
 * Copyright 2008-2009 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
 * Copyright 2010      INRIA Saclay
 * Copyright 2012-2013 Ecole Normale Superieure
 * Copyright 2019,2022 Cerebras Systems
 * Use of this software is governed by the MIT license
 * Written by Sven Verdoolaege, K.U.Leuven, Departement
 * Computerwetenschappen, Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
 * and INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France, Parc Club Orsay Universite,
 * ZAC des vignes, 4 rue Jacques Monod, 91893 Orsay, France 
 * and Ecole Normale Superieure, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75230 Paris, France
 * and Cerebras Systems, 175 S San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, CA, USA

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <isl_ctx_private.h>
#include <isl_map_private.h>
#include <isl_id_private.h>
#include <isl/set.h>
#include <isl_seq.h>
#include <isl_stream_private.h>
#include <isl/obj.h>
#include "isl_polynomial_private.h"
#include <isl/union_set.h>
#include <isl/union_map.h>
#include <isl_mat_private.h>
#include <isl_aff_private.h>
#include <isl_vec_private.h>
#include <isl/list.h>
#include <isl_val_private.h>

struct variable {};

struct vars {};

static struct vars *vars_new(struct isl_ctx *ctx)

static void variable_free(struct variable *var)

static void vars_free(struct vars *v)

static void vars_drop(struct vars *v, int n)

static struct variable *variable_new(struct vars *v, const char *name, int len,
				int pos)

static int vars_pos(struct vars *v, const char *s, int len)

static int vars_add_anon(struct vars *v)

/* Obtain next token, with some preprocessing.
 * In particular, evaluate expressions of the form x^y,
 * with x and y values.
static struct isl_token *next_token(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Read an isl_val from "s".
 * The following token sequences are recognized
 *	"infty"		->	infty
 *	"-" "infty"	->	-infty
 *	"NaN"		->	NaN
 *	n "/" d		->	n/d
 *	"-" n "/" d	->	-n/d
 *	v		->	v
 *	"-" v		->	-v
 * where n, d and v are integer constants.
__isl_give isl_val *isl_stream_read_val(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

static isl_stat accept_cst_factor(__isl_keep isl_stream *s, isl_int *f)

/* Given an affine expression aff, return an affine expression
 * for aff % d, with d the next token on the stream, which is
 * assumed to be a constant.
 * We introduce an integer division q = [aff/d] and the result
 * is set to aff - d q.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *affine_mod(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_pw_aff *aff)

static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *accept_affine(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v);
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff_list *accept_affine_list(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v);

static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *accept_minmax(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v)

/* Divide "pa" by an integer constant read from the stream.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *pw_aff_div_by_cst(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pa)

/* Return the (signed) value that is next on the stream,
 * using "next" to read the next token and printing "msg" in case of an error.
static struct isl_token *next_signed_value_fn(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct isl_token *(*next)(__isl_keep isl_stream *s), char *msg)

/* Return the (signed) value that is next on the stream,
 * printing "msg" in case of an error.
static struct isl_token *next_signed_value(__isl_keep isl_stream *s, char *msg)

/* Return the (signed) value that is next on the stream,
 * provided it is on the same line,
 * printing "msg" in case of an error.
static struct isl_token *next_signed_value_on_same_line(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s, char *msg)

/* Is "tok" the start of an integer division?
static int is_start_of_div(struct isl_token *tok)

/* Read an integer division from "s" and return it as an isl_pw_aff.
 * The integer division can be of the form
 *	[<affine expression>]
 *	floor(<affine expression>)
 *	ceil(<affine expression>)
 *	floord(<affine expression>,<denominator>)
 *	ceild(<affine expression>,<denominator>)
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *accept_div(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v)

static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *accept_affine_factor(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v)

/* Return a piecewise affine expression defined on the specified domain
 * that represents NaN.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *nan_on_domain(__isl_keep isl_space *space)

static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *accept_affine(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v)

/* Is "type" the type of a comparison operator between lists
 * of affine expressions?
static int is_list_comparator_type(int type)

static int is_comparator(struct isl_token *tok)

static __isl_give isl_map *read_formula(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_map *map, int rational);
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *accept_extended_affine(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v, int rational);

