// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple dxil-pc-shadermodel6.3-library -x hlsl -o - -fsyntax-only %s -verify
template<typename T>
struct MyTemplatedUAV {
[[hlsl::resource_class(UAV)]] T x;
struct MySRV {
[[hlsl::resource_class(SRV)]] int x;
struct MySampler {
[[hlsl::resource_class(Sampler)]] int x;
struct MyUAV {
[[hlsl::resource_class(UAV)]] int x;
struct MyCBuffer {
[[hlsl::resource_class(CBuffer)]] int x;
// Valid: f is skipped, SRVBuf is bound to t0, UAVBuf is bound to u0
struct Eg1 {
float f;
Eg1 e1 : register(t0) : register(u0);
// Valid: f is skipped, SRVBuf is bound to t0, UAVBuf is bound to u0.
// UAVBuf2 gets automatically assigned to u1 even though there is no explicit binding for u1.
struct Eg2 {
float f;
Eg2 e2 : register(t0) : register(u0);
// Valid: Bar, the struct within Eg3, has a valid resource that can be bound to t0.
struct Eg3 {
struct Bar {
MyUAV a;
Bar b;
Eg3 e3 : register(u0);
// Valid: the first sampler state object within 's' is bound to slot 5
struct Eg4 {
MySampler s[3];
Eg4 e4 : register(s5);
struct Eg5 {
float f;
// expected-warning@+1{{binding type 't' only applies to types containing SRV resources}}
Eg5 e5 : register(t0);
struct Eg6 {
float f;
// expected-warning@+1{{binding type 'u' only applies to types containing UAV resources}}
Eg6 e6 : register(u0);
struct Eg7 {
float f;
// expected-warning@+1{{binding type 'b' only applies to types containing constant buffer resources}}
Eg7 e7 : register(b0);
struct Eg8 {
float f;
// expected-warning@+1{{binding type 's' only applies to types containing sampler state}}
Eg8 e8 : register(s0);
struct Eg9 {
MySRV s;
// expected-warning@+1{{binding type 'c' only applies to types containing numeric types}}
Eg9 e9 : register(c0);
struct Eg10{
// expected-error@+1{{'register' attribute only applies to cbuffer/tbuffer and external global variables}}
MyTemplatedUAV<int> a : register(u9);
Eg10 e10;
template<typename R>
struct Eg11 {
R b;
// expected-warning@+1{{binding type 'u' only applies to types containing UAV resources}}
Eg11<MySRV> e11 : register(u0);
// invalid because after template expansion, there are no valid resources inside Eg11 to bind as a UAV, only an SRV
struct Eg12{
MySRV s1;
MySRV s2;
// expected-warning@+3{{binding type 'u' only applies to types containing UAV resources}}
// expected-warning@+2{{binding type 'u' only applies to types containing UAV resources}}
// expected-error@+1{{binding type 'u' cannot be applied more than once}}
Eg12 e12 : register(u9) : register(u10);
struct Eg13{
MySRV s1;
MySRV s2;
// expected-warning@+4{{binding type 'u' only applies to types containing UAV resources}}
// expected-warning@+3{{binding type 'u' only applies to types containing UAV resources}}
// expected-warning@+2{{binding type 'u' only applies to types containing UAV resources}}
// expected-error@+1{{binding type 'u' cannot be applied more than once}}
Eg13 e13 : register(u9) : register(u10) : register(u11);
struct Eg14{
MyTemplatedUAV<int> r1;
// expected-warning@+1{{binding type 't' only applies to types containing SRV resources}}
Eg14 e14 : register(t9);