// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-linux -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter -verify=expected,all -std=c11 -Wcast-qual %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-linux -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter -pedantic -verify=pedantic,pedantic-expected,all -std=c11 -Wcast-qual %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-linux -verify=ref,all -std=c11 -Wcast-qual %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-linux -pedantic -verify=pedantic,pedantic-ref,all -std=c11 -Wcast-qual %s
typedef __INTPTR_TYPE__ intptr_t;
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
_Static_assert(1, "");
_Static_assert(__objc_yes, "");
_Static_assert(!__objc_no, "");
_Static_assert(0 != 1, "");
_Static_assert(1.0 == 1.0, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{not an integer constant expression}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{not an integer constant expression}}
_Static_assert(1 && 1.0, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{not an integer constant expression}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{not an integer constant expression}}
_Static_assert( (5 > 4) + (3 > 2) == 2, "");
_Static_assert(!!1.0, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{not an integer constant expression}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{not an integer constant expression}}
_Static_assert(!!1, "");
_Static_assert(!(_Bool){(void*)0}, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{not an integer constant expression}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{not an integer constant expression}}
int a = (1 == 1 ? 5 : 3);
_Static_assert(a == 5, ""); // all-error {{not an integral constant expression}}
const int DiscardedPtrToIntCast = ((intptr_t)((void*)0), 0); // all-warning {{left operand of comma operator has no effect}}
const int b = 3;
_Static_assert(b == 3, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{not an integer constant expression}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{not an integer constant expression}}
const int c; // all-note {{declared here}}
_Static_assert(c == 0, ""); // ref-error {{not an integral constant expression}} \
// ref-note {{initializer of 'c' is unknown}} \
// pedantic-ref-error {{not an integral constant expression}} \
// pedantic-ref-note {{initializer of 'c' is unknown}} \
// expected-error {{not an integral constant expression}} \
// expected-note {{initializer of 'c' is unknown}} \
// pedantic-expected-error {{not an integral constant expression}} \
// pedantic-expected-note {{initializer of 'c' is unknown}}
_Static_assert(&c != 0, ""); // ref-warning {{always true}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{always true}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{is a GNU extension}} \
// expected-warning {{always true}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{always true}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{is a GNU extension}}
_Static_assert(&a != 0, ""); // ref-warning {{always true}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{always true}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{is a GNU extension}} \
// expected-warning {{always true}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{always true}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{is a GNU extension}}
_Static_assert((&c + 1) != 0, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{is a GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{is a GNU extension}}
_Static_assert((&a + 100) != 0, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{is a GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-ref-note {{100 of non-array}} \
// pedantic-expected-note {{100 of non-array}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{is a GNU extension}}
_Static_assert((&a - 100) != 0, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{is a GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{is a GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-ref-note {{-100 of non-array}} \
// pedantic-expected-note {{-100 of non-array}}
/// extern variable of a composite type.
extern struct Test50S Test50;
_Static_assert(&Test50 != (void*)0, ""); // all-warning {{always true}} \
// pedantic-warning {{is a GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-note {{this conversion is not allowed in a constant expression}}
struct y {int x,y;};
int a2[(intptr_t)&((struct y*)0)->y]; // all-warning {{folded to constant array}}
const struct y *yy = (struct y*)0;
const intptr_t L = (intptr_t)(&(yy->y)); // all-error {{not a compile-time constant}}
_Static_assert((long)&((struct y*)0)->y > 0, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-ref-note {{this conversion is not allowed in a constant expression}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-note {{this conversion is not allowed in a constant expression}}
const ptrdiff_t m = &m + 137 - &m;
_Static_assert(m == 137, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{GNU extension}}
/// from test/Sema/switch.c, used to cause an assertion failure.
