
//===- PassManager.h - Pass management infrastructure -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This header defines various interfaces for pass management in LLVM. There
/// is no "pass" interface in LLVM per se. Instead, an instance of any class
/// which supports a method to 'run' it over a unit of IR can be used as
/// a pass. A pass manager is generally a tool to collect a sequence of passes
/// which run over a particular IR construct, and run each of them in sequence
/// over each such construct in the containing IR construct. As there is no
/// containing IR construct for a Module, a manager for passes over modules
/// forms the base case which runs its managed passes in sequence over the
/// single module provided.
/// The core IR library provides managers for running passes over
/// modules and functions.
/// * FunctionPassManager can run over a Module, runs each pass over
///   a Function.
/// * ModulePassManager must be directly run, runs each pass over the Module.
/// Note that the implementations of the pass managers use concept-based
/// polymorphism as outlined in the "Value Semantics and Concept-based
/// Polymorphism" talk (or its abbreviated sibling "Inheritance Is The Base
/// Class of Evil") by Sean Parent:
/// * http://github.com/sean-parent/sean-parent.github.com/wiki/Papers-and-Presentations
/// * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BpMYeUFXv8
/// * http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/Inheritance-Is-The-Base-Class-of-Evil


#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TinyPtrVector.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Analysis.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassManagerInternal.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TypeName.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

namespace llvm {

class Function;
class Module;

// Forward declare the analysis manager template.
template <typename IRUnitT, typename... ExtraArgTs> class AnalysisManager;

/// A CRTP mix-in to automatically provide informational APIs needed for
/// passes.
/// This provides some boilerplate for types that are passes.
template <typename DerivedT> struct PassInfoMixin {};

/// A CRTP mix-in that provides informational APIs needed for analysis passes.
/// This provides some boilerplate for types that are analysis passes. It
/// automatically mixes in \c PassInfoMixin.
template <typename DerivedT>
struct AnalysisInfoMixin : PassInfoMixin<DerivedT> {};

namespace detail {

/// Actual unpacker of extra arguments in getAnalysisResult,
/// passes only those tuple arguments that are mentioned in index_sequence.
template <typename PassT, typename IRUnitT, typename AnalysisManagerT,
          typename... ArgTs, size_t... Ns>
typename PassT::Result
getAnalysisResultUnpackTuple(AnalysisManagerT &AM, IRUnitT &IR,
                             std::tuple<ArgTs...> Args,
                             std::index_sequence<Ns...>) {}

/// Helper for *partial* unpacking of extra arguments in getAnalysisResult.
/// Arguments passed in tuple come from PassManager, so they might have extra
/// arguments after those AnalysisManager's ExtraArgTs ones that we need to
/// pass to getResult.
template <typename PassT, typename IRUnitT, typename... AnalysisArgTs,
          typename... MainArgTs>
typename PassT::Result
getAnalysisResult(AnalysisManager<IRUnitT, AnalysisArgTs...> &AM, IRUnitT &IR,
                  std::tuple<MainArgTs...> Args) {}

} // namespace detail

/// Manages a sequence of passes over a particular unit of IR.
/// A pass manager contains a sequence of passes to run over a particular unit
/// of IR (e.g. Functions, Modules). It is itself a valid pass over that unit of
/// IR, and when run over some given IR will run each of its contained passes in
/// sequence. Pass managers are the primary and most basic building block of a
/// pass pipeline.
/// When you run a pass manager, you provide an \c AnalysisManager<IRUnitT>
/// argument. The pass manager will propagate that analysis manager to each
/// pass it runs, and will call the analysis manager's invalidation routine with
/// the PreservedAnalyses of each pass it runs.
template <typename IRUnitT,
          typename AnalysisManagerT = AnalysisManager<IRUnitT>,
          typename... ExtraArgTs>
class PassManager : public PassInfoMixin<
                        PassManager<IRUnitT, AnalysisManagerT, ExtraArgTs...>> {};

template <typename IRUnitT>
void printIRUnitNameForStackTrace(raw_ostream &OS, const IRUnitT &IR);

template <>
void printIRUnitNameForStackTrace<Module>(raw_ostream &OS, const Module &IR);

extern template class PassManager<Module>;

/// Convenience typedef for a pass manager over modules.

template <>
void printIRUnitNameForStackTrace<Function>(raw_ostream &OS,
                                            const Function &IR);

extern template class PassManager<Function>;

/// Convenience typedef for a pass manager over functions.

/// A container for analyses that lazily runs them and caches their
/// results.
/// This class can manage analyses for any IR unit where the address of the IR
/// unit sufficies as its identity.
template <typename IRUnitT, typename... ExtraArgTs> class AnalysisManager {};

extern template class AnalysisManager<Module>;

/// Convenience typedef for the Module analysis manager.

extern template class AnalysisManager<Function>;

/// Convenience typedef for the Function analysis manager.