/* Accept a ternary operator, given the first argument.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *accept_ternary(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_map *cond, struct vars *v, int rational)

/* Set *line and *col to those of the next token, if any.
static void set_current_line_col(__isl_keep isl_stream *s, int *line, int *col)

/* Push a token encapsulating "pa" onto "s", with the given
 * line and column.
static isl_stat push_aff(__isl_keep isl_stream *s, int line, int col,
	__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pa)

/* Is the next token a comparison operator?
static int next_is_comparator(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Accept an affine expression that may involve ternary operators.
 * We first read an affine expression.
 * If it is not followed by a comparison operator, we simply return it.
 * Otherwise, we assume the affine expression is part of the first
 * argument of a ternary operator and try to parse that.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *accept_extended_affine(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v, int rational)

static __isl_give isl_map *read_var_def(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_map *map, enum isl_dim_type type, struct vars *v,
	int rational)

static __isl_give isl_pw_aff_list *accept_affine_list(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v)

static __isl_give isl_map *read_defined_var_list(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_map *map, int rational)

static int next_is_tuple(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Does the next token mark the end of a tuple element?
static int next_is_end_tuple_element(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Is the next token one that necessarily forms the start of a condition?
static int next_is_condition_start(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Is "pa" an expression in term of earlier dimensions?
 * The alternative is that the dimension is defined to be equal to itself,
 * meaning that it has a universe domain and an expression that depends
 * on itself.  "i" is the position of the expression in a sequence
 * of "n" expressions.  The final dimensions of "pa" correspond to
 * these "n" expressions.
static isl_bool pw_aff_is_expr(__isl_keep isl_pw_aff *pa, int i, int n)

/* Does the tuple contain any dimensions that are defined
 * in terms of earlier dimensions?
static isl_bool tuple_has_expr(__isl_keep isl_multi_pw_aff *tuple)

/* Set the name of dimension "pos" in "space" to "name".
 * During printing, we add primes if the same name appears more than once
 * to distinguish the occurrences.  Here, we remove those primes from "name"
 * before setting the name of the dimension.
static __isl_give isl_space *space_set_dim_name(__isl_take isl_space *space,
	int pos, char *name)

/* Set the name of the last (output) dimension of "space" to "name",
 * ignoring any primes in "name".
static __isl_give isl_space *space_set_last_dim_name(
	__isl_take isl_space *space, char *name)

/* Construct an isl_pw_aff defined on a "space" (with v->n variables)
 * that is equal to the last of those variables.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *identity_tuple_el_on_space(
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v)

/* Construct an isl_pw_aff defined on the domain space of "pa"
 * that is equal to the last variable in "v".
 * That is, if D is the domain space of "pa", then construct
 *	D[..., i] -> i.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *init_range(__isl_keep isl_pw_aff *pa,
	struct vars *v)

/* Impose the lower bound "lower" on the variable represented by "range_pa".
 * In particular, "range_pa" is of the form
 *	D[..., i] -> i : C
 * with D also the domains space of "lower' and "C" some constraints.
 * Return the expression
 *	D[..., i] -> i : C and i >= lower
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *set_lower(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *range_pa,
	__isl_take isl_pw_aff *lower)

/* Impose the upper bound "upper" on the variable represented by "range_pa".
 * In particular, "range_pa" is of the form
 *	D[..., i] -> i : C
 * with D also the domains space of "upper' and "C" some constraints.
 * Return the expression
 *	D[..., i] -> i : C and i <= upper
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *set_upper(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *range_pa,
	__isl_take isl_pw_aff *upper)

/* Construct a piecewise affine expression corresponding
 * to the last variable in "v" that is greater than or equal to "pa".
 * In particular, if D is the domain space of "pa",
 * then construct the expression
 *	D[..., i] -> i,
 * impose lower bound "pa" and return
 *	D[..., i] -> i : i >= pa
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *construct_lower(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pa,
	struct vars *v)

/* Construct a piecewise affine expression corresponding
 * to the last variable in "v" that is smaller than or equal to "pa".
 * In particular, if D is the domain space of "pa",
 * then construct the expression
 *	D[..., i] -> i,
 * impose lower bound "pa" and return
 *	D[..., i] -> i : i <= pa
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *construct_upper(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pa,
	struct vars *v)

