
//===--- ContinuationIndenter.cpp - Format C++ code -----------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file implements the continuation indenter.

#include "ContinuationIndenter.h"
#include "BreakableToken.h"
#include "FormatInternal.h"
#include "FormatToken.h"
#include "WhitespaceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorPrecedence.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include <optional>

#define DEBUG_TYPE

namespace clang {
namespace format {

// Returns true if a TT_SelectorName should be indented when wrapped,
// false otherwise.
static bool shouldIndentWrappedSelectorName(const FormatStyle &Style,
                                            LineType LineType) {}

// Returns true if a binary operator following \p Tok should be unindented when
// the style permits it.
static bool shouldUnindentNextOperator(const FormatToken &Tok) {}

// Returns the length of everything up to the first possible line break after
// the ), ], } or > matching \c Tok.
static unsigned getLengthToMatchingParen(const FormatToken &Tok,
                                         ArrayRef<ParenState> Stack) {}

static unsigned getLengthToNextOperator(const FormatToken &Tok) {}

// Returns \c true if \c Tok is the "." or "->" of a call and starts the next
// segment of a builder type call.
static bool startsSegmentOfBuilderTypeCall(const FormatToken &Tok) {}

// Returns \c true if \c Token in an alignable binary operator
static bool isAlignableBinaryOperator(const FormatToken &Token) {}

// Returns \c true if \c Current starts the next operand in a binary operation.
static bool startsNextOperand(const FormatToken &Current) {}

// Returns \c true if \c Current is a binary operation that must break.
static bool mustBreakBinaryOperation(const FormatToken &Current,
                                     const FormatStyle &Style) {}

static bool opensProtoMessageField(const FormatToken &LessTok,
                                   const FormatStyle &Style) {}

// Returns the delimiter of a raw string literal, or std::nullopt if TokenText
// is not the text of a raw string literal. The delimiter could be the empty
// string.  For example, the delimiter of R"deli(cont)deli" is deli.
static std::optional<StringRef> getRawStringDelimiter(StringRef TokenText) {}

// Returns the canonical delimiter for \p Language, or the empty string if no
// canonical delimiter is specified.
static StringRef
getCanonicalRawStringDelimiter(const FormatStyle &Style,
                               FormatStyle::LanguageKind Language) {}

    const FormatStyle &CodeStyle) {}

RawStringFormatStyleManager::getDelimiterStyle(StringRef Delimiter) const {}

    StringRef EnclosingFunction) const {}

ContinuationIndenter::ContinuationIndenter(const FormatStyle &Style,
                                           const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords,
                                           const SourceManager &SourceMgr,
                                           WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces,
                                           encoding::Encoding Encoding,
                                           bool BinPackInconclusiveFunctions)

LineState ContinuationIndenter::getInitialState(unsigned FirstIndent,
                                                unsigned FirstStartColumn,
                                                const AnnotatedLine *Line,
                                                bool DryRun) {}

bool ContinuationIndenter::canBreak(const LineState &State) {}

bool ContinuationIndenter::mustBreak(const LineState &State) {}

unsigned ContinuationIndenter::addTokenToState(LineState &State, bool Newline,
                                               bool DryRun,
                                               unsigned ExtraSpaces) {}

void ContinuationIndenter::addTokenOnCurrentLine(LineState &State, bool DryRun,
                                                 unsigned ExtraSpaces) {}

unsigned ContinuationIndenter::addTokenOnNewLine(LineState &State,
                                                 bool DryRun) {}

unsigned ContinuationIndenter::getNewLineColumn(const LineState &State) {}

static bool hasNestedBlockInlined(const FormatToken *Previous,
                                  const FormatToken &Current,
                                  const FormatStyle &Style) {}

unsigned ContinuationIndenter::moveStateToNextToken(LineState &State,
                                                    bool DryRun, bool Newline) {}

void ContinuationIndenter::moveStatePastFakeLParens(LineState &State,
                                                    bool Newline) {}

void ContinuationIndenter::moveStatePastFakeRParens(LineState &State) {}

void ContinuationIndenter::moveStatePastScopeOpener(LineState &State,
                                                    bool Newline) {}

void ContinuationIndenter::moveStatePastScopeCloser(LineState &State) {}

void ContinuationIndenter::moveStateToNewBlock(LineState &State, bool NewLine) {}

static unsigned getLastLineEndColumn(StringRef Text, unsigned StartColumn,
                                     unsigned TabWidth,
                                     encoding::Encoding Encoding) {}

unsigned ContinuationIndenter::reformatRawStringLiteral(
    const FormatToken &Current, LineState &State,
    const FormatStyle &RawStringStyle, bool DryRun, bool Newline) {}

unsigned ContinuationIndenter::addMultilineToken(const FormatToken &Current,
                                                 LineState &State) {}

unsigned ContinuationIndenter::handleEndOfLine(const FormatToken &Current,
                                               LineState &State, bool DryRun,
                                               bool AllowBreak, bool Newline) {}

// Returns the enclosing function name of a token, or the empty string if not
// found.
static StringRef getEnclosingFunctionName(const FormatToken &Current) {}

ContinuationIndenter::getRawStringStyle(const FormatToken &Current,
                                        const LineState &State) {}

ContinuationIndenter::createBreakableToken(const FormatToken &Current,
                                           LineState &State, bool AllowBreak) {}

std::pair<unsigned, bool>
ContinuationIndenter::breakProtrudingToken(const FormatToken &Current,
                                           LineState &State, bool AllowBreak,
                                           bool DryRun, bool Strict) {}

unsigned ContinuationIndenter::getColumnLimit(const LineState &State) const {}

bool ContinuationIndenter::nextIsMultilineString(const LineState &State) {}

} // namespace format
} // namespace clang