//===-- Passes.td - GPU pass definition file ---------------*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
include "mlir/Pass/PassBase.td"
def GpuLaunchSinkIndexComputations : Pass<"gpu-launch-sink-index-computations"> {
let summary = "Sink index computations into gpu.launch body";
let constructor = "mlir::createGpuLauchSinkIndexComputationsPass()";
let dependentDialects = ["mlir::gpu::GPUDialect"];
def GpuKernelOutlining : Pass<"gpu-kernel-outlining", "ModuleOp"> {
let summary = "Outline gpu.launch bodies to kernel functions";
let constructor = "mlir::createGpuKernelOutliningPass()";
let dependentDialects = ["mlir::DLTIDialect", "cf::ControlFlowDialect"];
def GpuAsyncRegionPass : Pass<"gpu-async-region", "func::FuncOp"> {
let summary = "Make GPU ops async";
let constructor = "mlir::createGpuAsyncRegionPass()";
let dependentDialects = ["async::AsyncDialect"];
def GpuMapParallelLoopsPass
: Pass<"gpu-map-parallel-loops", "mlir::func::FuncOp"> {
let summary = "Greedily maps loops to GPU hardware dimensions.";
let constructor = "mlir::createGpuMapParallelLoopsPass()";
let description = "Greedily maps loops to GPU hardware dimensions.";
let dependentDialects = ["mlir::gpu::GPUDialect"];
def GpuEliminateBarriers
: Pass<"gpu-eliminate-barriers", "mlir::func::FuncOp"> {
let summary = "Erase unnecessary barriers";
let description = [{
Barrier elimination pass. If a barrier does not enforce any conflicting
pair of memory effects, including a pair that is enforced by another
barrier, it is unnecessary and can be removed. Adapted from
"High-Performance GPU-to-CPU Transpilation and Optimization via High-Level
Parallel Constructs" by Moses, Ivanov, Domke, Endo, Doerfert, and Zinenko in
PPoPP 2023 and implementation in Polygeist.
let dependentDialects = [
def GpuDecomposeMemrefsPass : Pass<"gpu-decompose-memrefs"> {
let summary = "Decomposes memref index computation into explicit ops.";
let description = [{
This pass decomposes memref index computation into explicit computations on
sizes/strides, obtained from `memref.extract_memref_metadata` which it tries
to place outside of `gpu.launch` body. Memrefs are then reconstructed using
This is needed for as some targets (SPIR-V) lower memrefs to bare pointers
and sizes/strides for dynamically-sized memrefs are not available inside
let constructor = "mlir::createGpuDecomposeMemrefsPass()";
let dependentDialects = [
"mlir::gpu::GPUDialect", "mlir::memref::MemRefDialect",
def GpuModuleToBinaryPass
: Pass<"gpu-module-to-binary", ""> {
let summary = "Transforms a GPU module into a GPU binary.";
let description = [{
This pass searches for all nested GPU modules and serializes the module
using the target attributes attached to the module, producing a GPU binary
with an object for every target.
The `format` argument can have the following values:
1. `offloading`, `llvm`: produces an offloading representation.
2. `assembly`, `isa`: produces assembly code.
3. `binary`, `bin`: produces binaries.
4. `fatbinary`, `fatbin`: produces fatbinaries.
let options = [
Option<"toolkitPath", "toolkit", "std::string", [{""}],
"Toolkit path.">,
ListOption<"linkFiles", "l", "std::string",
"Extra files to link to.">,
Option<"cmdOptions", "opts", "std::string", [{""}],
"Command line options to pass to the tools.">,
Option<"compilationTarget", "format", "std::string", [{"fatbin"}],
"The target representation of the compilation process.">
def GpuNVVMAttachTarget: Pass<"nvvm-attach-target", ""> {
let summary = "Attaches an NVVM target attribute to a GPU Module.";
let description = [{
This pass searches for all GPU Modules in the immediate regions and attaches
an NVVM target if the module matches the name specified by the `module` argument.
