//===-- flang/unittests/Runtime/NumericalFormatTest.cpp ---------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "CrashHandlerFixture.h"
#include "flang/Runtime/descriptor.h"
#include "flang/Runtime/io-api.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstring>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <tuple>
using namespace Fortran::runtime;
using namespace Fortran::runtime::io;
static bool CompareFormattedStrings(
const std::string &expect, const std::string &got) {
std::string want{expect};
want.resize(got.size(), ' ');
return want == got;
static bool CompareFormattedStrings(
const char *expect, const std::string &&got) {
return CompareFormattedStrings(std::string(expect), std::move(got));
// Perform format and compare the result with expected value
static bool CompareFormatReal(
const char *format, double x, const char *expect, std::string &got) {
char buffer[800];
auto cookie{IONAME(BeginInternalFormattedOutput)(
buffer, sizeof buffer, format, std::strlen(format))};
EXPECT_TRUE(IONAME(OutputReal64)(cookie, x));
auto status{IONAME(EndIoStatement)(cookie)};
EXPECT_EQ(status, 0);
got = std::string{buffer, sizeof buffer};
auto lastNonBlank{got.find_last_not_of(" ")};
if (lastNonBlank != std::string::npos) {
got.resize(lastNonBlank + 1);
return CompareFormattedStrings(expect, got);
// Convert raw uint64 into double, perform format, and compare with expected
static bool CompareFormatReal(const char *format, std::uint64_t xInt,
const char *expect, std::string &got) {
double x;
static_assert(sizeof(double) == sizeof(std::uint64_t),
"Size of double != size of uint64_t!");
std::memcpy(&x, &xInt, sizeof xInt);
return CompareFormatReal(format, x, expect, got);
static bool CompareFormatInteger(
const char *format, std::int64_t x, const char *expect, std::string &got) {
char buffer[800];
auto cookie{IONAME(BeginInternalFormattedOutput)(
buffer, sizeof buffer, format, std::strlen(format))};
EXPECT_TRUE(IONAME(OutputInteger64)(cookie, x));
auto status{IONAME(EndIoStatement)(cookie)};
EXPECT_EQ(status, 0);
got = std::string{buffer, sizeof buffer};
auto lastNonBlank{got.find_last_not_of(" ")};
if (lastNonBlank != std::string::npos) {
got.resize(lastNonBlank + 1);
return CompareFormattedStrings(expect, got);
struct IOApiTests : CrashHandlerFixture {};
TEST(IOApiTests, HelloWorldOutputTest) {
static constexpr int bufferSize{32};
char buffer[bufferSize];
// Create format for all types and values to be written
const char *format{"(6HHELLO,,A6,2X,I3,1X,'0x',Z8,1X,L1)"};
auto cookie{IONAME(BeginInternalFormattedOutput)(
buffer, bufferSize, format, std::strlen(format))};
// Write string, integer, and logical values to buffer
IONAME(OutputAscii)(cookie, "WORLD", 5);
IONAME(OutputInteger64)(cookie, 678);
IONAME(OutputInteger32)(cookie, 0xfeedface);
IONAME(OutputLogical)(cookie, true);
// Ensure IO succeeded
auto status{IONAME(EndIoStatement)(cookie)};
ASSERT_EQ(status, 0) << "hello: '" << format << "' failed, status "
<< static_cast<int>(status);
// Ensure final buffer matches expected string output
static const std::string expect{"HELLO, WORLD 678 0xFEEDFACE T"};
CompareFormattedStrings(expect, std::string{buffer, sizeof buffer}))
<< "Expected '" << expect << "', got " << buffer;
TEST(IOApiTests, MultilineOutputTest) {
// Allocate buffer for multiline output
static constexpr int numLines{5};
static constexpr int lineLength{32};
char buffer[numLines][lineLength];
// Create descriptor for entire buffer
static constexpr int staticDescriptorMaxRank{1};
StaticDescriptor<staticDescriptorMaxRank> wholeStaticDescriptor;
Descriptor &whole{wholeStaticDescriptor.descriptor()};
static const SubscriptValue extent[]{numLines};
whole.Establish(TypeCode{CFI_type_char}, /*elementBytes=*/lineLength, &buffer,
staticDescriptorMaxRank, extent, CFI_attribute_pointer);
// Create descriptor for buffer section
StaticDescriptor<staticDescriptorMaxRank> sectionStaticDescriptor;
Descriptor §ion{sectionStaticDescriptor.descriptor()};
static const SubscriptValue lowers[]{0}, uppers[]{4}, strides[]{1};
section.Establish(whole.type(), /*elementBytes=*/whole.ElementBytes(),
nullptr, /*maxRank=*/staticDescriptorMaxRank, extent,
