#include "test_helpers.h"
#include "xray_segmented_array.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
namespace __xray {
namespace {
using ::testing::SizeIs;
struct TestData {
s64 First;
s64 Second;
// Need a constructor for emplace operations.
TestData(s64 F, s64 S) : First(F), Second(S) {}
void PrintTo(const TestData &D, std::ostream *OS) {
*OS << "{ " << D.First << ", " << D.Second << " }";
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, ConstructWithAllocators) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<TestData>::AllocatorType;
AllocatorType A(1 << 4);
Array<TestData> Data(A);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, ConstructAndPopulate) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<TestData>::AllocatorType;
AllocatorType A(1 << 4);
Array<TestData> data(A);
ASSERT_NE(data.Append(TestData{0, 0}), nullptr);
ASSERT_NE(data.Append(TestData{1, 1}), nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), 2u);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, ConstructPopulateAndLookup) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<TestData>::AllocatorType;
AllocatorType A(1 << 4);
Array<TestData> data(A);
ASSERT_NE(data.Append(TestData{0, 1}), nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(data[0].First, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(data[0].Second, 1);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, PopulateWithMoreElements) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<TestData>::AllocatorType;
AllocatorType A(1 << 24);
Array<TestData> data(A);
static const auto kMaxElements = 100u;
for (auto I = 0u; I < kMaxElements; ++I) {
ASSERT_NE(data.Append(TestData{I, I + 1}), nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), kMaxElements);
for (auto I = 0u; I < kMaxElements; ++I) {
ASSERT_EQ(data[I].First, I);
ASSERT_EQ(data[I].Second, I + 1);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, AppendEmplace) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<TestData>::AllocatorType;
AllocatorType A(1 << 4);
Array<TestData> data(A);
ASSERT_NE(data.AppendEmplace(1, 1), nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(data[0].First, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(data[0].Second, 1);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, AppendAndTrim) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<TestData>::AllocatorType;
AllocatorType A(1 << 4);
Array<TestData> data(A);
ASSERT_NE(data.AppendEmplace(1, 1), nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), 0u);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, IteratorAdvance) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<TestData>::AllocatorType;
AllocatorType A(1 << 4);
Array<TestData> data(A);
ASSERT_EQ(data.begin(), data.end());
auto I0 = data.begin();
ASSERT_EQ(I0++, data.begin());
ASSERT_NE(I0, data.begin());
for (const auto &D : data) {
ASSERT_NE(data.AppendEmplace(1, 1), nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), 1u);
ASSERT_NE(data.begin(), data.end());
auto &D0 = *data.begin();
ASSERT_EQ(D0.First, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(D0.Second, 1);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, IteratorRetreat) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<TestData>::AllocatorType;
AllocatorType A(1 << 4);
Array<TestData> data(A);
ASSERT_EQ(data.begin(), data.end());
ASSERT_NE(data.AppendEmplace(1, 1), nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), 1u);
ASSERT_NE(data.begin(), data.end());
auto &D0 = *data.begin();
ASSERT_EQ(D0.First, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(D0.Second, 1);
auto I0 = data.end();
ASSERT_EQ(I0--, data.end());
ASSERT_NE(I0, data.end());
ASSERT_EQ(I0, data.begin());
ASSERT_EQ(I0->First, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(I0->Second, 1);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, IteratorTrimBehaviour) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<TestData>::AllocatorType;
AllocatorType A(1 << 20);
Array<TestData> Data(A);
auto I0Begin = Data.begin(), I0End = Data.end();
// Add enough elements in Data to have more than one chunk.
constexpr auto Segment = Array<TestData>::SegmentSize;
constexpr auto SegmentX2 = Segment * 2;
for (auto i = SegmentX2; i > 0u; --i) {
Data.AppendEmplace(static_cast<s64>(i), static_cast<s64>(i));
ASSERT_EQ(Data.size(), SegmentX2);
auto &Back = Data.back();
ASSERT_EQ(Back.First, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(Back.Second, 1);
// Trim one chunk's elements worth.
ASSERT_EQ(Data.size(), Segment);
// Check that we are still able to access 'back' properly.
auto &Back = Data.back();
ASSERT_EQ(Back.First, static_cast<s64>(Segment + 1));
ASSERT_EQ(Back.Second, static_cast<s64>(Segment + 1));
// Then trim until it's empty.
// Here our iterators should be the same.
auto I1Begin = Data.begin(), I1End = Data.end();
EXPECT_EQ(I0Begin, I1Begin);
EXPECT_EQ(I0End, I1End);
// Then we ensure that adding elements back works just fine.
for (auto i = SegmentX2; i > 0u; --i) {
Data.AppendEmplace(static_cast<s64>(i), static_cast<s64>(i));
EXPECT_EQ(Data.size(), SegmentX2);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, HandleExhaustedAllocator) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<TestData>::AllocatorType;
constexpr auto Segment = Array<TestData>::SegmentSize;
constexpr auto MaxElements = Array<TestData>::ElementsPerSegment;
AllocatorType A(Segment);
Array<TestData> Data(A);
for (auto i = MaxElements; i > 0u; --i)
EXPECT_NE(Data.AppendEmplace(static_cast<s64>(i), static_cast<s64>(i)),
EXPECT_EQ(Data.AppendEmplace(0, 0), nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(Data, SizeIs(MaxElements));
// Trimming more elements than there are in the container should be fine.
