
//===- IntegerRelation.cpp - MLIR IntegerRelation Class ---------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// A class to represent an relation over integer tuples. A relation is
// represented as a constraint system over a space of tuples of integer valued
// variables supporting symbolic variables and existential quantification.

#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelation.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/Fraction.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/LinearTransform.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/PWMAFunction.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/PresburgerRelation.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/PresburgerSpace.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/Simplex.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/Utils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallBitVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#define DEBUG_TYPE



std::unique_ptr<IntegerRelation> IntegerRelation::clone() const {}

std::unique_ptr<IntegerPolyhedron> IntegerPolyhedron::clone() const {}

void IntegerRelation::setSpace(const PresburgerSpace &oSpace) {}

void IntegerRelation::setSpaceExceptLocals(const PresburgerSpace &oSpace) {}

void IntegerRelation::setId(VarKind kind, unsigned i, Identifier id) {}

ArrayRef<Identifier> IntegerRelation::getIds(VarKind kind) {}

void IntegerRelation::append(const IntegerRelation &other) {}

IntegerRelation IntegerRelation::intersect(IntegerRelation other) const {}

bool IntegerRelation::isEqual(const IntegerRelation &other) const {}

bool IntegerRelation::isObviouslyEqual(const IntegerRelation &other) const {}

bool IntegerRelation::isSubsetOf(const IntegerRelation &other) const {}

MaybeOptimum<SmallVector<Fraction, 8>>
IntegerRelation::findRationalLexMin() const {}

MaybeOptimum<SmallVector<DynamicAPInt, 8>>
IntegerRelation::findIntegerLexMin() const {}

static bool rangeIsZero(ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> range) {}

static void removeConstraintsInvolvingVarRange(IntegerRelation &poly,
                                               unsigned begin, unsigned count) {}

IntegerRelation::CountsSnapshot IntegerRelation::getCounts() const {}

void IntegerRelation::truncateVarKind(VarKind kind, unsigned num) {}

void IntegerRelation::truncateVarKind(VarKind kind,
                                      const CountsSnapshot &counts) {}

void IntegerRelation::truncate(const CountsSnapshot &counts) {}

PresburgerRelation IntegerRelation::computeReprWithOnlyDivLocals() const {}

SymbolicLexOpt IntegerRelation::findSymbolicIntegerLexMin() const {}

/// findSymbolicIntegerLexMax is implemented using findSymbolicIntegerLexMin as
/// follows:
/// 1. A new relation is created which is `this` relation with the sign of
/// each dimension variable in range flipped;
/// 2. findSymbolicIntegerLexMin is called on the range negated relation to
/// compute the negated lexmax of `this` relation;
/// 3. The sign of the negated lexmax is flipped and returned.
SymbolicLexOpt IntegerRelation::findSymbolicIntegerLexMax() const {}

IntegerRelation::subtract(const PresburgerRelation &set) const {}

unsigned IntegerRelation::insertVar(VarKind kind, unsigned pos, unsigned num) {}

unsigned IntegerRelation::appendVar(VarKind kind, unsigned num) {}

void IntegerRelation::addEquality(ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> eq) {}

void IntegerRelation::addInequality(ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> inEq) {}

void IntegerRelation::removeVar(VarKind kind, unsigned pos) {}

void IntegerRelation::removeVar(unsigned pos) {}

void IntegerRelation::removeVarRange(VarKind kind, unsigned varStart,
                                     unsigned varLimit) {}

void IntegerRelation::removeVarRange(unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit) {}

void IntegerRelation::removeEquality(unsigned pos) {}

void IntegerRelation::removeInequality(unsigned pos) {}

void IntegerRelation::removeEqualityRange(unsigned start, unsigned end) {}

void IntegerRelation::removeInequalityRange(unsigned start, unsigned end) {}

void IntegerRelation::swapVar(unsigned posA, unsigned posB) {}

void IntegerRelation::clearConstraints() {}

/// Gather all lower and upper bounds of the variable at `pos`, and
/// optionally any equalities on it. In addition, the bounds are to be
/// independent of variables in position range [`offset`, `offset` + `num`).
void IntegerRelation::getLowerAndUpperBoundIndices(
    unsigned pos, SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> *lbIndices,
    SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> *ubIndices, SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> *eqIndices,
    unsigned offset, unsigned num) const {}

