* Copyright 2016, 2017 Tobias Grosser. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
* with the distribution.
* The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
* are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as
* representing official policies, either expressed or implied, of
* Tobias Grosser.
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "plain_cpp.h"
#include "isl_config.h"
/* Print string formatted according to "fmt" to ostream "os".
* This osprintf method allows us to use printf style formatting constructs when
* writing to an ostream.
static void osprintf(ostream &os, const char *format, va_list arguments)
va_list copy;
char *string_pointer;
size_t size;
va_copy(copy, arguments);
size = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, copy);
string_pointer = new char[size + 1];
vsnprintf(string_pointer, size + 1, format, arguments);
os << string_pointer;
delete[] string_pointer;
/* Print string formatted according to "fmt" to ostream "os".
* This osprintf method allows us to use printf style formatting constructs when
* writing to an ostream.
static void osprintf(ostream &os, const char *format, ...)
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, format);
osprintf(os, format, arguments);
/* Print string formatted according to "fmt" to ostream "os"
* with the given indentation.
* This osprintf method allows us to use printf style formatting constructs when
* writing to an ostream.
static void osprintf(ostream &os, int indent, const char *format, ...)
va_list arguments;
osprintf(os, "%*s", indent, " ");
va_start(arguments, format);
osprintf(os, format, arguments);
/* Convert "l" to a string.
static std::string to_string(long l)
std::ostringstream strm;
strm << l;
return strm.str();
/* Construct a generator for plain C++ bindings.
* "checked" is set if C++ bindings should be generated
* that rely on the user to check for error conditions.
plain_cpp_generator::plain_cpp_generator(SourceManager &SM,
set<RecordDecl *> &exported_types,
set<FunctionDecl *> exported_functions, set<FunctionDecl *> functions,
bool checked) :
cpp_generator(SM, exported_types, exported_functions,
/* Generate a cpp interface based on the extracted types and functions.
* Print first a set of forward declarations for all isl wrapper
* classes, then the declarations of the classes, and at the end all
* implementations.
* If checked C++ bindings are being generated,
* then wrap them in a namespace to avoid conflicts
* with the default C++ bindings (with automatic checks using exceptions).
void plain_cpp_generator::generate()
ostream &os = cout;
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "namespace isl {\n\n");
if (checked)
osprintf(os, "namespace checked {\n\n");
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "\n");
if (checked)
osprintf(os, "} // namespace checked\n");
osprintf(os, "} // namespace isl\n");
/* Print forward declarations for all classes to "os".
void plain_cpp_generator::print_forward_declarations(ostream &os)
map<string, isl_class>::iterator ci;
osprintf(os, "// forward declarations\n");
for (ci = classes.begin(); ci != classes.end(); ++ci)
print_class_forward_decl(os, ci->second);
/* Print all declarations to "os".
void plain_cpp_generator::print_declarations(ostream &os)
map<string, isl_class>::iterator ci;
bool first = true;
for (ci = classes.begin(); ci != classes.end(); ++ci) {
if (first)
first = false;
osprintf(os, "\n");
print_class(os, ci->second);
/* Print all implementations to "os".
void plain_cpp_generator::print_implementations(ostream &os)
map<string, isl_class>::iterator ci;
bool first = true;
for (ci = classes.begin(); ci != classes.end(); ++ci) {
if (first)
first = false;
osprintf(os, "\n");
print_class_impl(os, ci->second);
/* If the printed class is a subclass that is based on a type function,
* then introduce a "type" field that holds the value of the type
* corresponding to the subclass and make the fields of the class
* accessible to the "isa" and "as" methods of the (immediate) superclass.
* In particular, "isa" needs access to the type field itself,
* while "as" needs access to the private constructor.
* In case of the "isa" method, all instances are made friends
* to avoid access right confusion.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_subclass_type()
std::string super;
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
const char *supername;
if (!clazz.is_type_subclass())
super = type2cpp(clazz.superclass_name);
supername = super.c_str();
osprintf(os, " template <class T>\n");
osprintf(os, " friend %s %s::isa() const;\n",
generator.isl_bool2cpp().c_str(), supername);
osprintf(os, " friend %s %s::as<%s>() const;\n",
cppname, supername, cppname);
osprintf(os, " static const auto type = %s;\n",
/* Print declarations for class "clazz" to "os".
* If "clazz" is a subclass based on a type function,
* then it is made to inherit from the (immediate) superclass and
* a "type" attribute is added for use in the "as" and "isa"
* methods of the superclass.
* Conversely, if "clazz" is a superclass with a type function,
* then declare those "as" and "isa" methods.
* The pointer to the isl object is only added for classes that
* are not subclasses, since subclasses refer to the same isl object.
void plain_cpp_generator::print_class(ostream &os, const isl_class &clazz)
decl_printer printer(os, clazz, *this);
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
const char *cppname = printer.cppstring.c_str();
osprintf(os, "// declarations for isl::%s\n", cppname);
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "class %s ", cppname);
if (clazz.is_type_subclass())
osprintf(os, ": public %s ",
osprintf(os, "{\n");
printer.print_class_factory(" friend ");
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "protected:\n");
if (!clazz.is_type_subclass()) {
osprintf(os, " %s *ptr = nullptr;\n", name);
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "public:\n");
osprintf(os, "};\n");
/* Print forward declaration of class "clazz" to "os".
void plain_cpp_generator::print_class_forward_decl(ostream &os,
const isl_class &clazz)
std::string cppstring = type2cpp(clazz);
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
osprintf(os, "class %s;\n", cppname);
/* Print global factory functions.
* Each class has two global factory functions:
* set manage(__isl_take isl_set *ptr);
* set manage_copy(__isl_keep isl_set *ptr);
* A user can construct isl C++ objects from a raw pointer and indicate whether
* they intend to take the ownership of the object or not through these global
* factory functions. This ensures isl object creation is very explicit and
* pointers are not converted by accident. Thanks to overloading, manage() and
* manage_copy() can be called on any isl raw pointer and the corresponding
* object is automatically created, without the user having to choose the right
* isl object type.
* For a subclass based on a type function, no factory functions
* are introduced because they share the C object type with
* the superclass.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_class_factory(
const std::string &prefix)
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
if (clazz.is_type_subclass())
os << prefix;
osprintf(os, "inline %s manage(__isl_take %s *ptr);\n", cppname, name);
os << prefix;
osprintf(os, "inline %s manage_copy(__isl_keep %s *ptr);\n",
cppname, name);
/* Print declarations of protected constructors.
