// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// container_test_types.h - A set of types used for testing STL containers.
// The types container within this header are used to test the requirements in
// [container.requirements.general]. The header is made up of 3 main components:
// * test-types: 'CopyInsertable', 'MoveInsertable' and 'EmplaceConstructible' -
// These test types are used to test the container requirements of the same
// name. These test types use the global 'AllocatorConstructController' to
// assert that they are only constructed by the containers allocator.
// * test-allocator: 'ContainerTestAllocator' - This test allocator is used to
// test the portions of [container.requirements.general] that pertain to the
// containers allocator. The three primary jobs of the test allocator are:
// 1. Enforce that 'a.construct(...)' and 'a.destroy(...)' are only ever
// instantiated for 'Container::value_type'.
// 2. Provide a mechanism of checking calls to 'a.construct(Args...)'.
// Including controlling when and with what types 'a.construct(...)'
// may be called with.
// 3. Support the test types internals by controlling the global
// 'AllocatorConstructController' object.
// * 'AllocatorConstructController' - This type defines an interface for testing
// the construction of types using an allocator. This type is used to communicate
// between the test author, the containers allocator, and the types
// being constructed by the container.
// The controller's primary functions are:
// 1. Allow calls to 'a.construct(p, args...)' to be checked by a test.
// The test uses 'cc->expect<Args...>()' to specify that the allocator
// should expect one call to 'a.construct' with the specified argument
// types.
// 2. Controlling the value of 'cc->isInAllocatorConstruct()' within the
// 'construct' method. The test-types use this value to assert that
// they are being constructed by the allocator.
// 'AllocatorConstructController' enforces the Singleton pattern since the
// test-types, test-allocator and test need to share the same controller
// object. A pointer to the global controller is returned by
// 'getConstructController()'.
* Usage: The following example checks that 'unordered_map::emplace(Args&&...)'
* with 'Args = [CopyInsertable<1> const&, CopyInsertable<2>&&]'
* calls 'alloc.construct(value_type*, Args&&...)' with the same types.
* // Typedefs for container
* using Key = CopyInsertable<1>;
* using Value = CopyInsertable<2>;
* using ValueTp = std::pair<const Key, Value>;
* using Alloc = ContainerTestAllocator<ValueTp, ValueTp>;
* using Map = std::unordered_map<Key, Value, std::hash<Key>, std::equal_to<Key>, Alloc>;
* // Get the global controller, reset it, and construct an allocator with
* // the controller.
* ConstructController* cc = getConstructController();
* cc->reset();
* // Create a Map and a Key and Value to insert. Note that the test-allocator
* // does not need to be given 'cc'.
* Map m;
* const Key k(1);
* Value v(1);
* // Tell the controller to expect a construction from the specified types.
* cc->expect<Key const&, Value&&>();
* // Emplace the objects into the container. 'Alloc.construct(p, UArgs...)'
* // will assert 'cc->check<UArgs&&>()' is true which will consume
* // the call to 'cc->expect<...>()'.
* m.emplace(k, std::move(v));
* // Assert that the "expect" was consumed by a matching "check" call within
* // Alloc.
* assert(!cc->unexpected());
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <new>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "test_macros.h"
#if TEST_STD_VER < 11
#error This header requires C++11 or greater
namespace detail {
// TypeID - Represent a unique identifier for a type. TypeID allows equality
// comparisons between different types.
struct TypeID {
friend bool operator==(TypeID const& LHS, TypeID const& RHS)
{return LHS.m_id == RHS.m_id; }
friend bool operator!=(TypeID const& LHS, TypeID const& RHS)
{return LHS.m_id != RHS.m_id; }
explicit constexpr TypeID(const int* xid) : m_id(xid) {}
const int* const m_id;
template <class T> friend class TypeInfo;
// TypeInfo - Represent information for the specified type 'T', including a
// unique TypeID.
template <class T>
class TypeInfo {
typedef T value_type;
typedef TypeID ID;
static ID const& GetID() { static ID id(&dummy_addr); return id; }
static const int dummy_addr;
template <class L, class R>
inline bool operator==(TypeInfo<L> const&, TypeInfo<R> const&)
{ return std::is_same<L, R>::value; }
template <class L, class R>
inline bool operator!=(TypeInfo<L> const& lhs, TypeInfo<R> const& rhs)
{ return !(lhs == rhs); }
template <class T>
const int TypeInfo<T>::dummy_addr = 42;
// makeTypeID - Return the TypeID for the specified type 'T'.
template <class T>
inline constexpr TypeID const& makeTypeID() { return TypeInfo<T>::GetID(); }
template <class ...Args>
struct ArgumentListID {};
// makeArgumentID - Create and return a unique identifier for a given set
// of arguments.
template <class ...Args>
inline constexpr TypeID const& makeArgumentID() {
return makeTypeID<ArgumentListID<Args...>>();
} // namespace detail
// AllocatorConstructController
struct AllocatorConstructController {
const detail::TypeID* m_expected_args;
bool m_allow_constructions;
bool m_allow_unchecked;
int m_expected_count;
void clear() {
m_expected_args = nullptr;
m_expected_count = -1;
// Check for and consume an expected construction added by 'expect'.