bool IntegerRelation::hasConsistentState() const {}

void IntegerRelation::setAndEliminate(unsigned pos,
                                      ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> values) {}

void IntegerRelation::clearAndCopyFrom(const IntegerRelation &other) {}

// Searches for a constraint with a non-zero coefficient at `colIdx` in
// equality (isEq=true) or inequality (isEq=false) constraints.
// Returns true and sets row found in search in `rowIdx`, false otherwise.
bool IntegerRelation::findConstraintWithNonZeroAt(unsigned colIdx, bool isEq,
                                                  unsigned *rowIdx) const {}

void IntegerRelation::normalizeConstraintsByGCD() {}

bool IntegerRelation::hasInvalidConstraint() const {}

/// Eliminate variable from constraint at `rowIdx` based on coefficient at
/// pivotRow, pivotCol. Columns in range [elimColStart, pivotCol) will not be
/// updated as they have already been eliminated.
static void eliminateFromConstraint(IntegerRelation *constraints,
                                    unsigned rowIdx, unsigned pivotRow,
                                    unsigned pivotCol, unsigned elimColStart,
                                    bool isEq) {}

/// Returns the position of the variable that has the minimum <number of lower
/// bounds> times <number of upper bounds> from the specified range of
/// variables [start, end). It is often best to eliminate in the increasing
/// order of these counts when doing Fourier-Motzkin elimination since FM adds
/// that many new constraints.
static unsigned getBestVarToEliminate(const IntegerRelation &cst,
                                      unsigned start, unsigned end) {}

// Checks for emptiness of the set by eliminating variables successively and
// using the GCD test (on all equality constraints) and checking for trivially
// invalid constraints. Returns 'true' if the constraint system is found to be
// empty; false otherwise.
bool IntegerRelation::isEmpty() const {}

bool IntegerRelation::isObviouslyEmpty() const {}

// Runs the GCD test on all equality constraints. Returns 'true' if this test
// fails on any equality. Returns 'false' otherwise.
// This test can be used to disprove the existence of a solution. If it returns
// true, no integer solution to the equality constraints can exist.
// GCD test definition:
// The equality constraint:
//  c_1*x_1 + c_2*x_2 + ... + c_n*x_n = c_0
// has an integer solution iff:
//  GCD of c_1, c_2, ..., c_n divides c_0.
bool IntegerRelation::isEmptyByGCDTest() const {}

// Returns a matrix where each row is a vector along which the polytope is
// bounded. The span of the returned vectors is guaranteed to contain all
// such vectors. The returned vectors are NOT guaranteed to be linearly
// independent. This function should not be called on empty sets.
// It is sufficient to check the perpendiculars of the constraints, as the set
// of perpendiculars which are bounded must span all bounded directions.
IntMatrix IntegerRelation::getBoundedDirections() const {}

bool IntegerRelation::isIntegerEmpty() const {}

/// Let this set be S. If S is bounded then we directly call into the GBR
/// sampling algorithm. Otherwise, there are some unbounded directions, i.e.,
/// vectors v such that S extends to infinity along v or -v. In this case we
/// use an algorithm described in the integer set library (isl) manual and used
/// by the isl_set_sample function in that library. The algorithm is:
/// 1) Apply a unimodular transform T to S to obtain S*T, such that all
/// dimensions in which S*T is bounded lie in the linear span of a prefix of the
/// dimensions.
/// 2) Construct a set B by removing all constraints that involve
/// the unbounded dimensions and then deleting the unbounded dimensions. Note
/// that B is a Bounded set.
/// 3) Try to obtain a sample from B using the GBR sampling
/// algorithm. If no sample is found, return that S is empty.
/// 4) Otherwise, substitute the obtained sample into S*T to obtain a set
/// C. C is a full-dimensional Cone and always contains a sample.
/// 5) Obtain an integer sample from C.
/// 6) Return T*v, where v is the concatenation of the samples from B and C.
/// The following is a sketch of a proof that
/// a) If the algorithm returns empty, then S is empty.
/// b) If the algorithm returns a sample, it is a valid sample in S.
/// The algorithm returns empty only if B is empty, in which case S*T is
/// certainly empty since B was obtained by removing constraints and then
/// deleting unconstrained dimensions from S*T. Since T is unimodular, a vector
/// v is in S*T iff T*v is in S. So in this case, since
/// S*T is empty, S is empty too.
/// Otherwise, the algorithm substitutes the sample from B into S*T. All the
/// constraints of S*T that did not involve unbounded dimensions are satisfied
/// by this substitution. All dimensions in the linear span of the dimensions
/// outside the prefix are unbounded in S*T (step 1). Substituting values for
/// the bounded dimensions cannot make these dimensions bounded, and these are
/// the only remaining dimensions in C, so C is unbounded along every vector (in
/// the positive or negative direction, or both). C is hence a full-dimensional
/// cone and therefore always contains an integer point.
/// Concatenating the samples from B and C gives a sample v in S*T, so the
/// returned sample T*v is a sample in S.
std::optional<SmallVector<DynamicAPInt, 8>>
IntegerRelation::findIntegerSample() const {}