// Ensure C descriptor address `section.raw()` is updated without error
const auto error{
CFI_section(§ion.raw(), &whole.raw(), lowers, uppers, strides)};
ASSERT_EQ(error, 0) << "multiline: CFI_section failed: " << error;
// Create format string and initialize IO operation
const char *format{
auto cookie{IONAME(BeginInternalArrayFormattedOutput)(
section, format, std::strlen(format))};
// Fill last line with periods
std::memset(buffer[numLines - 1], '.', lineLength);
// Write data to buffer
IONAME(OutputAscii)(cookie, "WORLD", 5);
IONAME(OutputAscii)(cookie, "HELLO", 5);
IONAME(OutputInteger64)(cookie, 789);
for (int j{666}; j <= 999; j += 111) {
IONAME(OutputInteger64)(cookie, j);
// Ensure no errors occured in write operations above
const auto status{IONAME(EndIoStatement)(cookie)};
ASSERT_EQ(status, 0) << "multiline: '" << format << "' failed, status "
<< static_cast<int>(status);
static const std::string expect{">HELLO, WORLD <"
" "
"789 abcd 666 777"
" 888 999 "
// Ensure formatted string matches expected output
CompareFormattedStrings(expect, std::string{buffer[0], sizeof buffer}))
<< "Expected '" << expect << "' but got '"
<< std::string{buffer[0], sizeof buffer} << "'";
TEST(IOApiTests, ListInputTest) {
static const char input[]{",1*,(5.,6.),(7.0,8.0)"};
auto cookie{IONAME(BeginInternalListInput)(input, sizeof input - 1)};
// Create real values for IO tests
static constexpr int numRealValues{8};
float z[numRealValues];
for (int j{0}; j < numRealValues; ++j) {
z[j] = -(j + 1);
// Ensure reading complex values to floats does not result in an error
for (int j{0}; j < numRealValues; j += 2) {
ASSERT_TRUE(IONAME(InputComplex32)(cookie, &z[j]))
<< "InputComplex32 failed with value " << z[j];
// Ensure no IO errors occured during IO operations above
auto status{IONAME(EndIoStatement)(cookie)};
ASSERT_EQ(status, 0) << "Failed complex list-directed input, status "
<< static_cast<int>(status);
// Ensure writing complex values from floats does not result in an error
static constexpr int bufferSize{39};
char output[bufferSize];
output[bufferSize - 1] = '\0';
cookie = IONAME(BeginInternalListOutput)(output, bufferSize - 1);
for (int j{0}; j < numRealValues; j += 2) {
ASSERT_TRUE(IONAME(OutputComplex32)(cookie, z[j], z[j + 1]))
<< "OutputComplex32 failed when outputting value " << z[j] << ", "
<< z[j + 1];
// Ensure no IO errors occured during IO operations above
status = IONAME(EndIoStatement)(cookie);
ASSERT_EQ(status, 0) << "Failed complex list-directed output, status "
<< static_cast<int>(status);
// Verify output buffer against expected value
static const char expect[bufferSize]{
" (-1.,-2.) (-3.,-4.) (5.,6.) (7.,8.) "};
ASSERT_EQ(std::strncmp(output, expect, bufferSize), 0)
<< "Failed complex list-directed output, expected '" << expect
<< "', but got '" << output << "'";
TEST(IOApiTests, DescriptorOutputTest) {
static constexpr int bufferSize{10};
char buffer[bufferSize];
const char *format{"(2A4)"};
auto cookie{IONAME(BeginInternalFormattedOutput)(
buffer, bufferSize, format, std::strlen(format))};
// Create descriptor for output
static constexpr int staticDescriptorMaxRank{1};
StaticDescriptor<staticDescriptorMaxRank> staticDescriptor;
Descriptor &desc{staticDescriptor.descriptor()};
static constexpr int subscriptExtent{2};
static const SubscriptValue extent[]{subscriptExtent};
// Manually write to descriptor buffer
static constexpr int dataLength{4};
char data[subscriptExtent][dataLength];
std::memcpy(data[0], "ABCD", dataLength);
std::memcpy(data[1], "EFGH", dataLength);
desc.Establish(TypeCode{CFI_type_char}, dataLength, &data,
staticDescriptorMaxRank, extent);
IONAME(OutputDescriptor)(cookie, desc);
// Ensure no errors were encountered in initializing the cookie and descriptor
auto formatStatus{IONAME(EndIoStatement)(cookie)};
ASSERT_EQ(formatStatus, 0)
<< "descrOutputTest: '" << format << "' failed, status "
<< static_cast<int>(formatStatus);
// Ensure buffer matches expected output
CompareFormattedStrings("ABCDEFGH ", std::string{buffer, sizeof buffer}))
<< "descrOutputTest: formatted: got '"
<< std::string{buffer, sizeof buffer} << "'";
// Begin list-directed output on cookie by descriptor
cookie = IONAME(BeginInternalListOutput)(buffer, sizeof buffer);