/* Construct a piecewise affine expression corresponding
 * to the last variable in "v" that ranges between "pa" and "pa2".
 * In particular, if D is the domain space of "pa" (and "pa2"),
 * then construct the expression
 *	D[..., i] -> i,
 * impose lower bound "pa" and upper bound "pa2" and return
 *	D[..., i] -> i : pa <= i <= pa2
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *construct_range(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pa,
	__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pa2, struct vars *v)

static int resolve_paren_expr(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_map *map, int rational);

/* Given that the (piecewise) affine expression "pa"
 * has just been parsed, followed by a colon,
 * continue parsing as part of a piecewise affine expression.
 * In particular, check if the colon is followed by a condition.
 * If so, parse the conditions(a) on "pa" and include them in the domain.
 * Otherwise, if the colon is followed by another (piecewise) affine expression
 * then consider the two expressions as endpoints of a range of values and
 * return a piecewise affine expression that takes values in that range.
 * Note that an affine expression followed by a comparison operator
 * is considered to be part of a condition.
 * If the colon is not followed by anything (inside the tuple element),
 * then consider "pa" as a lower bound on a range of values without upper bound
 * and return a piecewise affine expression that takes values in that range.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *update_piecewise_affine_colon(
	__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pa, __isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, int rational)

/* Accept a piecewise affine expression.
 * At the outer level, the piecewise affine expression may be of the form
 *	aff1 : condition1; aff2 : conditions2; ...
 * or one of
 *	aff :
 *	aff1 : aff2
 *	: aff
 *	:
 * or simply
 *	aff
 * each of the affine expressions may in turn include ternary operators.
 * If the first token is a colon, then the expression must be
 * ":" or ": aff2", depending on whether anything follows the colon
 * inside the tuple element.
 * The first is considered to represent an arbitrary value.
 * The second is considered to represent a range of values
 * with the given upper bound and no lower bound.
 * There may be parentheses around some subexpression of "aff1"
 * around "aff1" itself, around "aff1 : condition1" and/or
 * around the entire piecewise affine expression.
 * We therefore remove the opening parenthesis (if any) from the stream
 * in case the closing parenthesis follows the colon, but if the closing
 * parenthesis is the first thing in the stream after the parsed affine
 * expression, we push the parsed expression onto the stream and parse
 * again in case the parentheses enclose some subexpression of "aff1".
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *accept_piecewise_affine(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_space *space, struct vars *v, int rational)

/* Read an affine expression from "s" for use in read_tuple.
 * accept_extended_affine requires a wrapped space as input.
 * read_tuple on the other hand expects each isl_pw_aff
 * to have an anonymous space.  We therefore adjust the space
 * of the isl_pw_aff before returning it.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *read_tuple_var_def(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, int rational)

/* Read a list of tuple elements by calling "read_el" on each of them and
 * return a space with the same number of set dimensions derived from
 * the parameter space "space" and possibly updated by "read_el".
 * The elements in the list are separated by either "," or "][".
 * If "comma" is set then only "," is allowed.
static __isl_give isl_space *read_tuple_list(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *space, int rational, int comma,
	__isl_give isl_space *(*read_el)(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
		struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *space, int rational,
		void *user),
	void *user)

/* Read a tuple space from "s" derived from the parameter space "space".
 * Call "read_el" on each element in the tuples.
static __isl_give isl_space *read_tuple_space(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *space, int rational, int comma,
	__isl_give isl_space *(*read_el)(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
		struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *space, int rational,
		void *user),
	void *user)

/* Construct an isl_pw_aff defined on a space with v->n variables
 * that is equal to the last of those variables.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *identity_tuple_el(struct vars *v)

/* This function is called for each element in a tuple inside read_tuple.
 * Add a new variable to "v" and construct a corresponding isl_pw_aff defined
 * over a space containing all variables in "v" defined so far.
 * The isl_pw_aff expresses the new variable in terms of earlier variables
 * if a definition is provided.  Otherwise, it is represented as being
 * equal to itself.
 * Add the isl_pw_aff to *list.
 * If the new variable was named, then adjust "space" accordingly and
 * return the updated space.
static __isl_give isl_space *read_tuple_pw_aff_el(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *space, int rational, void *user)