// Return true if the construction was expected and false otherwise.
// This should only be called by 'Allocator.construct'.
bool check(detail::TypeID const& tid) {
if (!m_expected_args) {
return m_allow_unchecked;
bool res = *m_expected_args == tid;
if (m_expected_count == -1 || --m_expected_count == -1)
m_expected_args = nullptr;
return res;
// Return true iff there is an unchecked construction expression.
bool unchecked() {
return m_expected_args != nullptr;
// Expect a call to Allocator::construct with Args that match 'tid'.
void expect(detail::TypeID const& tid) {
m_expected_args = &tid;
template <class ...Args>
void expect(int times = 1) {
assert(times > 0);
m_expected_count = times - 1;
m_expected_args = &detail::makeArgumentID<Args...>();
template <class ...Args>
bool check() {
return check(detail::makeArgumentID<Args...>());
// Return true iff the program is currently within a call to "Allocator::construct"
bool isInAllocatorConstruct() const {
return m_allow_constructions;
void inAllocatorConstruct(bool value = true) {
m_allow_constructions = value;
void allowUnchecked(bool value = true) {
m_allow_unchecked = value;
void reset() {
m_allow_constructions = false;
m_expected_args = nullptr;
m_allow_unchecked = false;
m_expected_count = -1;
friend AllocatorConstructController* getConstructController();
AllocatorConstructController() { reset(); }
AllocatorConstructController(AllocatorConstructController const&);
AllocatorConstructController& operator=(AllocatorConstructController const&);
typedef AllocatorConstructController ConstructController;
// getConstructController - Return the global allocator construction controller.
inline ConstructController* getConstructController() {
static ConstructController c;
return &c;
template <class ...Args>
struct ExpectConstructGuard {
ExpectConstructGuard(int N) {
auto CC = getConstructController();
~ExpectConstructGuard() {
// ContainerTestAllocator
// ContainerTestAllocator - A STL allocator type that only allows 'construct'
// and 'destroy' to be called for 'AllowConstructT' types. ContainerTestAllocator
// uses the 'AllocatorConstructionController' interface.
template <class T, class AllowConstructT>
class ContainerTestAllocator
struct InAllocatorConstructGuard {
ConstructController *m_cc;
bool m_old;
InAllocatorConstructGuard(ConstructController* cc) : m_cc(cc) {
if (m_cc) {
m_old = m_cc->isInAllocatorConstruct();
~InAllocatorConstructGuard() {
if (m_cc) m_cc->inAllocatorConstruct(m_old);
InAllocatorConstructGuard(InAllocatorConstructGuard const&);
InAllocatorConstructGuard& operator=(InAllocatorConstructGuard const&);
typedef T value_type;
int construct_called;
int destroy_called;
ConstructController* controller;
ContainerTestAllocator() TEST_NOEXCEPT
: controller(getConstructController()) {}
explicit ContainerTestAllocator(ConstructController* c)
: controller(c)
template <class U>
ContainerTestAllocator(ContainerTestAllocator<U, AllowConstructT> other) TEST_NOEXCEPT
: controller(other.controller)
T* allocate(std::size_t n)
return static_cast<T*>(::operator new(n*sizeof(T)));
void deallocate(T* p, std::size_t)
return ::operator delete(static_cast<void*>(p));
template <class Up, class ...Args>
void construct(Up* p, Args&&... args) {
static_assert((std::is_same<Up, AllowConstructT>::value),
"Only allowed to construct Up");
InAllocatorConstructGuard g(controller);
::new ((void*)p) Up(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <class Up>
void destroy(Up* p) {
static_assert((std::is_same<Up, AllowConstructT>::value),
"Only allowed to destroy Up");
InAllocatorConstructGuard g(controller);
friend bool operator==(ContainerTestAllocator, ContainerTestAllocator) {return true;}
friend bool operator!=(ContainerTestAllocator x, ContainerTestAllocator y) {return !(x == y);}
namespace test_detail {
typedef ContainerTestAllocator<int, int> A1;
typedef std::allocator_traits<A1> A1T;
typedef ContainerTestAllocator<float, int> A2;
typedef std::allocator_traits<A2> A2T;
static_assert(std::is_same<A1T::rebind_traits<float>, A2T>::value, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<A2T::rebind_traits<int>, A1T>::value, "");
} // namespace test_detail
// 'CopyInsertable', 'MoveInsertable' and 'EmplaceConstructible' test types
template <int Dummy = 0>
struct CopyInsertable {
int data;
mutable bool copied_once;
bool constructed_under_allocator;
explicit CopyInsertable(int val) : data(val), copied_once(false),
constructed_under_allocator(false) {
if (getConstructController()->isInAllocatorConstruct()) {
copied_once = true;
constructed_under_allocator = true;
CopyInsertable() : data(0), copied_once(false), constructed_under_allocator(true)
CopyInsertable(CopyInsertable const& other) : data(other.data),
constructed_under_allocator(true) {
assert(other.copied_once == false);
other.copied_once = true;
CopyInsertable(CopyInsertable& other) : data(other.data), copied_once(true),
constructed_under_allocator(true) {
assert(other.copied_once == false);
other.copied_once = true;
CopyInsertable(CopyInsertable&& other) : CopyInsertable(other) {}
// Forgive pair for not downcasting this to an lvalue in its constructors.