IONAME(OutputDescriptor)(cookie, desc);
// Ensure list-directed output does not result in an IO error
auto listDirectedStatus{IONAME(EndIoStatement)(cookie)};
ASSERT_EQ(listDirectedStatus, 0)
<< "descrOutputTest: list-directed failed, status "
<< static_cast<int>(listDirectedStatus);
// Ensure buffer matches expected output
CompareFormattedStrings(" ABCDEFGH ", std::string{buffer, sizeof buffer}))
<< "descrOutputTest: list-directed: got '"
<< std::string{buffer, sizeof buffer} << "'";
/// Tests for output formatting real values
TEST(IOApiTests, FormatZeroes) {
static constexpr std::pair<const char *, const char *> zeroes[]{
{"(E32.17,';')", " 0.00000000000000000E+00;"},
{"(F32.17,';')", " 0.00000000000000000;"},
{"(G32.17,';')", " 0.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(DC,E32.17,';')", " 0,00000000000000000E+00;"},
{"(DC,F32.17,';')", " 0,00000000000000000;"},
{"(DC,G32.17,';')", " 0,0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(D32.17,';')", " 0.00000000000000000D+00;"},
{"(E32.17E1,';')", " 0.00000000000000000E+0;"},
{"(G32.17E1,';')", " 0.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(E32.17E0,';')", " 0.00000000000000000E+0;"},
{"(G32.17E0,';')", " 0.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(1P,E32.17,';')", " 0.00000000000000000E+00;"},
{"(1PE32.17,';')", " 0.00000000000000000E+00;"}, // no comma
{"(1P,F32.17,';')", " 0.00000000000000000;"},
{"(1P,G32.17,';')", " 0.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(2P,E32.17,';')", " 00.0000000000000000E+00;"},
{"(-1P,E32.17,';')", " 0.00000000000000000E+00;"},
{"(EX32.17,';')", " 0X0.00000000000000000P+0;"},
{"(DC,EX32.17,';')", " 0X0,00000000000000000P+0;"},
{"(G0,';')", "0.;"},
for (auto const &[format, expect] : zeroes) {
std::string got;
ASSERT_TRUE(CompareFormatReal(format, 0.0, expect, got))
<< "Failed to format " << format << ", expected '" << expect
<< "', got '" << got << "'";
TEST(IOApiTests, FormatOnes) {
static constexpr std::pair<const char *, const char *> ones[]{
{"(E32.17,';')", " 0.10000000000000000E+01;"},
{"(F32.17,';')", " 1.00000000000000000;"},
{"(G32.17,';')", " 1.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(E32.17E1,';')", " 0.10000000000000000E+1;"},
{"(G32.17E1,';')", " 1.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(E32.17E0,';')", " 0.10000000000000000E+1;"},
{"(G32.17E0,';')", " 1.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(E32.17E4,';')", " 0.10000000000000000E+0001;"},
{"(G32.17E4,';')", " 1.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(1P,E32.17,';')", " 1.00000000000000000E+00;"},
{"(1PE32.17,';')", " 1.00000000000000000E+00;"}, // no comma
{"(1P,F32.17,';')", " 10.00000000000000000;"},
{"(1P,G32.17,';')", " 1.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(ES32.17,';')", " 1.00000000000000000E+00;"},
{"(2P,E32.17,';')", " 10.0000000000000000E-01;"},
{"(2P,G32.17,';')", " 1.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(-1P,E32.17,';')", " 0.01000000000000000E+02;"},
{"(-1P,G32.17,';')", " 1.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(EX32.17,';')", " 0X8.00000000000000000P-3;"},
{"(DC,EX32.17,';')", " 0X8,00000000000000000P-3;"},
{"(G0,';')", "1.;"},
for (auto const &[format, expect] : ones) {
std::string got;
ASSERT_TRUE(CompareFormatReal(format, 1.0, expect, got))
<< "Failed to format " << format << ", expected '" << expect
<< "', got '" << got << "'";
TEST(IOApiTests, FormatNegativeOnes) {
static constexpr std::tuple<const char *, const char *> negOnes[]{
{"(E32.17,';')", " -0.10000000000000000E+01;"},
{"(F32.17,';')", " -1.00000000000000000;"},
{"(G32.17,';')", " -1.0000000000000000 ;"},
{"(EX32.17,';')", " -0X8.00000000000000000P-3;"},
{"(G0,';')", "-1.;"},
for (auto const &[format, expect] : negOnes) {
std::string got;
ASSERT_TRUE(CompareFormatReal(format, -1.0, expect, got))
<< "Failed to format " << format << ", expected '" << expect
<< "', got '" << got << "'";
// Each test case contains a raw uint64, a format string for a real value, and
// the expected resulting string from formatting the raw uint64. The double
// representation of the uint64 is commented above each test case.