void f (int z) {
while (z) {
default: z--; // all-error {{'default' statement not in switch}}
int expr;
int chooseexpr[__builtin_choose_expr(1, 1, expr)];
int somefunc(int i) {
return (i, 65537) * 65537; // all-warning {{left operand of comma operator has no effect}} \
// all-warning {{overflow in expression; result is 131'073 with type 'int'}}
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpointer-to-int-cast"
struct ArrayStruct {
char n[1];
char name2[(int)&((struct ArrayStruct*)0)->n]; // expected-warning {{folded to constant array}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{folded to constant array}} \
// ref-warning {{folded to constant array}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{folded to constant array}}
_Static_assert(sizeof(name2) == 0, "");
#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
void *PR28739d = &(&PR28739d)[(__int128)(unsigned long)-1]; // all-warning {{refers past the last possible element}}
extern float global_float;
struct XX { int a, *b; };
struct XY { int before; struct XX xx, *xp; float* after; } xy[] = {
0, 0, &xy[0].xx.a, &xy[0].xx, &global_float,
[1].xx = 0, &xy[1].xx.a, &xy[1].xx, &global_float,
0, // all-note {{previous initialization is here}}
0, // all-note {{previous initialization is here}}
[2].before = 0, // all-warning {{initializer overrides prior initialization of this subobject}}
0, // all-warning {{initializer overrides prior initialization of this subobject}}
&xy[2].xx.a, &xy[2].xx, &global_float
void t14(void) {
int array[256] = { 0 }; // expected-note {{array 'array' declared here}} \
// pedantic-expected-note {{array 'array' declared here}} \
// ref-note {{array 'array' declared here}} \
// pedantic-ref-note {{array 'array' declared here}}
const char b = -1;
int val = array[b]; // expected-warning {{array index -1 is before the beginning of the array}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{array index -1 is before the beginning of the array}} \
// ref-warning {{array index -1 is before the beginning of the array}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{array index -1 is before the beginning of the array}}
void bar_0(void) {
struct C {
const int a;
int b;
const struct C S = {0, 0};
*(int *)(&S.a) = 0; // all-warning {{cast from 'const int *' to 'int *' drops const qualifier}}
*(int *)(&S.b) = 0; // all-warning {{cast from 'const int *' to 'int *' drops const qualifier}}
/// Complex-to-bool casts.
const int A = ((_Complex double)1.0 ? 21 : 1);
_Static_assert(A == 21, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{GNU extension}}
const int CTI1 = ((_Complex double){0.0, 1.0}); // pedantic-ref-warning {{extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{extension}}
_Static_assert(CTI1 == 0, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{GNU extension}}
const _Bool CTB2 = (_Bool)(_Complex double){0.0, 1.0}; // pedantic-ref-warning {{extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{extension}}
_Static_assert(CTB2, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{GNU extension}}
const _Bool CTB3 = (_Complex double){0.0, 1.0}; // pedantic-ref-warning {{extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{extension}}
_Static_assert(CTB3, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{GNU extension}}
int t1 = sizeof(int);
void test4(void) {
t1 = sizeof(int);
void localCompoundLiteral(void) {
struct S { int x, y; } s = {}; // pedantic-expected-warning {{use of an empty initializer}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{use of an empty initializer}}
struct T {
int i;
struct S s;
} t1 = { 1, {} }; // pedantic-expected-warning {{use of an empty initializer}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{use of an empty initializer}}
struct T t3 = {
(int){}, // pedantic-expected-warning {{use of an empty initializer}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{use of an empty initializer}}
{} // pedantic-expected-warning {{use of an empty initializer}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{use of an empty initializer}}
/// struct copy
struct StrA {int a; };
const struct StrA sa = { 12 };
const struct StrA * const sb = &sa;
const struct StrA sc = *sb;
_Static_assert(sc.a == 12, ""); // pedantic-ref-warning {{GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{GNU extension}}
_Static_assert(((void*)0 + 1) != (void*)0, ""); // pedantic-expected-warning {{arithmetic on a pointer to void is a GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{not an integer constant expression}} \
