
//===- TestPatterns.cpp - Test dialect pattern driver ---------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "TestDialect.h"
#include "TestOps.h"
#include "TestTypes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/Transforms/FuncConversions.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Tensor/IR/Tensor.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Matchers.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/FoldUtils.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/GreedyPatternRewriteDriver.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"


// Native function for testing NativeCodeCall
static Value chooseOperand(Value input1, Value input2, BoolAttr choice) {}

static void createOpI(PatternRewriter &rewriter, Location loc, Value input) {}

static void handleNoResultOp(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
                             OpSymbolBindingNoResult op) {}

static bool getFirstI32Result(Operation *op, Value &value) {}

static Value bindNativeCodeCallResult(Value value) {}

static SmallVector<Value, 2> bindMultipleNativeCodeCallResult(Value input1,
                                                              Value input2) {}

// Test that natives calls are only called once during rewrites.
// OpM_Test will return Pi, increased by 1 for each subsequent calls.
// This let us check the number of times OpM_Test was called by inspecting
// the returned value in the MLIR output.
static int64_t opMIncreasingValue =;
static Attribute opMTest(PatternRewriter &rewriter, Value val) {}

namespace {
#include "TestPatterns.inc"
} // namespace

// Test Reduce Pattern Interface

void test::populateTestReductionPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns) {}

// Canonicalizer Driver.

namespace {
struct FoldingPattern : public RewritePattern {};

/// This pattern creates a foldable operation at the entry point of the block.
/// This tests the situation where the operation folder will need to replace an
/// operation with a previously created constant that does not initially
/// dominate the operation to replace.
struct FolderInsertBeforePreviouslyFoldedConstantPattern
    : public OpRewritePattern<TestCastOp> {};

/// This pattern matches test.op_commutative2 with the first operand being
/// another test.op_commutative2 with a constant on the right side and fold it
/// away by propagating it as its result. This is intend to check that patterns
/// are applied after the commutative property moves constant to the right.
struct FolderCommutativeOp2WithConstant
    : public OpRewritePattern<TestCommutative2Op> {};

/// This pattern matches test.any_attr_of_i32_str ops. In case of an integer
/// attribute with value smaller than MaxVal, it increments the value by 1.
template <int MaxVal>
struct IncrementIntAttribute : public OpRewritePattern<AnyAttrOfOp> {};

/// This patterns adds an "eligible" attribute to "foo.maybe_eligible_op".
struct MakeOpEligible : public RewritePattern {};

/// This pattern hoists eligible ops out of a "test.one_region_op".
struct HoistEligibleOps : public OpRewritePattern<test::OneRegionOp> {};

/// This pattern moves "test.move_before_parent_op" before the parent op.
struct MoveBeforeParentOp : public RewritePattern {};

/// This pattern inlines blocks that are nested in
/// "test.inline_blocks_into_parent" into the parent block.
struct InlineBlocksIntoParent : public RewritePattern {};

/// This pattern splits blocks at "test.split_block_here" and replaces the op
/// with a new op (to prevent an infinite loop of block splitting).
struct SplitBlockHere : public RewritePattern {};

/// This pattern clones "test.clone_me" ops.
struct CloneOp : public RewritePattern {};

/// This pattern clones regions of "test.clone_region_before" ops before the
/// parent block.
struct CloneRegionBeforeOp : public RewritePattern {};

struct TestPatternDriver
    : public PassWrapper<TestPatternDriver, OperationPass<>> {};

struct DumpNotifications : public RewriterBase::Listener {};

struct TestStrictPatternDriver
    : public PassWrapper<TestStrictPatternDriver, OperationPass<func::FuncOp>> {};

} // namespace

// ReturnType Driver.

namespace {
// Generate ops for each instance where the type can be successfully inferred.
template <typename OpTy>
static void invokeCreateWithInferredReturnType(Operation *op) {}

static void reifyReturnShape(Operation *op) {}

struct TestReturnTypeDriver
    : public PassWrapper<TestReturnTypeDriver, OperationPass<func::FuncOp>> {};
} // namespace

namespace {
struct TestDerivedAttributeDriver
    : public PassWrapper<TestDerivedAttributeDriver,
                         OperationPass<func::FuncOp>> {};
} // namespace

void TestDerivedAttributeDriver::runOnOperation() {}

// Legalization Driver.