/* Read a tuple and represent it as an isl_multi_pw_aff.
 * The range space of the isl_multi_pw_aff is the space of the tuple.
 * The domain space is an anonymous space
 * with a dimension for each variable in the set of variables in "v",
 * including the variables in the range.
 * If a given dimension is not defined in terms of earlier dimensions in
 * the input, then the corresponding isl_pw_aff is set equal to one time
 * the variable corresponding to the dimension being defined.
 * The elements in the tuple are collected in a list by read_tuple_pw_aff_el.
 * Each element in this list is defined over a space representing
 * the variables defined so far.  We need to adjust the earlier
 * elements to have as many variables in the domain as the final
 * element in the list.
static __isl_give isl_multi_pw_aff *read_tuple(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, int rational, int comma)

/* Add the tuple represented by the isl_multi_pw_aff "tuple" to "map".
 * We first create the appropriate space in "map" based on the range
 * space of this isl_multi_pw_aff.  Then, we add equalities based
 * on the affine expressions.  These live in an anonymous space,
 * however, so we first need to reset the space to that of "map".
static __isl_give isl_map *map_from_tuple(__isl_take isl_multi_pw_aff *tuple,
	__isl_take isl_map *map, enum isl_dim_type type, struct vars *v,
	int rational)

/* Read a tuple from "s" and add it to "map".
 * The tuple is initially represented as an isl_multi_pw_aff and
 * then added to "map".
static __isl_give isl_map *read_map_tuple(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_map *map, enum isl_dim_type type, struct vars *v,
	int rational, int comma)

/* Read the parameter domain of an expression from "s" (if any) and
 * check that it does not involve any constraints.
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far
 * (of which there should not be any at this point) and is extended
 * by this function.
static __isl_give isl_set *read_universe_params(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v)

/* Read the parameter domain of an expression from "s" (if any),
 * check that it does not involve any constraints and return its space.
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far
 * (of which there should not be any at this point) and is extended
 * by this function.
static __isl_give isl_space *read_params(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v)

/* This function is called for each element in a tuple inside read_space_tuples.
 * Add a new variable to "v" and adjust "space" accordingly
 * if the variable has a name.
static __isl_give isl_space *read_tuple_id(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *space, int rational, void *user)

/* Given a parameter space "params", extend it with one or two tuples
 * read from "s".
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far and is extended
 * by this function.
static __isl_give isl_space *read_space_tuples(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *params)

/* Read an isl_space object from "s".
 * First read the parameters (if any).
 * Then check if the description is of the special form "{ : }",
 * in which case it represents a parameter space.
 * Otherwise, it has one or two tuples.
__isl_give isl_space *isl_stream_read_space(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

/* Given two equal-length lists of piecewise affine expression with the space
 * of "set" as domain, construct a set in the same space that expresses
 * that "left" and "right" satisfy the comparison "type".
 * A space is constructed of the same dimension as the number of elements
 * in the two lists.  The comparison is then expressed in a map from
 * this space to itself and wrapped into a set.  Finally the two lists
 * of piecewise affine expressions are plugged into this set.
 * Let S be the space of "set" and T the constructed space.
 * The lists are first changed into two isl_multi_pw_affs in S -> T and
 * then combined into an isl_multi_pw_aff in S -> [T -> T],
 * while the comparison is first expressed in T -> T, then [T -> T]
 * and finally in S.
static __isl_give isl_set *list_cmp(__isl_keep isl_set *set, int type,
	__isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *left, __isl_take isl_pw_aff_list *right)

/* Construct constraints of the form
 *	a op b
 * where a is an element in "left", op is an operator of type "type" and
 * b is an element in "right", add the constraints to "set" and return
 * the result.
 * "rational" is set if the constraints should be treated as
 * a rational constraints.
 * If "type" is the type of a comparison operator between lists
 * of affine expressions, then a single (compound) constraint
 * is constructed by list_cmp instead.
static __isl_give isl_set *construct_constraints(
	__isl_take isl_set *set, int type,
	__isl_keep isl_pw_aff_list *left, __isl_keep isl_pw_aff_list *right,
	int rational)

