//===-- Lower/PFTBuilder.h -- PFT builder -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Coding style: https://mlir.llvm.org/getting_started/DeveloperGuide/
// PFT (Pre-FIR Tree) interface.
#include "flang/Common/reference.h"
#include "flang/Common/template.h"
#include "flang/Lower/HostAssociations.h"
#include "flang/Lower/PFTDefs.h"
#include "flang/Parser/parse-tree.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/attr.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/scope.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/semantics.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/symbol.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace Fortran::lower::pft {
struct CompilerDirectiveUnit;
struct Evaluation;
struct FunctionLikeUnit;
struct ModuleLikeUnit;
struct Program;
using ContainedUnit = std::variant<CompilerDirectiveUnit, FunctionLikeUnit>;
using ContainedUnitList = std::list<ContainedUnit>;
using EvaluationList = std::list<Evaluation>;
/// Provide a variant like container that can hold references. It can hold
/// constant or mutable references. It is used in the other classes to provide
/// union of const references to parse-tree nodes.
template <bool isConst, typename... A>
class ReferenceVariantBase {
template <typename B>
using BaseType = std::conditional_t<isConst, const B, B>;
template <typename B>
using Ref = common::Reference<BaseType<B>>;
ReferenceVariantBase() = delete;
ReferenceVariantBase(std::variant<Ref<A>...> b) : u(b) {}
template <typename T>
ReferenceVariantBase(Ref<T> b) : u(b) {}
template <typename B>
constexpr BaseType<B> &get() const {
return std::get<Ref<B>>(u).get();
template <typename B>
constexpr BaseType<B> &getStatement() const {
return std::get<Ref<parser::Statement<B>>>(u).get().statement;
template <typename B>
constexpr BaseType<B> *getIf() const {
const Ref<B> *ptr = std::get_if<Ref<B>>(&u);
return ptr ? &ptr->get() : nullptr;
template <typename B>
constexpr bool isA() const {
return std::holds_alternative<Ref<B>>(u);
template <typename VISITOR>
constexpr auto visit(VISITOR &&visitor) const {
return Fortran::common::visit(
common::visitors{[&visitor](auto ref) { return visitor(ref.get()); }},
std::variant<Ref<A>...> u;
template <typename... A>
using ReferenceVariant = ReferenceVariantBase<true, A...>;
template <typename... A>
using MutableReferenceVariant = ReferenceVariantBase<false, A...>;
/// PftNode is used to provide a reference to the unit a parse-tree node
/// belongs to. It is a variant of non-nullable pointers.
using PftNode = MutableReferenceVariant<Program, ModuleLikeUnit,
FunctionLikeUnit, Evaluation>;
/// Classify the parse-tree nodes from ExecutablePartConstruct
using ActionStmts = std::tuple<
parser::AllocateStmt, parser::AssignmentStmt, parser::BackspaceStmt,
parser::CallStmt, parser::CloseStmt, parser::ContinueStmt,
parser::CycleStmt, parser::DeallocateStmt, parser::EndfileStmt,
parser::EventPostStmt, parser::EventWaitStmt, parser::ExitStmt,
parser::FailImageStmt, parser::FlushStmt, parser::FormTeamStmt,
parser::GotoStmt, parser::IfStmt, parser::InquireStmt, parser::LockStmt,
parser::NotifyWaitStmt, parser::NullifyStmt, parser::OpenStmt,
parser::PointerAssignmentStmt, parser::PrintStmt, parser::ReadStmt,
parser::ReturnStmt, parser::RewindStmt, parser::StopStmt,
parser::SyncAllStmt, parser::SyncImagesStmt, parser::SyncMemoryStmt,
parser::SyncTeamStmt, parser::UnlockStmt, parser::WaitStmt,
parser::WhereStmt, parser::WriteStmt, parser::ComputedGotoStmt,
parser::ForallStmt, parser::ArithmeticIfStmt, parser::AssignStmt,
parser::AssignedGotoStmt, parser::PauseStmt>;
using OtherStmts = std::tuple<parser::EntryStmt, parser::FormatStmt>;
using ConstructStmts = std::tuple<
parser::AssociateStmt, parser::EndAssociateStmt, parser::BlockStmt,
parser::EndBlockStmt, parser::SelectCaseStmt, parser::CaseStmt,
parser::EndSelectStmt, parser::ChangeTeamStmt, parser::EndChangeTeamStmt,
parser::CriticalStmt, parser::EndCriticalStmt, parser::NonLabelDoStmt,
