
 * Copyright 2010      INRIA Saclay
 * Use of this software is governed by the MIT license
 * Written by Sven Verdoolaege, INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France,
 * Parc Club Orsay Universite, ZAC des vignes, 4 rue Jacques Monod,
 * 91893 Orsay, France 

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <isl_ctx_private.h>
#include <isl_map_private.h>
#include <isl_factorization.h>
#include <isl_lp_private.h>
#include <isl_seq.h>
#include <isl_union_map_private.h>
#include <isl_constraint_private.h>
#include <isl_polynomial_private.h>
#include <isl_point_private.h>
#include <isl_space_private.h>
#include <isl_mat_private.h>
#include <isl_vec_private.h>
#include <isl_range.h>
#include <isl_local.h>
#include <isl_local_space_private.h>
#include <isl_aff_private.h>
#include <isl_val_private.h>
#include <isl_config.h>

#undef EL_BASE
#define EL_BASE

#include <isl_list_templ.c>

#undef EL_BASE
#define EL_BASE

#include <isl_list_templ.c>

static unsigned pos(__isl_keep isl_space *space, enum isl_dim_type type)

isl_bool isl_poly_is_cst(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

__isl_keep isl_poly_cst *isl_poly_as_cst(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

__isl_keep isl_poly_rec *isl_poly_as_rec(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

/* Compare two polynomials.
 * Return -1 if "poly1" is "smaller" than "poly2", 1 if "poly1" is "greater"
 * than "poly2" and 0 if they are equal.
static int isl_poly_plain_cmp(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly1,
	__isl_keep isl_poly *poly2)

isl_bool isl_poly_is_equal(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly1,
	__isl_keep isl_poly *poly2)

isl_bool isl_poly_is_zero(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

int isl_poly_sgn(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

isl_bool isl_poly_is_nan(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

isl_bool isl_poly_is_infty(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

isl_bool isl_poly_is_neginfty(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

isl_bool isl_poly_is_one(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

isl_bool isl_poly_is_negone(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

__isl_give isl_poly_cst *isl_poly_cst_alloc(isl_ctx *ctx)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_zero(isl_ctx *ctx)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_one(isl_ctx *ctx)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_infty(isl_ctx *ctx)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_neginfty(isl_ctx *ctx)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_nan(isl_ctx *ctx)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_rat_cst(isl_ctx *ctx, isl_int n, isl_int d)

__isl_give isl_poly_rec *isl_poly_alloc_rec(isl_ctx *ctx, int var, int size)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_reset_domain_space(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_space *space)

/* Reset the space of "qp".  This function is called from isl_pw_templ.c
 * and doesn't know if the space of an element object is represented
 * directly or through its domain.  It therefore passes along both.
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_reset_space_and_domain(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_space *space,
	__isl_take isl_space *domain)

isl_ctx *isl_qpolynomial_get_ctx(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

/* Return the domain space of "qp".
static __isl_keep isl_space *isl_qpolynomial_peek_domain_space(
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

/* Return a copy of the domain space of "qp".
__isl_give isl_space *isl_qpolynomial_get_domain_space(
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

#undef TYPE
#define TYPE
#define PEEK_SPACE

#include "isl_type_has_equal_space_bin_templ.c"
#include "isl_type_check_equal_space_templ.c"


/* Return a copy of the local space on which "qp" is defined.
static __isl_give isl_local_space *isl_qpolynomial_get_domain_local_space(
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

__isl_give isl_space *isl_qpolynomial_get_space(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

/* Return the number of variables of the given type in the domain of "qp".
isl_size isl_qpolynomial_domain_dim(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	enum isl_dim_type type)

/* Given the type of a dimension of an isl_qpolynomial,
 * return the type of the corresponding dimension in its domain.
 * This function is only called for "type" equal to isl_dim_in or
 * isl_dim_param.
static enum isl_dim_type domain_type(enum isl_dim_type type)

