
 * Copyright 2008-2009 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
 * Copyright 2010      INRIA Saclay
 * Use of this software is governed by the MIT license
 * Written by Sven Verdoolaege, K.U.Leuven, Departement
 * Computerwetenschappen, Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
 * and INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France, Parc Club Orsay Universite,
 * ZAC des vignes, 4 rue Jacques Monod, 91893 Orsay, France

#include <isl_mat_private.h>
#include <isl_vec_private.h>
#include <isl_seq.h>
#include "isl_map_private.h"
#include "isl_equalities.h"
#include <isl_val_private.h>

/* Given a set of modulo constraints
 *		c + A y = 0 mod d
 * this function computes a particular solution y_0
 * The input is given as a matrix B = [ c A ] and a vector d.
 * The output is matrix containing the solution y_0 or
 * a zero-column matrix if the constraints admit no integer solution.
 * The given set of constrains is equivalent to
 *		c + A y = -D x
 * with D = diag d and x a fresh set of variables.
 * Reducing both c and A modulo d does not change the
 * value of y in the solution and may lead to smaller coefficients.
 * Let M = [ D A ] and [ H 0 ] = M U, the Hermite normal form of M.
 * Then
 *		  [ x ]
 *		M [ y ] = - c
 * and so
 *		               [ x ]
 *		[ H 0 ] U^{-1} [ y ] = - c
 * Let
 *		[ A ]          [ x ]
 *		[ B ] = U^{-1} [ y ]
 * then
 *		H A + 0 B = -c
 * so B may be chosen arbitrarily, e.g., B = 0, and then
 *		       [ x ] = [ -c ]
 *		U^{-1} [ y ] = [  0 ]
 * or
 *		[ x ]     [ -c ]
 *		[ y ] = U [  0 ]
 * specifically,
 *		y = U_{2,1} (-c)
 * If any of the coordinates of this y are non-integer
 * then the constraints admit no integer solution and
 * a zero-column matrix is returned.
static __isl_give isl_mat *particular_solution(__isl_keep isl_mat *B,
	__isl_keep isl_vec *d)

/* Compute and return the matrix
 *		U_1^{-1} diag(d_1, 1, ..., 1)
 * with U_1 the unimodular completion of the first (and only) row of B.
 * The columns of this matrix generate the lattice that satisfies
 * the single (linear) modulo constraint.
static __isl_take isl_mat *parameter_compression_1(__isl_keep isl_mat *B,
	__isl_keep isl_vec *d)

/* Compute a common lattice of solutions to the linear modulo
 * constraints specified by B and d.
 * See also the documentation of isl_mat_parameter_compression.
 * We put the matrix
 *		A = [ L_1^{-T} L_2^{-T} ... L_k^{-T} ]
 * on a common denominator.  This denominator D is the lcm of modulos d.
 * Since L_i = U_i^{-1} diag(d_i, 1, ... 1), we have
 * L_i^{-T} = U_i^T diag(d_i, 1, ... 1)^{-T} = U_i^T diag(1/d_i, 1, ..., 1).
 * Putting this on the common denominator, we have
 * D * L_i^{-T} = U_i^T diag(D/d_i, D, ..., D).
static __isl_give isl_mat *parameter_compression_multi(__isl_keep isl_mat *B,
	__isl_keep isl_vec *d)