parser::EndDoStmt, parser::IfThenStmt, parser::ElseIfStmt, parser::ElseStmt,
parser::EndIfStmt, parser::SelectRankStmt, parser::SelectRankCaseStmt,
parser::SelectTypeStmt, parser::TypeGuardStmt, parser::WhereConstructStmt,
parser::MaskedElsewhereStmt, parser::ElsewhereStmt, parser::EndWhereStmt,
parser::ForallConstructStmt, parser::EndForallStmt>;
using EndStmts =
std::tuple<parser::EndProgramStmt, parser::EndFunctionStmt,
parser::EndSubroutineStmt, parser::EndMpSubprogramStmt>;
using Constructs =
std::tuple<parser::AssociateConstruct, parser::BlockConstruct,
parser::CaseConstruct, parser::ChangeTeamConstruct,
parser::CriticalConstruct, parser::DoConstruct,
parser::IfConstruct, parser::SelectRankConstruct,
parser::SelectTypeConstruct, parser::WhereConstruct,
using Directives =
std::tuple<parser::CompilerDirective, parser::OpenACCConstruct,
parser::OpenACCDeclarativeConstruct, parser::OpenMPConstruct,
parser::OpenMPDeclarativeConstruct, parser::OmpEndLoopDirective,
using DeclConstructs = std::tuple<parser::OpenMPDeclarativeConstruct,
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isActionStmt{common::HasMember<A, ActionStmts>};
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isOtherStmt{common::HasMember<A, OtherStmts>};
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isConstructStmt{common::HasMember<A, ConstructStmts>};
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isEndStmt{common::HasMember<A, EndStmts>};
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isConstruct{common::HasMember<A, Constructs>};
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isDirective{common::HasMember<A, Directives>};
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isDeclConstruct{common::HasMember<A, DeclConstructs>};
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isIntermediateConstructStmt{common::HasMember<
A, std::tuple<parser::CaseStmt, parser::ElseIfStmt, parser::ElseStmt,
parser::SelectRankCaseStmt, parser::TypeGuardStmt>>};
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isNopConstructStmt{common::HasMember<
A, std::tuple<parser::CaseStmt, parser::ElseIfStmt, parser::ElseStmt,
parser::EndIfStmt, parser::SelectRankCaseStmt,
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isExecutableDirective{common::HasMember<
A, std::tuple<parser::CompilerDirective, parser::OpenACCConstruct,
parser::OpenMPConstruct, parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct>>};
template <typename A>
static constexpr bool isFunctionLike{common::HasMember<
A, std::tuple<parser::MainProgram, parser::FunctionSubprogram,
template <typename A>
struct MakeReferenceVariantHelper {};
template <typename... A>
struct MakeReferenceVariantHelper<std::variant<A...>> {
using type = ReferenceVariant<A...>;
template <typename... A>
struct MakeReferenceVariantHelper<std::tuple<A...>> {
using type = ReferenceVariant<A...>;
template <typename A>
using MakeReferenceVariant = typename MakeReferenceVariantHelper<A>::type;
using EvaluationTuple =
common::CombineTuples<ActionStmts, OtherStmts, ConstructStmts, EndStmts,
Constructs, Directives>;
/// Hide non-nullable pointers to the parse-tree node.
/// Build type std::variant<const A* const, const B* const, ...>
/// from EvaluationTuple type (std::tuple<A, B, ...>).
using EvaluationVariant = MakeReferenceVariant<EvaluationTuple>;
/// Function-like units contain lists of evaluations. These can be simple
/// statements or constructs, where a construct contains its own evaluations.
struct Evaluation : EvaluationVariant {
/// General ctor
template <typename A>
Evaluation(const A &a, const PftNode &parent,
const parser::CharBlock &position,
const std::optional<parser::Label> &label)
: EvaluationVariant{a}, parent{parent}, position{position}, label{label} {
/// Construct and Directive ctor
template <typename A>
Evaluation(const A &a, const PftNode &parent)
: EvaluationVariant{a}, parent{parent} {
static_assert(pft::isConstruct<A> || pft::isDirective<A>,
"must be a construct or directive");
/// Evaluation classification predicates.
