
 * Copyright 2012      Ecole Normale Superieure
 * Copyright 2014      INRIA Rocquencourt
 * Copyright 2019      Cerebras Systems
 * Use of this software is governed by the MIT license
 * Written by Sven Verdoolaege,
 * Ecole Normale Superieure, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75230 Paris, France
 * and Inria Paris - Rocquencourt, Domaine de Voluceau - Rocquencourt,
 * B.P. 105 - 78153 Le Chesnay, France
 * and Cerebras Systems, 175 S San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, CA, USA

#include <isl/id.h>
#include <isl/space.h>
#include <isl/stream.h>
#include <isl_ast_private.h>
#include <isl_ast_build_expr.h>
#include <isl_ast_build_private.h>
#include <isl_ast_graft_private.h>
#include "isl_set_to_ast_graft_list.h"

static __isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_copy(
	__isl_keep isl_ast_graft *graft);
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_stream_read_ast_graft(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s);

#undef EL_BASE
#define EL_BASE

#include <isl_list_templ.c>
#include <isl_list_read_templ.c>

#undef BASE
#define BASE
#include <print_templ.c>

isl_ctx *isl_ast_graft_get_ctx(__isl_keep isl_ast_graft *graft)

__isl_give isl_ast_node *isl_ast_graft_get_node(
	__isl_keep isl_ast_graft *graft)

/* Create a graft for "node" with guards "guard" and
 * enforced conditions "enforced".
static isl_ast_graft *graft_alloc(__isl_take isl_ast_node *node,
	__isl_take isl_set *guard, __isl_take isl_basic_set *enforced)

/* Create a graft for "node" with no guards and no enforced conditions.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_alloc(
	__isl_take isl_ast_node *node, __isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Create a graft with no guards and no enforced conditions
 * encapsulating a call to the domain element specified by "executed".
 * "executed" is assumed to be single-valued.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_alloc_domain(
	__isl_take isl_map *executed, __isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

static __isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_copy(
	__isl_keep isl_ast_graft *graft)

/* Do all the grafts in "list" have the same guard and is this guard
 * independent of the current depth?
static isl_bool equal_independent_guards(__isl_keep isl_ast_graft_list *list,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Hoist "guard" out of the current level (given by "build").
 * In particular, eliminate the dimension corresponding to the current depth.
static __isl_give isl_set *hoist_guard(__isl_take isl_set *guard,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Extract a common guard from the grafts in "list" that can be hoisted
 * out of the current level.  If no such guard can be found, then return
 * a universal set.
 * If all the grafts in the list have the same guard and if this guard
 * is independent of the current level, then it can be hoisted out.
 * If there is only one graft in the list and if its guard
 * depends on the current level, then we eliminate this level and
 * return the result.
 * Otherwise, we return the unshifted simple hull of the guards.
 * In order to be able to hoist as many constraints as possible,
 * but at the same time avoid hoisting constraints that did not
 * appear in the guards in the first place, we intersect the guards
 * with all the information that is available (i.e., the domain
 * from the build and the enforced constraints of the graft) and
 * compute the unshifted hull of the result using only constraints
 * from the original guards.
 * In particular, intersecting the guards with other known information
 * allows us to hoist guards that are only explicit is some of
 * the grafts and implicit in the others.
 * The special case for equal guards is needed in case those guards
 * are non-convex.  Taking the simple hull would remove information
 * and would not allow for these guards to be hoisted completely.
__isl_give isl_set *isl_ast_graft_list_extract_hoistable_guard(
	__isl_keep isl_ast_graft_list *list, __isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Internal data structure used inside insert_if.
 * list is the list of guarded nodes created by each call to insert_if.
 * node is the original node that is guarded by insert_if.
 * build is the build in which the AST is constructed.
struct isl_insert_if_data {};

static isl_stat insert_if(__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset, void *user);

