
//===- unittest/Support/YAMLParserTest ------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "llvm/Support/YAMLParser.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

namespace llvm {

static void SuppressDiagnosticsOutput(const SMDiagnostic &, void *) {}

// Assumes Ctx is an SMDiagnostic where Diag can be stored.
static void CollectDiagnosticsOutput(const SMDiagnostic &Diag, void *Ctx) {}

// Checks that the given input gives a parse error. Makes sure that an error
// text is available and the parse fails.
static void ExpectParseError(StringRef Message, StringRef Input) {}

// Checks that the given input can be parsed without error.
static void ExpectParseSuccess(StringRef Message, StringRef Input) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyArray) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesComplexMap) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, FailsIfNotClosingArray) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyArrayWithWhitespace) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyObject) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesObject) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesMultipleKeyValuePairsInObject) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, FailsIfNotClosingObject) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, FailsIfMissingColon) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, FailsOnMissingQuote) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEscapedQuotes) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyString) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesMultipleObjects) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, FailsOnMissingComma) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesSpacesInBetweenTokens) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesArrayOfArrays) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesPlainScalars) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesBlockLiteralScalars) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, NullTerminatedBlockScalars) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, HandlesEndOfFileGracefully) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, HandlesNullValuesInKeyValueNodesGracefully) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, BlockSequenceEOF) {}

// Checks that the given string can be parsed into an identical string inside
// of an array.
static void ExpectCanParseString(StringRef String) {}

// Checks that parsing the given string inside an array fails.
static void ExpectCannotParseString(StringRef String) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesStrings) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, WorksWithIteratorAlgorithms) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, DefaultDiagnosticFilename) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, DiagnosticFilenameFromBufferID) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, SameNodeIteratorOperatorNotEquals) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, SameNodeIteratorOperatorEquals) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, DifferentNodesIteratorOperatorNotEquals) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, DifferentNodesIteratorOperatorEquals) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, FlowSequenceTokensOutsideFlowSequence) {}

static void expectCanParseBool(StringRef S, bool Expected) {}

static void expectCannotParseBool(StringRef S) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesBools) {}

// Checks that the given string can be parsed into an expected scalar value.
static void expectCanParseScalar(StringRef Input, StringRef Expected) {}

TEST(YAMLParser, UnfoldsScalarValue) {}

} // end namespace llvm