//===-- Analyze benchmark JSON files ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include <array>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
namespace automemcpy {
// A Grade as in the Majority Judgment voting system.
struct Grade {
enum GradeEnum {
// Returns a human readable string of the enum.
static StringRef getString(const GradeEnum &GE);
// Turns 'Score' into a GradeEnum.
static GradeEnum judge(double Score);
// A 'GradeEnum' indexed array with counts for each grade.
using GradeHistogram = std::array<size_t, Grade::ARRAY_SIZE>;
// Identifies a Function by its name and type. Used as a key in a map.
struct FunctionId {
StringRef Name;
FunctionType Type;
struct PerDistributionData {
std::vector<double> BytesPerSecondSamples;
double BytesPerSecondMedian; // Median of samples for this distribution.
double BytesPerSecondMean; // Mean of samples for this distribution.
double BytesPerSecondVariance; // Variance of samples for this distribution.
double Score; // Normalized score for this distribution.
Grade::GradeEnum Grade; // Grade for this distribution.
struct FunctionData {
FunctionId Id;
StringMap<PerDistributionData> PerDistributionData;
double ScoresGeoMean; // Geomean of scores for each distribution.
GradeHistogram GradeHisto = {}; // GradeEnum indexed array
Grade::GradeEnum FinalGrade = Grade::BAD; // Overall grade for this function
// Identifies a Distribution by its name. Used as a key in a map.
struct DistributionId {
StringRef Name;
// Identifies a Sample by its distribution and function. Used as a key in a map.
struct SampleId {
FunctionId Function;
DistributionId Distribution;
COMPARABLE_AND_HASHABLE(SampleId, Function.Type, Function.Name,
// The type of Samples as reported by the Google Benchmark's JSON result file.
// We are only interested in the "iteration" samples, the "aggregate" ones
// represent derived metrics such as 'mean' or 'median'.
enum class SampleType { UNKNOWN, ITERATION, AGGREGATE };
// A SampleId with an associated measured throughput.
struct Sample {
SampleId Id;
SampleType Type = SampleType::UNKNOWN;
double BytesPerSecond = 0;
// This function collects Samples that belong to the same distribution and
// function and retains the median one. It then stores each of them into a
// 'FunctionData' and returns them as a vector.
std::vector<FunctionData> getThroughputs(ArrayRef<Sample> Samples);
// Normalize the function's throughput per distribution.
void fillScores(MutableArrayRef<FunctionData> Functions);
// Convert scores into Grades, stores an histogram of Grade for each functions
// and cast a median grade for the function.
void castVotes(MutableArrayRef<FunctionData> Functions);
} // namespace automemcpy
} // namespace llvm