// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
// UNSUPPORTED: no-filesystem, no-localization, no-tzdb
// XFAIL: libcpp-has-no-experimental-tzdb
// XFAIL: availability-tzdb-missing
// <chrono>
// class time_zone;
// template <class _Duration>
// sys_info get_info(const sys_time<_Duration>& time) const;
// The time zone database contains of the following entries
// - Zones,
// - Rules,
// - Links, and
// - Leapseconds.
// The public tzdb struct stores all entries except the Rules. How
// implementations keep track of the Rules is not specified. When the sys_info
// for a time_zone is requested it needs to use the correct Rules. This lookup
// cannot rely on 'get_tzdb()` since that returns the most recently loaded
// database.
// A reload could change the rules of a time zone or the time zone could no
// longer be present in the current database. These two conditions are tested.
// It is possible the tzdb entry has been removed by the user from the tzdb_list
// after a reload. This is UB and not tested.
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <chrono>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "assert_macros.h"
#include "concat_macros.h"
#include "filesystem_test_helper.h"
#include "test_tzdb.h"
/***** ***** HELPERS ***** *****/
scoped_test_env env;
[[maybe_unused]] const std::filesystem::path dir = env.create_dir("zoneinfo");
const std::filesystem::path file = env.create_file("zoneinfo/tzdata.zi");
std::string_view std::chrono::__libcpp_tzdb_directory() {
static std::string result = dir.string();
return result;
static void write(std::string_view input) {
static int version = 0;
std::ofstream f{file};
f << "# version " << version++ << '\n';
f.write(input.data(), input.size());
static const std::chrono::tzdb& parse(std::string_view input) {
return std::chrono::reload_tzdb();
[[nodiscard]] static std::chrono::sys_seconds to_sys_seconds(
std::chrono::year year,
std::chrono::month month,
std::chrono::day day,
std::chrono::hours h = std::chrono::hours(0),
std::chrono::minutes m = std::chrono::minutes{0},
std::chrono::seconds s = std::chrono::seconds{0}) {
std::chrono::year_month_day result{year, month, day};
return std::chrono::time_point_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(static_cast<std::chrono::sys_days>(result)) + h + m + s;
static void assert_equal(const std::chrono::sys_info& lhs, const std::chrono::sys_info& rhs) {
TEST_REQUIRE(lhs.begin == rhs.begin,
TEST_WRITE_CONCATENATED("\nBegin:\nExpected output ", lhs.begin, "\nActual output ", rhs.begin, '\n'));
TEST_REQUIRE(lhs.end == rhs.end,
TEST_WRITE_CONCATENATED("\nEnd:\nExpected output ", lhs.end, "\nActual output ", rhs.end, '\n'));
lhs.offset == rhs.offset,
TEST_WRITE_CONCATENATED("\nOffset:\nExpected output ", lhs.offset, "\nActual output ", rhs.offset, '\n'));
TEST_REQUIRE(lhs.save == rhs.save,
TEST_WRITE_CONCATENATED("\nSave:\nExpected output ", lhs.save, "\nActual output ", rhs.save, '\n'));
lhs.abbrev == rhs.abbrev,
TEST_WRITE_CONCATENATED("\nAbbrev:\nExpected output ", lhs.abbrev, "\nActual output ", rhs.abbrev, '\n'));
/***** ***** TESTS ***** *****/
int main(int, const char**) {
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
// DST starts on the first of March.
const std::chrono::tzdb& tzdb_1 = parse(
Z Test 0 - LMT 1900
0 Rule %s
R Rule 1900 max - Mar 1 2u 1 Summer
R Rule 1900 max - Oct 1 2u 0 Winter
const std::chrono::time_zone* tz_1 = tzdb_1.locate_zone("Test");
to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::March, 1d, 2h),
to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::October, 1d, 2h),
tz_1->get_info(to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::March, 1d, 2h)));
// The DST start changes from the first of March to the first of April.
const std::chrono::tzdb& tzdb_2 = parse(
Z Test 0 - LMT 1900
0 Rule %s
R Rule 1900 max - Apr 1 2u 1 Summer
R Rule 1900 max - Oct 1 2u 0 Winter
const std::chrono::time_zone* tz_2 = tzdb_2.locate_zone("Test");
to_sys_seconds(1900y, std::chrono::October, 1d, 2h),
to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::April, 1d, 2h),
tz_2->get_info(to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::March, 1d, 2h)));
// Validate when using tz_1 the DST still starts on the first of March.
to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::March, 1d, 2h),
to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::October, 1d, 2h),
tz_1->get_info(to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::March, 1d, 2h)));
// The zone Test is no longer present
[[maybe_unused]] const std::chrono::tzdb& tzdb_3 = parse("Z Etc/UTC 0 - UTC");
[&]([[maybe_unused]] const std::runtime_error& e) {
std::string what = "tzdb: requested time zone not found";
e.what() == what,
TEST_WRITE_CONCATENATED("\nExpected exception ", what, "\nActual exception ", e.what(), '\n'));
TEST_IGNORE_NODISCARD tzdb_3.locate_zone("Test"));
// Search the zone Test in the original version 1 of the TZDB.
// This database should be unaffected by the removal in version 3.
tz_1 = tzdb_1.locate_zone("Test");
// Validate the rules still uses version 1's DST switch in March.
to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::March, 1d, 2h),
to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::October, 1d, 2h),
tz_1->get_info(to_sys_seconds(1901y, std::chrono::March, 1d, 2h)));
return 0;