
//===- PassRegistry.cpp - Pass Registration Utilities ---------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "mlir/Pass/PassRegistry.h"

#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"

#include <optional>
#include <utility>


/// Static mapping of all of the registered passes.
static llvm::ManagedStatic<llvm::StringMap<PassInfo>> passRegistry;

/// A mapping of the above pass registry entries to the corresponding TypeID
/// of the pass that they generate.
static llvm::ManagedStatic<llvm::StringMap<TypeID>> passRegistryTypeIDs;

/// Static mapping of all of the registered pass pipelines.
static llvm::ManagedStatic<llvm::StringMap<PassPipelineInfo>>

/// Utility to create a default registry function from a pass instance.
static PassRegistryFunction
buildDefaultRegistryFn(const PassAllocatorFunction &allocator) {}

/// Utility to print the help string for a specific option.
static void printOptionHelp(StringRef arg, StringRef desc, size_t indent,
                            size_t descIndent, bool isTopLevel) {}

// PassRegistry

/// Prints the passes that were previously registered and stored in passRegistry
void mlir::printRegisteredPasses() {}

/// Print the help information for this pass. This includes the argument,
/// description, and any pass options. `descIndent` is the indent that the
/// descriptions should be aligned.
void PassRegistryEntry::printHelpStr(size_t indent, size_t descIndent) const {}

/// Return the maximum width required when printing the options of this
/// entry.
size_t PassRegistryEntry::getOptionWidth() const {}

// PassPipelineInfo

void mlir::registerPassPipeline(
    StringRef arg, StringRef description, const PassRegistryFunction &function,
    std::function<void(function_ref<void(const PassOptions &)>)> optHandler) {}

// PassInfo

PassInfo::PassInfo(StringRef arg, StringRef description,
                   const PassAllocatorFunction &allocator)

void mlir::registerPass(const PassAllocatorFunction &function) {}

/// Returns the pass info for the specified pass argument or null if unknown.
const PassInfo *mlir::PassInfo::lookup(StringRef passArg) {}

/// Returns the pass pipeline info for the specified pass pipeline argument or
/// null if unknown.
const PassPipelineInfo *mlir::PassPipelineInfo::lookup(StringRef pipelineArg) {}

// PassOptions

/// Extract an argument from 'options' and update it to point after the arg.
/// Returns the cleaned argument string.
static StringRef extractArgAndUpdateOptions(StringRef &options,
                                            size_t argSize) {}

LogicalResult detail::pass_options::parseCommaSeparatedList(
    llvm::cl::Option &opt, StringRef argName, StringRef optionStr,
    function_ref<LogicalResult(StringRef)> elementParseFn) {}

/// Out of line virtual function to provide home for the class.
void detail::PassOptions::OptionBase::anchor() {}

/// Copy the option values from 'other'.
void detail::PassOptions::copyOptionValuesFrom(const PassOptions &other) {}

/// Parse in the next argument from the given options string. Returns a tuple
/// containing [the key of the option, the value of the option, updated
/// `options` string pointing after the parsed option].
static std::tuple<StringRef, StringRef, StringRef>
parseNextArg(StringRef options) {}

LogicalResult detail::PassOptions::parseFromString(StringRef options,
                                                   raw_ostream &errorStream) {}

/// Print the options held by this struct in a form that can be parsed via
/// 'parseFromString'.
void detail::PassOptions::print(raw_ostream &os) const {}

/// Print the help string for the options held by this struct. `descIndent` is
/// the indent within the stream that the descriptions should be aligned.
void detail::PassOptions::printHelp(size_t indent, size_t descIndent) const {}

/// Return the maximum width required when printing the help string.
size_t detail::PassOptions::getOptionWidth() const {}

// MLIR Options

// OpPassManager: OptionValue

llvm::cl::OptionValue<OpPassManager>::OptionValue() = default;
    const mlir::OpPassManager &value) {}
    const llvm::cl::OptionValue<mlir::OpPassManager> &rhs) {}
llvm::cl::OptionValue<OpPassManager> &
    const mlir::OpPassManager &rhs) {}

llvm::cl::OptionValue<OpPassManager>::~OptionValue<OpPassManager>() = default;

void llvm::cl::OptionValue<OpPassManager>::setValue(
    const OpPassManager &newValue) {}
void llvm::cl::OptionValue<OpPassManager>::setValue(StringRef pipelineStr) {}

bool llvm::cl::OptionValue<OpPassManager>::compare(
    const mlir::OpPassManager &rhs) const {}

void llvm::cl::OptionValue<OpPassManager>::anchor() {}

// OpPassManager: Parser

namespace llvm {
namespace cl {
template class basic_parser<OpPassManager>;
} // namespace cl
} // namespace llvm

bool llvm::cl::parser<OpPassManager>::parse(Option &, StringRef, StringRef arg,
                                            ParsedPassManager &value) {}

void llvm::cl::parser<OpPassManager>::print(raw_ostream &os,
                                            const OpPassManager &value) {}

void llvm::cl::parser<OpPassManager>::printOptionDiff(
    const Option &opt, OpPassManager &pm, const OptVal &defaultValue,
    size_t globalWidth) const {}

void llvm::cl::parser<OpPassManager>::anchor() {}

llvm::cl::parser<OpPassManager>::ParsedPassManager::ParsedPassManager() =
    ParsedPassManager &&) = default;
llvm::cl::parser<OpPassManager>::ParsedPassManager::~ParsedPassManager() =