CopyInsertable(CopyInsertable const && other) : CopyInsertable(other) {}
template <class ...Args>
CopyInsertable(Args&&...) {
~CopyInsertable() {
assert(constructed_under_allocator == getConstructController()->isInAllocatorConstruct());
void reset(int value) {
data = value;
copied_once = false;
constructed_under_allocator = false;
template <int ID>
bool operator==(CopyInsertable<ID> const& L, CopyInsertable<ID> const& R) {
return L.data == R.data;
template <int ID>
bool operator!=(CopyInsertable<ID> const& L, CopyInsertable<ID> const& R) {
return L.data != R.data;
template <int ID>
bool operator <(CopyInsertable<ID> const& L, CopyInsertable<ID> const& R) {
return L.data < R.data;
namespace std {
template <int ID>
struct hash< ::CopyInsertable<ID> > {
typedef ::CopyInsertable<ID> argument_type;
typedef std::size_t result_type;
std::size_t operator()(argument_type const& arg) const {
return arg.data;
// TCT - Test container type
namespace TCT {
template <class T = CopyInsertable<1>>
using vector = std::vector<T, ContainerTestAllocator<T, T> >;
template <class T = CopyInsertable<1>>
using deque = std::deque<T, ContainerTestAllocator<T, T> >;
template <class T = CopyInsertable<1>>
using list = std::list<T, ContainerTestAllocator<T, T> >;
template <class Key = CopyInsertable<1>, class Value = CopyInsertable<2>,
class ValueTp = std::pair<const Key, Value> >
using unordered_map =
std::unordered_map<Key, Value, std::hash<Key>, std::equal_to<Key>,
ContainerTestAllocator<ValueTp, ValueTp> >;
template <class Key = CopyInsertable<1>, class Value = CopyInsertable<2>,
class ValueTp = std::pair<const Key, Value> >
using map =
std::map<Key, Value, std::less<Key>,
ContainerTestAllocator<ValueTp, ValueTp> >;
template <class Key = CopyInsertable<1>, class Value = CopyInsertable<2>,
class ValueTp = std::pair<const Key, Value> >
using unordered_multimap =
std::unordered_multimap<Key, Value, std::hash<Key>, std::equal_to<Key>,
ContainerTestAllocator<ValueTp, ValueTp> >;
template <class Key = CopyInsertable<1>, class Value = CopyInsertable<2>,
class ValueTp = std::pair<const Key, Value> >
using multimap =
std::multimap<Key, Value, std::less<Key>,
ContainerTestAllocator<ValueTp, ValueTp> >;
template <class Value = CopyInsertable<1> >
using unordered_set =
std::unordered_set<Value, std::hash<Value>, std::equal_to<Value>,
ContainerTestAllocator<Value, Value> >;
template <class Value = CopyInsertable<1> >
using set =
std::set<Value, std::less<Value>, ContainerTestAllocator<Value, Value> >;
template <class Value = CopyInsertable<1> >
using unordered_multiset =
std::unordered_multiset<Value, std::hash<Value>, std::equal_to<Value>,
ContainerTestAllocator<Value, Value> >;
template <class Value = CopyInsertable<1> >
using multiset =
std::multiset<Value, std::less<Value>, ContainerTestAllocator<Value, Value> >;
} // namespace TCT