constexpr bool isActionStmt() const {
return visit(common::visitors{
[](auto &r) { return pft::isActionStmt<std::decay_t<decltype(r)>>; }});
constexpr bool isOtherStmt() const {
return visit(common::visitors{
[](auto &r) { return pft::isOtherStmt<std::decay_t<decltype(r)>>; }});
constexpr bool isConstructStmt() const {
return visit(common::visitors{[](auto &r) {
return pft::isConstructStmt<std::decay_t<decltype(r)>>;
constexpr bool isEndStmt() const {
return visit(common::visitors{
[](auto &r) { return pft::isEndStmt<std::decay_t<decltype(r)>>; }});
constexpr bool isConstruct() const {
return visit(common::visitors{
[](auto &r) { return pft::isConstruct<std::decay_t<decltype(r)>>; }});
constexpr bool isDirective() const {
return visit(common::visitors{
[](auto &r) { return pft::isDirective<std::decay_t<decltype(r)>>; }});
constexpr bool isNopConstructStmt() const {
return visit(common::visitors{[](auto &r) {
return pft::isNopConstructStmt<std::decay_t<decltype(r)>>;
constexpr bool isExecutableDirective() const {
return visit(common::visitors{[](auto &r) {
return pft::isExecutableDirective<std::decay_t<decltype(r)>>;
/// Return the predicate: "This is a non-initial, non-terminal construct
/// statement." For an IfConstruct, this is ElseIfStmt and ElseStmt.
constexpr bool isIntermediateConstructStmt() const {
return visit(common::visitors{[](auto &r) {
return pft::isIntermediateConstructStmt<std::decay_t<decltype(r)>>;
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const;
/// Return the first non-nop successor of an evaluation, possibly exiting
/// from one or more enclosing constructs.
Evaluation &nonNopSuccessor() const {
Evaluation *successor = lexicalSuccessor;
if (successor && successor->isNopConstructStmt())
successor = successor->parentConstruct->constructExit;
assert(successor && "missing successor");
return *successor;
/// Return true if this Evaluation has at least one nested evaluation.
bool hasNestedEvaluations() const {
return evaluationList && !evaluationList->empty();
/// Return nested evaluation list.
EvaluationList &getNestedEvaluations() {
assert(evaluationList && "no nested evaluations");
return *evaluationList;
Evaluation &getFirstNestedEvaluation() {
assert(hasNestedEvaluations() && "no nested evaluations");
return evaluationList->front();
Evaluation &getLastNestedEvaluation() {
assert(hasNestedEvaluations() && "no nested evaluations");
return evaluationList->back();
/// Return the FunctionLikeUnit containing this evaluation (or nullptr).
FunctionLikeUnit *getOwningProcedure() const;
bool lowerAsStructured() const;
bool lowerAsUnstructured() const;
bool forceAsUnstructured() const;
// FIR generation looks primarily at PFT ActionStmt and ConstructStmt leaf
// nodes. Members such as lexicalSuccessor and block are applicable only
// to these nodes, plus some directives. The controlSuccessor member is
// used for nonlexical successors, such as linking to a GOTO target. For
// multiway branches, it is set to the first target. Successor and exit
// links always target statements or directives. An internal Construct
// node has a constructExit link that applies to exits from anywhere within
// the construct.
// An unstructured construct is one that contains some form of goto. This
// is indicated by the isUnstructured member flag, which may be set on a
// statement and propagated to enclosing constructs. This distinction allows
// a structured IF or DO statement to be materialized with custom structured
// FIR operations. An unstructured statement is materialized as mlir
// operation sequences that include explicit branches.
// The block member is set for statements that begin a new block. This
// block is the target of any branch to the statement. Statements may have
// additional (unstructured) "local" blocks, but such blocks cannot be the
// target of any explicit branch. The primary example of an (unstructured)
// statement that may have multiple associated blocks is NonLabelDoStmt,
// which may have a loop preheader block for loop initialization code (the
// block member), and always has a "local" header block that is the target
// of the loop back edge. If the NonLabelDoStmt is a concurrent loop, it
// may be associated with an arbitrary number of nested preheader, header,
// and mask blocks.
// The printIndex member is only set for statements. It is used for dumps
// (and debugging) and does not affect FIR generation.
