
# RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=1 -DCONTENT=FA000002E59F100CE0800001E12FFF1E4802EB00308047703141592627182818 %s | llvm-objdump --no-print-imm-hex -d --triple=armv7r - | FileCheck %s
# RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=1 -DCONTENT=020000FA0C109FE5010080E01EFF2FE1024800EB803070473141592627182818 -DFLAG=,EF_ARM_BE8 %s | llvm-objdump --no-print-imm-hex -d --triple=armv7r - | FileCheck %s
# RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=2 -DCONTENT=FA000002E59F100CE0800001E12FFF1E4802EB00308047703141592627182818 %s | llvm-objdump --no-print-imm-hex -d --triple=armv7r - | FileCheck %s

## Test llvm-objdump disassembly of all three kinds of
## AAELF32-compliant big-endian ELF file.
## In image files, by default AArch32 ELF stores the instructions
## big-endian ('BE32' style), unless the EF_ARM_BE8 flag is set in the
## ELF header, which indicates that instructions are stored
## little-endian ('BE8' style). llvm-objdump should detect the flag and
## handle both types, using the $a, $t and $d mapping symbols to
## distinguish Arm instructions, Thumb instructions, and data.
## Relocatable object files always use the BE32 style. (The linker is
## expected to byte-swap code sections, using the same the mapping
## symbols to decide how, if it's going to generate an image with BE8
## instruction endianness and the BE8 flag set.)
## This test checks all three cases of this. It provides llvm-objdump
## with the BE32 and BE8 versions of the same image file, with the code
## section byte-swapped, and the EF_ARM_BE8 flag absent and present
## respectively to indicate that. We also provide a matching object
## file. We expect the identical disassembly from both, apart from the
## detail that addresses in the ELF images start at 0x8000 and section
## offsets in the object start at 0.

# CHECK:             0: fa000002      blx
# CHECK-NEXT:        4: e59f100c      ldr     r1, [pc, #12]
# CHECK-NEXT:        8: e0800001      add     r0, r0, r1
# CHECK-NEXT:        c: e12fff1e      bx      lr
# CHECK:            10: 4802          ldr     r0, [pc, #8]
# CHECK-NEXT:       12: eb00 3080     add.w   r0, r0, r0, lsl #14
# CHECK-NEXT:       16: 4770          bx      lr
# CHECK:            18: 31 41 59 26   .word   0x31415926
# CHECK-NEXT:       1c: 27 18 28 18   .word   0x27182818

--- !ELF
  Class:           ELFCLASS32
  Data:            ELFDATA2MSB
  Type:            ET_EXEC
  Machine:         EM_ARM
  Flags:           [ EF_ARM_EABI_UNKNOWN[[FLAG=]] ]
  Entry:           0x8000
  - Type:            PT_LOAD
    Flags:           [ PF_X, PF_R ]
    FirstSec:        .text
    LastSec:         .text
    VAddr:           0x8000
    Align:           0x4
  - Name:            .text
    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ]
    Address:         0x8000
    AddressAlign:    0x4
    Content:         [[CONTENT]]
  - Name:            '$a'
    Section:         .text
    Value:           0x8000
  - Name:            '$t'
    Section:         .text
    Value:           0x8010
  - Name:            '$d'
    Section:         .text
    Value:           0x8018

--- !ELF
  Class:           ELFCLASS32
  Data:            ELFDATA2MSB
  Type:            ET_REL
  Machine:         EM_ARM
  - Name:            .text
    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ]
    AddressAlign:    0x4
    Content:         [[CONTENT]]
  - Name:            '$a'
    Section:         .text
  - Name:            '$t'
    Section:         .text
    Value:           0x10
  - Name:            '$d'
    Section:         .text
    Value:           0x18