# -*- Python -*-
import os
# Setup config name.
config.name = "DataFlowSanitizer" + config.name_suffix
# Setup source root.
config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# Setup default compiler flags used with -fsanitize=dataflow option.
clang_dfsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=dataflow"] + [config.target_cflags]
clang_dfsan_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_dfsan_cflags
def build_invocation(compile_flags):
return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " "
config.substitutions.append(("%clang_dfsan ", build_invocation(clang_dfsan_cflags)))
config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx_dfsan ", build_invocation(clang_dfsan_cxxflags)))
# Default test suffixes.
config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"]
# DataFlowSanitizer tests are currently supported on Linux only.
if not (config.host_os in ["Linux"] and config.target_arch in ["aarch64", "x86_64", "loongarch64"]):
config.unsupported = True