! RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenacc
subroutine sub1(a)
real, dimension(10) :: a
end subroutine
subroutine sub2(a)
!$acc routine(sub1) gang(dim:1)
real, dimension(10) :: a
call sub1(a)
end subroutine
subroutine sub3()
!$acc routine bind(sub1)
end subroutine
subroutine sub4()
!ERROR: Only the dim argument is allowed on the GANG clause on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine gang(num: 1)
end subroutine
subroutine sub5()
!ERROR: Only the dim argument is allowed on the GANG clause on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine gang(static: 1)
end subroutine
subroutine sub6()
!ERROR: Clause GANG is not allowed if clause GANG appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine gang gang
!ERROR: Clause GANG is not allowed if clause WORKER appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine worker gang
!ERROR: Clause GANG is not allowed if clause VECTOR appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine vector gang
!ERROR: Clause GANG is not allowed if clause SEQ appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine seq gang
!ERROR: Clause WORKER is not allowed if clause WORKER appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine worker worker
!ERROR: Clause WORKER is not allowed if clause GANG appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine gang worker
!ERROR: Clause WORKER is not allowed if clause VECTOR appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine vector worker
!ERROR: Clause WORKER is not allowed if clause SEQ appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine seq worker
!ERROR: Clause VECTOR is not allowed if clause VECTOR appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine vector vector
!ERROR: Clause VECTOR is not allowed if clause GANG appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine gang vector
!ERROR: Clause VECTOR is not allowed if clause WORKER appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine worker vector
!ERROR: Clause VECTOR is not allowed if clause SEQ appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine seq vector
!ERROR: Clause SEQ is not allowed if clause SEQ appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine seq seq
!ERROR: Clause SEQ is not allowed if clause GANG appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine gang seq
!ERROR: Clause SEQ is not allowed if clause WORKER appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine worker seq
!ERROR: Clause SEQ is not allowed if clause VECTOR appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine vector seq
end subroutine
subroutine sub7()
!$acc routine device_type(*) gang device_type(host) worker
!ERROR: Clause SEQ is not allowed if clause GANG appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine device_type(*) gang seq
!ERROR: Clause WORKER is not allowed if clause GANG appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine device_type(*) gang worker
!ERROR: Clause GANG is not allowed if clause GANG appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine gang device_type(*) gang
!ERROR: Clause WORKER is not allowed if clause GANG appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine gang device_type(*) worker
!ERROR: Clause VECTOR is not allowed if clause GANG appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine gang device_type(*) vector
!ERROR: Clause SEQ is not allowed if clause GANG appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine gang device_type(*) seq
!ERROR: Clause WORKER is not allowed if clause WORKER appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine worker device_type(*) worker
!ERROR: Clause GANG is not allowed if clause WORKER appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine worker device_type(*) gang
!ERROR: Clause VECTOR is not allowed if clause WORKER appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine worker device_type(*) vector
!ERROR: Clause SEQ is not allowed if clause WORKER appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine worker device_type(*) seq
!ERROR: Clause VECTOR is not allowed if clause VECTOR appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine vector device_type(*) vector
!ERROR: Clause GANG is not allowed if clause VECTOR appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine vector device_type(*) gang
!ERROR: Clause VECTOR is not allowed if clause VECTOR appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine vector device_type(*) vector
!ERROR: Clause SEQ is not allowed if clause VECTOR appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine vector device_type(*) seq
!ERROR: Clause SEQ is not allowed if clause SEQ appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine seq device_type(*) seq
!ERROR: Clause GANG is not allowed if clause SEQ appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine seq device_type(*) gang
!ERROR: Clause VECTOR is not allowed if clause SEQ appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine seq device_type(*) vector
!ERROR: Clause WORKER is not allowed if clause SEQ appears on the ROUTINE directive
!$acc routine seq device_type(*) worker
!$acc routine device_type(host) seq device_type(nvidia) gang device_type(multicore) vector device_type(*) worker
end subroutine