
    segname:         __TEXT
    vmaddr:          0
    vmsize:          4096
    fileoff:         0
    filesize:        4096
    maxprot:         5
    initprot:        5
    nsects:          2
    flags:           0
      - sectname:        __text
        segname:         __TEXT
        addr:            0x0000000000000FF2
        size:            0
        offset:          0x00000FF2
        align:           0
        reloff:          0x00000000
        nreloc:          0
        flags:           0x80000400
        reserved1:       0x00000000
        reserved2:       0x00000000
        reserved3:       0x00000000
        content:         ''
      - sectname:        __cstring
        segname:         __TEXT
        addr:            0x0000000000000FF2
        size:            14
        offset:          0x00000FF2
        align:           0
        reloff:          0x00000000
        nreloc:          0
        flags:           0x00000002
        reserved1:       0x00000000
        reserved2:       0x00000000
        reserved3:       0x00000000
        content:         48656C6C6F20776F726C64210A00
  - cmd:             LC_SEGMENT_64
    cmdsize:         72
    segname:         __LINKEDIT
    vmaddr:          4096
    vmsize:          4096
    fileoff:         4096
    filesize:        64
    maxprot:         1
    initprot:        1
    nsects:          0
    flags:           0
  - cmd:             LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY
    cmdsize:         48
    rebase_off:      0
    rebase_size:     0
    bind_off:        0
    bind_size:       0
    weak_bind_off:   0
    weak_bind_size:  0
    lazy_bind_off:   0
    lazy_bind_size:  0
    export_off:      4096
    export_size:     24
  - cmd:             LC_SYMTAB
    cmdsize:         24
    symoff:          4128
    nsyms:           1
    stroff:          4144
    strsize:         16
  - cmd:             LC_DYSYMTAB
    cmdsize:         80
    ilocalsym:       0
    nlocalsym:       0
    iextdefsym:      0
    nextdefsym:      1
    iundefsym:       1
    nundefsym:       0
    tocoff:          0
    ntoc:            0
    modtaboff:       0
    nmodtab:         0
    extrefsymoff:    0
    nextrefsyms:     0
    indirectsymoff:  0
    nindirectsyms:   0
    extreloff:       0
    nextrel:         0
    locreloff:       0
    nlocrel:         0
  - cmd:             LC_UUID
    cmdsize:         24
    uuid:            4826226E-9210-3984-A388-D5BD6D6DB368
  - cmd:             LC_BUILD_VERSION
    cmdsize:         32
    platform:        1
    minos:           659200
    sdk:             659200
    ntools:          1
      - tool:            3
        version:         34734080
  - cmd:             LC_SOURCE_VERSION
    cmdsize:         16
    version:         0
  - cmd:             LC_FUNCTION_STARTS
    cmdsize:         16
    dataoff:         4120
    datasize:        8
  - cmd:             LC_DATA_IN_CODE
    cmdsize:         16
    dataoff:         4128
    datasize:        0
    TerminalSize:    0
    NodeOffset:      0
    Name:            ''
    Flags:           0x0000000000000000
    Address:         0x0000000000000000
    Other:           0x0000000000000000
    ImportName:      ''
      - TerminalSize:    3
        NodeOffset:      16
        Name:            _hello_world
        Flags:           0x0000000000000000
        Address:         0x0000000000000FF2
        Other:           0x0000000000000000
        ImportName:      ''
    - n_strx:          2
      n_type:          0x0F
      n_sect:          2
      n_desc:          0
      n_value:         4082
    - ' '
    - _hello_world
    - ''