
//===- LinalgInterfaces.cpp - Linalg interfaces implementation ------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/IR/LinalgInterfaces.h"

#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/Utils/Utils.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Complex/IR/Complex.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/IR/Linalg.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/IR/MemRef.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Tensor/IR/Tensor.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineExprVisitor.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetOperations.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallBitVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include <algorithm>


/// Include the definitions of the copy operation interface.
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/IR/LinalgInterfaces.cpp.inc"

// Interface utility functions

bool linalg::detail::canOpOperandsBeDroppedImpl(
    linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp, ArrayRef<OpOperand *> droppedOperands) {}

// CopyOpInterface implementation

bool linalg::isaCopyOpInterface(LinalgOp linalgOp) {}

// FillOpInterface implementation
std::optional<Value> linalg::isaFillOpInterface(GenericOp genericOp) {}

// Elementwise Single Unary/Binary-OpInterface implementation
static bool
isaElemwiseSingleUnaryOrBinaryOpInterface(linalg::GenericOp genericOp,
                                          unsigned arity) {}

bool linalg::isaElemwiseSingleUnaryOpInterface(linalg::GenericOp genericOp) {}

bool linalg::isaElemwiseSingleBinaryOpInterface(linalg::GenericOp genericOp) {}

// ContractionOpInterface implementation

/// If the value is defined by a chain of unary side effect-free, go up the
/// use-def chain until the first value that isn't defined by such an op.
// TODO: relax to multi-operands with constants, which are technically unary ops
// as needed (e.g. add5).
static Value getSourceSkipUnary(Value value) {}

bool mlir::linalg::detail::isContractionBody(
    Block &block, function_ref<bool(Operation *, Operation *)> isaPair,
    llvm::raw_ostream &errs) {}

/// Returns true if the two operations are of the kinds specified by a pair of
/// consecutive template arguments.
template <typename AddOpTy, typename MulOpTy, typename... Args>
static bool isPairTemplateImpl(Operation *add, Operation *mul) {}

/// Returns true if the block is a body of a contraction with the kinds of
/// operations given pairwise by template arguments.
template <typename... Args>
static bool isContractionBody(Block &block) {}

/// Given an `indexingMap` and its corresponding `iterators`, returns
/// the positions of the iterators of type `iter` that are indexed by
/// the `indexingMap` as a permutation. This is useful to infer various
/// subcomputations on a `LinalgOp`. This is performed by looking up
/// each result in the `indexingMap` and determining whether:
///   - It is a single AffineDimExpr.
///   - It is the only result involving this AffineDimExpr.
static llvm::SmallDenseSet<int64_t>
findPermutationsIndexingOperand(AffineMap indexingMap,
                                ArrayRef<utils::IteratorType> iterators,
                                utils::IteratorType iter) {}

namespace {
auto par =;
auto red =;
} // namespace

/// Infer the iterator types from the init affine map. This looks at which dims
/// are present in the map results, and returns an iterator types array with
/// parallel types for dims that are present, and reduction types for dims that
/// are not present.
static FailureOr<SmallVector<utils::IteratorType>>
inferIteratorsFromOutMap(AffineMap map) {}

/// Find 2 parallel (m and n) and 1 reduction (k) dimension candidates that form
/// a matmul subcomputation within `linalgOp`. These dimensions are such that:
///   1. The m dimension is involved in an outer-product along LHS
///      (i.e. it is a permutation on RES and LHS and does not appear in RHS).
///   2. The n dimension is involved in an outer-product along RHS
///      (i.e. it is a permutation on RES and RHS and does not appear in LHS).
///   3. The k dimension appears as a permutation on LHS and RHS.
///   4. m, n and k appear only once in any given indexing.
///   5. Optional batch dimensions that appear in all operands are captured.
/// This allows e.g. detecting that some contraction is embedded within
/// `linalgOp` with some orthogonal heuristic.
static FailureOr<ContractionDimensions>
inferContractionDimsImpl(ArrayRef<AffineMap> indexingMaps,
                         ArrayRef<utils::IteratorType> iterators) {}

mlir::linalg::inferContractionDims(LinalgOp linalgOp) {}

mlir::linalg::inferContractionDims(ArrayRef<AffineMap> indexingMaps) {}

namespace mlir::linalg::detail {
enum class MatchContractionResult {};
} // namespace mlir::linalg::detail

    Operation *op, mlir::linalg::ContractionDimensions *dimensions) {}

mlir::linalg::detail::getMatchContractionMessage(MatchContractionResult res) {}

bool mlir::linalg::isaContractionOpInterface(LinalgOp linalgOp) {}

/// Verify that a LinalgOp `op` is a contraction.
/// A Linalg contraction is defined in general terms:
///   1. Has 2 input and 1 output shapes.
///   2. Has at least one reduction dimension.
///   3. Has only projected permutation indexing maps.
///   4. its body computes `u5(u1(c) + u2(u3(a) * u4(b)))` on some field
///   (AddOpType, MulOpType), where u1, u2, u3, u4 and u5 represent scalar unary
///   operations that may change the type (e.g. for mixed-precision).
/// As a consequence, when vectorization of such an op occurs, the only special
/// behavior is that the (unique) MulOpType is vectorized into a
/// `vector.contract`. All other ops are handled in a generic fashion.
/// In the future, we may wish to allow more input arguments and elementwise and
/// constant operations that do not involve the reduction dimension(s).
LogicalResult mlir::linalg::detail::verifyContractionInterface(Operation *op) {}