/* Externally, an isl_qpolynomial has a map space, but internally, the
 * ls field corresponds to the domain of that space.
isl_size isl_qpolynomial_dim(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	enum isl_dim_type type)

/* Return the offset of the first variable of type "type" within
 * the variables of the domain of "qp".
static isl_size isl_qpolynomial_domain_var_offset(
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp, enum isl_dim_type type)

/* Return the offset of the first coefficient of type "type" in
 * the domain of "qp".
unsigned isl_qpolynomial_domain_offset(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	enum isl_dim_type type)

isl_bool isl_qpolynomial_is_zero(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

isl_bool isl_qpolynomial_is_one(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

isl_bool isl_qpolynomial_is_nan(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

isl_bool isl_qpolynomial_is_infty(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

isl_bool isl_qpolynomial_is_neginfty(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

int isl_qpolynomial_sgn(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

static void poly_free_cst(__isl_take isl_poly_cst *cst)

static void poly_free_rec(__isl_take isl_poly_rec *rec)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_copy(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_dup_cst(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_dup_rec(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_dup(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_cow(__isl_take isl_poly *poly)

__isl_null isl_poly *isl_poly_free(__isl_take isl_poly *poly)

static void isl_poly_cst_reduce(__isl_keep isl_poly_cst *cst)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_sum_cst(__isl_take isl_poly *poly1,
	__isl_take isl_poly *poly2)

static __isl_give isl_poly *replace_by_zero(__isl_take isl_poly *poly)

static __isl_give isl_poly *replace_by_constant_term(__isl_take isl_poly *poly)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_sum(__isl_take isl_poly *poly1,
	__isl_take isl_poly *poly2)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_cst_add_isl_int(__isl_take isl_poly *poly,
	isl_int v)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_add_isl_int(__isl_take isl_poly *poly, isl_int v)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_cst_mul_isl_int(__isl_take isl_poly *poly,
	isl_int v)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_mul_isl_int(__isl_take isl_poly *poly, isl_int v)

/* Multiply the constant polynomial "poly" by "v".
static __isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_cst_scale_val(__isl_take isl_poly *poly,
	__isl_keep isl_val *v)

/* Multiply the polynomial "poly" by "v".
static __isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_scale_val(__isl_take isl_poly *poly,
	__isl_keep isl_val *v)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_mul_cst(__isl_take isl_poly *poly1,
	__isl_take isl_poly *poly2)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_mul_rec(__isl_take isl_poly *poly1,
	__isl_take isl_poly *poly2)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_mul(__isl_take isl_poly *poly1,
	__isl_take isl_poly *poly2)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_pow(__isl_take isl_poly *poly, unsigned power)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_alloc(__isl_take isl_space *space,
	unsigned n_div, __isl_take isl_poly *poly)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_copy(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_dup(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_cow(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp)

__isl_null isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_free(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_var_pow(isl_ctx *ctx, int pos, int power)

/* r array maps original positions to new positions.
static __isl_give isl_poly *reorder(__isl_take isl_poly *poly, int *r)

static isl_bool compatible_divs(__isl_keep isl_mat *div1,
	__isl_keep isl_mat *div2)

static int cmp_row(__isl_keep isl_mat *div, int i, int j)

struct isl_div_sort_info {};

static int div_sort_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)

/* Sort divs and remove duplicates.
static __isl_give isl_qpolynomial *sort_divs(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp)

static __isl_give isl_poly *expand(__isl_take isl_poly *poly, int *exp,
	int first)

static __isl_give isl_qpolynomial *with_merged_divs(
	__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *(*fn)(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp1,
					  __isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp2),
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp1, __isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp2)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_add(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp1,
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp2)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_add_on_domain(
	__isl_keep isl_set *dom,
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp1,
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp2)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_sub(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp1,
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp2)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_add_isl_int(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, isl_int v)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_neg(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_mul_isl_int(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, isl_int v)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_scale(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, isl_int v)