PftNode parent;
parser::CharBlock position{};
std::optional<parser::Label> label{};
std::unique_ptr<EvaluationList> evaluationList; // nested evaluations
// associated compiler directives
llvm::SmallVector<const parser::CompilerDirective *, 1> dirs;
Evaluation *parentConstruct{nullptr}; // set for nodes below the top level
Evaluation *lexicalSuccessor{nullptr}; // set for leaf nodes, some directives
Evaluation *controlSuccessor{nullptr}; // set for some leaf nodes
Evaluation *constructExit{nullptr}; // set for constructs
bool isNewBlock{false}; // evaluation begins a new basic block
bool isUnstructured{false}; // evaluation has unstructured control flow
bool negateCondition{false}; // If[Then]Stmt condition must be negated
bool activeConstruct{false}; // temporarily set for some constructs
mlir::Block *block{nullptr}; // isNewBlock block (ActionStmt, ConstructStmt)
int printIndex{0}; // (ActionStmt, ConstructStmt) evaluation index for dumps
using ProgramVariant =
ReferenceVariant<parser::MainProgram, parser::FunctionSubprogram,
parser::SubroutineSubprogram, parser::Module,
parser::Submodule, parser::SeparateModuleSubprogram,
parser::BlockData, parser::CompilerDirective,
/// A program is a list of program units.
/// These units can be function like, module like, or block data.
struct ProgramUnit : ProgramVariant {
template <typename A>
ProgramUnit(const A &p, const PftNode &parent)
: ProgramVariant{p}, parent{parent} {}
ProgramUnit(ProgramUnit &&) = default;
ProgramUnit(const ProgramUnit &) = delete;
PftNode parent;
/// A variable captures an object to be created per the declaration part of a
/// function like unit.
/// Fortran EQUIVALENCE statements are a mechanism that introduces aliasing
/// between named variables. The set of overlapping aliases will materialize a
/// generic store object with a designated offset and size. Participant
/// symbols will simply be pointers into the aggregate store.
/// EQUIVALENCE can also interact with COMMON and other global variables to
/// imply aliasing between (subparts of) a global and other local variable
/// names.
/// Properties can be applied by lowering. For example, a local array that is
/// known to be very large may be transformed into a heap allocated entity by
/// lowering. That decision would be tracked in its Variable instance.
struct Variable {
/// Most variables are nominal and require the allocation of local/global
/// storage space. A nominal variable may also be an alias for some other
/// (subpart) of storage.
struct Nominal {
Nominal(const semantics::Symbol *symbol, int depth, bool global)
: symbol{symbol}, depth{depth}, global{global} {}
const semantics::Symbol *symbol{};
bool isGlobal() const { return global; }
int depth{};
bool global{};
bool heapAlloc{}; // variable needs deallocation on exit
bool pointer{};
bool target{};
bool aliaser{}; // participates in EQUIVALENCE union
std::size_t aliasOffset{};
/// <offset, size> pair
using Interval = std::tuple<std::size_t, std::size_t>;
/// An interval of storage is a contiguous block of memory to be allocated or
/// mapped onto another variable. Aliasing variables will be pointers into
/// interval stores and may overlap each other.
struct AggregateStore {
AggregateStore(Interval &&interval,
const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &namingSym,
bool isGlobal = false)
: interval{std::move(interval)}, namingSymbol{&namingSym},
isGlobalAggregate{isGlobal} {}
AggregateStore(const semantics::Symbol &initialValueSym,
const semantics::Symbol &namingSym, bool isGlobal = false)
: interval{initialValueSym.offset(), initialValueSym.size()},
namingSymbol{&namingSym}, initialValueSymbol{&initialValueSym},
isGlobalAggregate{isGlobal} {};
bool isGlobal() const { return isGlobalAggregate; }
/// Get offset of the aggregate inside its scope.
std::size_t getOffset() const { return std::get<0>(interval); }
/// Returns symbols holding the aggregate initial value if any.
const semantics::Symbol *getInitialValueSymbol() const {
return initialValueSymbol;
/// Returns the symbol that gives its name to the aggregate.
const semantics::Symbol &getNamingSymbol() const { return *namingSymbol; }
/// Scope to which the aggregates belongs to.
const semantics::Scope &getOwningScope() const {
return getNamingSymbol().owner();
/// <offset, size> of the aggregate in its scope.
