! REQUIRES: openmp_runtime
! RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1 %openmp_flags -fopenmp-version=50
! Semantic checks for various assignments related to atomic constructs
program sample
use omp_lib
integer :: x, v
integer :: y(10)
integer, allocatable :: k
integer a(10)
type sample_type
integer :: y
integer :: m
type(sample_type) :: z
!$omp atomic read
v = x
!$omp atomic read
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined ASSIGNMENT(=) matches scalar INTEGER(4) and rank 1 array of INTEGER(4)
!ERROR: Expected scalar expression on the RHS of atomic assignment statement
v = y(1:3)
!$omp atomic read
!ERROR: Expected scalar variable of intrinsic type on RHS of atomic assignment statement
v = x * (10 + x)
!$omp atomic read
!ERROR: Expected scalar variable of intrinsic type on RHS of atomic assignment statement
v = 4
!$omp atomic read
!ERROR: k must not have ALLOCATABLE attribute
v = k
!$omp atomic write
!ERROR: k must not have ALLOCATABLE attribute
k = x
!$omp atomic update
!ERROR: k must not have ALLOCATABLE attribute
k = k + x * (v * x)
!$omp atomic
!ERROR: k must not have ALLOCATABLE attribute
k = v * k
!$omp atomic write
!ERROR: RHS expression on atomic assignment statement cannot access 'z%y'
z%y = x + z%y
!$omp atomic write
!ERROR: RHS expression on atomic assignment statement cannot access 'x'
x = x
!$omp atomic write
!ERROR: RHS expression on atomic assignment statement cannot access 'm'
m = min(m, x, z%m) + k
!$omp atomic read
!ERROR: RHS expression on atomic assignment statement cannot access 'x'
x = x
!$omp atomic read
!ERROR: Expected scalar variable of intrinsic type on RHS of atomic assignment statement
!ERROR: RHS expression on atomic assignment statement cannot access 'm'
m = min(m, x, z%m) + k
!$omp atomic read
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined ASSIGNMENT(=) matches scalar INTEGER(4) and rank 1 array of INTEGER(4)
!ERROR: Expected scalar expression on the RHS of atomic assignment statement
x = a
!$omp atomic read
!ERROR: Expected scalar variable on the LHS of atomic assignment statement
a = x
!$omp atomic write
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined ASSIGNMENT(=) matches scalar INTEGER(4) and rank 1 array of INTEGER(4)
!ERROR: Expected scalar expression on the RHS of atomic assignment statement
x = a
!$omp atomic write
!ERROR: Expected scalar variable on the LHS of atomic assignment statement
a = x
!$omp atomic capture
v = x
x = x + 1
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic release capture
v = x
!ERROR: Atomic update statement should be of form `x = x operator expr` OR `x = expr operator x`
x = b + (x*1)
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic capture hint(0)
v = x
x = 1
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic capture
!ERROR: Captured variable/array element/derived-type component x expected to be assigned in the second statement of ATOMIC CAPTURE construct
v = x
b = b + 1
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic capture
!ERROR: Captured variable/array element/derived-type component x expected to be assigned in the second statement of ATOMIC CAPTURE construct
v = x
b = 10
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic capture
!ERROR: Updated variable/array element/derived-type component x expected to be captured in the second statement of ATOMIC CAPTURE construct
x = x + 10
v = b
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic capture
!ERROR: Invalid ATOMIC CAPTURE construct statements. Expected one of [update-stmt, capture-stmt], [capture-stmt, update-stmt], or [capture-stmt, write-stmt]
v = 1
x = 4
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic capture
!ERROR: Captured variable/array element/derived-type component z%y expected to be assigned in the second statement of ATOMIC CAPTURE construct
x = z%y
z%m = z%m + 1.0
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic capture
!ERROR: Updated variable/array element/derived-type component z%m expected to be captured in the second statement of ATOMIC CAPTURE construct
z%m = z%m + 1.0
x = z%y
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic capture
!ERROR: Captured variable/array element/derived-type component y(2) expected to be assigned in the second statement of ATOMIC CAPTURE construct
x = y(2)
y(1) = y(1) + 1
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic capture
!ERROR: Updated variable/array element/derived-type component y(1) expected to be captured in the second statement of ATOMIC CAPTURE construct
y(1) = y(1) + 1
x = y(2)
!$omp end atomic
end program