* Each class has currently one protected constructor:
* 1) Constructor from a plain isl_* C pointer
* Example:
* set(__isl_take isl_set *ptr);
* The raw pointer constructor is kept protected. Object creation is only
* possible through manage() or manage_copy().
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_protected_constructors()
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
osprintf(os, " inline explicit %s(__isl_take %s *ptr);\n", cppname,
/* Print declarations of public constructors.
* Each class currently has two public constructors:
* 1) A default constructor
* 2) A copy constructor
* Example:
* set();
* set(const set &set);
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_public_constructors()
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
osprintf(os, " inline /* implicit */ %s();\n", cppname);
osprintf(os, " inline /* implicit */ %s(const %s &obj);\n",
cppname, cppname);
/* Print declarations for "method".
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_method(
const ConversionMethod &method)
/* Print declarations for "method".
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_method(const Method &method)
/* Print a declaration for a constructor for the "id" class
* that takes a user object.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_id_constructor_user()
/* Print a declaration for an "id" method
* for retrieving the user object associated to the identifier.
* If "optional" is set, the method returns a std::optional user object.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_id_user(bool optional)
/* Print declarations of copy assignment operator.
* Each class has one assignment operator.
* isl:set &set::operator=(set obj)
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_copy_assignment()
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
osprintf(os, " inline %s &operator=(%s obj);\n", cppname, cppname);
/* Print declaration of destructor.
* No explicit destructor is needed for type based subclasses.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_destructor()
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
if (clazz.is_type_subclass())
osprintf(os, " inline ~%s();\n", cppname);
/* Print declaration of pointer functions.
* Since type based subclasses share the pointer with their superclass,
* they can also reuse these functions from the superclass.
* To obtain a raw pointer three functions are provided:
* 1) __isl_give isl_set *copy()
* Returns a pointer to a _copy_ of the internal object
* 2) __isl_keep isl_set *get()
* Returns a pointer to the internal object
* 3) __isl_give isl_set *release()
* Returns a pointer to the internal object and resets the
* internal pointer to nullptr.
* We also provide functionality to explicitly check if a pointer is
* currently managed by this object.
* 4) bool is_null()
* Check if the current object is a null pointer.
* The functions get() and release() model the value_ptr proposed in
* http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2012/n3339.pdf.
* The copy() function is an extension to allow the user to explicitly
* copy the underlying object.
* Also generate a declaration to delete copy() for r-values, for
* r-values release() should be used to avoid unnecessary copies.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_ptr()
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
if (clazz.is_type_subclass())
osprintf(os, " inline __isl_give %s *copy() const &;\n", name);
osprintf(os, " inline __isl_give %s *copy() && = delete;\n", name);
osprintf(os, " inline __isl_keep %s *get() const;\n", name);
osprintf(os, " inline __isl_give %s *release();\n", name);
osprintf(os, " inline bool is_null() const;\n");
/* Print a template declaration with given indentation
* for the "isa_type" method that ensures it is only enabled
* when called with a template argument
* that represents a type that is equal to that
* of the return type of the type function of "super".
* In particular, "isa_type" gets called from "isa"
* with as template argument the type of the "type" field
* of the subclass.
* The check ensures that this subclass is in fact a direct subclass
* of "super".
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_isa_type_template(int indent,
const isl_class &super)
osprintf(os, indent,
"template <typename T,\n");
osprintf(os, indent,
" typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<\n");
osprintf(os, indent,
" const decltype(%s(NULL)),\n",
osprintf(os, indent,
" const T>::value>::type>\n");
/* Print declarations for the "as" and "isa" methods, if the printed class
* is a superclass with a type function.
* "isa" checks whether an object is of a given subclass type.
* "isa_type" does the same, but gets passed the value of the type field
* of the subclass as a function argument and the type of this field
* as a template argument.
* "as" tries to cast an object to a given subclass type, returning
* an invalid object if the object is not of the given type.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_downcast()
if (!clazz.fn_type)
osprintf(os, "private:\n");
print_isa_type_template(2, clazz);
osprintf(os, " inline %s isa_type(T subtype) const;\n",
osprintf(os, "public:\n");
osprintf(os, " template <class T> inline %s isa() const;\n",
osprintf(os, " template <class T> inline T as() const;\n");
/* Print the declaration of the ctx method.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_ctx()
std::string ns = generator.isl_namespace();
osprintf(os, " inline %sctx ctx() const;\n", ns.c_str());
/* Print a separator between groups of method declarations.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_method_separator()
os << "\n";
/* Add a space to the return type "type" if needed,
* i.e., if it is not the type of a pointer.
static string add_space_to_return_type(const string &type)
if (type[type.size() - 1] == '*')
return type;
return type + " ";
/* Print the prototype of the static inline method that is used
* as the C callback set by "method".
void plain_cpp_generator::plain_printer::print_persistent_callback_prototype(
FunctionDecl *method)
string callback_name, rettype, c_args;
ParmVarDecl *param = persistent_callback_arg(method);
const FunctionProtoType *callback;
QualType ptype;
string classname;
ptype = param->getType();
callback = extract_prototype(ptype);
rettype = callback->getReturnType().getAsString();
rettype = add_space_to_return_type(rettype);
callback_name = clazz.persistent_callback_name(method);
c_args = generator.generate_callback_args(ptype, false);
if (!declarations)
classname = type2cpp(clazz) + "::";
osprintf(os, "%s%s%s(%s)",
rettype.c_str(), classname.c_str(),
callback_name.c_str(), c_args.c_str());
/* Print the prototype of the method for setting the callback function
* set by "method".
FunctionDecl *method)
string classname, callback_name, cpptype;
ParmVarDecl *param = persistent_callback_arg(method);
if (!declarations)
classname = type2cpp(clazz) + "::";
cpptype = generator.param2cpp(param->getOriginalType());
callback_name = clazz.persistent_callback_name(method);
osprintf(os, "void %sset_%s_data(const %s &%s)",
classname.c_str(), callback_name.c_str(), cpptype.c_str(),
/* Given a method "method" for setting a persistent callback,
* print the fields that are needed for marshalling the callback.