// File: in.mlir:
gpu.module @nvvm_module_1 {...}
gpu.module @nvvm_module_2 {...}
gpu.module @rocdl_module_1 {...}
// mlir-opt --nvvm-attach-target="module=nvvm.* chip=sm_90" in.mlir
gpu.module @nvvm_module_1 [#nvvm.target<chip = "sm_90">] {...}
gpu.module @nvvm_module_2 [#nvvm.target<chip = "sm_90">] {...}
gpu.module @rocdl_module_1 {...}
let options = [
Option<"moduleMatcher", "module", "std::string",
/*default=*/ [{""}],
"Regex used to identify the modules to attach the target to.">,
Option<"triple", "triple", "std::string",
/*default=*/ "\"nvptx64-nvidia-cuda\"",
"Target triple.">,
Option<"chip", "chip", "std::string",
"Target chip.">,
Option<"features", "features", "std::string",
"Target features.">,
Option<"optLevel", "O", "unsigned",
"Optimization level.">,
Option<"fastFlag", "fast", "bool",
"Enable fast math mode.">,
Option<"ftzFlag", "ftz", "bool",
"Enable flush to zero for denormals.">,
ListOption<"linkLibs", "l", "std::string",
"Extra bitcode libraries paths to link to.">,
def GpuROCDLAttachTarget: Pass<"rocdl-attach-target", ""> {
let summary = "Attaches a ROCDL target attribute to a GPU Module.";
let description = [{
This pass searches for all GPU Modules in the immediate regions and attaches
a ROCDL target if the module matches the name specified by the `module` argument.
// File: in.mlir:
gpu.module @nvvm_module_1 {...}
gpu.module @nvvm_module_2 {...}
gpu.module @rocdl_module_1 {...}
// mlir-opt --nvvm-attach-target="module=rocdl.* chip=gfx90a" in.mlir
gpu.module @nvvm_module_1 {...}
gpu.module @nvvm_module_2 {...}
gpu.module @rocdl_module_1 [#rocdl.target<chip = "gfx90a">] {...}
let options = [
Option<"moduleMatcher", "module", "std::string",
/*default=*/ [{""}],
"Regex used to identify the modules to attach the target to.">,
Option<"triple", "triple", "std::string",
/*default=*/ "\"amdgcn-amd-amdhsa\"",
"Target triple.">,
Option<"chip", "chip", "std::string",
"Target chip.">,
Option<"features", "features", "std::string",
"Target features.">,
Option<"abiVersion", "abi", "std::string",
"ABI version.">,
Option<"optLevel", "O", "unsigned",
"Optimization level.">,
Option<"wave64Flag", "wave64", "bool",
"Use Wave64 mode.">,
Option<"fastFlag", "fast", "bool",
"Enable fast relaxed math opt.">,
Option<"dazFlag", "daz", "bool",
"Enable denormals are zero opt.">,
Option<"finiteOnlyFlag", "finite-only", "bool",
"Enable finite only opt.">,
Option<"unsafeMathFlag", "unsafe-math", "bool",
"Enable unsafe math opt.">,
Option<"correctSqrtFlag", "correct-sqrt", "bool",
"Enable correct rounded sqrt.">,
ListOption<"linkLibs", "l", "std::string",
"Extra bitcode libraries paths to link to.">,
def GpuSPIRVAttachTarget: Pass<"spirv-attach-target", ""> {
let summary = "Attaches an SPIR-V target attribute to a GPU Module.";
let description = [{
This pass searches for all GPU Modules in the immediate regions and attaches
an SPIR-V target if the module matches the name specified by the `module` argument.
// Given the following file: in1.mlir:
gpu.module @nvvm_module_1 {...}
gpu.module @spirv_module_1 {...}
// With
// mlir-opt --spirv-attach-target="module=spirv.* ver=v1.0 caps=Kernel" in1.mlir
// it will generate,
gpu.module @nvvm_module_1 {...}
gpu.module @spirv_module_1 [#spirv.target<#spirv.vce<v1.0, [Kernel], []>, #spirv.resource_limits<>>] {...}
let options = [
Option<"moduleMatcher", "module", "std::string",
/*default=*/ [{""}],
"Regex used to identify the modules to attach the target to.">,
Option<"spirvVersion", "ver", "std::string",
/*default=*/ "\"v1.0\"",
"SPIR-V Version.">,
ListOption<"spirvCapabilities", "caps", "std::string",
"List of supported SPIR-V Capabilities">,
ListOption<"spirvExtensions", "exts", "std::string",
"List of supported SPIR-V Extensions">,
Option<"clientApi", "client_api", "std::string",
/*default=*/ "\"Unknown\"",
"Client API">,
Option<"deviceVendor", "vendor", "std::string",
/*default=*/ "\"Unknown\"",
"Device Vendor">,
Option<"deviceType", "device_type", "std::string",
/*default=*/ "\"Unknown\"",
"Device Type">,
Option<"deviceId", "device_id", "uint32_t",
/*default=*/ "",
"Device ID">,