int main() {
// Disable clang-format as it gets confused by the keyword identifiers.
// clang-format off
int alignas = 1;
int alignof = 1;
int and = 1;
int and_eq = 1;
int atomic_cancel = 1;
int atomic_commit = 1;
int atomic_noexcept = 1;
int bitand = 1;
int bitor = 1;
int bool = 1;
int catch = 1;
int char8_t = 1;
int char16_t = 1;
int char32_t = 1;
int class = 1;
int compl = 1;
int concept = 1;
int consteval = 1;
int constexpr = 1;
int constinit = 1;
int const_cast = 1;
int co_await = 1;
int co_return = 1;
int co_yield = 1;
int decltype = 1;
int delete = 1;
int dynamic_cast = 1;
int explicit = 1;
int export = 1;
int false = 1;
int friend = 1;
int mutable = 1;
int namespace = 1;
int new = 1;
int noexcept = 1;
int not = 1;
int not_eq = 1;
int operator= 1;
int or = 1;
int or_eq = 1;
int private = 1;
int protected = 1;
int public = 1;
int reflexpr = 1;
int reinterpret_cast = 1;
int requires = 1;
int static_assert = 1;
int static_cast = 1;
int synchronized = 1;
int template = 1;
int this = 1;
int thread_local = 1;
int throw = 1;
int true = 1;
int try = 1;
int typeid = 1;
int typename = 1;
int using = 1;
int virtual = 1;
int wchar_t = 1;
int xor = 1;
int xor_eq = 1;
// clang-format on
return 0; // break here