/* Insert an if node around "node" testing the condition encoded
 * in guard "guard".
 * If the user does not want any disjunctions in the if conditions
 * and if "guard" does involve a disjunction, then we make the different
 * disjuncts disjoint and insert an if node corresponding to each disjunct
 * around a copy of "node".  The result is then a block node containing
 * this sequence of guarded copies of "node".
static __isl_give isl_ast_node *ast_node_insert_if(
	__isl_take isl_ast_node *node, __isl_take isl_set *guard,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Insert an if node around a copy of "data->node" testing the condition
 * encoded in guard "bset" and add the result to data->list.
static isl_stat insert_if(__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset, void *user)

/* Insert an if node around graft->node testing the condition encoded
 * in guard "guard", assuming guard involves any conditions.
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft *insert_if_node(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft, __isl_take isl_set *guard,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Insert an if node around graft->node testing the condition encoded
 * in graft->guard, assuming graft->guard involves any conditions.
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft *insert_pending_guard_node(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft, __isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Replace graft->enforced by "enforced".
__isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_set_enforced(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft, __isl_take isl_basic_set *enforced)

/* Update "enforced" such that it only involves constraints that are
 * also enforced by "graft".
static __isl_give isl_basic_set *update_enforced(
	__isl_take isl_basic_set *enforced, __isl_keep isl_ast_graft *graft,
	int depth)

/* Extend the node at *body with node.
 * If body points to the else branch, then *body may still be NULL.
 * If so, we simply attach node to this else branch.
 * Otherwise, we attach a list containing the statements already
 * attached at *body followed by node.
static void extend_body(__isl_keep isl_ast_node **body,
	__isl_take isl_ast_node *node)

/* Merge "graft" into the last graft of "list".
 * body points to the then or else branch of an if node in that last graft.
 * We attach graft->node to this branch and update the enforced
 * set of the last graft of "list" to take into account the enforced
 * set of "graft".
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *graft_extend_body(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_node **body, __isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Merge "graft" into the last graft of "list", attaching graft->node
 * to the then branch of "last_if".
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *extend_then(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_node *last_if, __isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Merge "graft" into the last graft of "list", attaching graft->node
 * to the else branch of "last_if".
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *extend_else(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_node *last_if, __isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* This data structure keeps track of an if node.
 * "node" is the actual if-node
 * "guard" is the original, non-simplified guard of the node
 * "complement" is the complement of "guard" in the context of outer if nodes
struct isl_if_node {};

/* Given a list of "n" if nodes, clear those starting at "first"
 * and return "first" (i.e., the updated size of the array).
static int clear_if_nodes(struct isl_if_node *if_node, int first, int n)

/* For each graft in "list",
 * insert an if node around graft->node testing the condition encoded
 * in graft->guard, assuming graft->guard involves any conditions.
 * We keep track of a list of generated if nodes that can be extended
 * without changing the order of the elements in "list".
 * If the guard of a graft is a subset of either the guard or its complement
 * of one of those if nodes, then the node
 * of the new graft is inserted into the then or else branch of the last graft
 * and the current graft is discarded.
 * The guard of the node is then simplified based on the conditions
 * enforced at that then or else branch.
 * Otherwise, the current graft is appended to the list.
 * We only construct else branches if allowed by the user.
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *insert_pending_guard_nodes(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* For each graft in "list",
 * insert an if node around graft->node testing the condition encoded
 * in graft->guard, assuming graft->guard involves any conditions.
 * Subsequently remove the guards from the grafts.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *isl_ast_graft_list_insert_pending_guard_nodes(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list, __isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Collect the nodes contained in the grafts in "list" in a node list.
static __isl_give isl_ast_node_list *extract_node_list(
	__isl_keep isl_ast_graft_list *list)

