
//===- llvm/ADT/SparseSet.h - Sparse set ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file defines the SparseSet class derived from the version described in
/// Briggs, Torczon, "An efficient representation for sparse sets", ACM Letters
/// on Programming Languages and Systems, Volume 2 Issue 1-4, March-Dec.  1993.
/// A sparse set holds a small number of objects identified by integer keys from
/// a moderately sized universe. The sparse set uses more memory than other
/// containers in order to provide faster operations.


#include "llvm/ADT/identity.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/AllocatorBase.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>

namespace llvm {

/// SparseSetValTraits - Objects in a SparseSet are identified by keys that can
/// be uniquely converted to a small integer less than the set's universe. This
/// class allows the set to hold values that differ from the set's key type as
/// long as an index can still be derived from the value. SparseSet never
/// directly compares ValueT, only their indices, so it can map keys to
/// arbitrary values. SparseSetValTraits computes the index from the value
/// object. To compute the index from a key, SparseSet uses a separate
/// KeyFunctorT template argument.
/// A simple type declaration, SparseSet<Type>, handles these cases:
/// - unsigned key, identity index, identity value
/// - unsigned key, identity index, fat value providing getSparseSetIndex()
/// The type declaration SparseSet<Type, UnaryFunction> handles:
/// - unsigned key, remapped index, identity value (virtual registers)
/// - pointer key, pointer-derived index, identity value (node+ID)
/// - pointer key, pointer-derived index, fat value with getSparseSetIndex()
/// Only other, unexpected cases require specializing SparseSetValTraits.
/// For best results, ValueT should not require a destructor.
template<typename ValueT>
struct SparseSetValTraits {};

/// SparseSetValFunctor - Helper class for selecting SparseSetValTraits. The
/// generic implementation handles ValueT classes which either provide
/// getSparseSetIndex() or specialize SparseSetValTraits<>.
template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename KeyFunctorT>
struct SparseSetValFunctor {};

/// SparseSetValFunctor<KeyT, KeyT> - Helper class for the common case of
/// identity key/value sets.
SparseSetValFunctor<KeyT, KeyT, KeyFunctorT>;

/// SparseSet - Fast set implementation for objects that can be identified by
/// small unsigned keys.
/// SparseSet allocates memory proportional to the size of the key universe, so
/// it is not recommended for building composite data structures.  It is useful
/// for algorithms that require a single set with fast operations.
/// Compared to DenseSet and DenseMap, SparseSet provides constant-time fast
/// clear() and iteration as fast as a vector.  The find(), insert(), and
/// erase() operations are all constant time, and typically faster than a hash
/// table.  The iteration order doesn't depend on numerical key values, it only
/// depends on the order of insert() and erase() operations.  When no elements
/// have been erased, the iteration order is the insertion order.
/// Compared to BitVector, SparseSet<unsigned> uses 8x-40x more memory, but
/// offers constant-time clear() and size() operations as well as fast
/// iteration independent on the size of the universe.
/// SparseSet contains a dense vector holding all the objects and a sparse
/// array holding indexes into the dense vector.  Most of the memory is used by
/// the sparse array which is the size of the key universe.  The SparseT
/// template parameter provides a space/speed tradeoff for sets holding many
/// elements.
/// When SparseT is uint32_t, find() only touches 2 cache lines, but the sparse
/// array uses 4 x Universe bytes.
/// When SparseT is uint8_t (the default), find() touches up to 2+[N/256] cache
/// lines, but the sparse array is 4x smaller.  N is the number of elements in
/// the set.
/// For sets that may grow to thousands of elements, SparseT should be set to
/// uint16_t or uint32_t.
/// @tparam ValueT      The type of objects in the set.
/// @tparam KeyFunctorT A functor that computes an unsigned index from KeyT.
/// @tparam SparseT     An unsigned integer type. See above.
template<typename ValueT,
         typename KeyFunctorT = identity<unsigned>,
         typename SparseT = uint8_t>
class SparseSet {};

} // end namespace llvm