
//===- Block.cpp - MLIR Block Class ---------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "mlir/IR/Block.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"

// Block

Block::~Block() {}

Region *Block::getParent() const {}

/// Returns the closest surrounding operation that contains this block or
/// nullptr if this block is unlinked.
Operation *Block::getParentOp() {}

/// Return if this block is the entry block in the parent region.
bool Block::isEntryBlock() {}

/// Insert this block (which must not already be in a region) right before the
/// specified block.
void Block::insertBefore(Block *block) {}

void Block::insertAfter(Block *block) {}

/// Unlink this block from its current region and insert it right before the
/// specific block.
void Block::moveBefore(Block *block) {}

/// Unlink this block from its current region and insert it right before the
/// block that the given iterator points to in the region region.
void Block::moveBefore(Region *region, llvm::iplist<Block>::iterator iterator) {}

/// Unlink this Block from its parent Region and delete it.
void Block::erase() {}

/// Returns 'op' if 'op' lies in this block, or otherwise finds the
/// ancestor operation of 'op' that lies in this block. Returns nullptr if
/// the latter fails.
Operation *Block::findAncestorOpInBlock(Operation &op) {}

/// This drops all operand uses from operations within this block, which is
/// an essential step in breaking cyclic dependences between references when
/// they are to be deleted.
void Block::dropAllReferences() {}

void Block::dropAllDefinedValueUses() {}

/// Returns true if the ordering of the child operations is valid, false
/// otherwise.
bool Block::isOpOrderValid() {}

/// Invalidates the current ordering of operations.
void Block::invalidateOpOrder() {}

/// Verifies the current ordering of child operations. Returns false if the
/// order is valid, true otherwise.
bool Block::verifyOpOrder() {}

/// Recomputes the ordering of child operations within the block.
void Block::recomputeOpOrder() {}

// Argument list management.

/// Return a range containing the types of the arguments for this block.
auto Block::getArgumentTypes() -> ValueTypeRange<BlockArgListType> {}

BlockArgument Block::addArgument(Type type, Location loc) {}

/// Add one argument to the argument list for each type specified in the list.
auto Block::addArguments(TypeRange types, ArrayRef<Location> locs)
    -> iterator_range<args_iterator> {}

BlockArgument Block::insertArgument(unsigned index, Type type, Location loc) {}

/// Insert one value to the given position of the argument list. The existing
/// arguments are shifted. The block is expected not to have predecessors.
BlockArgument Block::insertArgument(args_iterator it, Type type, Location loc) {}

void Block::eraseArgument(unsigned index) {}

void Block::eraseArguments(unsigned start, unsigned num) {}

void Block::eraseArguments(const BitVector &eraseIndices) {}

void Block::eraseArguments(function_ref<bool(BlockArgument)> shouldEraseFn) {}

// Terminator management

/// Get the terminator operation of this block. This function asserts that
/// the block might have a valid terminator operation.
Operation *Block::getTerminator() {}

/// Check whether this block might have a terminator.
bool Block::mightHaveTerminator() {}

// Indexed successor access.
unsigned Block::getNumSuccessors() {}

Block *Block::getSuccessor(unsigned i) {}

/// If this block has exactly one predecessor, return it.  Otherwise, return
/// null.
/// Note that multiple edges from a single block (e.g. if you have a cond
/// branch with the same block as the true/false destinations) is not
/// considered to be a single predecessor.
Block *Block::getSinglePredecessor() {}

/// If this block has a unique predecessor, i.e., all incoming edges originate
/// from one block, return it. Otherwise, return null.
Block *Block::getUniquePredecessor() {}

// Other

/// Split the block into two blocks before the specified operation or
/// iterator.
/// Note that all operations BEFORE the specified iterator stay as part of
/// the original basic block, and the rest of the operations in the original
/// block are moved to the new block, including the old terminator.  The
/// original block is left without a terminator.
/// The newly formed Block is returned, and the specified iterator is
/// invalidated.
Block *Block::splitBlock(iterator splitBefore) {}

// Predecessors

Block *PredecessorIterator::unwrap(BlockOperand &value) {}

/// Get the successor number in the predecessor terminator.
unsigned PredecessorIterator::getSuccessorIndex() const {}

// SuccessorRange

SuccessorRange::SuccessorRange() :{}

SuccessorRange::SuccessorRange(Block *block) :{}

SuccessorRange::SuccessorRange(Operation *term) :{}

// BlockRange

BlockRange::BlockRange(ArrayRef<Block *> blocks) :{}

BlockRange::BlockRange(SuccessorRange successors)

/// See `llvm::detail::indexed_accessor_range_base` for details.
BlockRange::OwnerT BlockRange::offset_base(OwnerT object, ptrdiff_t index) {}

/// See `llvm::detail::indexed_accessor_range_base` for details.
Block *BlockRange::dereference_iterator(OwnerT object, ptrdiff_t index) {}