// pedantic-expected-note {{cannot perform pointer arithmetic on null pointer}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{arithmetic on a pointer to void is a GNU extension}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{not an integer constant expression}} \
// pedantic-ref-note {{cannot perform pointer arithmetic on null pointer}}
typedef __INTPTR_TYPE__ intptr_t;
int array[(intptr_t)(int*)1]; // ref-warning {{variable length array folded to constant array}} \
// pedantic-ref-warning {{variable length array folded to constant array}} \
// expected-warning {{variable length array folded to constant array}} \
// pedantic-expected-warning {{variable length array folded to constant array}}
int castViaInt[*(int*)(unsigned long)"test"]; // ref-error {{variable length array}} \
// pedantic-ref-error {{variable length array}} \
// expected-error {{variable length array}} \
// pedantic-expected-error {{variable length array}}
const void (*const funcp)(void) = (void*)123; // pedantic-warning {{converts between void pointer and function pointer}}
_Static_assert(funcp == (void*)0, ""); // all-error {{failed due to requirement 'funcp == (void *)0'}} \
// pedantic-warning {{expression is not an integer constant expression}}
_Static_assert(funcp == (void*)123, ""); // pedantic-warning {{equality comparison between function pointer and void pointer}} \
// pedantic-warning {{expression is not an integer constant expression}}
void unaryops(void) {
(void)(++(struct x {unsigned x;}){3}.x);
(void)(--(struct y {unsigned x;}){3}.x);
(void)(++(struct z {float x;}){3}.x);
(void)(--(struct w {float x;}){3}.x);
(void)((struct xx {unsigned x;}){3}.x++);
(void)((struct yy {unsigned x;}){3}.x--);
(void)((struct zz {float x;}){3}.x++);
(void)((struct ww {float x;}){3}.x--);
/// This used to fail because we didn't properly mark the struct
/// initialized through a CompoundLiteralExpr as initialized.
struct TestStruct {
int a;
int b;
int Y __attribute__((annotate(
(struct TestStruct) { .a = 1, .b = 2 }
#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
const int *p = &b;
const __int128 K = (__int128)(int*)0;
const unsigned __int128 KU = (unsigned __int128)(int*)0;
int test3(void) {
int a[2];
a[0] = test3; // all-error {{incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to 'int' from 'int (void)'}}
return 0;
/// This tests that we have full type info, even for values we cannot read.
int dummyarray[5];
_Static_assert(&dummyarray[0] < &dummyarray[1], ""); // pedantic-warning {{GNU extension}}
void addrlabelexpr(void) {
a0: ;
static void *ps[] = { &&a0 }; // pedantic-warning {{use of GNU address-of-label extension}}
extern void cv2;
void *foo5 (void)
return &cv2; // pedantic-warning{{address of an expression of type 'void'}}
__attribute__((weak)) const unsigned int test10_bound = 10;
char test10_global[test10_bound]; // all-error {{variable length array declaration not allowed at file scope}}
void test10(void) {
char test10_local[test10_bound] = "help"; // all-error {{variable-sized object may not be initialized}}
void SuperSpecialFunc(void) {
const int SuperSpecialCase = 10;
_Static_assert((sizeof(SuperSpecialCase) == 12 && SuperSpecialCase == 3) || SuperSpecialCase == 10, ""); // pedantic-warning {{GNU extension}}
void T1(void) {
static int *y[1] = {({ static int _x = 20; (void*)0;})}; // all-error {{initializer element is not a compile-time constant}} \
// pedantic-warning {{use of GNU statement expression extension}}
enum teste1 test1f(void), (*test1)(void) = test1f; // pedantic-warning {{ISO C forbids forward references to 'enum' types}}
enum teste1 { TEST1 };
void func(void) {
_Static_assert(func + 1 - func == 1, ""); // pedantic-warning {{arithmetic on a pointer to the function type}} \
// pedantic-warning {{arithmetic on pointers to the function type}} \
// pedantic-warning {{not an integer constant expression}}
_Static_assert(func + 0xdead000000000000UL - 0xdead000000000000UL == func, ""); // pedantic-warning 2{{arithmetic on a pointer to the function type}} \
// pedantic-warning {{not an integer constant expression}} \
// pedantic-note {{cannot refer to element 16045481047390945280 of non-array object in a constant expression}}
_Static_assert(func + 1 != func, ""); // pedantic-warning {{arithmetic on a pointer to the function type}} \
// pedantic-warning {{expression is not an integer constant expression}}
func + 0xdead000000000000UL; // all-warning {{expression result unused}} \
// pedantic-warning {{arithmetic on a pointer to the function type}}
func - 0xdead000000000000UL; // all-warning {{expression result unused}} \
// pedantic-warning {{arithmetic on a pointer to the function type}}
void foo3 (void)
void* x = 0;
void* y = &*x;