//===-- Unittests for freelist_heap ---------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/__support/CPP/span.h"
#include "src/__support/freelist_heap.h"
#include "src/__support/macros/config.h"
#include "src/string/memcmp.h"
#include "src/string/memcpy.h"
#include "test/UnitTest/Test.h"
using LIBC_NAMESPACE::freelist_heap;
// Similar to `LlvmLibcBlockTest` in block_test.cpp, we'd like to run the same
// tests independently for different parameters. In this case, we'd like to test
// functionality for a `FreeListHeap` and the global `freelist_heap` which was
// constinit'd. Functionally, it should operate the same if the FreeListHeap
// were initialized locally at runtime or at compile-time.
// Note that calls to `allocate` for each test case here don't always explicitly
// `free` them afterwards, so when testing the global allocator, allocations
// made in tests leak and aren't free'd. This is fine for the purposes of this
// test file.
#define TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(TestCase, BufferSize) \
class LlvmLibcFreeListHeapTest##TestCase : public testing::Test { \
public: \
FreeListHeapBuffer<BufferSize> fake_global_buffer; \
void SetUp() override { \
freelist_heap = \
new (&fake_global_buffer) FreeListHeapBuffer<BufferSize>; \
} \
void RunTest(FreeListHeap<> &allocator, [[maybe_unused]] size_t N); \
}; \
TEST_F(LlvmLibcFreeListHeapTest##TestCase, TestCase) { \
alignas(FreeListHeap<>::BlockType) \
cpp::byte buf[BufferSize] = {cpp::byte(0)}; \
FreeListHeap<> allocator(buf); \
RunTest(allocator, BufferSize); \
RunTest(*freelist_heap, freelist_heap->region().size()); \
} \
void LlvmLibcFreeListHeapTest##TestCase::RunTest(FreeListHeap<> &allocator, \
size_t N)
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(CanAllocate, 2048) {
constexpr size_t ALLOC_SIZE = 512;
void *ptr = allocator.allocate(ALLOC_SIZE);
ASSERT_NE(ptr, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(AllocationsDontOverlap, 2048) {
constexpr size_t ALLOC_SIZE = 512;
void *ptr1 = allocator.allocate(ALLOC_SIZE);
void *ptr2 = allocator.allocate(ALLOC_SIZE);
ASSERT_NE(ptr1, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
ASSERT_NE(ptr2, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
uintptr_t ptr1_start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr1);
uintptr_t ptr1_end = ptr1_start + ALLOC_SIZE;
uintptr_t ptr2_start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr2);
EXPECT_GT(ptr2_start, ptr1_end);
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(CanFreeAndRealloc, 2048) {
// There's not really a nice way to test that free works, apart from to try
// and get that value back again.
constexpr size_t ALLOC_SIZE = 512;
void *ptr1 = allocator.allocate(ALLOC_SIZE);
void *ptr2 = allocator.allocate(ALLOC_SIZE);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr1, ptr2);
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(ReturnsNullWhenAllocationTooLarge, 2048) {
EXPECT_EQ(allocator.allocate(N), static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
// NOTE: This doesn't use TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR because the first `allocate`
// here will likely actually return a nullptr since the same global allocator
// is used for other test cases and we don't explicitly free them.
TEST(LlvmLibcFreeListHeap, ReturnsNullWhenFull) {
constexpr size_t N = 2048;
alignas(FreeListHeap<>::BlockType) cpp::byte buf[N] = {cpp::byte(0)};
FreeListHeap<> allocator(buf);
// Use aligned_allocate so we don't need to worry about ensuring the `buf`
// being aligned to max_align_t.
1, N - 2 * FreeListHeap<>::BlockType::BLOCK_OVERHEAD),
static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(allocator.allocate(1), static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(ReturnedPointersAreAligned, 2048) {
void *ptr1 = allocator.allocate(1);
// Should be aligned to native pointer alignment
uintptr_t ptr1_start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr1);
size_t alignment = alignof(void *);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr1_start % alignment, static_cast<size_t>(0));
void *ptr2 = allocator.allocate(1);
uintptr_t ptr2_start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr2);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr2_start % alignment, static_cast<size_t>(0));
constexpr size_t ALLOC_SIZE = 512;
constexpr size_t kNewAllocSize = 768;
void *ptr1 = allocator.allocate(ALLOC_SIZE);
void *ptr2 = allocator.realloc(ptr1, kNewAllocSize);
ASSERT_NE(ptr1, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
ASSERT_NE(ptr2, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(ReallocHasSameContent, 2048) {
constexpr size_t ALLOC_SIZE = sizeof(int);
constexpr size_t kNewAllocSize = sizeof(int) * 2;
// Data inside the allocated block.
cpp::byte data1[ALLOC_SIZE];
// Data inside the reallocated block.
cpp::byte data2[ALLOC_SIZE];
int *ptr1 = reinterpret_cast<int *>(allocator.allocate(ALLOC_SIZE));
*ptr1 = 42;
LIBC_NAMESPACE::memcpy(data1, ptr1, ALLOC_SIZE);
int *ptr2 = reinterpret_cast<int *>(allocator.realloc(ptr1, kNewAllocSize));
LIBC_NAMESPACE::memcpy(data2, ptr2, ALLOC_SIZE);
ASSERT_NE(ptr1, static_cast<int *>(nullptr));
ASSERT_NE(ptr2, static_cast<int *>(nullptr));
// Verify that data inside the allocated and reallocated chunks are the same.