Interval interval{};
/// Symbol that gives its name to the aggregate. Always set by constructor.
const semantics::Symbol *namingSymbol;
/// Compiler generated symbol with the aggregate initial value if any.
const semantics::Symbol *initialValueSymbol = nullptr;
/// Is this a global aggregate?
bool isGlobalAggregate;
explicit Variable(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym, bool global = false,
int depth = 0)
: var{Nominal(&sym, depth, global)} {}
explicit Variable(AggregateStore &&istore) : var{std::move(istore)} {}
/// Return the front-end symbol for a nominal variable.
const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &getSymbol() const {
assert(hasSymbol() && "variable is not nominal");
return *std::get<Nominal>(var).symbol;
/// Is this variable a compiler generated global to describe derived types?
bool isRuntimeTypeInfoData() const;
/// Return the aggregate store.
const AggregateStore &getAggregateStore() const {
return std::get<AggregateStore>(var);
/// Return the interval range of an aggregate store.
const Interval &getInterval() const {
return std::get<AggregateStore>(var).interval;
/// Only nominal variable have front-end symbols.
bool hasSymbol() const { return std::holds_alternative<Nominal>(var); }
/// Is this an aggregate store?
bool isAggregateStore() const {
return std::holds_alternative<AggregateStore>(var);
/// Is this variable a global?
bool isGlobal() const {
return Fortran::common::visit([](const auto &x) { return x.isGlobal(); },
/// Is this a module or submodule variable?
bool isModuleOrSubmoduleVariable() const {
const semantics::Scope *scope = getOwningScope();
return scope && scope->kind() == Fortran::semantics::Scope::Kind::Module;
const Fortran::semantics::Scope *getOwningScope() const {
return Fortran::common::visit(
[](const Nominal &x) { return &x.symbol->GetUltimate().owner(); },
[](const AggregateStore &agg) { return &agg.getOwningScope(); }},
bool isHeapAlloc() const {
if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var))
return s->heapAlloc;
return false;
bool isPointer() const {
if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var))
return s->pointer;
return false;
bool isTarget() const {
if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var))
return s->target;
return false;
/// An alias(er) is a variable that is part of a EQUIVALENCE that is allocated
/// locally on the stack.
bool isAlias() const {
if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var))
return s->aliaser;
return false;
std::size_t getAliasOffset() const {
if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var))
return s->aliasOffset;
return 0;
void setAlias(std::size_t offset) {
if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var)) {
s->aliaser = true;
s->aliasOffset = offset;
} else {
llvm_unreachable("not a nominal var");
void setHeapAlloc(bool to = true) {
if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var))
s->heapAlloc = to;
llvm_unreachable("not a nominal var");
void setPointer(bool to = true) {
if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var))
s->pointer = to;
llvm_unreachable("not a nominal var");
void setTarget(bool to = true) {
if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var))
s->target = to;
llvm_unreachable("not a nominal var");
/// The depth is recorded for nominal variables as a debugging aid.
int getDepth() const {
if (auto *s = std::get_if<Nominal>(&var))
return s->depth;
return 0;
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const;
std::variant<Nominal, AggregateStore> var;
using VariableList = std::vector<Variable>;
using ScopeVariableListMap =
std::map<const Fortran::semantics::Scope *, VariableList>;
/// Find or create an ordered list of the equivalence sets and variables that
/// appear in \p scope. The result is cached in \p map.
const VariableList &getScopeVariableList(const Fortran::semantics::Scope &scope,
ScopeVariableListMap &map);
/// Create an ordered list of the equivalence sets and variables that appear in
/// \p scope. The result is not cached.
VariableList getScopeVariableList(const Fortran::semantics::Scope &scope);
/// Create an ordered list of the equivalence sets and variables that \p symbol
/// depends on. \p symbol itself will be the last variable in the list.
VariableList getDependentVariableList(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &);
void dump(VariableList &, std::string s = {}); // `s` is an optional dump label
/// Function-like units may contain evaluations (executable statements),
/// directives, and internal (nested) function-like units.
struct FunctionLikeUnit : public ProgramUnit {
// wrapper statements for function-like syntactic structures
using FunctionStatement =
const parser::MainProgram &f, const PftNode &parent,
const Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext);
const parser::FunctionSubprogram &f, const PftNode &parent,
const Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext);
const parser::SubroutineSubprogram &f, const PftNode &parent,
const Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext);
const parser::SeparateModuleSubprogram &f, const PftNode &parent,
const Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext);
FunctionLikeUnit(FunctionLikeUnit &&) = default;
FunctionLikeUnit(const FunctionLikeUnit &) = delete;
bool isMainProgram() const {
return endStmt.isA<parser::Statement<parser::EndProgramStmt>>();
/// Get the starting source location for this function like unit
parser::CharBlock getStartingSourceLoc() const;
void setActiveEntry(int entryIndex) {
assert(entryIndex >= 0 && entryIndex < (int)entryPointList.size() &&
"invalid entry point index");
activeEntry = entryIndex;
/// Return a reference to the subprogram symbol of this FunctionLikeUnit.
