
## Test the --private-headers option for XCOFF object files.

# RUN: yaml2obj -DMAGIC=0x1DF --docnum=1 %s -o %t_xcoff32.o
# RUN: yaml2obj -DMAGIC=0x1F7 --docnum=1 %s -o %t_xcoff64.o
# RUN: llvm-objdump --private-headers %t_xcoff32.o | \
# RUN:   FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK32 --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace
# RUN: llvm-objdump --private-headers %t_xcoff64.o | \
# RUN:   FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK64 --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace

--- !XCOFF
  MagicNumber:       [[MAGIC]]
  CreationTime:      1234
  - Name:            .text
    Flags:           [ STYP_TEXT ]
    SectionData:     "9061FFF880820000"
  - Name:            .data
    Flags:           [ STYP_DATA ]
    SectionData:     "0000000000000FC0"

#      CHECK32:---File Header:
# CHECK32-NEXT:Magic:              0x1df
# CHECK32-NEXT:NumberOfSections:   2
# CHECK32-NEXT:Timestamp:          1970-01-01 00:20:34 (1234)
# CHECK32-NEXT:SymbolTableOffset:  0x0
# CHECK32-NEXT:SymbolTableEntries: 0
# CHECK32-NEXT:OptionalHeaderSize: 0x0
# CHECK32-NEXT:Flags:              0x0

#      CHECK64:---File Header:
# CHECK64-NEXT:Magic:              0x1f7
# CHECK64-NEXT:NumberOfSections:   2
# CHECK64-NEXT:Timestamp:          1970-01-01 00:20:34 (1234)
# CHECK64-NEXT:SymbolTableOffset:  0x0
# CHECK64-NEXT:SymbolTableEntries: 0
# CHECK64-NEXT:OptionalHeaderSize: 0x0
# CHECK64-NEXT:Flags:              0x0

## Test if the creation time of XCOFF is zero and the number of symbols is negative.
# RUN: yaml2obj -DMAGIC=0x1DF --docnum=2 %s -o %t_xcoff_timestamp.o
# RUN: llvm-objdump --private-headers %t_xcoff_timestamp.o | \
# RUN:   FileCheck %s --match-full-lines

--- !XCOFF
  MagicNumber:          0x1DF
  CreationTime:         0
  EntriesInSymbolTable: -1

# CHECK: Timestamp:          None (0)
# CHECK: SymbolTableEntries: Reserved Value (-1)