TEST(IOApiTests, FormatDoubleValues) {
using TestCaseTy = std::tuple<std::uint64_t,
std::vector<std::tuple<const char *, const char *>>>;
static const std::vector<TestCaseTy> testCases{
{// -0
{"(E9.1,';')", " -0.0E+00;"},
{"(F4.0,';')", " -0.;"},
{"(F0.1,';')", "-.0;"},
{"(G8.0,';')", "-0.0E+00;"},
{"(G8.1,';')", " -0. ;"},
{"(G0,';')", "-0.;"},
{"(E9.1,';')", " -0.0E+00;"},
{"(EX9.1,';')", "-0X0.0P+0;"},
{// +Inf
{"(E9.1,';')", " Inf;"},
{"(F9.1,';')", " Inf;"},
{"(G9.1,';')", " Inf;"},
{"(EX9.1,';')", " Inf;"},
{"(SP,E9.1,';')", " +Inf;"},
{"(SP,F9.1,';')", " +Inf;"},
{"(SP,G9.1,';')", " +Inf;"},
{"(SP,EX9.1,';')", " +Inf;"},
{"(G0,';')", "Inf;"},
{// -Inf
{"(E9.1,';')", " -Inf;"},
{"(F9.1,';')", " -Inf;"},
{"(G9.1,';')", " -Inf;"},
{"(EX9.1,';')", " -Inf;"},
{"(G0,';')", "-Inf;"},
{// NaN
{"(E9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(F9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(G9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(EX9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(G0,';')", "NaN;"},
{// NaN (sign irrelevant)
{"(E9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(F9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(G9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(SP,E9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(SP,F9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(SP,G9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(SP,EX9.1,';')", " NaN;"},
{"(G0,';')", "NaN;"},
{// 0.1 rounded
" 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625E+"
{"(E0.1,';')", ".1E+00;"},
{"(E0,';')", ".1E+00;"},
" 0."
{"(F0.0,';')", "0.;"},
{"(F0,';')", ".1;"},
" 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625 "
" ;"},
{"(G0.0,';')", "0.;"},
{"(G0,';')", ".1;"},
{"(EX20.12,';')", " 0XC.CCCCCCCCCCCDP-7;"},
{// 1.5
{"(E9.2,';')", " 0.15E+01;"},
{"(F4.1,';')", " 1.5;"},
{"(G7.1,';')", " 2. ;"},
{"(EX9.1,';')", " 0XC.0P-3;"},
{"(RN,E8.1,';')", " 0.2E+01;"},
{"(RN,F3.0,';')", " 2.;"},
{"(RN,G7.0,';')", " 0.E+01;"},
{"(RN,G7.1,';')", " 2. ;"},
{"(RD,E8.1,';')", " 0.1E+01;"},
{"(RD,F3.0,';')", " 1.;"},
{"(RD,G7.0,';')", " 0.E+01;"},
{"(RD,G7.1,';')", " 1. ;"},
{"(RU,E8.1,';')", " 0.2E+01;"},
{"(RU,G7.0,';')", " 0.E+01;"},
{"(RU,G7.1,';')", " 2. ;"},
{"(RZ,E8.1,';')", " 0.1E+01;"},
{"(RZ,F3.0,';')", " 1.;"},
{"(RZ,G7.0,';')", " 0.E+01;"},
{"(RZ,G7.1,';')", " 1. ;"},
{"(RC,E8.1,';')", " 0.2E+01;"},
{"(RC,F3.0,';')", " 2.;"},
{"(RC,G7.0,';')", " 0.E+01;"},
{"(RC,G7.1,';')", " 2. ;"},
{// -1.5
{"(E9.2,';')", "-0.15E+01;"},
{"(RN,E8.1,';')", "-0.2E+01;"},
{"(RD,E8.1,';')", "-0.2E+01;"},
{"(RU,E8.1,';')", "-0.1E+01;"},
{"(RZ,E8.1,';')", "-0.1E+01;"},
{"(RC,E8.1,';')", "-0.2E+01;"},
{"(EX9.1,';')", "-0XC.0P-3;"},
{// 2.5
{"(E9.2,';')", " 0.25E+01;"},
{"(RN,E8.1,';')", " 0.2E+01;"},
{"(RD,E8.1,';')", " 0.2E+01;"},
{"(RU,E8.1,';')", " 0.3E+01;"},
{"(RZ,E8.1,';')", " 0.2E+01;"},
{"(RC,E8.1,';')", " 0.3E+01;"},
{"(EX9.1,';')", " 0XA.0P-2;"},
{// -2.5
{"(E9.2,';')", "-0.25E+01;"},
{"(RN,E8.1,';')", "-0.2E+01;"},
{"(RD,E8.1,';')", "-0.3E+01;"},
{"(RU,E8.1,';')", "-0.2E+01;"},
{"(RZ,E8.1,';')", "-0.2E+01;"},
{"(RC,E8.1,';')", "-0.3E+01;"},
{"(EX9.1,';')", "-0XA.0P-2;"},
{// least positive nonzero subnormal
{"(E32.17,';')", " 0.49406564584124654-323;"},
{"(ES32.17,';')", " 4.94065645841246544-324;"},
{"(EN32.17,';')", " 4.94065645841246544-324;"},
" 0."
{"(G0,';')", ".5E-323;"},
" 0."
