
// -*- C++ -*-
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception


    experimental/simd synopsis

namespace std::experimental {
inline namespace parallelism_v2 {
  namespace simd_abi {
    using scalar = see below;
    template<int N> using fixed_size = see below;
    template<class T> inline constexpr int max_fixed_size = implementation-defined;
    template<class T> using compatible = implementation-defined;
    template<class T> using native = implementation-defined;

    template<class T, size_t N, class... Abis> struct deduce { using type = see below; };
    template<class T, size_t N, class... Abis> using deduce_t =
      typename deduce<T, N, Abis...>::type;
  } // namespace simd_abi

  // class template simd [simd.class]
  template <class T, class Abi = simd_abi::compatible<T>> class simd;
  template <class T> using native_simd = simd<T, simd_abi::native<T>>;
  template <class T, int N> using fixed_size_simd = simd<T, simd_abi::fixed_size<N>>;

  // class template simd_mask [simd.mask.class]
  template <class T, class Abi = simd_abi::compatible<T>> class simd_mask;
  template <class T> using native_simd_mask = simd_mask<T, simd_abi::native<T>>;
  template <class T, int N> using fixed_size_simd_mask = simd_mask<T, simd_abi::fixed_size<N>>;

  // memory alignment
  struct element_aligned_tag {};
  struct vector_aligned_tag {};
  template <size_t> struct overaligned_tag {};
  inline constexpr element_aligned_tag element_aligned{};
  inline constexpr vector_aligned_tag vector_aligned{};
  template <size_t N> inline constexpr overaligned_tag<N> overaligned{};

  // traits [simd.traits]
  template<class T> struct is_abi_tag;
  template<class T> inline constexpr bool is_abi_tag_v = is_abi_tag<T>::value;

  template <class T> struct is_simd;
  template <class T> inline constexpr bool is_simd_v = is_simd<T>::value;

  template <class T> struct is_simd_mask;
  template <class T> inline constexpr bool is_simd_mask_v = is_simd_mask<T>::value;

  template<class T> struct is_simd_flag_type;
  template<class T> inline constexpr bool is_simd_flag_type_v = is_simd_flag_type<T>::value;

  template<class T, class Abi = simd_abi::compatible<T>> struct simd_size;
  template<class T, class Abi = simd_abi::compatible<T>>
    inline constexpr size_t simd_size_v = simd_size<T,Abi>::value;

  template<class T, class U = typename T::value_type> struct memory_alignment;
  template<class T, class U = typename T::value_type>
    inline constexpr size_t memory_alignment_v = memory_alignment<T,U>::value;

} // namespace parallelism_v2
} // namespace std::experimental


#  pragma GCC system_header

#include <__config>
#include <experimental/__simd/aligned_tag.h>
#include <experimental/__simd/declaration.h>
#include <experimental/__simd/reference.h>
#include <experimental/__simd/scalar.h>
#include <experimental/__simd/simd.h>
#include <experimental/__simd/simd_mask.h>
#include <experimental/__simd/traits.h>
#include <experimental/__simd/vec_ext.h>