! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1 -pedantic
! Tests valid and invalid usage of forward references to procedures
! in specification expressions.
module m
interface ifn2
module procedure if2
end interface
interface ifn3
module procedure if3
end interface
!ERROR: Automatic data object 'a' may not appear in a module
real :: a(if1(1))
!ERROR: Automatic data object 'b' may not appear in a module
real :: b(ifn2(1))
!ERROR: Automatic data object 'c' may not appear in COMMON block /blk/
real :: c(if1(1))
!ERROR: Automatic data object 'd' may not appear in COMMON block //
real :: d(ifn2(1))
common /blk/c
common d
subroutine t1(n)
integer :: iarr(if1(n))
end subroutine
pure integer function if1(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
if1 = n
end function
subroutine t2(n)
integer :: iarr(ifn3(n)) ! should resolve to if3
end subroutine
pure integer function if2(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
if2 = n
end function
pure integer function if3(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
if3 = n
end function
end module
subroutine nester
!ERROR: The internal function 'if1' may not be referenced in a specification expression
real :: a(if1(1))
subroutine t1(n)
!ERROR: The internal function 'if2' may not be referenced in a specification expression
integer :: iarr(if2(n))
end subroutine
pure integer function if1(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
if1 = n
end function
pure integer function if2(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
if2 = n
end function
end subroutine
block data
common /blk2/ n
data n/100/
!ERROR: Automatic data object 'a' may not appear in a BLOCK DATA subprogram
real a(n)
program main
common /blk2/ n
!PORTABILITY: Automatic data object 'a' should not appear in the specification part of a main program
real a(n)