" 0."
" 0."
" 0."
" 0."
{"(EX24.13,';')", " 0X8.0000000000000P-1077;"},
{// least positive nonzero normal
" 0."
{"(G0,';')", ".22250738585072014E-307;"},
{"(EX24.13,';')", " 0X8.0000000000000P-1025;"},
{// greatest finite
{"(E32.17,';')", " 0.17976931348623157+309;"},
" 0."
" 1."
" 179."
{"(G0,';')", ".17976931348623157E+309;"},
{"(EX24.13,';')", " 0XF.FFFFFFFFFFFF8P+1020;"},
{// EX rounding
{"(F11.8,';')", " 1.00390625;"},
{"(EX10.2,';')", " 0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(EX10.1,';')", " 0X8.0P-3;"},
{"(EX10.0,';')", " 0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(EX0.0,';')", "0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(EX0,';')", "0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(RN,EX10.1,';')", " 0X8.0P-3;"},
{"(RU,EX10.1,';')", " 0X8.1P-3;"},
{"(RD,EX10.1,';')", " 0X8.0P-3;"},
{"(RZ,EX10.1,';')", " 0X8.0P-3;"},
{"(RC,EX10.1,';')", " 0X8.1P-3;"},
{"(RN,EX10.0,';')", " 0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(RU,EX10.0,';')", " 0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(RD,EX10.0,';')", " 0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(RZ,EX10.0,';')", " 0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(RC,EX10.0,';')", " 0X8.08P-3;"},
{// EX rounding
{"(F11.8,';')", "-1.00390625;"},
{"(EX10.2,';')", "-0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(EX10.1,';')", " -0X8.0P-3;"},
{"(EX10.0,';')", "-0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(EX0.0,';')", "-0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(EX0,';')", "-0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(RN,EX10.1,';')", " -0X8.0P-3;"},
{"(RU,EX10.1,';')", " -0X8.0P-3;"},
{"(RD,EX10.1,';')", " -0X8.1P-3;"},
{"(RZ,EX10.1,';')", " -0X8.0P-3;"},
{"(RC,EX10.1,';')", " -0X8.1P-3;"},
{"(RN,EX10.0,';')", "-0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(RU,EX10.0,';')", "-0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(RD,EX10.0,';')", "-0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(RZ,EX10.0,';')", "-0X8.08P-3;"},
{"(RC,EX10.0,';')", "-0X8.08P-3;"},
for (auto const &[value, cases] : testCases) {
for (auto const &[format, expect] : cases) {
std::string got;
ASSERT_TRUE(CompareFormatReal(format, value, expect, got))
<< "Failed to format " << format << ", expected '" << expect
<< "', got '" << got << "'";
using IndividualTestCaseTy = std::tuple<const char *, double, const char *>;
static const std::vector<IndividualTestCaseTy> individualTestCases{
{"(F5.3,';')", 25., "*****;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 2.5, "2.500;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 0.25, "0.250;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 0.025, "0.025;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 0.0025, "0.003;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 0.00025, "0.000;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 0.000025, "0.000;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -25., "*****;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -2.5, "*****;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -0.25, "-.250;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -0.025, "-.025;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -0.0025, "-.003;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -0.00025, "-.000;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -0.000025, "-.000;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 