// ConvolutionOpInterface implementation

/// Of the given two expressions returns one that is of type T (`lhs` gets
/// preference over `rhs`)
template <typename T>
static T getAffineExprOfType(AffineExpr lhs, AffineExpr rhs) {}

namespace {
/// Walk the indexing expressions for input of a convolution operation to verify
/// its of the right form, either
/// - AffineDimExpr
/// - AffineDimExpr (`*` (AffineSymbolExpr | AffineConstantExpr))?
///      (`+` AffineDimExpr (`*` (AffineSymbolExpr | AffineConstantExpr))?)*
/// classifies the AffineDimExpr as convolved dimensions or unconvolved
/// dimensions and verifies each dimension occurs only once.
struct ConvAccessExprWalker
    : public AffineExprVisitor<ConvAccessExprWalker, LogicalResult> {};
} // namespace

static llvm::SmallDenseSet<int64_t> getPreservedDims(AffineMap map) {}

static SmallVector<int64_t, 2>
getConstantsFromExprList(const SmallVector<AffineExpr, 2> &exprs) {}

/// Classifies dimensions in the `linalgOp` used by a convolution
/// subcomputation, as captured by `inputExprWalker`. If
/// `allowEmptyConvolvedDims` is not set this this will fail if there is not
/// at least convolved dimension pair (output image + filter loop). Convolution
/// dimensions are specified in sorted order, and strides match the order of
/// the filter loop dimensions, while the dilations match the order of the
/// output image dimensions.
static FailureOr<ConvolutionDimensions>
inferConvolutionDimsImpl(LinalgOp linalgOp,
                         ConvAccessExprWalker &inputExprWalker,
                         bool allowEmptyConvolvedDims) {}

/// Find at least 1 parallel (output_image) and reduction (filter_loop)
/// dimension candidates that form a convolution subcomputation within
/// `linalgOp`. The LHS is assumed to be the convolution input while the
/// RHS is assumed as the filter.
/// These dimensions are such that:
///   1. Optional batch dimensions that appear in the input and filter.
///   2. The output_image dimension is involved in a cross-correlation along LHS
///      (i.e. it is a permutation on RES and LHS and has an associated
///      filter_loop in RHS).
///   3. Optional output_channel dimension is involved in an outer-product along
///      RHS (i.e. it is a permutation on RES and RHS and does not appear in
///      LHS).
///   4. Optional input_channel dimension appears as a permutation on LHS and
///      RHS.
///   5. The filter_loop dimension appears as a permutation on the RHS and
///      represents the shape of the kernel cross-correlated along a
///      corresponding output_image dim.
///   6. The input_channel dimension appears as a permutation on LHS and RHS.
///   7. All dimensions appear only once in any given indexing map.
/// This allows e.g. detecting that some convolution is embedded within
/// `linalgOp` with some orthogonal heuristic.
/// When multiple dimension occurrences exist that match any classification
/// indices are returned in sorted order.
/// Returns a failure if `output_image` (and implicitly `filter_loop`) is empty.
mlir::linalg::inferConvolutionDims(LinalgOp linalgOp) {}

namespace mlir::linalg::detail {
enum class MatchConvolutionResult {};
} // namespace mlir::linalg::detail

    Operation *op, ConvolutionDimensions *dimensions,
    bool allowEmptyConvolvedDims) {}

mlir::linalg::detail::getMatchConvolutionMessage(MatchConvolutionResult res) {}

bool mlir::linalg::isaConvolutionOpInterface(LinalgOp linalgOp,
                                             bool allowEmptyConvolvedDims) {}

LogicalResult mlir::linalg::detail::verifyConvolutionInterface(Operation *op) {}

// FillOpInterface implementation

enum class MatchFillResult {};

static MatchFillResult isFillInterfaceImpl(Operation *op) {}

LogicalResult mlir::linalg::detail::verifyFillInterface(Operation *op) {}

// StructuredOpInterface implementation

SmallVector<OpFoldResult> LinalgOp::createFlatListOfOperandDims(OpBuilder &b,
                                                                Location loc) {}

SmallVector<int64_t, 4> LinalgOp::createFlatListOfOperandStaticDims() {}

SmallVector<Range, 4> LinalgOp::createLoopRanges(OpBuilder &b, Location loc) {}

SmallVector<int64_t, 4> LinalgOp::computeStaticLoopSizes() {}

/// Visitor to check if any of the given set of positions from AffineDimExprs
/// are used within an AffineExpr.
struct HasAffineDimExprVisitor
    : public AffineExprVisitor<HasAffineDimExprVisitor, bool> {};

static std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>
getResultsPositionInLoopsToShapeMap(LinalgOp &op) {}

LinalgOp::reifyResultShapes(OpBuilder &b,
                            ReifiedRankedShapedTypeDims &reifiedReturnShapes) {}

/// Return the index in the indexingMaps vector that corresponds to this
/// `opOperand`.
int64_t LinalgOp::getIndexingMapIndex(OpOperand *opOperand) {}

LogicalResult mlir::linalg::detail::verifyStructuredOpInterface(Operation *op) {}