/// Helper to evaluate an affine expression at a point.
/// The expression is a list of coefficients for the dimensions followed by the
/// constant term.
static DynamicAPInt valueAt(ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> expr,
                            ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> point) {}

/// A point satisfies an equality iff the value of the equality at the
/// expression is zero, and it satisfies an inequality iff the value of the
/// inequality at that point is non-negative.
bool IntegerRelation::containsPoint(ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> point) const {}

/// Just substitute the values given and check if an integer sample exists for
/// the local vars.
/// TODO: this could be made more efficient by handling divisions separately.
/// Instead of finding an integer sample over all the locals, we can first
/// compute the values of the locals that have division representations and
/// only use the integer emptiness check for the locals that don't have this.
/// Handling this correctly requires ordering the divs, though.
std::optional<SmallVector<DynamicAPInt, 8>>
IntegerRelation::containsPointNoLocal(ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> point) const {}

IntegerRelation::getLocalReprs(std::vector<MaybeLocalRepr> *repr) const {}

/// Tightens inequalities given that we are dealing with integer spaces. This is
/// analogous to the GCD test but applied to inequalities. The constant term can
/// be reduced to the preceding multiple of the GCD of the coefficients, i.e.,
///  64*i - 100 >= 0  =>  64*i - 128 >= 0 (since 'i' is an integer). This is a
/// fast method - linear in the number of coefficients.
// Example on how this affects practical cases: consider the scenario:
// 64*i >= 100, j = 64*i; without a tightening, elimination of i would yield
// j >= 100 instead of the tighter (exact) j >= 128.
void IntegerRelation::gcdTightenInequalities() {}

// Eliminates all variable variables in column range [posStart, posLimit).
// Returns the number of variables eliminated.
unsigned IntegerRelation::gaussianEliminateVars(unsigned posStart,
                                                unsigned posLimit) {}

bool IntegerRelation::gaussianEliminate() {}

// A more complex check to eliminate redundant inequalities. Uses FourierMotzkin
// to check if a constraint is redundant.
void IntegerRelation::removeRedundantInequalities() {}

// A more complex check to eliminate redundant inequalities and equalities. Uses
// Simplex to check if a constraint is redundant.
void IntegerRelation::removeRedundantConstraints() {}

std::optional<DynamicAPInt> IntegerRelation::computeVolume() const {}

void IntegerRelation::eliminateRedundantLocalVar(unsigned posA, unsigned posB) {}

/// mergeAndAlignSymbols's implementation can be broken down into two steps:
/// 1. Merge and align identifiers into `other` from `this. If an identifier
/// from `this` exists in `other` then we align it. Otherwise, we assume it is a
/// new identifier and insert it into `other` in the same position as `this`.
/// 2. Add identifiers that are in `other` but not `this to `this`.
void IntegerRelation::mergeAndAlignSymbols(IntegerRelation &other) {}