* In particular, print
* - the declaration of a data structure for storing the C++ callback function
* - a shared pointer to such a data structure
* - the declaration of a static inline method
* for use as the C callback function
* - the declaration of a private method for setting the callback function
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_persistent_callback_data(
FunctionDecl *method)
string callback_name;
ParmVarDecl *param = generator.persistent_callback_arg(method);
callback_name = clazz.persistent_callback_name(method);
print_callback_data_decl(param, callback_name);
osprintf(os, ";\n");
osprintf(os, " std::shared_ptr<%s_data> %s_data;\n",
callback_name.c_str(), callback_name.c_str());
osprintf(os, " static inline ");
osprintf(os, ";\n");
osprintf(os, " inline ");
osprintf(os, ";\n");
/* Print declarations needed for the persistent callbacks of the class.
* In particular, if there are any persistent callbacks, then
* print a private method for copying callback data from
* one object to another,
* private data for keeping track of the persistent callbacks and
* public methods for setting the persistent callbacks.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_persistent_callbacks()
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
if (!clazz.has_persistent_callbacks())
osprintf(os, "private:\n");
osprintf(os, " inline %s ©_callbacks(const %s &obj);\n",
cppname, cppname);
for (const auto &callback : clazz.persistent_callbacks)
osprintf(os, "public:\n");
for (const auto &callback : clazz.persistent_callbacks)
print_method(Method(clazz, callback));
/* Print a declaration for the "get" method "fd",
* using a name that includes the "get_" prefix.
void plain_cpp_generator::decl_printer::print_get_method(FunctionDecl *fd)
string base = clazz.base_method_name(fd);
print_method(Method(clazz, fd, base));
/* Print implementations for class "clazz" to "os".
void plain_cpp_generator::print_class_impl(ostream &os, const isl_class &clazz)
impl_printer printer(os, clazz, *this);
const char *cppname = printer.cppstring.c_str();
osprintf(os, "// implementations for isl::%s", cppname);
/* Print code for throwing an exception corresponding to the last error
* that occurred on "saved_ctx".
* This assumes that a valid isl::ctx is available in the "saved_ctx" variable,
* e.g., through a prior call to print_save_ctx.
static void print_throw_last_error(ostream &os)
osprintf(os, " exception::throw_last_error(saved_ctx);\n");
/* Print code with the given indentation
* for throwing an exception_invalid with the given message.
static void print_throw_invalid(ostream &os, int indent, const char *msg)
osprintf(os, indent,
"exception::throw_invalid(\"%s\", __FILE__, __LINE__);\n", msg);
/* Print code for throwing an exception on NULL input.
static void print_throw_NULL_input(ostream &os)
print_throw_invalid(os, 4, "NULL input");
/* Print code with the given indentation
* for acting on an invalid error with message "msg".
* In particular, throw an exception_invalid.
* In the checked C++ bindings, isl_die is called instead with the code
* in "checked_code".
void plain_cpp_generator::print_invalid(ostream &os, int indent,
const char *msg, const char *checked_code)
if (checked)
osprintf(os, indent,
"isl_die(ctx().get(), isl_error_invalid, "
"\"%s\", %s);\n", msg, checked_code);
print_throw_invalid(os, indent, msg);
/* Print an operator for inserting objects of the class
* into an output stream.
* Unless checked C++ bindings are being generated,
* the operator requires its argument to be non-NULL.
* An exception is thrown if anything went wrong during the printing.
* During this printing, isl is made not to print any error message
* because the error message is included in the exception.
* If checked C++ bindings are being generated and anything went wrong,
* then record this failure in the output stream.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_stream_insertion()
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
if (!clazz.fn_to_str)
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, ");
osprintf(os, "const %s &obj)\n", cppname);
osprintf(os, "{\n");
osprintf(os, " char *str = %s_to_str(obj.get());\n", name);
if (generator.checked) {
osprintf(os, " if (!str) {\n");
osprintf(os, " os.setstate(std::ios_base::badbit);\n");
osprintf(os, " return os;\n");
osprintf(os, " }\n");
osprintf(os, " os << str;\n");
osprintf(os, " free(str);\n");
osprintf(os, " return os;\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print code that checks that "ptr" is not NULL at input.
* Omit the check if checked C++ bindings are being generated.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_check_ptr(const char *ptr)
if (generator.checked)
osprintf(os, " if (!%s)\n", ptr);
/* Print code that checks that "ptr" is not NULL at input and
* that saves a copy of the isl_ctx of "ptr" for a later check.
* Omit the check if checked C++ bindings are being generated.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_check_ptr_start(const char *ptr)
if (generator.checked)
print_save_ctx(clazz.name + "_get_ctx(" + ptr + ")");
/* Print code that checks that "ptr" is not NULL at the end.
* A copy of the isl_ctx is expected to have been saved by
* code generated by print_check_ptr_start.
* Omit the check if checked C++ bindings are being generated.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_check_ptr_end(const char *ptr)
if (generator.checked)
osprintf(os, " if (!%s)\n", ptr);
/* Print implementation of global factory functions.
* Each class has two global factory functions:
* set manage(__isl_take isl_set *ptr);
* set manage_copy(__isl_keep isl_set *ptr);
* Unless checked C++ bindings are being generated,
* both functions require the argument to be non-NULL.
* An exception is thrown if anything went wrong during the copying
* in manage_copy.
* During the copying, isl is made not to print any error message
* because the error message is included in the exception.
* For a subclass based on a type function, no factory functions
* are introduced because they share the C object type with
* the superclass.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_class_factory()
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
if (clazz.is_type_subclass())
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "%s manage(__isl_take %s *ptr) {\n", cppname, name);
osprintf(os, " return %s(ptr);\n", cppname);
osprintf(os, "}\n");
osprintf(os, "%s manage_copy(__isl_keep %s *ptr) {\n", cppname,
osprintf(os, " ptr = %s_copy(ptr);\n", name);
osprintf(os, " return %s(ptr);\n", cppname);
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print implementations of protected constructors.
* The pointer to the isl object is either initialized directly or
* through the (immediate) superclass.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_protected_constructors()
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
bool subclass = clazz.is_type_subclass();
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "%s::%s(__isl_take %s *ptr)\n", cppname, cppname, name);
if (subclass)
osprintf(os, " : %s(ptr) {}\n",
osprintf(os, " : ptr(ptr) {}\n");
/* Print implementations of public constructors.
* The pointer to the isl object is either initialized directly or
* through the (immediate) superclass.
* If the class has any persistent callbacks, then copy them
* from the original object in the copy constructor.
* If the class is a subclass, then the persistent callbacks
* are assumed to be copied by the copy constructor of the superclass.
* Throw an exception from the copy constructor if anything went wrong
* during the copying or if the input is NULL, if any copying is performed.
* During the copying, isl is made not to print any error message
* because the error message is included in the exception.
