
# RUN: echo foo > %t.in
# RUN: echo bar >> %t.in

# Simple uses of 'not'

# RUN: not %{python} fail.py
# RUN: not not %{python} pass.py
# RUN: not not not %{python} fail.py
# RUN: not not not not %{python} pass.py

# Simple uses of 'not --crash'

# RUN: not not --crash %{python} pass.py
# RUN: not not --crash %{python} fail.py
# RUN: not not --crash not %{python} pass.py
# RUN: not not --crash not  %{python} fail.py

# Various patterns of 'not' and 'env'
# There's no particular pattern to the 'env' arguments except we try not to
# do the same thing every time.

# RUN: env not %{python} fail.py | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO-NO,BAR-NO %s
# RUN: not env %{python} fail.py | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO-NO,BAR-NO %s

# RUN: env FOO=1 not %{python} fail.py \
# RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO1,BAR-NO %s

# RUN: not env FOO=1 BAR=1 %{python} fail.py \
# RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO1,BAR1 %s

# RUN: env FOO=1 BAR=1 not env -u FOO BAR=2 %{python} fail.py \
# RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO-NO,BAR2 %s

# RUN: not env FOO=1 BAR=1 not env -u FOO -u BAR %{python} pass.py \
# RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO-NO,BAR-NO %s

# RUN: not not env FOO=1 env FOO=2 BAR=1 %{python} pass.py \
# RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO2,BAR1 %s

# RUN: env FOO=1 -u BAR env -u FOO BAR=1 not not %{python} pass.py \
# RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO-NO,BAR1 %s

# Various patterns of 'not', 'not --crash', and 'env'

# RUN: not env FOO=1 BAR=1 env FOO=2 BAR=2 not --crash %{python} pass.py \
# RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO2,BAR2 %s

# RUN: not env FOO=1 BAR=1 not --crash not %{python} pass.py \
# RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO1,BAR1 %s

# RUN: not not --crash env -u BAR not env -u FOO BAR=1 %{python} pass.py \
# RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO-NO,BAR1 %s

# FOO-NO: FOO = [undefined]
# FOO1:   FOO = 1
# FOO2:   FOO = 2

# BAR-NO: BAR = [undefined]
# BAR1:   BAR = 1
# BAR2:   BAR = 2