/* Look for shared enforced constraints by all the elements in "list"
 * on outer loops (with respect to the current depth) and return the result.
 * If there are no elements in "list", then return the empty set.
__isl_give isl_basic_set *isl_ast_graft_list_extract_shared_enforced(
	__isl_keep isl_ast_graft_list *list,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Record "guard" in "graft" so that it will be enforced somewhere
 * up the tree.  If the graft already has a guard, then it may be partially
 * redundant in combination with the new guard and in the context
 * the generated constraints of "build".  In fact, the new guard
 * may in itself have some redundant constraints.
 * We therefore (re)compute the gist of the intersection
 * and coalesce the result.
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft *store_guard(__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft,
	__isl_take isl_set *guard, __isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* For each graft in "list", replace its guard with the gist with
 * respect to "context".
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *gist_guards(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list, __isl_keep isl_set *context)

/* For each graft in "list", replace its guard with the gist with
 * respect to "context".
__isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *isl_ast_graft_list_gist_guards(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list, __isl_take isl_set *context)

/* Allocate a graft in "build" based on the list of grafts in "sub_build".
 * "guard" and "enforced" are the guard and enforced constraints
 * of the allocated graft.  The guard is used to simplify the guards
 * of the elements in "list".
 * The node is initialized to either a block containing the nodes of "children"
 * or, if there is only a single child, the node of that child.
 * If the current level requires a for node, it should be inserted by
 * a subsequent call to isl_ast_graft_insert_for.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_alloc_from_children(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list, __isl_take isl_set *guard,
	__isl_take isl_basic_set *enforced, __isl_keep isl_ast_build *build,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *sub_build)

/* Combine the grafts in the list into a single graft.
 * The guard is initialized to the shared guard of the list elements (if any),
 * provided it does not depend on the current dimension.
 * The guards in the elements are then simplified with respect to the
 * hoisted guard and materialized as if nodes around the contained AST nodes
 * in the context of "sub_build".
 * The enforced set is initialized to the simple hull of the enforced sets
 * of the elements, provided the ast_build_exploit_nested_bounds option is set
 * or the new graft will be used at the same level.
 * The node is initialized to either a block containing the nodes of "list"
 * or, if there is only a single element, the node of that element.
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft *ast_graft_list_fuse(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list, __isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Combine the grafts in the list into a single graft.
 * Return a list containing this single graft.
 * If the original list is empty, then return an empty list.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *isl_ast_graft_list_fuse(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Combine the two grafts into a single graft.
 * Return a list containing this single graft.
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_fuse(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft1, __isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft2,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Insert a for node enclosing the current graft->node.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_insert_for(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft, __isl_take isl_ast_node *node)

/* Insert a mark governing the current graft->node.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_insert_mark(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft, __isl_take isl_id *mark)

/* Represent the graft list as an AST node.
 * This operation drops the information about guards in the grafts, so
 * if there are any pending guards, then they are materialized as if nodes.
__isl_give isl_ast_node *isl_ast_node_from_graft_list(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

__isl_null isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_free(__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft)

/* Record that the grafted tree enforces
 * "enforced" by intersecting graft->enforced with "enforced".
__isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_enforce(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft, __isl_take isl_basic_set *enforced)

__isl_give isl_basic_set *isl_ast_graft_get_enforced(
	__isl_keep isl_ast_graft *graft)

__isl_give isl_set *isl_ast_graft_get_guard(__isl_keep isl_ast_graft *graft)

/* Record that "guard" needs to be inserted in "graft".
__isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_add_guard(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft,
	__isl_take isl_set *guard, __isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Reformulate the "graft", which was generated in the context
 * of an inner code generation, in terms of the outer code generation
 * AST build.
 * If "product" is set, then the domain of the inner code generation build is
 *	[O -> S]
 * with O the domain of the outer code generation build.
 * We essentially need to project out S.
 * If "product" is not set, then we need to project the domains onto
 * their parameter spaces.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_unembed(__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft,
	int product)

/* Reformulate the grafts in "list", which were generated in the context
 * of an inner code generation, in terms of the outer code generation
 * AST build.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *isl_ast_graft_list_unembed(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list, int product)

/* Compute the preimage of "graft" under the function represented by "ma".
 * In other words, plug in "ma" in "enforced" and "guard" fields of "graft".
__isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_ast_graft_preimage_multi_aff(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft, __isl_take isl_multi_aff *ma)