namespace {
// Region-Block Rewrite Testing

/// This pattern applies a signature conversion to a block inside a detached
/// region.
struct TestDetachedSignatureConversion : public ConversionPattern {};

/// This pattern is a simple pattern that inlines the first region of a given
/// operation into the parent region.
struct TestRegionRewriteBlockMovement : public ConversionPattern {};
/// This pattern is a simple pattern that generates a region containing an
/// illegal operation.
struct TestRegionRewriteUndo : public RewritePattern {};
/// A simple pattern that creates a block at the end of the parent region of the
/// matched operation.
struct TestCreateBlock : public RewritePattern {};

/// A simple pattern that creates a block containing an invalid operation in
/// order to trigger the block creation undo mechanism.
struct TestCreateIllegalBlock : public RewritePattern {};

/// A simple pattern that tests the undo mechanism when replacing the uses of a
/// block argument.
struct TestUndoBlockArgReplace : public ConversionPattern {};

/// This pattern hoists ops out of a "test.hoist_me" and then fails conversion.
/// This is to test the rollback logic.
struct TestUndoMoveOpBefore : public ConversionPattern {};

/// A rewrite pattern that tests the undo mechanism when erasing a block.
struct TestUndoBlockErase : public ConversionPattern {};

/// A pattern that modifies a property in-place, but keeps the op illegal.
struct TestUndoPropertiesModification : public ConversionPattern {};

// Type-Conversion Rewrite Testing

/// This patterns erases a region operation that has had a type conversion.
struct TestDropOpSignatureConversion : public ConversionPattern {};
/// This pattern simply updates the operands of the given operation.
struct TestPassthroughInvalidOp : public ConversionPattern {};
/// This pattern handles the case of a split return value.
struct TestSplitReturnType : public ConversionPattern {};

// Multi-Level Type-Conversion Rewrite Testing
struct TestChangeProducerTypeI32ToF32 : public ConversionPattern {};
struct TestChangeProducerTypeF32ToF64 : public ConversionPattern {};
struct TestChangeProducerTypeF32ToInvalid : public ConversionPattern {};
struct TestUpdateConsumerType : public ConversionPattern {};

// Non-Root Replacement Rewrite Testing
/// This pattern generates an invalid operation, but replaces it before the
/// pattern is finished. This checks that we don't need to legalize the
/// temporary op.
struct TestNonRootReplacement : public RewritePattern {};

// Recursive Rewrite Testing
/// This pattern is applied to the same operation multiple times, but has a
/// bounded recursion.
struct TestBoundedRecursiveRewrite
    : public OpRewritePattern<TestRecursiveRewriteOp> {};

struct TestNestedOpCreationUndoRewrite
    : public OpRewritePattern<IllegalOpWithRegionAnchor> {};

// This pattern matches `test.blackhole` and delete this op and its producer.
struct TestReplaceEraseOp : public OpRewritePattern<BlackHoleOp> {};

// This pattern replaces explicitly illegal op with explicitly legal op,
// but in addition creates unregistered operation.
struct TestCreateUnregisteredOp : public OpRewritePattern<ILLegalOpG> {};
} // namespace

namespace {
struct TestTypeConverter : public TypeConverter {};

struct TestLegalizePatternDriver
    : public PassWrapper<TestLegalizePatternDriver, OperationPass<>> {};
} // namespace

static llvm::cl::opt<TestLegalizePatternDriver::ConversionMode>
        llvm::cl::desc("The legalization mode to use with the test driver"),
                       "analysis", "Perform an analysis conversion"),
            clEnumValN(TestLegalizePatternDriver::ConversionMode::Full, "full",
                       "Perform a full conversion"),
                       "partial", "Perform a partial conversion")));

// ConversionPatternRewriter::getRemappedValue testing. This method is used
// to get the remapped value of an original value that was replaced using
// ConversionPatternRewriter.
namespace {
struct TestRemapValueTypeConverter : public TypeConverter {};