/// An analysis over an "outer" IR unit that provides access to an
/// analysis manager over an "inner" IR unit.  The inner unit must be contained
/// in the outer unit.
/// For example, InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<FunctionAnalysisManager, Module> is
/// an analysis over Modules (the "outer" unit) that provides access to a
/// Function analysis manager.  The FunctionAnalysisManager is the "inner"
/// manager being proxied, and Functions are the "inner" unit.  The inner/outer
/// relationship is valid because each Function is contained in one Module.
/// If you're (transitively) within a pass manager for an IR unit U that
/// contains IR unit V, you should never use an analysis manager over V, except
/// via one of these proxies.
/// Note that the proxy's result is a move-only RAII object.  The validity of
/// the analyses in the inner analysis manager is tied to its lifetime.
template <typename AnalysisManagerT, typename IRUnitT, typename... ExtraArgTs>
class InnerAnalysisManagerProxy
    : public AnalysisInfoMixin<
          InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<AnalysisManagerT, IRUnitT>> {};

template <typename AnalysisManagerT, typename IRUnitT, typename... ExtraArgTs>
    InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<AnalysisManagerT, IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs...>::Key;

/// Provide the \c FunctionAnalysisManager to \c Module proxy.

/// Specialization of the invalidate method for the \c
/// FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy's result.
template <>
bool FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy::Result::invalidate(
    Module &M, const PreservedAnalyses &PA,
    ModuleAnalysisManager::Invalidator &Inv);

// Ensure the \c FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy is provided as an extern
// template.
extern template class InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<FunctionAnalysisManager,

/// An analysis over an "inner" IR unit that provides access to an
/// analysis manager over a "outer" IR unit.  The inner unit must be contained
/// in the outer unit.
/// For example OuterAnalysisManagerProxy<ModuleAnalysisManager, Function> is an
/// analysis over Functions (the "inner" unit) which provides access to a Module
/// analysis manager.  The ModuleAnalysisManager is the "outer" manager being
/// proxied, and Modules are the "outer" IR unit.  The inner/outer relationship
/// is valid because each Function is contained in one Module.
/// This proxy only exposes the const interface of the outer analysis manager,
/// to indicate that you cannot cause an outer analysis to run from within an
/// inner pass.  Instead, you must rely on the \c getCachedResult API.  This is
/// due to keeping potential future concurrency in mind. To give an example,
/// running a module analysis before any function passes may give a different
/// result than running it in a function pass. Both may be valid, but it would
/// produce non-deterministic results. GlobalsAA is a good analysis example,
/// because the cached information has the mod/ref info for all memory for each
/// function at the time the analysis was computed. The information is still
/// valid after a function transformation, but it may be *different* if
/// recomputed after that transform. GlobalsAA is never invalidated.

/// This proxy doesn't manage invalidation in any way -- that is handled by the
/// recursive return path of each layer of the pass manager.  A consequence of
/// this is the outer analyses may be stale.  We invalidate the outer analyses
/// only when we're done running passes over the inner IR units.
template <typename AnalysisManagerT, typename IRUnitT, typename... ExtraArgTs>
class OuterAnalysisManagerProxy
    : public AnalysisInfoMixin<
          OuterAnalysisManagerProxy<AnalysisManagerT, IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs...>> {};

template <typename AnalysisManagerT, typename IRUnitT, typename... ExtraArgTs>
    OuterAnalysisManagerProxy<AnalysisManagerT, IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs...>::Key;

extern template class OuterAnalysisManagerProxy<ModuleAnalysisManager,
/// Provide the \c ModuleAnalysisManager to \c Function proxy.

/// Trivial adaptor that maps from a module to its functions.
/// Designed to allow composition of a FunctionPass(Manager) and
/// a ModulePassManager, by running the FunctionPass(Manager) over every
/// function in the module.
/// Function passes run within this adaptor can rely on having exclusive access
/// to the function they are run over. They should not read or modify any other
/// functions! Other threads or systems may be manipulating other functions in
/// the module, and so their state should never be relied on.
/// FIXME: Make the above true for all of LLVM's actual passes, some still
/// violate this principle.
/// Function passes can also read the module containing the function, but they
/// should not modify that module outside of the use lists of various globals.
/// For example, a function pass is not permitted to add functions to the
/// module.
/// FIXME: Make the above true for all of LLVM's actual passes, some still
/// violate this principle.
/// Note that although function passes can access module analyses, module
/// analyses are not invalidated while the function passes are running, so they
/// may be stale.  Function analyses will not be stale.
class ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor
    : public PassInfoMixin<ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor> {};

/// A function to deduce a function pass type and wrap it in the
/// templated adaptor.
template <typename FunctionPassT>
createModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor(FunctionPassT &&Pass,
                                  bool EagerlyInvalidate = false) {}

/// A utility pass template to force an analysis result to be available.
/// If there are extra arguments at the pass's run level there may also be
/// extra arguments to the analysis manager's \c getResult routine. We can't
/// guess how to effectively map the arguments from one to the other, and so
/// this specialization just ignores them.
/// Specific patterns of run-method extra arguments and analysis manager extra
/// arguments will have to be defined as appropriate specializations.
template <typename AnalysisT, typename IRUnitT,
          typename AnalysisManagerT = AnalysisManager<IRUnitT>,
          typename... ExtraArgTs>
struct RequireAnalysisPass
    : PassInfoMixin<RequireAnalysisPass<AnalysisT, IRUnitT, AnalysisManagerT,
                                        ExtraArgTs...>> {};

/// A no-op pass template which simply forces a specific analysis result
/// to be invalidated.
template <typename AnalysisT>
struct InvalidateAnalysisPass
    : PassInfoMixin<InvalidateAnalysisPass<AnalysisT>> {};

/// A utility pass that does nothing, but preserves no analyses.
/// Because this preserves no analyses, any analysis passes queried after this
/// pass runs will recompute fresh results.
struct InvalidateAllAnalysesPass : PassInfoMixin<InvalidateAllAnalysesPass> {};

} // end namespace llvm