// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter -verify=expected,both -std=c++20 %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify=ref,both -std=c++20 %s
constexpr int a = 12;
constexpr int f = [c = a]() { return c; }();
static_assert(f == a);
constexpr int inc() {
int a = 10;
auto f = [&a]() {
return a;
static_assert(inc() == 12);
constexpr int add(int a, int b) {
auto doIt = [a, b](int c) {
return a + b + c;
return doIt(2);
static_assert(add(4, 5) == 11);
constexpr int add2(int a, int b) {
auto doIt = [a, b](int c) {
auto bar = [a]() { return a; };
auto bar2 = [b]() { return b; };
return bar() + bar2() + c;
return doIt(2);
static_assert(add2(4, 5) == 11);
constexpr int div(int a, int b) {
auto f = [=]() {
return a / b; // both-note {{division by zero}}
return f(); // both-note {{in call to 'f.operator()()'}}
static_assert(div(8, 2) == 4);
static_assert(div(8, 0) == 4); // both-error {{not an integral constant expression}} \
// both-note {{in call to 'div(8, 0)'}}
struct F {
float f;
constexpr float captureStruct() {
F someF = {1.0};
auto p = [someF]() {
return someF.f;
return p();
static_assert(captureStruct() == 1.0);
int constexpr FunCase() {
return [x = 10] {
decltype(x) y; // type int b/c not odr use
// refers to original init-capture
auto &z = x; // type const int & b/c odr use
// refers to lambdas copy of x
y = 10; // Ok
//z = 10; // Ill-formed
return y;
constexpr int WC = FunCase();
namespace LambdaParams {
template<typename T>
constexpr void callThis(T t) {
return t();
constexpr int foo() {
int a = 0;
auto f = [&a]() { ++a; };
return a;
static_assert(foo() == 1);
namespace StaticInvoker {
constexpr int sv1(int i) {
auto l = []() { return 12; };
int (*fp)() = l;
return fp();
static_assert(sv1(12) == 12);
constexpr int sv2(int i) {
auto l = [](int m, float f, void *A) { return m; };
int (*fp)(int, float, void*) = l;
return fp(i, 4.0f, nullptr);
static_assert(sv2(12) == 12);
constexpr int sv3(int i) {
auto l = [](int m, const int &n) { return m; };
int (*fp)(int, const int &) = l;
return fp(i, 3);
static_assert(sv3(12) == 12);
constexpr int sv4(int i) {
auto l = [](int &m) { return m; };
int (*fp)(int&) = l;
return fp(i);
static_assert(sv4(12) == 12);
constexpr int sv5(int i) {
struct F { int a; float f; };
auto l = [](int m, F f) { return m; };
int (*fp)(int, F) = l;
return fp(i, F{12, 14.0});
static_assert(sv5(12) == 12);
constexpr int sv6(int i) {
struct F { int a;
constexpr F(int a) : a(a) {}
auto l = [](int m) { return F(12); };
F (*fp)(int) = l;
F f = fp(i);
return fp(i).a;
static_assert(sv6(12) == 12);
/// A generic lambda.
auto GL = [](auto a) { return a; };
constexpr char (*fp2)(char) = GL;
static_assert(fp2('3') == '3', "");
struct GLS {
int a;
auto GL2 = [](auto a) { return GLS{a}; };
constexpr GLS (*fp3)(char) = GL2;
static_assert(fp3('3').a == '3', "");
namespace LambdasAsParams {
template<typename F>
constexpr auto call(F f) {
return f();
static_assert(call([](){ return 1;}) == 1);
static_assert(call([](){ return 2;}) == 2);
constexpr unsigned L = call([](){ return 12;});
static_assert(L == 12);
constexpr float heh() {
auto a = []() {
return 1.0;
return static_cast<float>(a());
static_assert(heh() == 1.0);
namespace ThisCapture {
class Foo {
int b = 32;
int a;
constexpr Foo() : a([this](){ return b + 1;}()) {}
constexpr int Aplus2() const {
auto F = [this]() {
return a + 2;
return F();
constexpr Foo F;
static_assert(F.a == 33, "");
static_assert(F.Aplus2() == (33 + 2), "");
namespace GH62611 {
template <auto A = [](auto x){}>
struct C {
static constexpr auto B = A;
int test() {
return 0;
namespace LambdaToAPValue {
void wrapper() {
constexpr auto f = []() constexpr {
return 0;
constexpr auto g = [f]() constexpr {
return f();
static_assert(g() == f(), "");
namespace ns2_capture_this_byval {
struct S {
int s;
constexpr S(int s) : s{s} { }
constexpr auto f(S o) {
return [*this,o] (auto a) { return s + o.s + a.s; };
constexpr auto L = S{5}.f(S{10});
static_assert(L(S{100}) == 115, "");
} // end test_captures_1::ns2_capture_this_byval
namespace CaptureDefaults {
struct S {
int x;
constexpr auto f = [x = S{10}]() {
return x.x;
static_assert(f() == 10, "");
constexpr auto f2 = [x = 3]() {
return x;
static_assert(f2() == 3, "");
constexpr auto t4 = ([x=42]() consteval { return x; }());
static_assert(t4 == 42, "");
namespace InvalidCapture {
int &f(int *p);
char &f(...);
void g() {
int n = -1; // both-note {{declared here}}
[=] {
int arr[n]; // both-warning {{variable length arrays in C++ are a Clang extension}} \
both-note {{read of non-const variable 'n' is not allowed in a constant expression}}
} ();
constexpr int fn() {
int Capture = 42;
return [=]() constexpr { return Capture; }();
static_assert(fn() == 42, "");