/// This should not be called if the FunctionLikeUnit is the main program
/// since anonymous main programs do not have a symbol.
const semantics::Symbol &getSubprogramSymbol() const {
const semantics::Symbol *symbol = entryPointList[activeEntry].first;
if (!symbol)
"not inside a procedure; do not call on main program.");
return *symbol;
/// Return a pointer to the main program symbol for named programs
/// Return the null pointer for anonymous programs
const semantics::Symbol *getMainProgramSymbol() const {
if (!isMainProgram()) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("call only on main program.");
return entryPointList[activeEntry].first;
/// Return a pointer to the current entry point Evaluation.
/// This is null for a primary entry point.
Evaluation *getEntryEval() const {
return entryPointList[activeEntry].second;
// Host associations
void setHostAssociatedSymbols(
const llvm::SetVector<const semantics::Symbol *> &symbols) {
hostAssociations.addSymbolsToBind(symbols, getScope());
/// Return the host associations, if any, from the parent (host) procedure.
/// Crashes if the parent is not a procedure.
HostAssociations &parentHostAssoc();
/// Return true iff the parent is a procedure and the parent has a non-empty
/// set of host associations that are conveyed through an extra tuple
/// argument.
bool parentHasTupleHostAssoc();
/// Return true iff the parent is a procedure and the parent has a non-empty
/// set of host associations for variables.
bool parentHasHostAssoc();
/// Return the host associations for this function like unit. The list of host
/// associations are kept in the host procedure.
HostAssociations &getHostAssoc() { return hostAssociations; }
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const;
/// Get the function scope.
const Fortran::semantics::Scope &getScope() const { return *scope; }
/// Anonymous programs do not have a begin statement.
std::optional<FunctionStatement> beginStmt;
FunctionStatement endStmt;
const semantics::Scope *scope;
LabelEvalMap labelEvaluationMap;
SymbolLabelMap assignSymbolLabelMap;
ContainedUnitList containedUnitList;
EvaluationList evaluationList;
/// <Symbol, Evaluation> pairs for each entry point. The pair at index 0
/// is the primary entry point; remaining pairs are alternate entry points.
/// The primary entry point symbol is Null for an anonymous program.
/// A named program symbol has MainProgramDetails. Other symbols have
/// SubprogramDetails. Evaluations are filled in for alternate entries.
llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<const semantics::Symbol *, Evaluation *>, 1>
entryPointList{std::pair{nullptr, nullptr}};
/// Current index into entryPointList. Index 0 is the primary entry point.
int activeEntry = 0;
/// Primary result for function subprograms with alternate entries. This
/// is one of the largest result values, not necessarily the first one.
const semantics::Symbol *primaryResult{nullptr};
bool hasIeeeAccess{false};
bool mayModifyHaltingMode{false};
bool mayModifyRoundingMode{false};
/// Terminal basic block (if any)
mlir::Block *finalBlock{};
HostAssociations hostAssociations;
/// Module-like units contain a list of function-like units.
struct ModuleLikeUnit : public ProgramUnit {
// wrapper statements for module-like syntactic structures
using ModuleStatement =
ModuleLikeUnit(const parser::Module &m, const PftNode &parent);
ModuleLikeUnit(const parser::Submodule &m, const PftNode &parent);
~ModuleLikeUnit() = default;
ModuleLikeUnit(ModuleLikeUnit &&) = default;
ModuleLikeUnit(const ModuleLikeUnit &) = delete;
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const;
/// Get the starting source location for this module like unit.
parser::CharBlock getStartingSourceLoc() const;
/// Get the module scope.
const Fortran::semantics::Scope &getScope() const;
ModuleStatement beginStmt;
ModuleStatement endStmt;
ContainedUnitList containedUnitList;
EvaluationList evaluationList;
/// Block data units contain the variables and data initializers for common
/// blocks, etc.
