// Tests virtual function calls. As virtual destructors influence
// vtables this tests also needs to cover all combinations of
// virtual destructors in the derived/base class.
struct BaseWithVirtDtor {
virtual ~BaseWithVirtDtor() {}
virtual int foo() { return 1; }
struct BaseWithoutVirtDtor {
virtual int foo() { return 2; }
struct DerivedWithVirtDtor : BaseWithVirtDtor {
virtual ~DerivedWithVirtDtor() {}
virtual int foo() { return 3; }
struct DerivedWithoutVirtDtor : BaseWithoutVirtDtor {
virtual int foo() { return 4; }
struct DerivedWithBaseVirtDtor : BaseWithVirtDtor {
virtual int foo() { return 5; }
struct DerivedWithVirtDtorButNoBaseDtor : BaseWithoutVirtDtor {
virtual ~DerivedWithVirtDtorButNoBaseDtor() {}
virtual int foo() { return 6; }
struct DerivedWithOverload : BaseWithVirtDtor {
virtual ~DerivedWithOverload() {}
virtual int foo(int i) { return 7; }
struct DerivedWithOverloadAndUsing : BaseWithVirtDtor {
virtual ~DerivedWithOverloadAndUsing() {}
using BaseWithVirtDtor::foo;
virtual int foo(int i) { return 8; }
int main() {
// Declare base classes.
BaseWithVirtDtor base_with_dtor;
BaseWithoutVirtDtor base_without_dtor;
// Declare all the derived classes.
DerivedWithVirtDtor derived_with_dtor;
DerivedWithoutVirtDtor derived_without_dtor;
DerivedWithBaseVirtDtor derived_with_base_dtor;
DerivedWithVirtDtorButNoBaseDtor derived_with_dtor_but_no_base_dtor;
DerivedWithOverload derived_with_overload;
DerivedWithOverloadAndUsing derived_with_overload_and_using;
// The previous classes as their base class type.
BaseWithVirtDtor &derived_with_dtor_as_base = derived_with_dtor;
BaseWithoutVirtDtor &derived_without_as_base = derived_without_dtor;
BaseWithVirtDtor &derived_with_base_dtor_as_base = derived_with_base_dtor;
BaseWithoutVirtDtor &derived_with_dtor_but_no_base_dtor_as_base = derived_with_dtor_but_no_base_dtor;
// Call functions so that they are compiled.
int i = base_with_dtor.foo() + base_without_dtor.foo() +
derived_with_dtor.foo() + derived_without_dtor.foo() +
derived_with_base_dtor.foo() + derived_with_overload.foo(1)
+ derived_with_overload_and_using.foo(2)
+ derived_with_overload_and_using.foo();
return i; // break here