/* Read a constraint from "s", add it to "map" and return the result.
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far.
 * "rational" is set if the constraint should be treated as
 * a rational constraint.
 * The constraint read from "s" may be applied to multiple pairs
 * of affine expressions and may be chained.
 * In particular, a list of affine expressions is read, followed
 * by a comparison operator and another list of affine expressions.
 * The comparison operator is then applied to each pair of elements
 * in the two lists and the results are added to "map".
 * However, if the operator expects two lists of affine expressions,
 * then it is applied directly to those lists and the two lists
 * are required to have the same length.
 * If the next token is another comparison operator, then another
 * list of affine expressions is read and the process repeats.
 * The processing is performed on a wrapped copy of "map" because
 * an affine expression cannot have a binary relation as domain.
static __isl_give isl_map *add_constraint(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_map *map, int rational)

static __isl_give isl_map *read_exists(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_map *map, int rational)

/* Parse an expression between parentheses and push the result
 * back on the stream.
 * The parsed expression may be either an affine expression
 * or a condition.  The first type is pushed onto the stream
 * as an isl_pw_aff, while the second is pushed as an isl_map.
 * If the initial token indicates the start of a condition,
 * we parse it as such.
 * Otherwise, we first parse an affine expression and push
 * that onto the stream.  If the affine expression covers the
 * entire expression between parentheses, we return.
 * Otherwise, we assume that the affine expression is the
 * start of a condition and continue parsing.
static int resolve_paren_expr(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_map *map, int rational)

static __isl_give isl_map *read_conjunct(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_map *map, int rational)

static __isl_give isl_map *read_conjuncts(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_map *map, int rational)

static __isl_give isl_map *read_disjuncts(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_map *map, int rational)

/* Read a first order formula from "s", add the corresponding
 * constraints to "map" and return the result.
 * In particular, read a formula of the form
 *	a
 * or
 *	a implies b
 * where a and b are disjunctions.
 * In the first case, map is replaced by
 *	map \cap { [..] : a }
 * In the second case, it is replaced by
 *	(map \setminus { [..] : a}) \cup (map \cap { [..] : b })
static __isl_give isl_map *read_formula(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_map *map, int rational)

static isl_size polylib_pos_to_isl_pos(__isl_keep isl_basic_map *bmap, int pos)

static __isl_give isl_basic_map *basic_map_read_polylib_constraint(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s, __isl_take isl_basic_map *bmap)

static __isl_give isl_basic_map *basic_map_read_polylib(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

static __isl_give isl_map *map_read_polylib(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

static int optional_power(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

static __isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *read_term(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_keep isl_map *map, struct vars *v);

static __isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *read_factor(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_keep isl_map *map, struct vars *v)

static __isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *read_term(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_keep isl_map *map, struct vars *v)

static __isl_give isl_map *read_optional_formula(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_map *map, struct vars *v, int rational)

static struct isl_obj obj_read_poly(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_map *map, struct vars *v, int n)

static struct isl_obj obj_read_poly_or_fold(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_set *set, struct vars *v, int n)

static int is_rational(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

static struct isl_obj obj_read_body(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_map *map, struct vars *v)

static struct isl_obj to_union(isl_ctx *ctx, struct isl_obj obj)

static struct isl_obj obj_add(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct isl_obj obj1, struct isl_obj obj2)

/* Are the first two tokens on "s", "domain" (either as a string
 * or as an identifier) followed by ":"?
static int next_is_domain_colon(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Do the first tokens on "s" look like a schedule?
 * The root of a schedule is always a domain node, so the first thing
 * we expect in the stream is a domain key, i.e., "domain" followed
 * by ":".  If the schedule was printed in YAML flow style, then
 * we additionally expect a "{" to open the outer mapping.
static int next_is_schedule(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Read an isl_schedule from "s" and store it in an isl_obj.
static struct isl_obj schedule_read(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Read a disjunction of object bodies from "s".
 * That is, read the inside of the braces, but not the braces themselves.
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far.
 * "map" contains information about the parameters.
static struct isl_obj obj_read_disjuncts(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_keep isl_map *map)

static struct isl_obj obj_read(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

struct isl_obj isl_stream_read_obj(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