/// Converter that replaces a one-result one-operand OneVResOneVOperandOp1 with
/// a one-operand two-result OneVResOneVOperandOp1 by replicating its original
/// operand twice.
/// Example:
///   %1 = test.one_variadic_out_one_variadic_in1"(%0)
/// is replaced with:
///   %1 = test.one_variadic_out_one_variadic_in1"(%0, %0)
struct OneVResOneVOperandOp1Converter
    : public OpConversionPattern<OneVResOneVOperandOp1> {};

/// A rewriter pattern that tests that blocks can be merged.
struct TestRemapValueInRegion
    : public OpConversionPattern<TestRemappedValueRegionOp> {};

struct TestRemappedValue
    : public mlir::PassWrapper<TestRemappedValue, OperationPass<>> {};
} // namespace

// Test patterns without a specific root operation kind

namespace {
/// This pattern matches and removes any operation in the test dialect.
struct RemoveTestDialectOps : public RewritePattern {};

struct TestUnknownRootOpDriver
    : public mlir::PassWrapper<TestUnknownRootOpDriver, OperationPass<>> {};
} // namespace

// Test patterns that uses operations and types defined at runtime

namespace {
/// This pattern matches dynamic operations 'test.one_operand_two_results' and
/// replace them with dynamic operations 'test.generic_dynamic_op'.
struct RewriteDynamicOp : public RewritePattern {};

struct TestRewriteDynamicOpDriver
    : public PassWrapper<TestRewriteDynamicOpDriver, OperationPass<>> {};
} // end anonymous namespace

// Test type conversions

namespace {
struct TestTypeConversionProducer
    : public OpConversionPattern<TestTypeProducerOp> {};

/// Call signature conversion and then fail the rewrite to trigger the undo
/// mechanism.
struct TestSignatureConversionUndo
    : public OpConversionPattern<TestSignatureConversionUndoOp> {};

/// Call signature conversion without providing a type converter to handle
/// materializations.
struct TestTestSignatureConversionNoConverter
    : public OpConversionPattern<TestSignatureConversionNoConverterOp> {};

/// Just forward the operands to the root op. This is essentially a no-op
/// pattern that is used to trigger target materialization.
struct TestTypeConsumerForward
    : public OpConversionPattern<TestTypeConsumerOp> {};

struct TestTypeConversionAnotherProducer
    : public OpRewritePattern<TestAnotherTypeProducerOp> {};

struct TestReplaceWithLegalOp : public ConversionPattern {};

struct TestTypeConversionDriver
    : public PassWrapper<TestTypeConversionDriver, OperationPass<>> {};
} // namespace

// Test Target Materialization With No Uses

namespace {
struct ForwardOperandPattern : public OpConversionPattern<TestTypeChangerOp> {};

struct TestTargetMaterializationWithNoUses
    : public PassWrapper<TestTargetMaterializationWithNoUses, OperationPass<>> {};
} // namespace

// Test Block Merging

namespace {
/// A rewriter pattern that tests that blocks can be merged.
struct TestMergeBlock : public OpConversionPattern<TestMergeBlocksOp> {};

/// A rewrite pattern to tests the undo mechanism of blocks being merged.
struct TestUndoBlocksMerge : public ConversionPattern {};

/// A rewrite mechanism to inline the body of the op into its parent, when both
/// ops can have a single block.
struct TestMergeSingleBlockOps
    : public OpConversionPattern<SingleBlockImplicitTerminatorOp> {};

struct TestMergeBlocksPatternDriver
    : public PassWrapper<TestMergeBlocksPatternDriver, OperationPass<>> {};
} // namespace

// Test Selective Replacement

namespace {
/// A rewrite mechanism to inline the body of the op into its parent, when both
/// ops can have a single block.
struct TestSelectiveOpReplacementPattern : public OpRewritePattern<TestCastOp> {};

struct TestSelectiveReplacementPatternDriver
    : public PassWrapper<TestSelectiveReplacementPatternDriver,
                         OperationPass<>> {};
} // namespace

// PassRegistration

namespace mlir {
namespace test {
void registerPatternsTestPass() {}
} // namespace test
} // namespace mlir