99.999, "*****;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 9.9999, "*****;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 0.99999, "1.000;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 0.099999, "0.100;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 0.0099999, "0.010;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 0.00099999, "0.001;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", 0.000099999, "0.000;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -99.999, "*****;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -9.9999, "*****;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -0.99999, "*****;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -0.099999, "-.100;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -0.0099999, "-.010;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -0.00099999, "-.001;"},
{"(F5.3,';')", -0.000099999, "-.000;"},
{"(F0.1,';')", 0.0, ".0;"},
{"(F5.0,';')", -0.5000000000000001, " -1.;"},
{"(F5.0,';')", -0.5, " -0.;"},
{"(F5.0,';')", -0.49999999999999994, " -0.;"},
{"(F5.0,';')", 0.49999999999999994, " 0.;"},
{"(F5.0,';')", 0.5, " 0.;"},
{"(F5.0,';')", 0.5000000000000001, " 1.;"},
{"(ES0.0E0,';')", 0.666, "7.E-1;"},
{"(EN0.0E0,';')", 0.666, "666.E-3;"},
for (auto const &[format, value, expect] : individualTestCases) {
std::string got;
char hex[17];
std::snprintf(hex, sizeof hex, "%016llx",
*reinterpret_cast<const unsigned long long *>(&value));
ASSERT_TRUE(CompareFormatReal(format, value, expect, got))
<< "Failed to format " << value << " 0x" << hex << " with format "
<< format << ", expected '" << expect << "', got '" << got << "'";
// Problematic EN formatting edge cases with rounding
using IndividualENTestCaseTy = std::tuple<std::uint64_t, const char *>;
static const std::vector<IndividualENTestCaseTy> individualENTestCases{
{0x3E11183197785F8C, " 995.0E-12"}, // 0.9950312500000000115852E-09
{0x3E11180E68455D30, " 995.0E-12"}, // 0.9949999999999999761502E-09
{0x3E112BD8F4F6B0D7, " 999.5E-12"}, // 0.9994999999999999089118E-09
{0x3E45794883CA8782, " 10.0E-09"}, // 0.9999499999999999642266E-08
{0x3F506218230C7482, " 999.9E-06"}, // 0.9999499999999998840761E-03
{0x3FB99652BD3C3612, " 100.0E-03"}, // 0.9999500000000000055067E+00
{0x4023E66666666667, " 10.0E+00"}, // 0.9950000000000001065814E+01
for (auto const &[value, expect] : individualENTestCases) {
std::string got;
ASSERT_TRUE(CompareFormatReal("(EN10.1)", value, expect, got))
<< "Failed to format EN10.1, expected '" << expect << "', got '" << got
<< "'";
TEST(IOApiTests, FormatIntegerValues) {
using IntTestCaseTy = std::tuple<const char *, std::int64_t, const char *>;
static const std::vector<IntTestCaseTy> intTestCases{
{"(I4)", 0, " 0"},
{"(I4)", 1, " 1"},
{"(I4)", 9999, "9999"},
{"(SP,I4)", 1, " +1"},
{"(SP,I4)", 9999, "****"},
{"(SP,I4)", 999, "+999"},
{"(I4)", -1, " -1"},
{"(I4)", -9999, "****"},
{"(I4)", -999, "-999"},
{"(I4.2)", 1, " 01"},
{"(I4.2)", -1, " -01"},
{"(I4.2)", 999, " 999"},
{"(I4.4)", 999, "0999"},
{"(I0)", 0, "0"},
{"(I0)", 1, "1"},
{"(I0)", 9999, "9999"},
{"(SP,I0)", 1, "+1"},
{"(SP,I0)", 9999, "+9999"},
{"(SP,I0)", 999, "+999"},
{"(I0)", -1, "-1"},
{"(I0)", -9999, "-9999"},
{"(I0)", -999, "-999"},
{"(I0.2)", 1, "01"},
{"(I0.2)", -1, "-01"},
{"(I0.2)", 999, "999"},
{"(I0.4)", 999, "0999"},
{"(G4)", 0, " 0"},