* No exceptions are thrown if checked C++ bindings
* are being generated,
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_public_constructors()
std::string super;
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
bool subclass = clazz.is_type_subclass();
osprintf(os, "\n");
if (subclass)
super = type2cpp(clazz.superclass_name);
osprintf(os, "%s::%s()\n", cppname, cppname);
if (subclass)
osprintf(os, " : %s() {}\n\n", super.c_str());
osprintf(os, " : ptr(nullptr) {}\n\n");
osprintf(os, "%s::%s(const %s &obj)\n", cppname, cppname, cppname);
if (subclass)
osprintf(os, " : %s(obj)\n", super.c_str());
osprintf(os, " : ptr(nullptr)\n");
osprintf(os, "{\n");
if (!subclass) {
osprintf(os, " ptr = obj.copy();\n");
if (clazz.has_persistent_callbacks())
osprintf(os, " copy_callbacks(obj);\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print definition for "method",
* without any automatic type conversions.
* This method distinguishes three kinds of methods: member methods, static
* methods, and constructors.
* Member methods and static methods return a newly managed
* isl C++ object.
* Constructors create a new object from a given set of input parameters. They
* do not return a value, but instead update the pointer stored inside the
* newly created object.
* Unless checked C++ bindings are being generated,
* the inputs of the method are first checked for being valid isl objects and
* a copy of the associated isl::ctx is saved (if needed).
* If any failure occurs, either during the check for the inputs or
* during the isl function call, an exception is thrown.
* During the function call, isl is made not to print any error message
* because the error message is included in the exception.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_method(const Method &method)
string methodname = method.fd->getName().str();
int num_params = method.c_num_params();
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "{\n");
for (const auto &callback : method.callbacks)
osprintf(os, " auto res = %s", methodname.c_str());
method.print_fd_arg_list(os, 0, num_params, [&] (int i, int arg) {
method.print_param_use(os, i);
osprintf(os, ";\n");
if (method.kind == Method::Kind::constructor) {
osprintf(os, " ptr = res;\n");
} else {
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Convert argument of type "src" to "dst", with a name specified by "dst".
* If "src" is the same as "dst", then no argument conversion is needed.
* Otherwise, call the conversion function
* with as arguments the isl_ctx of the object and the argument name,
* or simply the argument name if the source type is an isl type.
* This means this isl_ctx should be available.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_arg_conversion(ParmVarDecl *dst,
ParmVarDecl *src)
std::string name = dst->getName().str();
QualType type = dst->getOriginalType();
string cpptype = generator.param2cpp(type);
if (dst == src)
os << name;
else if (is_isl_type(src->getOriginalType()))
os << cpptype << "(" << name << ")";
os << cpptype << "(ctx(), " << name << ")";
/* Print a definition for "method",
* where "this" or at least one of the argument types needs to be converted.
* "method" is assumed to be a member method.
* The generated method performs the required conversion(s) and
* calls the method generated without conversions.
* Perform a conversion from the argument in the method declaration
* (as specified by Method::get_param) to the argument of the C function,
* if needed.
* Such a conversion may require the isl_ctx to be available.
* In order to be able to use this isl_ctx, the current object needs
* to valid. The validity of other arguments is checked
* by the called method.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_method(
const ConversionMethod &method)
if (method.kind != Method::Kind::member_method)
die("Automatic conversion currently only supported "
"for object methods");
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "{\n");
osprintf(os, " return ");
method.print_call(os, generator.isl_namespace());
method.print_cpp_arg_list(os, [&] (int i, int arg) {
ParmVarDecl *param = method.fd->getParamDecl(i);
print_arg_conversion(param, method.get_param(i));
osprintf(os, ";\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print a definition for a constructor for the "id" class
* that takes a user object.
* The user object is taken as a std::any and copied into
* a new std::any object on the heap.
* A pointer to this heap object is stored in the isl_id and
* is scheduled to be freed when the reference count of the isl_id
* drops to zero.
* If the allocation of the isl_id fails, then the heap object
* will not be freed automatically, so it needs to be freed manually.
* Unless checked C++ bindings are being generated,
* the ctx argument is copied into the save_ctx variable
* for use by print_throw_last_error, which throws an exception
* if the construction fails.
* During the function call, isl is made not to print any error message
* because the error message is included in the exception.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_id_constructor_user()
os << "{\n";
if (!generator.checked) {
os << " std::any *p = new std::any(any);\n";
os << " auto res = isl_id_alloc(ctx.get(), str.c_str(), p);\n";
os << " res = isl_id_set_free_user(res, &ctx::free_user);\n";
os << " if (!res) {\n";
os << " delete p;\n";
if (!generator.checked)
os << " }\n";
os << " ptr = res;\n";
os << "}\n";
/* Print a definition for an "id" method
* for retrieving the user object associated to the identifier.
* If "optional" is set, the method returns a std::optional user object.
* The returned object is of a type specified by template parameter T.
* The isl_id needs to have been created by the constructor generated
* by print_id_constructor_user. That is, it needs to have a user pointer and
* it needs to have its free_user callback set to &ctx::free_user.
* The object stored in the std::any also needs to be of the required type.
* If "optional" is set, return a std::nullopt if any of the checks fail.
* Otherwise, throw an exception_invalid (or call isl_die and
* return a default T in the checked C++ bindings).
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_id_user(bool optional)
auto fail = [&] (const char *msg) {
if (optional)
os << " return std::nullopt;\n";
generator.print_invalid(os, 4, msg, "return T()");
os << "\n";
os << "{\n";
os << " std::any *p = (std::any *) isl_id_get_user(ptr);\n";
os << " if (!p)\n";
fail("no user pointer");
os << " if (isl_id_get_free_user(ptr) != &ctx::free_user)\n";
fail("user pointer not attached by C++ interface");
os << " T *res = std::any_cast<T>(p);\n";
os << " if (!res)\n";
fail("user pointer not of given type");
os << " return *res;\n";
os << "}\n";
/* Print implementation of copy assignment operator.
* If the class has any persistent callbacks, then copy them
* from the original object.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_copy_assignment()
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "%s &%s::operator=(%s obj) {\n", cppname,
cppname, cppname);
osprintf(os, " std::swap(this->ptr, obj.ptr);\n", name);
if (clazz.has_persistent_callbacks())
osprintf(os, " copy_callbacks(obj);\n");
osprintf(os, " return *this;\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print implementation of destructor.