/// Adds additional local ids to the sets such that they both have the union
/// of the local ids in each set, without changing the set of points that
/// lie in `this` and `other`.
/// To detect local ids that always take the same value, each local id is
/// represented as a floordiv with constant denominator in terms of other ids.
/// After extracting these divisions, local ids in `other` with the same
/// division representation as some other local id in any set are considered
/// duplicate and are merged.
/// It is possible that division representation for some local id cannot be
/// obtained, and thus these local ids are not considered for detecting
/// duplicates.
unsigned IntegerRelation::mergeLocalVars(IntegerRelation &other) {}

bool IntegerRelation::hasOnlyDivLocals() const {}

void IntegerRelation::removeDuplicateDivs() {}

void IntegerRelation::simplify() {}

/// Removes local variables using equalities. Each equality is checked if it
/// can be reduced to the form: `e = affine-expr`, where `e` is a local
/// variable and `affine-expr` is an affine expression not containing `e`.
/// If an equality satisfies this form, the local variable is replaced in
/// each constraint and then removed. The equality used to replace this local
/// variable is also removed.
void IntegerRelation::removeRedundantLocalVars() {}

void IntegerRelation::convertVarKind(VarKind srcKind, unsigned varStart,
                                     unsigned varLimit, VarKind dstKind,
                                     unsigned pos) {}

void IntegerRelation::addBound(BoundType type, unsigned pos,
                               const DynamicAPInt &value) {}

void IntegerRelation::addBound(BoundType type, ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> expr,
                               const DynamicAPInt &value) {}

/// Adds a new local variable as the floordiv of an affine function of other
/// variables, the coefficients of which are provided in 'dividend' and with
/// respect to a positive constant 'divisor'. Two constraints are added to the
/// system to capture equivalence with the floordiv.
///      q = expr floordiv c    <=>   c*q <= expr <= c*q + c - 1.
void IntegerRelation::addLocalFloorDiv(ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> dividend,
                                       const DynamicAPInt &divisor) {}

/// Finds an equality that equates the specified variable to a constant.
/// Returns the position of the equality row. If 'symbolic' is set to true,
/// symbols are also treated like a constant, i.e., an affine function of the
/// symbols is also treated like a constant. Returns -1 if such an equality
/// could not be found.
static int findEqualityToConstant(const IntegerRelation &cst, unsigned pos,
                                  bool symbolic = false) {}

LogicalResult IntegerRelation::constantFoldVar(unsigned pos) {}

void IntegerRelation::constantFoldVarRange(unsigned pos, unsigned num) {}

/// Returns a non-negative constant bound on the extent (upper bound - lower
/// bound) of the specified variable if it is found to be a constant; returns
/// std::nullopt if it's not a constant. This methods treats symbolic variables
/// specially, i.e., it looks for constant differences between affine
/// expressions involving only the symbolic variables. See comments at function
/// definition for example. 'lb', if provided, is set to the lower bound
/// associated with the constant difference. Note that 'lb' is purely symbolic
/// and thus will contain the coefficients of the symbolic variables and the
/// constant coefficient.
//  Egs: 0 <= i <= 15, return 16.
//       s0 + 2 <= i <= s0 + 17, returns 16. (s0 has to be a symbol)
//       s0 + s1 + 16 <= d0 <= s0 + s1 + 31, returns 16.
//       s0 - 7 <= 8*j <= s0 returns 1 with lb = s0, lbDivisor = 8 (since lb =
//       ceil(s0 - 7 / 8) = floor(s0 / 8)).
std::optional<DynamicAPInt> IntegerRelation::getConstantBoundOnDimSize(
    unsigned pos, SmallVectorImpl<DynamicAPInt> *lb,
    DynamicAPInt *boundFloorDivisor, SmallVectorImpl<DynamicAPInt> *ub,
    unsigned *minLbPos, unsigned *minUbPos) const {}

template <bool isLower>
IntegerRelation::computeConstantLowerOrUpperBound(unsigned pos) {}

IntegerRelation::getConstantBound(BoundType type, unsigned pos) const {}

// A simple (naive and conservative) check for hyper-rectangularity.
bool IntegerRelation::isHyperRectangular(unsigned pos, unsigned num) const {}

/// Removes duplicate constraints, trivially true constraints, and constraints
/// that can be detected as redundant as a result of differing only in their
/// constant term part. A constraint of the form <non-negative constant> >= 0 is
/// considered trivially true.
//  Uses a DenseSet to hash and detect duplicates followed by a linear scan to
//  remove duplicates in place.
void IntegerRelation::removeTrivialRedundancy() {}