/* Multiply "qp" by "v".
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_scale_val(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_val *v)

/* Divide "qp" by "v".
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_scale_down_val(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_val *v)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_mul(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp1,
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp2)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_pow(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	unsigned power)

__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *isl_pw_qpolynomial_pow(
	__isl_take isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp, unsigned power)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_zero_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_space *domain)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_one_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_space *domain)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_infty_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_space *domain)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_neginfty_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_space *domain)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_nan_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_space *domain)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_cst_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_space *domain,
	isl_int v)

isl_bool isl_qpolynomial_is_cst(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	isl_int *n, isl_int *d)

/* Return the constant term of "poly".
static __isl_give isl_val *isl_poly_get_constant_val(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

/* Return the constant term of "qp".
__isl_give isl_val *isl_qpolynomial_get_constant_val(
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

isl_bool isl_poly_is_affine(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly)

isl_bool isl_qpolynomial_is_affine(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

static void update_coeff(__isl_keep isl_vec *aff,
	__isl_keep isl_poly_cst *cst, int pos)

int isl_poly_update_affine(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly, __isl_keep isl_vec *aff)

__isl_give isl_vec *isl_qpolynomial_extract_affine(
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

/* Compare two quasi-polynomials.
 * Return -1 if "qp1" is "smaller" than "qp2", 1 if "qp1" is "greater"
 * than "qp2" and 0 if they are equal.
int isl_qpolynomial_plain_cmp(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp1,
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp2)

/* Is "qp1" obviously equal to "qp2"?
 * NaN is not equal to anything, not even to another NaN.
isl_bool isl_qpolynomial_plain_is_equal(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp1,
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp2)

static isl_stat poly_update_den(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly, isl_int *d)

__isl_give isl_val *isl_qpolynomial_get_den(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_var_pow_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_space *domain, int pos, int power)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_var_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_space *domain, enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_subs(__isl_take isl_poly *poly,
	unsigned first, unsigned n, __isl_keep isl_poly **subs)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_from_affine(isl_ctx *ctx, isl_int *f,
	isl_int denom, unsigned len)

/* Remove common factor of non-constant terms and denominator.
static void normalize_div(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp, int div)

/* Replace the integer division identified by "div" by the polynomial "s".
 * The integer division is assumed not to appear in the definition
 * of any other integer divisions.
static __isl_give isl_qpolynomial *substitute_div(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, int div, __isl_take isl_poly *s)

/* Replace all integer divisions [e/d] that turn out to not actually be integer
 * divisions because d is equal to 1 by their definition, i.e., e.
static __isl_give isl_qpolynomial *substitute_non_divs(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp)

/* Reduce the coefficients of div "div" to lie in the interval [0, d-1],
 * with d the denominator.  When replacing the coefficient e of x by
 * d * frac(e/d) = e - d * floor(e/d), we are subtracting d * floor(e/d) * x
 * inside the division, so we need to add floor(e/d) * x outside.
 * That is, we replace q by q' + floor(e/d) * x and we therefore need
 * to adjust the coefficient of x in each later div that depends on the
 * current div "div" and also in the affine expressions in the rows of "mat"
 * (if they too depend on "div").
static void reduce_div(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp, int div,
	__isl_keep isl_mat **mat)

/* Check if the last non-zero coefficient is bigger that half of the
 * denominator.  If so, we will invert the div to further reduce the number
 * of distinct divs that may appear.
 * If the last non-zero coefficient is exactly half the denominator,
 * then we continue looking for earlier coefficients that are bigger
 * than half the denominator.
static int needs_invert(__isl_keep isl_mat *div, int row)

/* Replace div "div" q = [e/d] by -[(-e+(d-1))/d].
 * We only invert the coefficients of e (and the coefficient of q in
 * later divs and in the rows of "mat").  After calling this function, the
 * coefficients of e should be reduced again.
static void invert_div(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp, int div,
	__isl_keep isl_mat **mat)