* No explicit destructor is needed for type based subclasses.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_destructor()
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
if (clazz.is_type_subclass())
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "%s::~%s() {\n", cppname, cppname);
osprintf(os, " if (ptr)\n");
osprintf(os, " %s_free(ptr);\n", name);
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print a check that the persistent callback corresponding to "fd"
* is not set, throwing an exception (or printing an error message
* and returning nullptr) if it is set.
void plain_cpp_generator::print_check_no_persistent_callback(ostream &os,
const isl_class &clazz, FunctionDecl *fd)
string callback_name = clazz.persistent_callback_name(fd);
osprintf(os, " if (%s_data)\n", callback_name.c_str());
print_invalid(os, 4, "cannot release object with persistent callbacks",
"return nullptr");
/* Print implementation of ptr() functions.
* Since type based subclasses share the pointer with their superclass,
* they can also reuse these functions from the superclass.
* If an object has persistent callbacks set, then the underlying
* C object pointer cannot be released because it references data
* in the C++ object.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_ptr()
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
set<FunctionDecl *>::const_iterator in;
const set<FunctionDecl *> &callbacks = clazz.persistent_callbacks;
if (clazz.is_type_subclass())
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "__isl_give %s *%s::copy() const & {\n", name, cppname);
osprintf(os, " return %s_copy(ptr);\n", name);
osprintf(os, "}\n\n");
osprintf(os, "__isl_keep %s *%s::get() const {\n", name, cppname);
osprintf(os, " return ptr;\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n\n");
osprintf(os, "__isl_give %s *%s::release() {\n", name, cppname);
for (in = callbacks.begin(); in != callbacks.end(); ++in)
generator.print_check_no_persistent_callback(os, clazz, *in);
osprintf(os, " %s *tmp = ptr;\n", name);
osprintf(os, " ptr = nullptr;\n");
osprintf(os, " return tmp;\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n\n");
osprintf(os, "bool %s::is_null() const {\n", cppname);
osprintf(os, " return ptr == nullptr;\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print implementations for the "as" and "isa" methods, if the printed class
* is a superclass with a type function.
* "isa" checks whether an object is of a given subclass type.
* "isa_type" does the same, but gets passed the value of the type field
* of the subclass as a function argument and the type of this field
* as a template argument.
* "as" casts an object to a given subclass type, erroring out
* if the object is not of the given type.
* If the input is an invalid object, then these methods raise
* an exception.
* If checked bindings are being generated,
* then an invalid boolean or object is returned instead.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_downcast()
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
if (!clazz.fn_type)
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "template <typename T, typename>\n");
osprintf(os, "%s %s::isa_type(T subtype) const\n",
generator.isl_bool2cpp().c_str(), cppname);
osprintf(os, "{\n");
osprintf(os, " if (is_null())\n");
if (generator.checked)
osprintf(os, " return boolean();\n");
osprintf(os, " return %s(get()) == subtype;\n",
osprintf(os, "}\n");
osprintf(os, "template <class T>\n");
osprintf(os, "%s %s::isa() const\n",
generator.isl_bool2cpp().c_str(), cppname);
osprintf(os, "{\n");
osprintf(os, " return isa_type<decltype(T::type)>(T::type);\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n");
osprintf(os, "template <class T>\n");
osprintf(os, "T %s::as() const\n", cppname);
osprintf(os, "{\n");
if (generator.checked)
osprintf(os, " if (isa<T>().is_false())\n");
osprintf(os, " if (!isa<T>())\n");
generator.print_invalid(os, 4, "not an object of the requested subtype",
"return T()");
osprintf(os, " return T(copy());\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print the implementation of the ctx method.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_ctx()
const char *name = clazz.name.c_str();
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
std::string ns = generator.isl_namespace();
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "%sctx %s::ctx() const {\n", ns.c_str(), cppname);
osprintf(os, " return %sctx(%s_get_ctx(ptr));\n", ns.c_str(), name);
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print a separator between groups of method definitions.
* No additional separator is required between method definitions.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_method_separator()
/* Print the implementations of the methods needed for the persistent callbacks
* of the class.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_persistent_callbacks()
const char *cppname = cppstring.c_str();
string classname = type2cpp(clazz);
if (!clazz.has_persistent_callbacks())
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "%s &%s::copy_callbacks(const %s &obj)\n",
cppname, classname.c_str(), cppname);
osprintf(os, "{\n");
for (const auto &callback : clazz.persistent_callbacks) {
string callback_name = clazz.persistent_callback_name(callback);
osprintf(os, " %s_data = obj.%s_data;\n",
callback_name.c_str(), callback_name.c_str());
osprintf(os, " return *this;\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n");
for (const auto &callback : clazz.persistent_callbacks)
print_set_persistent_callback(Method(clazz, callback));
/* Print a definition for the "get" method "fd" in class "clazz",
* using a name that includes the "get_" prefix, to "os".
* This definition simply calls the variant without the "get_" prefix and
* returns its result.
* Note that static methods are not considered to be "get" methods.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_get_method(FunctionDecl *fd)
string get_name = clazz.base_method_name(fd);
string name = clazz.method_name(fd);
int num_params = fd->getNumParams();
osprintf(os, "\n");
print_full_method_header(Method(clazz, fd, get_name));
osprintf(os, "{\n");
osprintf(os, " return %s(", name.c_str());
for (int i = 1; i < num_params; ++i) {
ParmVarDecl *param = fd->getParamDecl(i);
if (i != 1)
osprintf(os, ", ");
osprintf(os, "%s", param->getName().str().c_str());
osprintf(os, ");\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print code that checks that all isl object arguments to "method" are valid
* (not NULL) and throws an exception if they are not.
* If checked bindings are being generated,
* then no such check is performed.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_argument_validity_check(
const Method &method)
int n;
bool first = true;
if (generator.checked)
n = method.num_params();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
bool is_this;
ParmVarDecl *param = method.fd->getParamDecl(i);
string name = param->getName().str();
const char *name_str = name.c_str();
QualType type = param->getOriginalType();
is_this = i == 0 && method.kind == Method::Kind::member_method;
if (!is_this && (is_isl_ctx(type) || !is_isl_type(type)))
if (first)
osprintf(os, " if (");
osprintf(os, " || ");
if (is_this)
osprintf(os, "!ptr");
osprintf(os, "%s.is_null()", name_str);
first = false;
if (first)
osprintf(os, ")\n");
/* Print code for saving a copy of "ctx" in a "saved_ctx" variable.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_save_ctx(const std::string &ctx)
os << " auto saved_ctx = " << ctx << ";\n";
/* Print code for saving a copy of the isl::ctx available at the start
* of the method "method" in a "saved_ctx" variable,
* for use in exception handling.