__isl_give isl_map *isl_stream_read_map(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

__isl_give isl_set *isl_stream_read_set(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

__isl_give isl_union_map *isl_stream_read_union_map(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Extract an isl_union_set from "obj".
 * This only works if the object was detected as either a set
 * (in which case it is converted to a union set) or a union set.
static __isl_give isl_union_set *extract_union_set(isl_ctx *ctx,
	struct isl_obj obj)

/* Read an isl_union_set from "s".
 * First read a generic object and then try and extract
 * an isl_union_set from that.
__isl_give isl_union_set *isl_stream_read_union_set(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

static __isl_give isl_basic_map *isl_stream_read_basic_map(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Read an isl_basic_set object from "s".
__isl_give isl_basic_set *isl_stream_read_basic_set(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

__isl_give isl_basic_map *isl_basic_map_read_from_file(isl_ctx *ctx,
	FILE *input)

__isl_give isl_basic_set *isl_basic_set_read_from_file(isl_ctx *ctx,
	FILE *input)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

__isl_give isl_map *isl_map_read_from_file(struct isl_ctx *ctx,
	FILE *input)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

__isl_give isl_set *isl_set_read_from_file(struct isl_ctx *ctx,
	FILE *input)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

__isl_give isl_union_map *isl_union_map_read_from_file(isl_ctx *ctx,
	FILE *input)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

__isl_give isl_union_set *isl_union_set_read_from_file(isl_ctx *ctx,
	FILE *input)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

static __isl_give isl_vec *isl_vec_read_polylib(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

static __isl_give isl_vec *vec_read(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

__isl_give isl_vec *isl_vec_read_from_file(isl_ctx *ctx, FILE *input)

__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *isl_stream_read_pw_qpolynomial(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *isl_pw_qpolynomial_read_from_file(isl_ctx *ctx,
		FILE *input)

/* Read an isl_pw_qpolynomial_fold from "s".
 * First read a generic object and
 * then check that it is an isl_pw_qpolynomial_fold.
__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial_fold *isl_stream_read_pw_qpolynomial_fold(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

/* Is the next token an identifier not in "v"?
static int next_is_fresh_ident(__isl_keep isl_stream *s, struct vars *v)

/* First read the domain of the affine expression, which may be
 * a parameter space or a set.
 * The tricky part is that we don't know if the domain is a set or not,
 * so when we are trying to read the domain, we may actually be reading
 * the affine expression itself (defined on a parameter domains)
 * If the tuple we are reading is named, we assume it's the domain.
 * Also, if inside the tuple, the first thing we find is a nested tuple
 * or a new identifier, we again assume it's the domain.
 * Finally, if the tuple is empty, then it must be the domain
 * since it does not contain an affine expression.
 * Otherwise, we assume we are reading an affine expression.
static __isl_give isl_set *read_aff_domain(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_set *dom, struct vars *v)

/* Read an affine expression from "s".
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_stream_read_aff(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Read a piecewise affine expression from "s" with domain (space) "dom".
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *read_pw_aff_with_dom(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_set *dom, struct vars *v)

/* Read an affine expression, together with optional constraints
 * on the domain from "s".  "dom" represents the initial constraints
 * on the parameter domain.
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *read_conditional_aff(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_take isl_set *dom, struct vars *v)

#undef BASE
#define BASE
#include "isl_stream_read_pw_with_params_templ.c"

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_stream_read_with_params_templ.c"
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

/* Given that "pa" is the element at position "pos" of a tuple
 * returned by read_tuple, check that it does not involve any
 * output/set dimensions (appearing at the "n" positions starting at "first"),
 * remove those from the domain and replace the domain space
 * with "domain_space".
 * In particular, the result of read_tuple is of the form
 * [input, output] -> [output], with anonymous domain.
 * The function read_tuple accepts tuples where some output or
 * set dimensions are defined in terms of other output or set dimensions
 * since this function is also used to read maps.  As a special case,
 * read_tuple also accepts dimensions that are defined in terms of themselves
 * (i.e., that are not defined).
 * These cases are not allowed here.
static __isl_give isl_pw_aff *separate_tuple_entry(__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pa,
	int pos, unsigned first, unsigned n, __isl_take isl_space *domain_space)