/* Reduce all divs of "qp" to have coefficients
 * in the interval [0, d-1], with d the denominator and such that the
 * last non-zero coefficient that is not equal to d/2 is smaller than d/2.
 * The modifications to the integer divisions need to be reflected
 * in the factors of the polynomial that refer to the original
 * integer divisions.  To this end, the modifications are collected
 * as a set of affine expressions and then plugged into the polynomial.
 * After the reduction, some divs may have become redundant or identical,
 * so we call substitute_non_divs and sort_divs.  If these functions
 * eliminate divs or merge two or more divs into one, the coefficients
 * of the enclosing divs may have to be reduced again, so we call
 * ourselves recursively if the number of divs decreases.
static __isl_give isl_qpolynomial *reduce_divs(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_rat_cst_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_space *domain, const isl_int n, const isl_int d)

/* Return an isl_qpolynomial that is equal to "val" on domain space "domain".
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_val_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_space *domain, __isl_take isl_val *val)

static isl_stat poly_set_active(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly, int *active, int d)

static isl_stat set_active(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp, int *active)

#undef TYPE
#define TYPE
#include "check_type_range_templ.c"

isl_bool isl_qpolynomial_involves_dims(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned first, unsigned n)

/* Remove divs that do not appear in the quasi-polynomial, nor in any
 * of the divs that do appear in the quasi-polynomial.
static __isl_give isl_qpolynomial *remove_redundant_divs(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_drop(__isl_take isl_poly *poly,
	unsigned first, unsigned n)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_set_dim_name(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos, const char *s)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_drop_dims(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned first, unsigned n)

/* Project the domain of the quasi-polynomial onto its parameter space.
 * The quasi-polynomial may not involve any of the domain dimensions.
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_project_domain_on_params(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp)

static __isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_substitute_equalities_lifted(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_basic_set *eq)

/* Exploit the equalities in "eq" to simplify the quasi-polynomial.
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_substitute_equalities(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_basic_set *eq)

/* Look for equalities among the variables shared by context and qp
 * and the integer divisions of qp, if any.
 * The equalities are then used to eliminate variables and/or integer
 * divisions from qp.
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_gist(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_set *context)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_gist_params(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_set *context)

/* Return a zero isl_qpolynomial in the given space.
 * This is a helper function for isl_pw_*_as_* that ensures a uniform
 * interface over all piecewise types.
static __isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_zero_in_space(
	__isl_take isl_space *space)

#define isl_qpolynomial_involves_nan

#undef PW
#define PW
#undef BASE
#define BASE
#undef EL_IS_ZERO
#define EL_IS_ZERO
#undef ZERO
#define ZERO
#undef IS_ZERO
#define IS_ZERO
#undef FIELD
#define FIELD

#include <isl_pw_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_un_op_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_add_disjoint_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_eval.c>
#include <isl_pw_fix_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_from_range_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_insert_dims_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_lift_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_morph_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_move_dims_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_neg_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_opt_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_split_dims_templ.c>
#include <isl_pw_sub_templ.c>

#undef BASE
#define BASE

#include <isl_union_single.c>
#include <isl_union_eval.c>
#include <isl_union_neg.c>
#include <isl_union_sub_templ.c>

int isl_pw_qpolynomial_is_one(__isl_keep isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp)

__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *isl_pw_qpolynomial_add(
	__isl_take isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp1,
	__isl_take isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp2)

__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *isl_pw_qpolynomial_mul(
	__isl_take isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp1,
	__isl_take isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp2)

__isl_give isl_val *isl_poly_eval(__isl_take isl_poly *poly,
	__isl_take isl_vec *vec)

/* Evaluate "qp" in the void point "pnt".
 * In particular, return the value NaN.
static __isl_give isl_val *eval_void(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	__isl_take isl_point *pnt)