* If checked bindings are being generated,
* then the "saved_ctx" variable is not needed.
* If "method" is a member function, then obtain the isl_ctx from
* the "this" object.
* If the first argument of the method is an isl::ctx, then use that one.
* Otherwise, save a copy of the isl::ctx associated to the first argument
* of isl object type.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_save_ctx(const Method &method)
int n;
ParmVarDecl *param = method.fd->getParamDecl(0);
QualType type = param->getOriginalType();
if (generator.checked)
if (method.kind == Method::Kind::member_method)
return print_save_ctx("ctx()");
if (is_isl_ctx(type))
return print_save_ctx(param->getName().str());
n = method.num_params();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
ParmVarDecl *param = method.fd->getParamDecl(i);
QualType type = param->getOriginalType();
if (!is_isl_type(type))
print_save_ctx(param->getName().str() + ".ctx()");
/* Print code to make isl not print an error message when an error occurs
* within the current scope (if exceptions are available),
* since the error message will be included in the exception.
* If exceptions are not available, then exception::on_error
* is set to ISL_ON_ERROR_ABORT and isl is therefore made to abort instead.
* If checked bindings are being generated,
* then leave it to the user to decide what isl should do on error.
* Otherwise, assume that a valid isl::ctx is available
* in the "saved_ctx" variable,
* e.g., through a prior call to print_save_ctx.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_on_error_continue()
if (generator.checked)
osprintf(os, " options_scoped_set_on_error saved_on_error(saved_ctx, "
/* Print code to "os" that checks whether any of the persistent callbacks
* of the class of "method" is set and if it failed with an exception.
* If so, the "eptr" in the corresponding data structure contains the exception
* that was caught and that needs to be rethrown.
* This field is cleared because the callback and its data may get reused.
* The check only needs to be generated for member methods since
* an object is needed for any of the persistent callbacks to be set.
static void print_persistent_callback_exceptional_execution_check(ostream &os,
const Method &method)
if (method.kind != Method::Kind::member_method)
for (const auto &pcb : method.clazz.persistent_callbacks) {
auto callback_name = method.clazz.persistent_callback_name(pcb);
osprintf(os, " if (%s_data && %s_data->eptr) {\n",
callback_name.c_str(), callback_name.c_str());
osprintf(os, " std::exception_ptr eptr = %s_data->eptr;\n",
osprintf(os, " %s_data->eptr = nullptr;\n",
osprintf(os, " std::rethrow_exception(eptr);\n");
osprintf(os, " }\n");
/* Print code that checks whether the execution of the core of "method"
* was successful.
* If checked bindings are being generated,
* then no checks are performed.
* Otherwise, first check if any of the callbacks failed with
* an exception. If so, the "eptr" in the corresponding data structure
* contains the exception that was caught and that needs to be rethrown.
* Then check if the function call failed in any other way and throw
* the appropriate exception.
* In particular, if the return type is isl_stat, isl_bool or isl_size,
* then a negative value indicates a failure. If the return type
* is an isl type, then a NULL value indicates a failure.
* Assume print_save_ctx has made sure that a valid isl::ctx
* is available in the "ctx" variable.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_exceptional_execution_check(
const Method &method)
bool check_null, check_neg;
QualType return_type = method.fd->getReturnType();
if (generator.checked)
print_persistent_callback_exceptional_execution_check(os, method);
for (const auto &callback : method.callbacks) {
std::string name;
name = callback->getName().str();
osprintf(os, " if (%s_data.eptr)\n", name.c_str());
osprintf(os, " std::rethrow_exception(%s_data.eptr);\n",
check_neg = is_isl_neg_error(return_type);
check_null = is_isl_type(return_type);
if (!check_null && !check_neg)
if (check_neg)
osprintf(os, " if (res < 0)\n");
osprintf(os, " if (!res)\n");
/* Return a pointer to the appropriate type printer,
* i.e., the regular type printer or the checked type printer
* depending on the setting of this->checked.
std::unique_ptr<cpp_type_printer> plain_cpp_generator::type_printer()
cpp_type_printer *printer;
if (checked)
printer = new checked_cpp_type_printer();
printer = new cpp_type_printer();
return std::unique_ptr<cpp_type_printer>(printer);
/* Return the C++ return type of the method "method".
* Use the appropriate type printer.
std::string plain_cpp_generator::get_return_type(const Method &method)
return type_printer()->return_type(method);
/* Given a method "method" for setting a persistent callback of its class,
* print the implementations of the methods needed for that callback.
* In particular, print
* - the implementation of a static inline method
* for use as the C callback function
* - the definition of a private method for setting the callback function
* - the public method for constructing a new object with the callback set.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_set_persistent_callback(
const Method &method)
string fullname = method.fd->getName().str();
ParmVarDecl *param = persistent_callback_arg(method.fd);
string pname;
string callback_name = clazz.persistent_callback_name(method.fd);
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "{\n");
print_callback_body(2, param, callback_name);
osprintf(os, "}\n\n");
pname = param->getName().str();
osprintf(os, "\n");
osprintf(os, "{\n");
osprintf(os, " %s_data = std::make_shared<struct %s_data>();\n",
callback_name.c_str(), callback_name.c_str());
osprintf(os, " %s_data->func = %s;\n",
callback_name.c_str(), pname.c_str());
osprintf(os, " ptr = %s(ptr, &%s, %s_data.get());\n",
fullname.c_str(), callback_name.c_str(), callback_name.c_str());
osprintf(os, "}\n\n");
osprintf(os, "{\n");
osprintf(os, " auto copy = *this;\n");
osprintf(os, " copy.set_%s_data(%s);\n",
callback_name.c_str(), pname.c_str());
osprintf(os, " return copy;\n");
osprintf(os, "}\n");
/* Print the return statement of the C++ method "method".
* The result of the corresponding isl function is returned as a new
* object if the underlying isl function returns an isl_* ptr, as a bool
* if the isl function returns an isl_bool, as void if the isl functions
* returns an isl_stat,
* as std::string if the isl function returns 'const char *', and as
* unmodified return value otherwise.
* If checked C++ bindings are being generated,
* then an isl_bool return type is transformed into a boolean and
* an isl_stat into a stat since no exceptions can be generated
* on negative results from the isl function.
* If the method returns a new instance of the same object type and
* if the class has any persistent callbacks, then the data
* for these callbacks are copied from the original to the new object.
