! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1 -pedantic
module module_before_1
module module_before_2
block data block_data_before_1
block data block_data_before_2
subroutine explicit_before_1(a)
real, optional :: a
subroutine explicit_before_2(a)
real, optional :: a
subroutine implicit_before_1(a)
real :: a
subroutine implicit_before_2(a)
real :: a
function explicit_func_before_1(a)
real, optional :: a
function explicit_func_before_2(a)
real, optional :: a
function implicit_func_before_1(a)
real :: a
function implicit_func_before_2(a)
real :: a
program test
external justfine ! OK to name a BLOCK DATA if not called
!WARNING: The global entity 'module_before_1' corresponding to the local procedure 'module_before_1' is not a callable subprogram
external module_before_1
!WARNING: The global entity 'block_data_before_1' corresponding to the local procedure 'block_data_before_1' is not a callable subprogram
external block_data_before_1
!ERROR: The global subprogram 'explicit_before_1' may not be referenced via the implicit interface 'explicit_before_1'
external explicit_before_1
external implicit_before_1
!ERROR: The global subprogram 'explicit_func_before_1' may not be referenced via the implicit interface 'explicit_func_before_1'
external explicit_func_before_1
external implicit_func_before_1
!WARNING: The global entity 'module_after_1' corresponding to the local procedure 'module_after_1' is not a callable subprogram
external module_after_1
!WARNING: The global entity 'block_data_after_1' corresponding to the local procedure 'block_data_after_1' is not a callable subprogram
external block_data_after_1
!ERROR: The global subprogram 'explicit_after_1' may not be referenced via the implicit interface 'explicit_after_1'
external explicit_after_1
external implicit_after_1
!ERROR: The global subprogram 'explicit_func_after_1' may not be referenced via the implicit interface 'explicit_func_after_1'
external explicit_func_after_1
external implicit_func_after_1
call module_before_1
!ERROR: 'module_before_2' is not a callable procedure
call module_before_2
call block_data_before_1
!ERROR: 'block_data_before_2' is not a callable procedure
call block_data_before_2
call explicit_before_1(1.)
!ERROR: References to the procedure 'explicit_before_2' require an explicit interface
!BECAUSE: a dummy argument has the allocatable, asynchronous, optional, pointer, target, value, or volatile attribute
call explicit_before_2(1.)
!WARNING: If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error
!BECAUSE: Dummy argument 'a=' (#1) is not OPTIONAL and is not associated with an actual argument in this procedure reference
call implicit_before_1
!WARNING: If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error
!BECAUSE: Dummy argument 'a=' (#1) is not OPTIONAL and is not associated with an actual argument in this procedure reference
call implicit_before_2
print *, explicit_func_before_1(1.)
!ERROR: References to the procedure 'explicit_func_before_2' require an explicit interface
!BECAUSE: a dummy argument has the allocatable, asynchronous, optional, pointer, target, value, or volatile attribute
print *, explicit_func_before_2(1.)
!WARNING: If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error
!BECAUSE: Dummy argument 'a=' (#1) is not OPTIONAL and is not associated with an actual argument in this procedure reference
print *, implicit_func_before_1()
!WARNING: If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error
!BECAUSE: Dummy argument 'a=' (#1) is not OPTIONAL and is not associated with an actual argument in this procedure reference
print *, implicit_func_before_2()
call module_after_1
call module_after_2
call block_data_after_1
call block_data_after_2
call explicit_after_1(1.)
!ERROR: References to the procedure 'explicit_after_2' require an explicit interface
!BECAUSE: a dummy argument has the allocatable, asynchronous, optional, pointer, target, value, or volatile attribute
call explicit_after_2(1.)
!WARNING: If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error
!BECAUSE: Dummy argument 'a=' (#1) is not OPTIONAL and is not associated with an actual argument in this procedure reference
call implicit_after_1
!WARNING: If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error
!BECAUSE: Dummy argument 'a=' (#1) is not OPTIONAL and is not associated with an actual argument in this procedure reference
call implicit_after_2
print *, explicit_func_after_1(1.)
!ERROR: References to the procedure 'explicit_func_after_2' require an explicit interface
!BECAUSE: a dummy argument has the allocatable, asynchronous, optional, pointer, target, value, or volatile attribute
print *, explicit_func_after_2(1.)
!WARNING: If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error
!BECAUSE: Dummy argument 'a=' (#1) is not OPTIONAL and is not associated with an actual argument in this procedure reference
print *, implicit_func_after_1()
!WARNING: If the procedure's interface were explicit, this reference would be in error
!BECAUSE: Dummy argument 'a=' (#1) is not OPTIONAL and is not associated with an actual argument in this procedure reference
print *, implicit_func_after_2()
end program
block data justfine
module module_after_1
!ERROR: 'module_after_2' is already declared in this scoping unit
module module_after_2
block data block_data_after_1
!ERROR: BLOCK DATA 'block_data_after_2' has been called
block data block_data_after_2
subroutine explicit_after_1(a)
real, optional :: a
subroutine explicit_after_2(a)
real, optional :: a
subroutine implicit_after_1(a)
real :: a
subroutine implicit_after_2(a)
real :: a
function explicit_func_after_1(a)
real, optional :: a
function explicit_func_after_2(a)
real, optional :: a
function implicit_func_after_1(a)
real :: a
function implicit_func_after_2(a)
real :: a