__isl_give isl_val *isl_qpolynomial_eval(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	__isl_take isl_point *pnt)

int isl_poly_cmp(__isl_keep isl_poly_cst *cst1, __isl_keep isl_poly_cst *cst2)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_insert_dims(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, enum isl_dim_type type,
	unsigned first, unsigned n)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_add_dims(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned n)

static int *reordering_move(isl_ctx *ctx,
	unsigned len, unsigned dst, unsigned src, unsigned n)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_move_dims(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	enum isl_dim_type dst_type, unsigned dst_pos,
	enum isl_dim_type src_type, unsigned src_pos, unsigned n)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_from_affine(
	__isl_take isl_space *space, isl_int *f, isl_int denom)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_from_aff(__isl_take isl_aff *aff)

__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *isl_pw_qpolynomial_from_pw_aff(
	__isl_take isl_pw_aff *pwaff)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_from_constraint(
	__isl_take isl_constraint *c, enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos)

/* For each 0 <= i < "n", replace variable "first" + i of type "type"
 * in "qp" by subs[i].
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_substitute(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned first, unsigned n,
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial **subs)

/* Extend "bset" with extra set dimensions for each integer division
 * in "qp" and then call "fn" with the extended bset and the polynomial
 * that results from replacing each of the integer divisions by the
 * corresponding extra set dimension.
isl_stat isl_qpolynomial_as_polynomial_on_domain(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	__isl_keep isl_basic_set *bset,
	isl_stat (*fn)(__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset,
		  __isl_take isl_qpolynomial *poly, void *user), void *user)

/* Return total degree in variables first (inclusive) up to last (exclusive).
int isl_poly_degree(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly, int first, int last)

/* Return total degree in set variables.
int isl_qpolynomial_degree(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *poly)

__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_coeff(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly,
	unsigned pos, int deg)

/* Return coefficient of power "deg" of variable "t_pos" of type "type".
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_coeff(
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned t_pos, int deg)

/* Homogenize the polynomial in the variables first (inclusive) up to
 * last (exclusive) by inserting powers of variable first.
 * Variable first is assumed not to appear in the input.
__isl_give isl_poly *isl_poly_homogenize(__isl_take isl_poly *poly, int deg,
	int target, int first, int last)

/* Homogenize the polynomial in the set variables by introducing
 * powers of an extra set variable at position 0.
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_homogenize(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *poly)

__isl_give isl_term *isl_term_alloc(__isl_take isl_space *space,
	__isl_take isl_mat *div)

__isl_give isl_term *isl_term_copy(__isl_keep isl_term *term)

__isl_give isl_term *isl_term_dup(__isl_keep isl_term *term)

__isl_give isl_term *isl_term_cow(__isl_take isl_term *term)

__isl_null isl_term *isl_term_free(__isl_take isl_term *term)

isl_size isl_term_dim(__isl_keep isl_term *term, enum isl_dim_type type)

/* Return the space of "term".
static __isl_keep isl_space *isl_term_peek_space(__isl_keep isl_term *term)

/* Return the offset of the first variable of type "type" within
 * the variables of "term".
static isl_size isl_term_offset(__isl_keep isl_term *term,
	enum isl_dim_type type)

isl_ctx *isl_term_get_ctx(__isl_keep isl_term *term)

void isl_term_get_num(__isl_keep isl_term *term, isl_int *n)

/* Return the coefficient of the term "term".
__isl_give isl_val *isl_term_get_coefficient_val(__isl_keep isl_term *term)

#undef TYPE
#define TYPE
#include "check_type_range_templ.c"

isl_size isl_term_get_exp(__isl_keep isl_term *term,
	enum isl_dim_type type, unsigned pos)