/* Given a set of modulo constraints
 *		c + A y = 0 mod d
 * this function returns an affine transformation T,
 *		y = T y'
 * that bijectively maps the integer vectors y' to integer
 * vectors y that satisfy the modulo constraints.
 * This function is inspired by Section 2.5.3
 * of B. Meister, "Stating and Manipulating Periodicity in the Polytope
 * Model.  Applications to Program Analysis and Optimization".
 * However, the implementation only follows the algorithm of that
 * section for computing a particular solution and not for computing
 * a general homogeneous solution.  The latter is incomplete and
 * may remove some valid solutions.
 * Instead, we use an adaptation of the algorithm in Section 7 of
 * B. Meister, S. Verdoolaege, "Polynomial Approximations in the Polytope
 * Model: Bringing the Power of Quasi-Polynomials to the Masses".
 * The input is given as a matrix B = [ c A ] and a vector d.
 * Each element of the vector d corresponds to a row in B.
 * The output is a lower triangular matrix.
 * If no integer vector y satisfies the given constraints then
 * a matrix with zero columns is returned.
 * We first compute a particular solution y_0 to the given set of
 * modulo constraints in particular_solution.  If no such solution
 * exists, then we return a zero-columned transformation matrix.
 * Otherwise, we compute the generic solution to
 *		A y = 0 mod d
 * That is we want to compute G such that
 *		y = G y''
 * with y'' integer, describes the set of solutions.
 * We first remove the common factors of each row.
 * In particular if gcd(A_i,d_i) != 1, then we divide the whole
 * row i (including d_i) by this common factor.  If afterwards gcd(A_i) != 1,
 * then we divide this row of A by the common factor, unless gcd(A_i) = 0.
 * In the later case, we simply drop the row (in both A and d).
 * If there are no rows left in A, then G is the identity matrix. Otherwise,
 * for each row i, we now determine the lattice of integer vectors
 * that satisfies this row.  Let U_i be the unimodular extension of the
 * row A_i.  This unimodular extension exists because gcd(A_i) = 1.
 * The first component of
 *		y' = U_i y
 * needs to be a multiple of d_i.  Let y' = diag(d_i, 1, ..., 1) y''.
 * Then,
 *		y = U_i^{-1} diag(d_i, 1, ..., 1) y''
 * for arbitrary integer vectors y''.  That is, y belongs to the lattice
 * generated by the columns of L_i = U_i^{-1} diag(d_i, 1, ..., 1).
 * If there is only one row, then G = L_1.
 * If there is more than one row left, we need to compute the intersection
 * of the lattices.  That is, we need to compute an L such that
 *		L = L_i L_i'	for all i
 * with L_i' some integer matrices.  Let A be constructed as follows
 *		A = [ L_1^{-T} L_2^{-T} ... L_k^{-T} ]
 * and computed the Hermite Normal Form of A = [ H 0 ] U
 * Then,
 *		L_i^{-T} = H U_{1,i}
 * or
 *		H^{-T} = L_i U_{1,i}^T
 * In other words G = L = H^{-T}.
 * To ensure that G is lower triangular, we compute and use its Hermite
 * normal form.
 * The affine transformation matrix returned is then
 *		[  1   0  ]
 *		[ y_0  G  ]
 * as any y = y_0 + G y' with y' integer is a solution to the original
 * modulo constraints.
__isl_give isl_mat *isl_mat_parameter_compression(__isl_take isl_mat *B,
	__isl_take isl_vec *d)

/* Given a set of equalities
 *		B(y) + A x = 0						(*)
 * compute and return an affine transformation T,
 *		y = T y'
 * that bijectively maps the integer vectors y' to integer
 * vectors y that satisfy the modulo constraints for some value of x.
 * Let [H 0] be the Hermite Normal Form of A, i.e.,
 *		A = [H 0] Q
 * Then y is a solution of (*) iff
 *		H^-1 B(y) (= - [I 0] Q x)
 * is an integer vector.  Let d be the common denominator of H^-1.
 * We impose
 *		d H^-1 B(y) = 0 mod d
 * and compute the solution using isl_mat_parameter_compression.
__isl_give isl_mat *isl_mat_parameter_compression_ext(__isl_take isl_mat *B,
	__isl_take isl_mat *A)

/* Return a compression matrix that indicates that there are no solutions
 * to the original constraints.  In particular, return a zero-column
 * matrix with 1 + dim rows.  If "T2" is not NULL, then assign *T2
 * the inverse of this matrix.  *T2 may already have been assigned
 * matrix, so free it first.
 * "free1", "free2" and "free3" are temporary matrices that are
 * not useful when an empty compression is returned.  They are
 * simply freed.
static __isl_give isl_mat *empty_compression(isl_ctx *ctx, unsigned dim,
	__isl_give isl_mat **T2, __isl_take isl_mat *free1,
	__isl_take isl_mat *free2, __isl_take isl_mat *free3)

/* Given a matrix that maps a (possibly) parametric domain to
 * a parametric domain, add in rows that map the "nparam" parameters onto
 * themselves.
static __isl_give isl_mat *insert_parameter_rows(__isl_take isl_mat *mat,
	unsigned nparam)