* If "clazz" is a subclass that is based on a type function and
* if the return type corresponds to the superclass data type,
* then it is replaced by the subclass data type.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_method_return(
const Method &method)
QualType return_type = method.fd->getReturnType();
string rettype_str = generator.get_return_type(method);
bool returns_super = method.is_subclass_mutator();
if (is_isl_type(return_type) ||
(generator.checked && is_isl_neg_error(return_type))) {
osprintf(os, " return manage(res)");
if (is_mutator(clazz, method.fd) &&
osprintf(os, ".copy_callbacks(*this)");
if (returns_super)
osprintf(os, ".as<%s>()", rettype_str.c_str());
osprintf(os, ";\n");
} else if (is_isl_stat(return_type)) {
osprintf(os, " return;\n");
} else if (is_string(return_type)) {
osprintf(os, " std::string tmp(res);\n");
if (gives(method.fd))
osprintf(os, " free(res);\n");
osprintf(os, " return tmp;\n");
} else {
osprintf(os, " return res;\n");
/* Print the header for "method", including the terminating semicolon
* in case of a declaration and a newline.
* Use the appropriate type printer to print argument and return types.
void plain_cpp_generator::plain_printer::print_full_method_header(
const Method &method)
auto type_printer = generator.type_printer();
print_method_header(method, *type_printer);
if (declarations)
osprintf(os, ";");
osprintf(os, "\n");
/* Generate the list of argument types for a callback function of
* type "type". If "cpp" is set, then generate the C++ type list, otherwise
* the C type list.
* Use the appropriate type printer.
* For the plain C++ interface, the argument position is irrelevant,
* so simply pass in -1.
string plain_cpp_generator::generate_callback_args(QualType type, bool cpp)
return type_printer()->generate_callback_args(-1, type, cpp);
/* Generate the full cpp type of a callback function of type "type".
* Use the appropriate type printer.
* For the plain C++ interface, the argument position is irrelevant,
* so simply pass in -1.
string plain_cpp_generator::generate_callback_type(QualType type)
return type_printer()->generate_callback_type(-1, type);
/* Print the call to the C++ callback function "call",
* with the given indentation, wrapped
* for use inside the lambda function that is used as the C callback function,
* in the case where checked C++ bindings are being generated.
* In particular, print
* auto ret = @call@;
* return ret.release();
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_wrapped_call_checked(int indent,
const string &call)
osprintf(os, indent, "auto ret = %s;\n", call.c_str());
osprintf(os, indent, "return ret.release();\n");
/* Print the call to the C++ callback function "call",
* with the given indentation and with return type "rtype", wrapped
* for use inside the lambda function that is used as the C callback function.
* In particular, print
* @call@;
* return isl_stat_ok;
* data->eptr = std::current_exception();
* return isl_stat_error;
* }
* or
* auto ret = @call@;
* return ret ? isl_bool_true : isl_bool_false;
* data->eptr = std::current_exception();
* return isl_bool_error;
* }
* or
* auto ret = @call@;
* return ret.release();
* data->eptr = std::current_exception();
* return NULL;
* }
* depending on the return type.
* where ISL_CPP_TRY is defined to "try" and ISL_CPP_CATCH_ALL to "catch (...)"
* (if exceptions are available).
* If checked C++ bindings are being generated, then
* the call is wrapped differently.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_wrapped_call(int indent,
const string &call, QualType rtype)
if (generator.checked)
return print_wrapped_call_checked(indent, call);
osprintf(os, indent, "ISL_CPP_TRY {\n");
if (is_isl_stat(rtype))
osprintf(os, indent, " %s;\n", call.c_str());
osprintf(os, indent, " auto ret = %s;\n", call.c_str());
if (is_isl_stat(rtype))
osprintf(os, indent, " return isl_stat_ok;\n");
else if (is_isl_bool(rtype))
osprintf(os, indent,
" return ret ? isl_bool_true : isl_bool_false;\n");
osprintf(os, indent, " return ret.release();\n");
osprintf(os, indent, "} ISL_CPP_CATCH_ALL {\n");
osprintf(os, indent, " data->eptr = std::current_exception();\n");
if (is_isl_stat(rtype))
osprintf(os, indent, " return isl_stat_error;\n");
else if (is_isl_bool(rtype))
osprintf(os, indent, " return isl_bool_error;\n");
osprintf(os, indent, " return NULL;\n");
osprintf(os, indent, "}\n");
/* Print the declaration for a "prefix"_data data structure
* that can be used for passing to a C callback function
* containing a copy of the C++ callback function "param",
* along with an std::exception_ptr that is used to store any
* exceptions thrown in the C++ callback.
* If the C callback is of the form
* isl_stat (*fn)(__isl_take isl_map *map, void *user)
* then the following declaration is printed:
* struct <prefix>_data {
* std::function<stat(map)> func;
* std::exception_ptr eptr;
* }
* (without a newline or a semicolon).
* The std::exception_ptr object is not added to "prefix"_data
* if checked C++ bindings are being generated.
void plain_cpp_generator::plain_printer::print_callback_data_decl(
ParmVarDecl *param,
const string &prefix)
string cpp_args;
cpp_args = generator.generate_callback_type(param->getType());
osprintf(os, " struct %s_data {\n", prefix.c_str());
osprintf(os, " %s func;\n", cpp_args.c_str());
if (!generator.checked)
osprintf(os, " std::exception_ptr eptr;\n");
osprintf(os, " }");
/* Given a group of methods with the same name,
* should extra methods be added that take as arguments
* those types that can be converted to the original argument type
* through a unary constructor?
* Note that even if this method returns true,
* the extra methods are only printed by the caller
* if exactly one of the methods in the group was originally defined
* in the printed class.
* Signal that they should be printed if the group contains
* both methods originally defined in the printed class and
* methods that have been copied from an ancestor
* by checking whether there are at least two methods in the group.
bool plain_cpp_generator::plain_printer::want_descendent_overloads(
const function_set &methods)
return methods.size() > 1;
/* Print the header of the constructor for the "id" class
* that takes a user object.
* The user object is taken as a std::any.
void plain_cpp_generator::plain_printer::print_id_constructor_user_header()
if (declarations)
os << " inline explicit ";
os << "id::";
os << "id(" << generator.isl_namespace() << "ctx ctx, "
<< "const std::string &str, const std::any &any)";
if (declarations)
os << ";";
os << "\n";
/* Print the header of the "id" method
* for retrieving the user object associated to the identifier.
* If "optional" is set, the method returns a std::optional user object.