__isl_give isl_aff *isl_term_get_div(__isl_keep isl_term *term, unsigned pos)

__isl_give isl_term *isl_poly_foreach_term(__isl_keep isl_poly *poly,
	isl_stat (*fn)(__isl_take isl_term *term, void *user),
	__isl_take isl_term *term, void *user)

isl_stat isl_qpolynomial_foreach_term(__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	isl_stat (*fn)(__isl_take isl_term *term, void *user), void *user)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_from_term(__isl_take isl_term *term)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_lift(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	__isl_take isl_space *space)

/* For each parameter or variable that does not appear in qp,
 * first eliminate the variable from all constraints and then set it to zero.
static __isl_give isl_set *fix_inactive(__isl_take isl_set *set,
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp)

struct isl_opt_data {};

static isl_stat opt_fn(__isl_take isl_point *pnt, void *user)

__isl_give isl_val *isl_qpolynomial_opt_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_set *set, int max)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_morph_domain(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_morph *morph)

__isl_give isl_union_pw_qpolynomial *isl_union_pw_qpolynomial_mul(
	__isl_take isl_union_pw_qpolynomial *upwqp1,
	__isl_take isl_union_pw_qpolynomial *upwqp2)

/* Reorder the dimension of "qp" according to the given reordering.
__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_realign_domain(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_reordering *r)

__isl_give isl_qpolynomial *isl_qpolynomial_align_params(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, __isl_take isl_space *model)

struct isl_split_periods_data {};

/* Create a slice where the integer division "div" has the fixed value "v".
 * In particular, if "div" refers to floor(f/m), then create a slice
 *	m v <= f <= m v + (m - 1)
 * or
 *	f - m v >= 0
 *	-f + m v + (m - 1) >= 0
static __isl_give isl_set *set_div_slice(__isl_take isl_space *space,
	__isl_keep isl_qpolynomial *qp, int div, isl_int v)

static isl_stat split_periods(__isl_take isl_set *set,
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, void *user);

/* Create a slice of the domain "set" such that integer division "div"
 * has the fixed value "v" and add the results to data->res,
 * replacing the integer division by "v" in "qp".
static isl_stat set_div(__isl_take isl_set *set,
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, int div, isl_int v,
	struct isl_split_periods_data *data)

/* Split the domain "set" such that integer division "div"
 * has a fixed value (ranging from "min" to "max") on each slice
 * and add the results to data->res.
static isl_stat split_div(__isl_take isl_set *set,
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, int div, isl_int min, isl_int max,
	struct isl_split_periods_data *data)

/* If "qp" refers to any integer division
 * that can only attain "max_periods" distinct values on "set"
 * then split the domain along those distinct values.
 * Add the results (or the original if no splitting occurs)
 * to data->res.
static isl_stat split_periods(__isl_take isl_set *set,
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, void *user)

/* If any quasi-polynomial in pwqp refers to any integer division
 * that can only attain "max_periods" distinct values on its domain
 * then split the domain along those distinct values.
__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *isl_pw_qpolynomial_split_periods(
	__isl_take isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp, int max_periods)

/* Construct a piecewise quasipolynomial that is constant on the given
 * domain.  In particular, it is
 *	0	if cst == 0
 *	1	if cst == 1
 *  infinity	if cst == -1
 * If cst == -1, then explicitly check whether the domain is empty and,
 * if so, return 0 instead.
static __isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *constant_on_domain(
	__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset, int cst)

/* Internal data structure for multiplicative_call_factor_pw_qpolynomial.
 * "fn" is the function that is called on each factor.
 * "pwpq" collects the results.
struct isl_multiplicative_call_data_pw_qpolynomial {};

/* Call "fn" on "bset" and return the result,
 * but first check if "bset" has any redundant constraints or
 * implicit equality constraints.
 * If so, there may be further opportunities for detecting factors or
 * removing equality constraints, so recursively call
 * the top-level isl_basic_set_multiplicative_call.
static __isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *multiplicative_call_base(
	__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset,
	__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *(*fn)(__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset))

