
//===- TestOneToNTypeConversionPass.cpp - Test pass 1:N type conv. utils --===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "TestDialect.h"
#include "TestOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/Transforms/OneToNFuncConversions.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/Patterns.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/OneToNTypeConversion.h"


namespace {
/// Test pass that exercises the (poor-man's) 1:N type conversion mechanisms
/// in `applyPartialOneToNConversion` by converting built-in tuples to the
/// elements they consist of as well as some dummy ops operating on these
/// tuples.
struct TestOneToNTypeConversionPass
    : public PassWrapper<TestOneToNTypeConversionPass,
                         OperationPass<ModuleOp>> {};

} // namespace

namespace mlir {
namespace test {
void registerTestOneToNTypeConversionPass() {}
} // namespace test
} // namespace mlir

namespace {

/// Test pattern on for the `make_tuple` op from the test dialect that converts
/// this kind of op into it's "decomposed" form, i.e., the elements of the tuple
/// that is being produced by `test.make_tuple`, which are really just the
/// operands of this op.
class ConvertMakeTupleOp
    : public OneToNOpConversionPattern<::test::MakeTupleOp> {};

/// Test pattern on for the `get_tuple_element` op from the test dialect that
/// converts this kind of op into it's "decomposed" form, i.e., instead of
/// "physically" extracting one element from the tuple, we forward the one
/// element of the decomposed form that is being extracted (or the several
/// elements in case that element is a nested tuple).
class ConvertGetTupleElementOp
    : public OneToNOpConversionPattern<::test::GetTupleElementOp> {};

} // namespace

static void populateDecomposeTuplesTestPatterns(TypeConverter &typeConverter,
                                                RewritePatternSet &patterns) {}

/// Creates a sequence of `test.get_tuple_element` ops for all elements of a
/// given tuple value. If some tuple elements are, in turn, tuples, the elements
/// of those are extracted recursively such that the returned values have the
/// same types as `resultTypes.getFlattenedTypes()`.
/// This function has been copied (with small adaptions) from
/// TestDecomposeCallGraphTypes.cpp.
static std::optional<SmallVector<Value>>
buildGetTupleElementOps(OpBuilder &builder, TypeRange resultTypes, Value input,
                        Location loc) {}

/// Creates a `test.make_tuple` op out of the given inputs building a tuple of
/// type `resultType`. If that type is nested, each nested tuple is built
/// recursively with another `test.make_tuple` op.
/// This function has been copied (with small adaptions) from
/// TestDecomposeCallGraphTypes.cpp.
static std::optional<Value> buildMakeTupleOp(OpBuilder &builder,
                                             TupleType resultType,
                                             ValueRange inputs, Location loc) {}

void TestOneToNTypeConversionPass::runOnOperation() {}