
# RUN: echo shared-substs-0.txt

# Make sure we don't see modifications that other shared-substs-*.txt have made
# to the test suite config's substitutions.
# RUN: %{global:echo}

# Next, modify substs that would affect the above.  Verify they are set locally.
# REDEFINE: %{global:what}=LOCAL0:World
# REDEFINE: %{global:greeting}=LOCAL0:Hello
# REDEFINE: %{global:echo}=echo LOCAL0: %{global:greeting} %{global:what}
# RUN: %{global:echo}

# Finally, set a local that other shared-substs-*.txt also set to be sure
# there's no redefinition complaint because they left it behind.  Verify it is
# set locally.
# DEFINE: %{local:echo}=echo LOCAL0: subst
# RUN: %{local:echo}

# CHECK: Passed: 1 {{\([0-9]*.[0-9]*%\)}}