* The returned object is of a type specified by template parameter T.
void plain_cpp_generator::plain_printer::print_id_user_header(bool optional)
auto indent = declarations ? " " : "";
os << indent << "template <class T>\n";
os << indent << (optional ? "std::optional<T> " : "T ");
if (!declarations)
os << "id::";
os << (optional ? "try_" : "");
os << "user() const";
if (declarations)
os << ";";
os << "\n";
/* Perform printing by "fn" in a context that only gets compiled
* by C++17 compilers.
static void on_cplusplus17(ostream &os, const std::function<void(void)> &fn)
os << "#if __cplusplus >= 201703L\n";
os << "#endif\n";
/* Print declarations or definitions of the special methods of the "id" class
* that are not automatically derived from the C interface.
* In particular, print a constructor that takes a user pointer
* as well as methods for retrieving this user pointer.
* These methods require C++17 features.
void plain_cpp_generator::plain_printer::print_special_id()
os << "\n";
on_cplusplus17(os, [this] () {
/* Print declarations or definitions of any special methods of this class
* not automatically derived from the C interface.
* In particular, print special methods for the "id" class.
void plain_cpp_generator::plain_printer::print_special()
if (clazz.name == "isl_id")
/* Print declarations or definitions of the public methods.
void plain_cpp_generator::plain_printer::print_public_methods()
/* Print the body of C function callback with the given indentation
* that can be use as an argument to "param" for marshalling
* the corresponding C++ callback.
* The data structure that contains the C++ callback is of type
* "prefix"_data.
* For a callback of the form
* isl_stat (*fn)(__isl_take isl_map *map, void *user)
* the following code is generated:
* auto *data = static_cast<struct <prefix>_data *>(arg_1);
* stat ret = (data->func)(manage(arg_0));
* return isl_stat_ok;
* data->eptr = std::current_exception();
* return isl_stat_error;
* }
* If checked C++ bindings are being generated, then
* generate the following code:
* auto *data = static_cast<struct <prefix>_data *>(arg_1);
* stat ret = (data->func)(manage(arg_0));
* return isl_stat(ret);
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_callback_body(int indent,
ParmVarDecl *param, const string &prefix)
QualType ptype, rtype;
string call, last_idx;
const FunctionProtoType *callback;
int num_params;
ptype = param->getType();
callback = extract_prototype(ptype);
rtype = callback->getReturnType();
num_params = callback->getNumArgs();
last_idx = ::to_string(num_params - 1);
call = "(data->func)(";
for (long i = 0; i < num_params - 1; i++) {
if (!generator.callback_takes_argument(param, i))
call += "manage_copy";
call += "manage";
call += "(arg_" + ::to_string(i) + ")";
if (i != num_params - 2)
call += ", ";
call += ")";
osprintf(os, indent,
"auto *data = static_cast<struct %s_data *>(arg_%s);\n",
prefix.c_str(), last_idx.c_str());
print_wrapped_call(indent, call, rtype);
/* Print the local variables that are needed for a callback argument,
* in particular, print a lambda function that wraps the callback and
* a pointer to the actual C++ callback function.
* For a callback of the form
* isl_stat (*fn)(__isl_take isl_map *map, void *user)
* the following lambda function is generated:
* auto fn_lambda = [](isl_map *arg_0, void *arg_1) -> isl_stat {
* auto *data = static_cast<struct fn_data *>(arg_1);
* try {
* stat ret = (data->func)(manage(arg_0));
* return isl_stat_ok;
* } catch (...) {
* data->eptr = std::current_exception();
* return isl_stat_error;
* }
* };
* A copy of the std::function C++ callback function is stored in
* a fn_data data structure for passing to the C callback function,
* along with an std::exception_ptr that is used to store any
* exceptions thrown in the C++ callback.
* struct fn_data {
* std::function<stat(map)> func;
* std::exception_ptr eptr;
* } fn_data = { fn };
* This std::function object represents the actual user
* callback function together with the locally captured state at the caller.
* The lambda function is expected to be used as a C callback function
* where the lambda itself is provided as the function pointer and
* where the user void pointer is a pointer to fn_data.
* The std::function object is extracted from the pointer to fn_data
* inside the lambda function.
* The std::exception_ptr object is not added to fn_data
* if checked C++ bindings are being generated.
* The body of the generated lambda function then is as follows:
* stat ret = (data->func)(manage(arg_0));
* return isl_stat(ret);
* If the C callback does not take its arguments, then
* manage_copy is used instead of manage.
void plain_cpp_generator::impl_printer::print_callback_local(ParmVarDecl *param)
string pname;
QualType ptype, rtype;
string c_args, cpp_args, rettype;
const FunctionProtoType *callback;
pname = param->getName().str();
ptype = param->getType();
c_args = generator.generate_callback_args(ptype, false);
callback = extract_prototype(ptype);
rtype = callback->getReturnType();
rettype = rtype.getAsString();
print_callback_data_decl(param, pname);
osprintf(os, " %s_data = { %s };\n", pname.c_str(), pname.c_str());
osprintf(os, " auto %s_lambda = [](%s) -> %s {\n",
pname.c_str(), c_args.c_str(), rettype.c_str());
print_callback_body(4, param, pname);
osprintf(os, " };\n");
/* Return the C++ counterpart to the isl_bool type.
* For the checked C++ bindings this is "boolean".
std::string checked_cpp_type_printer::isl_bool() const
return "boolean";
/* Return the C++ counterpart to the isl_bool type.
* Use the appropriate type printer.
string plain_cpp_generator::isl_bool2cpp()
return type_printer()->isl_bool();
/* Return the C++ counterpart to the isl_stat type.
* For the checked C++ bindings this is "stat".
string checked_cpp_type_printer::isl_stat() const
return "stat";
/* Return the C++ counterpart to the isl_size type.
* For the checked C++ bindings this is "class size".
string checked_cpp_type_printer::isl_size() const
return "class size";
/* Return the namespace of the generated C++ bindings.
* For the checked C++ bindings this is "isl::checked::".
std::string checked_cpp_type_printer::isl_namespace() const
return "isl::checked::";
/* Return the namespace of the generated C++ bindings.
* Use the appropriate type printer.
string plain_cpp_generator::isl_namespace()
return type_printer()->isl_namespace();
/* Translate parameter or return type "type" to its C++ name counterpart.
* Use the appropriate type printer.
* For the plain C++ interface, the argument position is irrelevant,
* so simply pass in -1.
string plain_cpp_generator::param2cpp(QualType type)
return type_printer()->param(-1, type);