struct BlockDataUnit : public ProgramUnit {
BlockDataUnit(const parser::BlockData &bd, const PftNode &parent,
const Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext);
BlockDataUnit(BlockDataUnit &&) = default;
BlockDataUnit(const BlockDataUnit &) = delete;
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const;
const Fortran::semantics::Scope &symTab; // symbol table
// Top level compiler directives
struct CompilerDirectiveUnit : public ProgramUnit {
CompilerDirectiveUnit(const parser::CompilerDirective &directive,
const PftNode &parent)
: ProgramUnit{directive, parent} {};
CompilerDirectiveUnit(CompilerDirectiveUnit &&) = default;
CompilerDirectiveUnit(const CompilerDirectiveUnit &) = delete;
// Top level OpenACC routine directives
struct OpenACCDirectiveUnit : public ProgramUnit {
OpenACCDirectiveUnit(const parser::OpenACCRoutineConstruct &directive,
const PftNode &parent)
: ProgramUnit{directive, parent}, routine{directive} {};
OpenACCDirectiveUnit(OpenACCDirectiveUnit &&) = default;
OpenACCDirectiveUnit(const OpenACCDirectiveUnit &) = delete;
const parser::OpenACCRoutineConstruct &routine;
/// A Program is the top-level root of the PFT.
struct Program {
using Units = std::variant<FunctionLikeUnit, ModuleLikeUnit, BlockDataUnit,
CompilerDirectiveUnit, OpenACCDirectiveUnit>;
Program(semantics::CommonBlockList &&commonBlocks)
: commonBlocks{std::move(commonBlocks)} {}
Program(Program &&) = default;
Program(const Program &) = delete;
const std::list<Units> &getUnits() const { return units; }
std::list<Units> &getUnits() { return units; }
const semantics::CommonBlockList &getCommonBlocks() const {
return commonBlocks;
ScopeVariableListMap &getScopeVariableListMap() {
return scopeVariableListMap;
/// LLVM dump method on a Program.
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const;
std::list<Units> units;
semantics::CommonBlockList commonBlocks;
ScopeVariableListMap scopeVariableListMap; // module and submodule scopes
/// Helper to get location from FunctionLikeUnit/ModuleLikeUnit begin/end
/// statements.
template <typename T>
static parser::CharBlock stmtSourceLoc(const T &stmt) {
return stmt.visit(common::visitors{[](const auto &x) { return x.source; }});
/// Get the first PFT ancestor node that has type ParentType.
template <typename ParentType, typename A>
ParentType *getAncestor(A &node) {
if (auto *seekedParent = node.parent.template getIf<ParentType>())
return seekedParent;
return node.parent.visit(common::visitors{
[](Program &p) -> ParentType * { return nullptr; },
[](auto &p) -> ParentType * { return getAncestor<ParentType>(p); }});
/// Get the "global" scopeVariableListMap, stored in the pft root node.
template <typename A>
ScopeVariableListMap &getScopeVariableListMap(A &node) {
Program *pftRoot = getAncestor<Program>(node);
assert(pftRoot && "pft must have a root");
return pftRoot->getScopeVariableListMap();
/// Call the provided \p callBack on all symbols that are referenced inside \p
/// funit.
void visitAllSymbols(const FunctionLikeUnit &funit,
std::function<void(const semantics::Symbol &)> callBack);
/// Call the provided \p callBack on all symbols that are referenced inside \p
/// eval region.
void visitAllSymbols(const Evaluation &eval,
std::function<void(const semantics::Symbol &)> callBack);
} // namespace Fortran::lower::pft
namespace Fortran::lower {
/// Create a PFT (Pre-FIR Tree) from the parse tree.
/// A PFT is a light weight tree over the parse tree that is used to create FIR.
/// The PFT captures pointers back into the parse tree, so the parse tree must
/// not be changed between the construction of the PFT and its last use. The
/// PFT captures a structured view of a program. A program is a list of units.
/// A function like unit contains a list of evaluations. An evaluation is
/// either a statement, or a construct with a nested list of evaluations.
createPFT(const parser::Program &root,
const Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext);
/// Dumper for displaying a PFT.
void dumpPFT(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream, const pft::Program &pft);
} // namespace Fortran::lower