
//===- Storage.h - TACO-flavored sparse tensor representation ---*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains definitions for the following classes:
// * `SparseTensorStorageBase`
// * `SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>`


#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h"
#include "mlir/ExecutionEngine/Float16bits.h"
#include "mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/ArithmeticUtils.h"
#include "mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/COO.h"
#include "mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/MapRef.h"

namespace mlir {
namespace sparse_tensor {

//  SparseTensorStorage Classes

/// Abstract base class for `SparseTensorStorage<P,C,V>`. This class
/// takes responsibility for all the `<P,C,V>`-independent aspects
/// of the tensor (e.g., sizes, sparsity, mapping). In addition,
/// we use function overloading to implement "partial" method
/// specialization, which the C-API relies on to catch type errors
/// arising from our use of opaque pointers.
/// Because this class forms a bridge between the denotational semantics
/// of "tensors" and the operational semantics of how we store and
/// compute with them, it also distinguishes between two different
/// coordinate spaces (and their associated rank, sizes, etc).
/// Denotationally, we have the *dimensions* of the tensor represented
/// by this object.  Operationally, we have the *levels* of the storage
/// representation itself.
/// The *size* of an axis is the cardinality of possible coordinate
/// values along that axis (regardless of which coordinates have stored
/// element values). As such, each size must be non-zero since if any
/// axis has size-zero then the whole tensor would have trivial storage
/// (since there are no possible coordinates). Thus we use the plural
/// term *sizes* for a collection of non-zero cardinalities, and use
/// this term whenever referring to run-time cardinalities. Whereas we
/// use the term *shape* for a collection of compile-time cardinalities,
/// where zero is used to indicate cardinalities which are dynamic (i.e.,
/// unknown/unspecified at compile-time). At run-time, these dynamic
/// cardinalities will be inferred from or checked against sizes otherwise
/// specified. Thus, dynamic cardinalities always have an "immutable but
/// unknown" value; so the term "dynamic" should not be taken to indicate
/// run-time mutability.
class SparseTensorStorageBase {};

/// A memory-resident sparse tensor using a storage scheme based on
/// per-level sparse/dense annotations. This data structure provides
/// a bufferized form of a sparse tensor type. In contrast to generating
/// setup methods for each differently annotated sparse tensor, this
/// method provides a convenient "one-size-fits-all" solution that simply
/// takes an input tensor and annotations to implement all required setup
/// in a general manner.
template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {};

//  SparseTensorStorage Factories

template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::newEmpty(
    uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimSizes, uint64_t lvlRank,
    const uint64_t *lvlSizes, const LevelType *lvlTypes,
    const uint64_t *dim2lvl, const uint64_t *lvl2dim) {}

template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::newFromCOO(
    uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimSizes, uint64_t lvlRank,
    const uint64_t *lvlSizes, const LevelType *lvlTypes,
    const uint64_t *dim2lvl, const uint64_t *lvl2dim,
    SparseTensorCOO<V> *lvlCOO) {}

template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::newFromBuffers(
    uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimSizes, uint64_t lvlRank,
    const uint64_t *lvlSizes, const LevelType *lvlTypes,
    const uint64_t *dim2lvl, const uint64_t *lvl2dim, uint64_t srcRank,
    const intptr_t *buffers) {}

//  SparseTensorStorage Constructors

template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::SparseTensorStorage(
    uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimSizes, uint64_t lvlRank,
    const uint64_t *lvlSizes, const LevelType *lvlTypes,
    const uint64_t *dim2lvl, const uint64_t *lvl2dim,
    SparseTensorCOO<V> *lvlCOO)

template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::SparseTensorStorage(
    uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimSizes, uint64_t lvlRank,
    const uint64_t *lvlSizes, const LevelType *lvlTypes,
    const uint64_t *dim2lvl, const uint64_t *lvl2dim, const intptr_t *lvlBufs)

} // namespace sparse_tensor
} // namespace mlir