// TextualPassPipeline Parser

namespace {
/// This class represents a textual description of a pass pipeline.
class TextualPipeline {};

} // namespace

/// Try to initialize this pipeline with the given pipeline text. An option is
/// given to enable accurate error reporting.
LogicalResult TextualPipeline::initialize(StringRef text,
                                          raw_ostream &errorStream) {}

/// Add the internal pipeline elements to the provided pass manager.
LogicalResult TextualPipeline::addToPipeline(
    OpPassManager &pm,
    function_ref<LogicalResult(const Twine &)> errorHandler) const {}

/// Parse the given pipeline text into the internal pipeline vector. This
/// function only parses the structure of the pipeline, and does not resolve
/// its elements.
LogicalResult TextualPipeline::parsePipelineText(StringRef text,
                                                 ErrorHandlerT errorHandler) {}

/// Resolve the elements of the pipeline, i.e. connect passes and pipelines to
/// the corresponding registry entry.
LogicalResult TextualPipeline::resolvePipelineElements(
    MutableArrayRef<PipelineElement> elements, ErrorHandlerT errorHandler) {}

/// Resolve a single element of the pipeline.
TextualPipeline::resolvePipelineElement(PipelineElement &element,
                                        ErrorHandlerT errorHandler) {}

/// Add the given pipeline elements to the provided pass manager.
LogicalResult TextualPipeline::addToPipeline(
    ArrayRef<PipelineElement> elements, OpPassManager &pm,
    function_ref<LogicalResult(const Twine &)> errorHandler) const {}

LogicalResult mlir::parsePassPipeline(StringRef pipeline, OpPassManager &pm,
                                      raw_ostream &errorStream) {}

FailureOr<OpPassManager> mlir::parsePassPipeline(StringRef pipeline,
                                                 raw_ostream &errorStream) {}

// PassNameParser

namespace {
/// This struct represents the possible data entries in a parsed pass pipeline
/// list.
struct PassArgData {};
} // namespace

namespace llvm {
namespace cl {
/// Define a valid OptionValue for the command line pass argument.
template <>
struct OptionValue<PassArgData> final
    : OptionValueBase<PassArgData, /*isClass=*/true> {};
} // namespace cl
} // namespace llvm

namespace {

/// The name for the command line option used for parsing the textual pass
/// pipeline.

/// Adds command line option for each registered pass or pass pipeline, as well
/// as textual pass pipelines.
struct PassNameParser : public llvm::cl::parser<PassArgData> {};
} // namespace

void PassNameParser::initialize() {}

void PassNameParser::printOptionInfo(const llvm::cl::Option &opt,
                                     size_t globalWidth) const {}

size_t PassNameParser::getOptionWidth(const llvm::cl::Option &opt) const {}

bool PassNameParser::parse(llvm::cl::Option &opt, StringRef argName,
                           StringRef arg, PassArgData &value) {}

// PassPipelineCLParser

namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
struct PassPipelineCLParserImpl {};
} // namespace detail
} // namespace mlir

/// Construct a pass pipeline parser with the given command line description.
PassPipelineCLParser::PassPipelineCLParser(StringRef arg, StringRef description)

PassPipelineCLParser::PassPipelineCLParser(StringRef arg, StringRef description,
                                           StringRef alias)

PassPipelineCLParser::~PassPipelineCLParser() = default;

/// Returns true if this parser contains any valid options to add.
bool PassPipelineCLParser::hasAnyOccurrences() const {}

/// Returns true if the given pass registry entry was registered at the
/// top-level of the parser, i.e. not within an explicit textual pipeline.
bool PassPipelineCLParser::contains(const PassRegistryEntry *entry) const {}

/// Adds the passes defined by this parser entry to the given pass manager.
LogicalResult PassPipelineCLParser::addToPipeline(
    OpPassManager &pm,
    function_ref<LogicalResult(const Twine &)> errorHandler) const {}

// PassNameCLParser

/// Construct a pass pipeline parser with the given command line description.
PassNameCLParser::PassNameCLParser(StringRef arg, StringRef description)
PassNameCLParser::~PassNameCLParser() = default;

/// Returns true if this parser contains any valid options to add.
bool PassNameCLParser::hasAnyOccurrences() const {}

/// Returns true if the given pass registry entry was registered at the
/// top-level of the parser, i.e. not within an explicit textual pipeline.
bool PassNameCLParser::contains(const PassRegistryEntry *entry) const {}