#define DEBUG_TYPE

/// Eliminates variable at the specified position using Fourier-Motzkin
/// variable elimination. This technique is exact for rational spaces but
/// conservative (in "rare" cases) for integer spaces. The operation corresponds
/// to a projection operation yielding the (convex) set of integer points
/// contained in the rational shadow of the set. An emptiness test that relies
/// on this method will guarantee emptiness, i.e., it disproves the existence of
/// a solution if it says it's empty.
/// If a non-null isResultIntegerExact is passed, it is set to true if the
/// result is also integer exact. If it's set to false, the obtained solution
/// *may* not be exact, i.e., it may contain integer points that do not have an
/// integer pre-image in the original set.
/// Eg:
/// j >= 0, j <= i + 1
/// i >= 0, i <= N + 1
/// Eliminating i yields,
///   j >= 0, 0 <= N + 1, j - 1 <= N + 1
/// If darkShadow = true, this method computes the dark shadow on elimination;
/// the dark shadow is a convex integer subset of the exact integer shadow. A
/// non-empty dark shadow proves the existence of an integer solution. The
/// elimination in such a case could however be an under-approximation, and thus
/// should not be used for scanning sets or used by itself for dependence
/// checking.
/// Eg: 2-d set, * represents grid points, 'o' represents a point in the set.
///            ^
///            |
///            | * * * * o o
///         i  | * * o o o o
///            | o * * * * *
///            --------------->
///                 j ->
/// Eliminating i from this system (projecting on the j dimension):
/// rational shadow / integer light shadow:  1 <= j <= 6
/// dark shadow:                             3 <= j <= 6
/// exact integer shadow:                    j = 1 \union  3 <= j <= 6
/// holes/splinters:                         j = 2
/// darkShadow = false, isResultIntegerExact = nullptr are default values.
// TODO: a slight modification to yield dark shadow version of FM (tightened),
// which can prove the existence of a solution if there is one.
void IntegerRelation::fourierMotzkinEliminate(unsigned pos, bool darkShadow,
                                              bool *isResultIntegerExact) {}

#define DEBUG_TYPE

void IntegerRelation::projectOut(unsigned pos, unsigned num) {}

namespace {

enum BoundCmpResult {};

/// Compares two affine bounds whose coefficients are provided in 'first' and
/// 'second'. The last coefficient is the constant term.
static BoundCmpResult compareBounds(ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> a,
                                    ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> b) {}
} // namespace

// Returns constraints that are common to both A & B.
static void getCommonConstraints(const IntegerRelation &a,
                                 const IntegerRelation &b, IntegerRelation &c) {}

// Computes the bounding box with respect to 'other' by finding the min of the
// lower bounds and the max of the upper bounds along each of the dimensions.
IntegerRelation::unionBoundingBox(const IntegerRelation &otherCst) {}

bool IntegerRelation::isColZero(unsigned pos) const {}

/// Find positions of inequalities and equalities that do not have a coefficient
/// for [pos, pos + num) variables.
static void getIndependentConstraints(const IntegerRelation &cst, unsigned pos,
                                      unsigned num,
                                      SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &nbIneqIndices,
                                      SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &nbEqIndices) {}

void IntegerRelation::removeIndependentConstraints(unsigned pos, unsigned num) {}

IntegerPolyhedron IntegerRelation::getDomainSet() const {}

bool IntegerRelation::removeDuplicateConstraints() {}

IntegerPolyhedron IntegerRelation::getRangeSet() const {}

void IntegerRelation::intersectDomain(const IntegerPolyhedron &poly) {}

void IntegerRelation::intersectRange(const IntegerPolyhedron &poly) {}

void IntegerRelation::inverse() {}

void IntegerRelation::compose(const IntegerRelation &rel) {}

void IntegerRelation::applyDomain(const IntegerRelation &rel) {}

void IntegerRelation::applyRange(const IntegerRelation &rel) {}

void IntegerRelation::printSpace(raw_ostream &os) const {}

void IntegerRelation::removeTrivialEqualities() {}

bool IntegerRelation::isFullDim() {}

void IntegerRelation::mergeAndCompose(const IntegerRelation &other) {}

void IntegerRelation::print(raw_ostream &os) const {}

void IntegerRelation::dump() const {}

unsigned IntegerPolyhedron::insertVar(VarKind kind, unsigned pos,
                                      unsigned num) {}
IntegerPolyhedron::intersect(const IntegerPolyhedron &other) const {}

PresburgerSet IntegerPolyhedron::subtract(const PresburgerSet &other) const {}