/* isl_factorizer_every_factor_basic_set callback that applies
 * data->fn to the factor "bset" and multiplies in the result
 * in data->pwqp.
static isl_bool multiplicative_call_factor_pw_qpolynomial(
	__isl_keep isl_basic_set *bset, void *user)

/* Factor bset, call fn on each of the factors and return the product.
 * If no factors can be found, simply call fn on the input.
 * Otherwise, construct the factors based on the factorizer,
 * call fn on each factor and compute the product.
static __isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *compressed_multiplicative_call(
	__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset,
	__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *(*fn)(__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset))

/* Factor bset, call fn on each of the factors and return the product.
 * The function is assumed to evaluate to zero on empty domains,
 * to one on zero-dimensional domains and to infinity on unbounded domains
 * and will not be called explicitly on zero-dimensional or unbounded domains.
 * We first check for some special cases and remove all equalities.
 * Then we hand over control to compressed_multiplicative_call.
__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *isl_basic_set_multiplicative_call(
	__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset,
	__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *(*fn)(__isl_take isl_basic_set *bset))

/* Drop all floors in "qp", turning each integer division [a/m] into
 * a rational division a/m.  If "down" is set, then the integer division
 * is replaced by (a-(m-1))/m instead.
static __isl_give isl_qpolynomial *qp_drop_floors(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp, int down)

/* Drop all floors in "pwqp", turning each integer division [a/m] into
 * a rational division a/m.
static __isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp_drop_floors(
	__isl_take isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp)

/* Adjust all the integer divisions in "qp" such that they are at least
 * one over the given orthant (identified by "signs").  This ensures
 * that they will still be non-negative even after subtracting (m-1)/m.
 * In particular, f is replaced by f' + v, changing f = [a/m]
 * to f' = [(a - m v)/m].
 * If the constant term k in a is smaller than m,
 * the constant term of v is set to floor(k/m) - 1.
 * For any other term, if the coefficient c and the variable x have
 * the same sign, then no changes are needed.
 * Otherwise, if the variable is positive (and c is negative),
 * then the coefficient of x in v is set to floor(c/m).
 * If the variable is negative (and c is positive),
 * then the coefficient of x in v is set to ceil(c/m).
static __isl_give isl_qpolynomial *make_divs_pos(__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp,
	int *signs)

struct isl_to_poly_data {};

/* Appoximate data->qp by a polynomial on the orthant identified by "signs".
 * We first make all integer divisions positive and then split the
 * quasipolynomials into terms with sign data->sign (the direction
 * of the requested approximation) and terms with the opposite sign.
 * In the first set of terms, each integer division [a/m] is
 * overapproximated by a/m, while in the second it is underapproximated
 * by (a-(m-1))/m.
static isl_stat to_polynomial_on_orthant(__isl_take isl_set *orthant,
	int *signs, void *user)

/* Approximate each quasipolynomial by a polynomial.  If "sign" is positive,
 * the polynomial will be an overapproximation.  If "sign" is negative,
 * it will be an underapproximation.  If "sign" is zero, the approximation
 * will lie somewhere in between.
 * In particular, is sign == 0, we simply drop the floors, turning
 * the integer divisions into rational divisions.
 * Otherwise, we split the domains into orthants, make all integer divisions
 * positive and then approximate each [a/m] by either a/m or (a-(m-1))/m,
 * depending on the requested sign and the sign of the term in which
 * the integer division appears.
__isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *isl_pw_qpolynomial_to_polynomial(
	__isl_take isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp, int sign)

static __isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *poly_entry(
	__isl_take isl_pw_qpolynomial *pwqp, void *user)

__isl_give isl_union_pw_qpolynomial *isl_union_pw_qpolynomial_to_polynomial(
	__isl_take isl_union_pw_qpolynomial *upwqp, int sign)

__isl_give isl_basic_map *isl_basic_map_from_qpolynomial(
	__isl_take isl_qpolynomial *qp)