/* Set entry "pos" of "mpa" to the corresponding entry in "tuple",
 * as obtained from read_tuple().
 * The "n" output dimensions also appear among the input dimensions
 * at position "first".
 * The entry is not allowed to depend on any (other) output dimensions.
static __isl_give isl_multi_pw_aff *isl_multi_pw_aff_set_tuple_entry(
	__isl_take isl_multi_pw_aff *mpa, __isl_take isl_pw_aff *tuple_el,
	int pos, unsigned first, unsigned n)

#undef BASE
#define BASE

#include <isl_multi_from_tuple_templ.c>

/* Read a tuple of piecewise affine expressions,
 * including optional constraints on the domain from "s".
 * "dom" represents the initial constraints on the domain.
 * The input format is similar to that of a map, except that any conditions
 * on the domains should be specified inside the tuple since each
 * piecewise affine expression may have a different domain.
 * However, additional, shared conditions can also be specified.
 * This is especially useful for setting the explicit domain
 * of a zero-dimensional isl_multi_pw_aff.
 * The isl_multi_pw_aff may live in either a set or a map space.
 * First read the first tuple and check if it is followed by a "->".
 * If so, convert the tuple into the domain of the isl_multi_pw_aff and
 * read in the next tuple.  This tuple (or the first tuple if it was
 * not followed by a "->") is then converted into an isl_multi_pw_aff
 * through a call to isl_multi_pw_aff_from_tuple.
 * The domain of the result is intersected with the domain.
 * Note that the last tuple may introduce new identifiers,
 * but these cannot be referenced in the description of the domain.
static __isl_give isl_multi_pw_aff *read_conditional_multi_pw_aff(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s, __isl_take isl_set *dom, struct vars *v)

/* Read a tuple of affine expressions, together with optional constraints
 * on the domain from "s".  "dom" represents the initial constraints
 * on the domain.
 * Read a tuple of piecewise affine expressions with optional constraints and
 * convert the result to an isl_pw_multi_aff on the shared domain.
static __isl_give isl_pw_multi_aff *read_conditional_multi_aff(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s, __isl_take isl_set *dom, struct vars *v)

/* Read an isl_union_pw_multi_aff from "s" with parameter domain "dom".
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far.
 * In particular, read a sequence
 * of zero or more tuples of affine expressions with optional conditions and
 * add them up.
static __isl_give isl_union_pw_multi_aff *
isl_stream_read_with_params_union_pw_multi_aff(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	__isl_keep isl_set *dom, struct vars *v)

#undef BASE
#define BASE
#include "isl_stream_read_pw_with_params_templ.c"

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_stream_read_with_params_templ.c"
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_stream_read_with_params_templ.c"
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

#undef BASE
#define BASE

#include <isl_multi_read_no_explicit_domain_templ.c>

#undef BASE
#define BASE

#include <isl_multi_read_no_explicit_domain_templ.c>

/* Set entry "pos" of "ma" to the corresponding entry in "tuple",
 * as obtained from read_tuple().
 * The "n" output dimensions also appear among the input dimensions
 * at position "first".
 * The entry is not allowed to depend on any (other) output dimensions.
static __isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_multi_aff_set_tuple_entry(
	__isl_take isl_multi_aff *ma, __isl_take isl_pw_aff *tuple_el,
	int pos, unsigned first, unsigned n)

#undef BASE
#define BASE

#include <isl_multi_from_tuple_templ.c>

/* Read a multi-affine expression from "s".
 * If the multi-affine expression has a domain, then the tuple
 * representing this domain cannot involve any affine expressions.
 * The tuple representing the actual expressions needs to consist
 * of only affine expressions.
__isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_stream_read_multi_aff(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

/* Read an isl_multi_pw_aff from "s" with parameter domain "dom"..
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far.
static __isl_give isl_multi_pw_aff *isl_stream_read_with_params_multi_pw_aff(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s, __isl_keep isl_set *dom, struct vars *v)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_stream_read_with_params_templ.c"
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