{"(G4)", 1, " 1"},
{"(G4)", 9999, "9999"},
{"(SP,G4)", 1, " +1"},
{"(SP,G4)", 9999, "****"},
{"(SP,G4)", 999, "+999"},
{"(G4)", -1, " -1"},
{"(G4)", -9999, "****"},
{"(G4)", -999, "-999"},
{"(G4.2)", 1, " 1"},
{"(G4.2)", -1, " -1"},
{"(G4.2)", 999, " 999"},
{"(G4.4)", 999, " 999"},
{"(G0)", 0, "0"},
{"(G0)", 1, "1"},
{"(G0)", 9999, "9999"},
{"(SP,G0)", 1, "+1"},
{"(SP,G0)", 9999, "+9999"},
{"(SP,G0)", 999, "+999"},
{"(G0)", -1, "-1"},
{"(G0)", -9999, "-9999"},
{"(G0)", -999, "-999"},
{"(G0.2)", 1, "1"},
{"(G0.2)", -1, "-1"},
{"(G0.2)", 999, "999"},
{"(G0.4)", 999, "999"},
for (auto const &[fmt, value, expect] : intTestCases) {
std::string got;
ASSERT_TRUE(CompareFormatInteger(fmt, value, expect, got))
<< "Failed to format " << fmt << ", expected '" << expect << "', got '"
<< got << "'";
/// Tests for input editing real values
// Ensure double input values correctly map to raw uint64 values
TEST(IOApiTests, EditDoubleInputValues) {
using TestCaseTy = std::tuple<const char *, const char *, std::uint64_t, int>;
int ovf{IostatRealInputOverflow};
static const std::vector<TestCaseTy> testCases{
{"(F18.0)", " 0", 0x0, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " ", 0x0, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " -0", 0x8000000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " 01", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " 1", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " 125.", 0x405f400000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " 12.5", 0x4029000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " 1.25", 0x3ff4000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " 01.25", 0x3ff4000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " .125", 0x3fc0000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " 0.125", 0x3fc0000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " .0625", 0x3fb0000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " 0.0625", 0x3fb0000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.0)", " 125", 0x405f400000000000, 0},
{"(F18.1)", " 125", 0x4029000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.2)", " 125", 0x3ff4000000000000, 0},
{"(F18.3)", " 125", 0x3fc0000000000000, 0},
{"(-1P,F18.0)", " 125", 0x4093880000000000, 0}, // 1250
{"(1P,F18.0)", " 125", 0x4029000000000000, 0}, // 12.5
{"(BZ,F18.0)", " 125 ", 0x4093880000000000, 0}, // 1250
{"(BZ,F18.0)", " 125 . e +1 ", 0x42a6bcc41e900000, 0}, // 1.25e13
{"(BZ,F18.0)", " . ", 0x0, 0},
{"(BZ,F18.0)", " . e +1 ", 0x0, 0},
{"(DC,F18.0)", " 12,5", 0x4029000000000000, 0},
{"(EX22.0)", "0X0P0 ", 0x0, 0}, // +0.
{"(EX22.0)", "-0X0P0 ", 0x8000000000000000, 0}, // -0.
{"(EX22.0)", "0X.8P1 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0}, // 1.0
{"(EX22.0)", "0X8.P-3 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0}, // 1.0
{"(EX22.0)", "0X.1P4 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0}, // 1.0
{"(EX22.0)", "0X10.P-4 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0}, // 1.0
{"(EX22.0)", "0X8.00P-3 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0}, // 1.0
{"(EX22.0)", "0X80.0P-6 ", 0x4000000000000000, 0}, // 2.0
{"(EX22.0)", "0XC.CCCCCCCCCCCDP-7 ", 0x3fb999999999999a, 0}, // 0.1
{"(EX22.0)", "0X.8P-1021 ", 0x0010000000000000,
0}, // min normal
{"(EX22.0)", "0X.8P-1022 ", 0x0008000000000000,
0}, // subnormal
{"(EX22.0)", "0X.8P-1073 ", 0x0000000000000001,
0}, // min subn.