/* Compute the preimage of all the grafts in "list" under
 * the function represented by "ma".
__isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *isl_ast_graft_list_preimage_multi_aff(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list, __isl_take isl_multi_aff *ma)

/* Compare two grafts based on their guards.
static int cmp_graft(__isl_keep isl_ast_graft *a, __isl_keep isl_ast_graft *b,
	void *user)

/* Order the elements in "list" based on their guards.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *isl_ast_graft_list_sort_guard(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list)

/* Merge the given two lists into a single list of grafts,
 * merging grafts with the same guard into a single graft.
 * "list2" has been sorted using isl_ast_graft_list_sort.
 * "list1" may be the result of a previous call to isl_ast_graft_list_merge
 * and may therefore not be completely sorted.
 * The elements in "list2" need to be executed after those in "list1",
 * but if the guard of a graft in "list2" is disjoint from the guards
 * of some final elements in "list1", then it can be moved up to before
 * those final elements.
 * In particular, we look at each element g of "list2" in turn
 * and move it up beyond elements of "list1" that would be sorted
 * after g as long as each of these elements has a guard that is disjoint
 * from that of g.
 * We do not allow the second or any later element of "list2" to be moved
 * before a previous elements of "list2" even if the reason that
 * that element didn't move up further was that its guard was not disjoint
 * from that of the previous element in "list1".
__isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *isl_ast_graft_list_merge(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list1,
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list2,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Internal data structure for split_on_guard.
 * "guard2list" is the constructed associative array.
 * "any_match" gets set if any guard was seen more than once.
struct isl_split_on_guard_data {};

/* Add "graft" to the list associated to its guard in data->guard2list.
 * If some other graft was already associated to this guard,
 * then set data->any_match.
static isl_stat add_to_guard_list(__isl_take isl_ast_graft *graft, void *user)

/* Construct an associative array that groups the elements
 * of "list" based on their guards.
 * If any guard appears more than once, then set "any_match".
static __isl_give isl_set_to_ast_graft_list *split_on_guard(
	__isl_keep isl_ast_graft_list *list, int *any_match)

/* Add the elements of "guard_list" to "list".
static isl_stat add_same_guard(__isl_take isl_set *guard,
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *guard_list, void *user)

/* Given an associative array "guard2list" containing the elements
 * of "list" grouped on common guards, reconstruct "list"
 * by placing elements with the same guard consecutively.
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *reconstruct(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list,
	__isl_keep isl_set_to_ast_graft_list *guard2list,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* Group the grafts in "list" based on identical guards.
 * Note that there need to be a least three elements in the list
 * for the elements not to be grouped already.
 * Group the elements in an associative array based on their guards.
 * If any guard was seen more than once, then reconstruct the list
 * from the associative array.  Otherwise, simply return the original list.
__isl_give isl_ast_graft_list *isl_ast_graft_list_group_on_guard(
	__isl_take isl_ast_graft_list *list, __isl_keep isl_ast_build *build)

/* An enumeration of the keys that appear in the textual representation
 * of an isl_sat_graft object.
enum isl_graft_key {};

/* Textual representations of the keys for an isl_sat_graft object.
static char *key_str[] =;

__isl_give isl_printer *isl_printer_print_ast_graft(__isl_take isl_printer *p,
	__isl_keep isl_ast_graft *graft)

#undef KEY
#define KEY
#undef KEY_ERROR
#define KEY_ERROR
#undef KEY_END
#define KEY_END
#undef KEY_STR
#define KEY_STR
#undef KEY_GET
#define KEY_GET
#include "extract_key.c"

/* Read the key "key" from "s", along with the subsequent colon.
static isl_stat read_key(__isl_keep isl_stream *s, enum isl_graft_key key)

/* Read an isl_ast_graft object from "s".
 * Read the pieces in the way they are printed in isl_printer_print_ast_graft.
static __isl_give isl_ast_graft *isl_stream_read_ast_graft(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s)