
# DExTer : Debugging Experience Tester
# ~~~~~~   ~         ~~         ~   ~~
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
"""This is a special subtool that is run when no subtool is specified.
It just provides a welcome message and simple usage instructions.

from dex.tools import ToolBase, get_tool_names
from dex.utils.Exceptions import Error
from dex.utils.ReturnCode import ReturnCode

# This is a special "tool" that is run when no subtool has been specified on
# the command line. Its only job is to provide useful usage info.
class Tool(ToolBase):
    """Welcome to DExTer (Debugging Experience Tester).
    Please choose a subtool from the list below.  Use 'dexter.py help' for more

    def name(self):
        return "DExTer"

    def add_tool_arguments(self, parser, defaults):
        parser.description = Tool.__doc__
            choices=[t for t in get_tool_names() if not t.endswith("-")],
            help="name of subtool",
            help="subtool specific options",

    def handle_options(self, defaults):
        if not self.context.options.subtool:
            raise Error(
                "<d>no subtool specified</>\n\n{}\n".format(self.parser.format_help())

    def go(self) -> ReturnCode:
        # This fn is never called because not specifying a subtool raises an
        # exception.
        return ReturnCode._ERROR