{"(EX22.0)", "0X.FFFFFFFFFFFFF8P1024", 0x7fefffffffffffff,
0}, // max finite
{"(EX22.0)", "0X.8P1025 ", 0x7ff0000000000000, ovf}, // +Inf
{"(EX22.0)", "-0X.8P1025 ", 0xfff0000000000000, ovf}, // -Inf
{"(RC,EX22.0)", "0X1.0000000000000P0 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0},
{"(RC,EX22.0)", "0X1.00000000000008P0 ", 0x3ff0000000000001, 0},
{"(RC,EX22.0)", "0X1.000000000000008P0 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0},
{"(RC,EX22.0)", "0X1.00000000000004P0 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0},
{"(RC,EX22.0)", "0X.80000000000000P1 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0},
{"(RC,EX22.0)", "0X.80000000000004P1 ", 0x3ff0000000000001, 0},
{"(RC,EX22.0)", "0X.800000000000004P1 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0},
{"(RC,EX22.0)", "0X.80000000000002P1 ", 0x3ff0000000000000, 0},
{"(RZ,F7.0)", " 2.e308", 0x7fefffffffffffff, 0}, // +HUGE()
{"(RD,F7.0)", " 2.e308", 0x7fefffffffffffff, 0}, // +HUGE()
{"(RU,F7.0)", " 2.e308", 0x7ff0000000000000, ovf}, // +Inf
{"(RZ,F7.0)", "-2.e308", 0xffefffffffffffff, 0}, // -HUGE()
{"(RD,F7.0)", "-2.e308", 0xfff0000000000000, ovf}, // -Inf
{"(RU,F7.0)", "-2.e308", 0xffefffffffffffff, 0}, // -HUGE()
{"(RZ,F7.0)", " 1.e999", 0x7fefffffffffffff, 0}, // +HUGE()
{"(RD,F7.0)", " 1.e999", 0x7fefffffffffffff, 0}, // +HUGE()
{"(RU,F7.0)", " 1.e999", 0x7ff0000000000000, ovf}, // +Inf
{"(RZ,F7.0)", "-1.e999", 0xffefffffffffffff, 0}, // -HUGE()
{"(RD,F7.0)", "-1.e999", 0xfff0000000000000, ovf}, // -Inf
{"(RU,F7.0)", "-1.e999", 0xffefffffffffffff, 0}, // -HUGE()
{"(E9.1)", " 1.0E-325", 0x0, 0},
{"(RU,E9.1)", " 1.0E-325", 0x1, 0},
{"(E9.1)", "-1.0E-325", 0x8000000000000000, 0},
{"(RD,E9.1)", "-1.0E-325", 0x8000000000000001, 0},
for (auto const &[format, data, want, iostat] : testCases) {
auto cookie{IONAME(BeginInternalFormattedInput)(
data, std::strlen(data), format, std::strlen(format))};
union {
double x;
std::uint64_t raw;
} u;
u.raw = 0;
// Read buffer into union value
IONAME(EnableHandlers)(cookie, true, true, true, true, true);
IONAME(InputReal64)(cookie, u.x);
static constexpr int bufferSize{65};
char iomsg[bufferSize];
std::memset(iomsg, '\0', bufferSize - 1);
// Ensure no unexpected errors were encountered reading input buffer into
// union value
IONAME(GetIoMsg)(cookie, iomsg, bufferSize - 1);
auto status{IONAME(EndIoStatement)(cookie)};
ASSERT_EQ(status, iostat)
<< '\'' << format << "' failed reading '" << data << "', status "
<< static_cast<int>(status) << " != expected " << iostat << " iomsg '"
<< iomsg << "'";
// Ensure raw uint64 value matches expected conversion from double
ASSERT_EQ(u.raw, want) << '\'' << format << "' failed reading '" << data
<< "', want " << want << ", got " << u.raw;
// regression test for confusing digit minimization
TEST(IOApiTests, ConfusingMinimization) {
char buffer[8]{};
auto cookie{IONAME(BeginInternalListOutput)(buffer, sizeof buffer)};
StaticDescriptor<0> staticDescriptor;
Descriptor &desc{staticDescriptor.descriptor()};
std::uint16_t x{0x7bff}; // HUGE(0._2)
desc.Establish(TypeCode{CFI_type_half_float}, sizeof x, &x, 0, nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(IONAME(OutputDescriptor)(cookie, desc));
auto status{IONAME(EndIoStatement)(cookie)};
EXPECT_EQ(status, 0);
std::string got{std::string{buffer, sizeof buffer}};
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareFormattedStrings(" 65504. ", got))
<< "expected ' 65504. ', got '" << got << '\''; // not 65500.!