Data.trim(MaxElements + 1);
EXPECT_THAT(Data, SizeIs(0u));
struct ShadowStackEntry {
uint64_t EntryTSC = 0;
uint64_t *NodePtr = nullptr;
ShadowStackEntry(uint64_t T, uint64_t *N) : EntryTSC(T), NodePtr(N) {}
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, SimulateStackBehaviour) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<ShadowStackEntry>::AllocatorType;
AllocatorType A(1 << 10);
Array<ShadowStackEntry> Data(A);
static uint64_t Dummy = 0;
constexpr uint64_t Max = 9;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < Max; ++i) {
auto P = Data.Append({i, &Dummy});
ASSERT_NE(P, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(P->NodePtr, &Dummy);
auto &Back = Data.back();
ASSERT_EQ(Back.NodePtr, &Dummy);
ASSERT_EQ(Back.EntryTSC, i);
// Simulate a stack by checking the data from the end as we're trimming.
auto Counter = Max;
ASSERT_EQ(Data.size(), size_t(Max));
while (!Data.empty()) {
const auto &Top = Data.back();
uint64_t *TopNode = Top.NodePtr;
EXPECT_EQ(TopNode, &Dummy) << "Counter = " << Counter;
ASSERT_EQ(Data.size(), size_t(Counter));
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, PlacementNewOnAlignedStorage) {
using AllocatorType = typename Array<ShadowStackEntry>::AllocatorType;
alignas(AllocatorType) std::byte AllocatorStorage[sizeof(AllocatorType)];
new (&AllocatorStorage) AllocatorType(1 << 10);
auto *A = reinterpret_cast<AllocatorType *>(&AllocatorStorage);
std::byte ArrayStorage[sizeof(Array<ShadowStackEntry>)];
new (&ArrayStorage) Array<ShadowStackEntry>(*A);
auto *Data = reinterpret_cast<Array<ShadowStackEntry> *>(&ArrayStorage);
static uint64_t Dummy = 0;
constexpr uint64_t Max = 9;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < Max; ++i) {
auto P = Data->Append({i, &Dummy});
ASSERT_NE(P, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(P->NodePtr, &Dummy);
auto &Back = Data->back();
ASSERT_EQ(Back.NodePtr, &Dummy);
ASSERT_EQ(Back.EntryTSC, i);
// Simulate a stack by checking the data from the end as we're trimming.
auto Counter = Max;
ASSERT_EQ(Data->size(), size_t(Max));
while (!Data->empty()) {
const auto &Top = Data->back();
uint64_t *TopNode = Top.NodePtr;
EXPECT_EQ(TopNode, &Dummy) << "Counter = " << Counter;
ASSERT_EQ(Data->size(), size_t(Counter));
// Once the stack is exhausted, we re-use the storage.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < Max; ++i) {
auto P = Data->Append({i, &Dummy});
ASSERT_NE(P, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(P->NodePtr, &Dummy);
auto &Back = Data->back();
ASSERT_EQ(Back.NodePtr, &Dummy);
ASSERT_EQ(Back.EntryTSC, i);
// We re-initialize the storage, by calling the destructor and
// placement-new'ing again.
new (A) AllocatorType(1 << 10);
new (Data) Array<ShadowStackEntry>(*A);
// Then re-do the test.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < Max; ++i) {
auto P = Data->Append({i, &Dummy});
ASSERT_NE(P, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(P->NodePtr, &Dummy);
auto &Back = Data->back();
ASSERT_EQ(Back.NodePtr, &Dummy);
ASSERT_EQ(Back.EntryTSC, i);
// Simulate a stack by checking the data from the end as we're trimming.
Counter = Max;
ASSERT_EQ(Data->size(), size_t(Max));
while (!Data->empty()) {
const auto &Top = Data->back();
uint64_t *TopNode = Top.NodePtr;
EXPECT_EQ(TopNode, &Dummy) << "Counter = " << Counter;
ASSERT_EQ(Data->size(), size_t(Counter));
// Once the stack is exhausted, we re-use the storage.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < Max; ++i) {
auto P = Data->Append({i, &Dummy});
ASSERT_NE(P, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(P->NodePtr, &Dummy);
auto &Back = Data->back();
ASSERT_EQ(Back.NodePtr, &Dummy);
ASSERT_EQ(Back.EntryTSC, i);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, ArrayOfPointersIteratorAccess) {
using PtrArray = Array<int *>;
PtrArray::AllocatorType Alloc(16384);
Array<int *> A(Alloc);
static constexpr size_t Count = 100;
std::vector<int> Integers(Count);
std::iota(Integers.begin(), Integers.end(), 0);
for (auto &I : Integers)
ASSERT_NE(A.Append(&I), nullptr);
int V = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(A.size(), Count);
for (auto P : A) {
ASSERT_NE(P, nullptr);
TEST(SegmentedArrayTest, ArrayOfPointersIteratorAccessExhaustion) {
using PtrArray = Array<int *>;
PtrArray::AllocatorType Alloc(4096);
Array<int *> A(Alloc);
static constexpr size_t Count = 1000;
std::vector<int> Integers(Count);
std::iota(Integers.begin(), Integers.end(), 0);
for (auto &I : Integers)
if (A.Append(&I) == nullptr)
int V = 0;
ASSERT_LT(A.size(), Count);
for (auto P : A) {
ASSERT_NE(P, nullptr);
} // namespace
} // namespace __xray