EXPECT_EQ(LIBC_NAMESPACE::memcmp(data1, data2, ALLOC_SIZE), 0);
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(ReturnsNullReallocFreedPointer, 2048) {
constexpr size_t ALLOC_SIZE = 512;
constexpr size_t kNewAllocSize = 256;
void *ptr1 = allocator.allocate(ALLOC_SIZE);
void *ptr2 = allocator.realloc(ptr1, kNewAllocSize);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<void *>(nullptr), ptr2);
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(ReallocSmallerSize, 2048) {
constexpr size_t ALLOC_SIZE = 512;
constexpr size_t kNewAllocSize = 256;
void *ptr1 = allocator.allocate(ALLOC_SIZE);
void *ptr2 = allocator.realloc(ptr1, kNewAllocSize);
// For smaller sizes, realloc will not shrink the block.
EXPECT_EQ(ptr1, ptr2);
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(ReallocTooLarge, 2048) {
constexpr size_t ALLOC_SIZE = 512;
size_t kNewAllocSize = N * 2; // Large enough to fail.
void *ptr1 = allocator.allocate(ALLOC_SIZE);
void *ptr2 = allocator.realloc(ptr1, kNewAllocSize);
// realloc() will not invalidate the original pointer if realloc() fails
EXPECT_NE(static_cast<void *>(nullptr), ptr1);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<void *>(nullptr), ptr2);
constexpr size_t ALLOC_SIZE = 128;
constexpr size_t NUM = 4;
constexpr int size = NUM * ALLOC_SIZE;
constexpr cpp::byte zero{0};
cpp::byte *ptr1 =
reinterpret_cast<cpp::byte *>(allocator.calloc(NUM, ALLOC_SIZE));
// calloc'd content is zero.
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(ptr1[i], zero);
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(CanCallocWeirdSize, 2048) {
constexpr size_t ALLOC_SIZE = 143;
constexpr size_t NUM = 3;
constexpr int size = NUM * ALLOC_SIZE;
constexpr cpp::byte zero{0};
cpp::byte *ptr1 =
reinterpret_cast<cpp::byte *>(allocator.calloc(NUM, ALLOC_SIZE));
// calloc'd content is zero.
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(ptr1[i], zero);
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(CallocTooLarge, 2048) {
size_t ALLOC_SIZE = N + 1;
EXPECT_EQ(allocator.calloc(1, ALLOC_SIZE), static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(AllocateZero, 2048) {
void *ptr = allocator.allocate(0);
ASSERT_EQ(ptr, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(AlignedAlloc, 2048) {
constexpr size_t ALIGNMENTS[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256};
constexpr size_t SIZE_SCALES[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (size_t alignment : ALIGNMENTS) {
for (size_t scale : SIZE_SCALES) {
size_t size = alignment * scale;
void *ptr = allocator.aligned_allocate(alignment, size);
EXPECT_NE(ptr, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) % alignment, size_t(0));
// This test is not part of the TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR since we want to
// explicitly ensure that the buffer can still return aligned allocations even
// if the underlying buffer is at most aligned to the BlockType alignment. This
// is so we can check that we can still get aligned allocations even if the
// underlying buffer is not aligned to the alignments we request.
TEST(LlvmLibcFreeListHeap, AlignedAllocOnlyBlockTypeAligned) {
constexpr size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
constexpr size_t BUFFER_ALIGNMENT = alignof(FreeListHeap<>::BlockType) * 2;
alignas(BUFFER_ALIGNMENT) cpp::byte buf[BUFFER_SIZE] = {cpp::byte(0)};
// Ensure the underlying buffer is at most aligned to the block type.
FreeListHeap<> allocator(
constexpr size_t ALIGNMENTS[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256};
constexpr size_t SIZE_SCALES[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (size_t alignment : ALIGNMENTS) {
for (size_t scale : SIZE_SCALES) {
size_t size = alignment * scale;
void *ptr = allocator.aligned_allocate(alignment, size);
EXPECT_NE(ptr, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) % alignment, size_t(0));
TEST_FOR_EACH_ALLOCATOR(InvalidAlignedAllocAlignment, 2048) {
// Must be a power of 2.
constexpr size_t ALIGNMENTS[] = {4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256};
for (size_t alignment : ALIGNMENTS) {
void *ptr = allocator.aligned_allocate(alignment - 1, alignment - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
// Size must be a multiple of alignment
for (size_t alignment : ALIGNMENTS) {
void *ptr = allocator.aligned_allocate(alignment, alignment + 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
// Don't accept zero size.
void *ptr = allocator.aligned_allocate(1, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
// Don't accept zero alignment.
ptr = allocator.aligned_allocate(0, 8);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr, static_cast<void *>(nullptr));
} // namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE_DECL