/* Read the body of an isl_union_pw_aff from "s" with parameter domain "dom".
static __isl_give isl_union_pw_aff *read_union_pw_aff_with_dom(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s, __isl_take isl_set *dom, struct vars *v)

/* Read an isl_union_pw_aff from "s" with parameter domain "dom".
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far.
static __isl_give isl_union_pw_aff *isl_stream_read_with_params_union_pw_aff(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s, __isl_keep isl_set *dom, struct vars *v)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_stream_read_with_params_templ.c"
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

/* This function is called for each element in a tuple inside
 * isl_stream_read_multi_union_pw_aff.
 * Read a '{', the union piecewise affine expression body and a '}' and
 * add the isl_union_pw_aff to *list.
static __isl_give isl_space *read_union_pw_aff_el(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *space, int rational, void *user)

/* Do the next tokens in "s" correspond to an empty tuple?
 * In particular, does the stream start with a '[', followed by a ']',
 * not followed by a "->"?
static int next_is_empty_tuple(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Do the next tokens in "s" correspond to a tuple of parameters?
 * In particular, does the stream start with a '[' that is not
 * followed by a '{' or a nested tuple?
static int next_is_param_tuple(__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Read the core of a body of an isl_multi_union_pw_aff from "s",
 * i.e., everything except the parameter specification and
 * without shared domain constraints.
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far.
 * The parameters, if any, are specified by "space".
 * The body is of the form
 *	[{ [..] : ... ; [..] : ... }, { [..] : ... ; [..] : ... }]
 * Read the tuple, collecting the individual isl_union_pw_aff
 * elements in a list and construct the result from the tuple space and
 * the list.
static __isl_give isl_multi_union_pw_aff *read_multi_union_pw_aff_body_core(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s, struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *space)

/* Read the body of an isl_union_set from "s",
 * i.e., everything except the parameter specification.
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far.
 * The parameters, if any, are specified by "space".
 * First read a generic disjunction of object bodies and then try and extract
 * an isl_union_set from that.
static __isl_give isl_union_set *read_union_set_body(__isl_keep isl_stream *s,
	struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *space)

/* Read the body of an isl_multi_union_pw_aff from "s",
 * i.e., everything except the parameter specification.
 * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far.
 * The parameters, if any, are specified by "space".
 * In particular, handle the special case with shared domain constraints.
 * These are specified as
 *	([...] : ...)
 * and are especially useful for setting the explicit domain
 * of a zero-dimensional isl_multi_union_pw_aff.
 * The core isl_multi_union_pw_aff body ([...]) is read by
 * read_multi_union_pw_aff_body_core.
static __isl_give isl_multi_union_pw_aff *read_multi_union_pw_aff_body(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s, struct vars *v, __isl_take isl_space *space)

/* Read an isl_multi_union_pw_aff from "s".
 * The input has the form
 *	[{ [..] : ... ; [..] : ... }, { [..] : ... ; [..] : ... }]
 * or
 *	[..] -> [{ [..] : ... ; [..] : ... }, { [..] : ... ; [..] : ... }]
 * Additionally, a shared domain may be specified as
 *	([..] : ...)
 * or
 *	[..] -> ([..] : ...)
 * The first case is handled by the caller, the second case
 * is handled by read_multi_union_pw_aff_body.
 * We first check for the special case of an empty tuple "[]".
 * Then we check if there are any parameters.
 * Finally, read the tuple and construct the result.
static __isl_give isl_multi_union_pw_aff *read_multi_union_pw_aff_core(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

/* Read an isl_multi_union_pw_aff from "s".
 * In particular, handle the special case with shared domain constraints.
 * These are specified as
 *	([...] : ...)
 * and are especially useful for setting the explicit domain
 * of a zero-dimensional isl_multi_union_pw_aff.
 * The core isl_multi_union_pw_aff ([...]) is read by
 * read_multi_union_pw_aff_core.
__isl_give isl_multi_union_pw_aff *isl_stream_read_multi_union_pw_aff(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"

__isl_give isl_union_pw_qpolynomial *isl_stream_read_union_pw_qpolynomial(
	__isl_keep isl_stream *s)

#undef TYPE_BASE
#define TYPE_BASE
#include "isl_read_from_str_templ.c"