
 * Copyright 2008-2009 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
 * Copyright 2011      INRIA Saclay
 * Copyright 2012-2013 Ecole Normale Superieure
 * Copyright 2017      Sven Verdoolaege
 * Use of this software is governed by the MIT license
 * Written by Sven Verdoolaege, K.U.Leuven, Departement
 * Computerwetenschappen, Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
 * and INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France, Parc Club Orsay Universite,
 * ZAC des vignes, 4 rue Jacques Monod, 91893 Orsay, France
 * and Ecole Normale Superieure, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75230 Paris, France

#include <isl_sort.h>
#include <isl_tarjan.h>
#include <isl/printer.h>

#include <isl_list_macro.h>

#define xS(TYPE,NAME)
#define S(TYPE,NAME)

isl_ctx *FN(LIST(EL),get_ctx)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list)

__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),alloc)(isl_ctx *ctx, int n)

__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),copy)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list)

__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),dup)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list)

__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),cow)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list)

/* Make sure "list" has room for at least "n" more pieces.
 * Always return a list with a single reference.
 * If there is only one reference to list, we extend it in place.
 * Otherwise, we create a new LIST(EL) and copy the elements.
static __isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),grow)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list, int n)

/* Check that "index" is a valid position in "list".
static isl_stat FN(LIST(EL),check_index)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list, int index)

__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),add)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list,
	__isl_take struct EL *el)

/* Remove the "n" elements starting at "first" from "list".
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),drop)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list,
	unsigned first, unsigned n)

/* Remove all elements from "list".
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),clear)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list)

/* Insert "el" at position "pos" in "list".
 * If there is only one reference to "list" and if it already has space
 * for one extra element, we insert it directly into "list".
 * Otherwise, we create a new list consisting of "el" and copied
 * elements from "list".
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),insert)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list,
	unsigned pos, __isl_take struct EL *el)

__isl_null LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),free)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list)

/* Return the number of elements in "list".
isl_size FN(LIST(EL),size)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list)

/* This is an alternative name for the function above.
isl_size FN(FN(LIST(EL),n),EL_BASE)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list)

/* Return the element at position "index" in "list".
__isl_keep EL *FN(LIST(EL),peek)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list, int index)

/* Return a copy of the element at position "index" in "list".
__isl_give EL *FN(LIST(EL),get_at)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list, int index)

/* This is an alternative name for the function above.
__isl_give EL *FN(FN(LIST(EL),get),EL_BASE)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list,
	int index)

/* Replace the element at position "index" in "list" by "el".
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),set_at)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list,
	int index, __isl_take EL *el)

/* This is an alternative name for the function above.
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(FN(LIST(EL),set),EL_BASE)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list,
	int index, __isl_take EL *el)

/* Return the element at position "index" of "list".
 * This may be either a copy or the element itself
 * if there is only one reference to "list".
 * This allows the element to be modified inplace
 * if both the list and the element have only a single reference.
 * The caller is not allowed to modify "list" between
 * this call to isl_list_*_take_* and a subsequent call
 * to isl_list_*_restore_*.
 * The only exception is that isl_list_*_free can be called instead.
static __isl_give EL *FN(FN(LIST(EL),take),EL_BASE)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list,
	int index)

/* Set the element at position "index" of "list" to "el",
 * where the position may be empty due to a previous call
 * to isl_list_*_take_*.
static __isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(FN(LIST(EL),restore),EL_BASE)(
	__isl_take LIST(EL) *list, int index, __isl_take EL *el)

/* Swap the elements of "list" in positions "pos1" and "pos2".
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),swap)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list,
	unsigned pos1, unsigned pos2)

/* Reverse the elements of "list".
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),reverse)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list)

isl_stat FN(LIST(EL),foreach)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list,
	isl_stat (*fn)(__isl_take EL *el, void *user), void *user)

/* Does "test" succeed on every element of "list"?
isl_bool FN(LIST(EL),every)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list,
	isl_bool (*test)(__isl_keep EL *el, void *user), void *user)

/* Replace each element in "list" by the result of calling "fn"
 * on the element.
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),map)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list,
	__isl_give EL *(*fn)(__isl_take EL *el, void *user), void *user)

/* Internal data structure for isl_*_list_sort.
 * "cmp" is the original comparison function.
 * "user" is a user provided pointer that should be passed to "cmp".
S(LIST(EL),sort_data) {};

/* Compare two entries of an isl_*_list based on the user provided
 * comparison function on pairs of isl_* objects.
static int FN(LIST(EL),cmp)(const void *a, const void *b, void *user)

/* Sort the elements of "list" in ascending order according to
 * comparison function "cmp".
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),sort)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list,
	int (*cmp)(__isl_keep EL *a, __isl_keep EL *b, void *user), void *user)

/* Internal data structure for isl_*_list_foreach_scc.
 * "list" is the original list.
 * "follows" is the user provided callback that defines the edges of the graph.
S(LIST(EL),foreach_scc_data) {};

/* Does element i of data->list follow element j?
 * Use the user provided callback to find out.
static isl_bool FN(LIST(EL),follows)(int i, int j, void *user)

/* Call "fn" on the sublist of "list" that consists of the elements
 * with indices specified by the "n" elements of "pos".
static isl_stat FN(LIST(EL),call_on_scc)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list, int *pos,
	int n, isl_stat (*fn)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *scc, void *user), void *user)

/* Call "fn" on each of the strongly connected components (SCCs) of
 * the graph with as vertices the elements of "list" and
 * a directed edge from node b to node a iff follows(a, b)
 * returns 1.  follows should return -1 on error.
 * If SCC a contains a node i that follows a node j in another SCC b
 * (i.e., follows(i, j, user) returns 1), then fn will be called on SCC a
 * after being called on SCC b.
 * We simply call isl_tarjan_graph_init, extract the SCCs from the result and
 * call fn on each of them.
isl_stat FN(LIST(EL),foreach_scc)(__isl_keep LIST(EL) *list,
	isl_bool (*follows)(__isl_keep EL *a, __isl_keep EL *b, void *user),
	void *follows_user,
	isl_stat (*fn)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *scc, void *user), void *fn_user)

__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(FN(LIST(EL),from),EL_BASE)(__isl_take EL *el)

/* This function performs the same operation as isl_*_list_from_*,
 * but is considered as a function on the element when exported.
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(EL,to_list)(__isl_take EL *el)

/* Append the elements of "list2" to "list1", where "list1" is known
 * to have only a single reference and enough room to hold
 * the extra elements.
static __isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),concat_inplace)(
	__isl_take LIST(EL) *list1, __isl_take LIST(EL) *list2)

/* Concatenate "list1" and "list2".
 * If "list1" has only one reference and has enough room
 * for the elements of "list2", the add the elements to "list1" itself.
 * Otherwise, create a new list to store the result.
__isl_give LIST(EL) *FN(LIST(EL),concat)(__isl_take LIST(EL) *list1,
	__isl_take LIST(EL) *list2)

__isl_give isl_printer *CAT(isl_printer_print_,LIST(EL_BASE))(
	__isl_take isl_printer *p, __isl_keep LIST(EL) *list)

#undef BASE
#define BASE

#include "print_templ.c"