/* Given a set of equalities
 *		-C(y) + M x = 0
 * this function computes a unimodular transformation from a lower-dimensional
 * space to the original space that bijectively maps the integer points x'
 * in the lower-dimensional space to the integer points x in the original
 * space that satisfy the equalities.
 * The input is given as a matrix B = [ -C M ] and the output is a
 * matrix that maps [1 x'] to [1 x].
 * The number of equality constraints in B is assumed to be smaller than
 * or equal to the number of variables x.
 * "first" is the position of the first x variable.
 * The preceding variables are considered to be y-variables.
 * If T2 is not NULL, then *T2 is set to a matrix mapping [1 x] to [1 x'].
 * First compute the (left) Hermite normal form of M,
 *		M [U1 U2] = M U = H = [H1 0]
 * or
 *		              M = H Q = [H1 0] [Q1]
 *                                             [Q2]
 * with U, Q unimodular, Q = U^{-1} (and H lower triangular).
 * Define the transformed variables as
 *		x = [U1 U2] [ x1' ] = [U1 U2] [Q1] x
 *		            [ x2' ]           [Q2]
 * The equalities then become
 *		-C(y) + H1 x1' = 0   or   x1' = H1^{-1} C(y) = C'(y)
 * If the denominator of the constant term does not divide the
 * the common denominator of the coefficients of y, then every
 * integer point is mapped to a non-integer point and then the original set
 * has no integer solutions (since the x' are a unimodular transformation
 * of the x).  In this case, a zero-column matrix is returned.
 * Otherwise, the transformation is given by
 *		x = U1 H1^{-1} C(y) + U2 x2'
 * The inverse transformation is simply
 *		x2' = Q2 x
__isl_give isl_mat *isl_mat_final_variable_compression(__isl_take isl_mat *B,
	int first, __isl_give isl_mat **T2)

/* Given a set of equalities
 *		M x - c = 0
 * this function computes a unimodular transformation from a lower-dimensional
 * space to the original space that bijectively maps the integer points x'
 * in the lower-dimensional space to the integer points x in the original
 * space that satisfy the equalities.
 * The input is given as a matrix B = [ -c M ] and the output is a
 * matrix that maps [1 x'] to [1 x].
 * The number of equality constraints in B is assumed to be smaller than
 * or equal to the number of variables x.
 * If T2 is not NULL, then *T2 is set to a matrix mapping [1 x] to [1 x'].
__isl_give isl_mat *isl_mat_variable_compression(__isl_take isl_mat *B,
	__isl_give isl_mat **T2)

/* Return "bset" and set *T and *T2 to the identity transformation
 * on "bset" (provided T and T2 are not NULL).
static __isl_give isl_basic_set *return_with_identity(
	__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset, __isl_give isl_mat **T,
	__isl_give isl_mat **T2)

/* Use the n equalities of bset to unimodularly transform the
 * variables x such that n transformed variables x1' have a constant value
 * and rewrite the constraints of bset in terms of the remaining
 * transformed variables x2'.  The matrix pointed to by T maps
 * the new variables x2' back to the original variables x, while T2
 * maps the original variables to the new variables.
static __isl_give isl_basic_set *compress_variables(
	__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset,
	__isl_give isl_mat **T, __isl_give isl_mat **T2)

__isl_give isl_basic_set *isl_basic_set_remove_equalities(
	__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset, __isl_give isl_mat **T,
	__isl_give isl_mat **T2)

/* Check if dimension dim belongs to a residue class
 *		i_dim \equiv r mod m
 * with m != 1 and if so return m in *modulo and r in *residue.
 * As a special case, when i_dim has a fixed value v, then
 * *modulo is set to 0 and *residue to v.
 * If i_dim does not belong to such a residue class, then *modulo
 * is set to 1 and *residue is set to 0.
isl_stat isl_basic_set_dim_residue_class(__isl_keep isl_basic_set *bset,
	int pos, isl_int *modulo, isl_int *residue)

/* Check if dimension dim belongs to a residue class
 *		i_dim \equiv r mod m
 * with m != 1 and if so return m in *modulo and r in *residue.
 * As a special case, when i_dim has a fixed value v, then
 * *modulo is set to 0 and *residue to v.
 * If i_dim does not belong to such a residue class, then *modulo
 * is set to 1 and *residue is set to 0.
isl_stat isl_set_dim_residue_class(__isl_keep isl_set *set,
	int pos, isl_int *modulo, isl_int *residue)

/* Check if dimension "dim" belongs to a residue class
 *		i_dim \equiv r mod m
 * with m != 1 and if so return m in *modulo and r in *residue.
 * As a special case, when i_dim has a fixed value v, then
 * *modulo is set to 0 and *residue to v.
 * If i_dim does not belong to such a residue class, then *modulo
 * is set to 1 and *residue is set to 0.
isl_stat isl_set_dim_residue_class_val(__isl_keep isl_set *set,
	int pos, __isl_give isl_val **modulo, __isl_give isl_val **residue)